Xianjun always watches me eat

Chapter 9 Summoning Feather

"Growing up always requires tempering. Only when a strong enemy is by your side can you arouse your aggressiveness. Longlong, don't think too much." Shaochu said.

Lu Chen glanced at Shaochu fiercely with his big eyes, then turned around and said, "If you don't tell me, I will know." Hmph, when he is so stupid, can't he see that Shaochu has a secret? ?

Although the extreme north glacier is far away, even a celestial being would need to fly for ten years, but Shaochu drove the Yunpo boat with divine power, and arrived in the extreme north within half a month.

Sweeping under the [-]-mile glacier with his divine sense, Shaochu immediately discovered the weakness of the space barrier, and sank all the way to the bottom of the glacier with the Poyunzhou.

And under the glacier is molten magma, extreme heat and extreme cold do not affect each other, the small world opened by Qianhe is right between the ice and fire.

This line is narrow, but it has the most dangerous space-time turbulence, even if a celestial being is a little careless, he will die, but Lu Chen stays contentedly in Shaochu's arms, looking at the unique scenery here.

"Shaochu, are you going to break the space barrier directly?" Lu Chen asked.

Shaochu shook his head, formed a seal in his hand, the seal was extremely mysterious, but he didn't intend to attack or destroy it, he said: "Qianhe is a senior to me."

Qianhe, a rabbit demon, lived longer than Shaochu. When Shaochu first embarked on the path of cultivation, Qianhe was already a well-known demon fairy.

Out of respect for his seniors, Shaochu did not open the door, but directly formed a key to open the cave, which was in stark contrast to his attitude towards Luo Heng.

Lu Chen saw Shaochu's seal come out of his hand, and when it was printed in nothingness, a door with white light appeared in the air.

The two of them stepped into the door and immediately came to another world.

Even though he had seen countless beauties of the cultivation world on Poyun Zhou in just half a month, Lu Chen was still shocked by the sight in front of him.

Qianhe's Dongfu is really a paradise, so beautiful, all kinds of exotic flowers and plants, all kinds of tall trees, small bridges and flowing water, corridors and waists, and houses made of hollowed out giant melons and fruits.

There were many little lolitas running back and forth in the cave, all of them had flushed cheeks and vibrant green hair.

Lu Chen is so cute, I really want to raise one!

But the next moment, the soft and cute little loli jumped up and slapped the rabbit demon with rabbit ears and tail on the face.

The first loli moved, and countless loli moved.

They easily pulled up the tall trees from the ground, and threw them at the rabbit demons as fast and accurately as throwing javelins.

This is a one-sided massacre!

Lu Chen was stunned!

Senior Qianhe is a demon fairy whose body is a rabbit, wouldn't he stop it?

I only heard a thick male voice coming from a big pumpkin room, "Don't be sad, Chizuru, it is a unique talent for you to be able to grow food into human beings every time. In my opinion, you can completely use your The food trains into a mighty army, and they look brave."

This voice is very sincere, and it can be heard that he really wants to comfort people, but what he said is...

"Hehe." This time it was a gentle male voice.

It turns out that those violent lolitas are all carrots, Lu Chen realized.

"Senior Qianhe, there are guests coming. As the master, why don't you go out to greet them?"

Silence, terrible silence!

The men in the pumpkin house stopped talking, the loli army stopped fighting, the tree spears stopped in mid-air, and even the fog that shuttled back and forth between the pavilions stopped.

It wasn't until three breaths later that a man in a moon white robe appeared outside the pumpkin house that everything recovered from the stillness.

After seeing Shaochu, the fierce little lolis' eyes were full of panic. When did this person enter Qianhe's small world, they never found out!

When the eyes moved down from the strange man's face to the testicle in his hand, the panic turned into burning desire, and the little lolis turned into carrots one by one, piled up at the feet of the man in the moon white robe, chirping : "Master Qianhe, we also want to raise a green egg."

"Eyes, too," said a carrot.

"And hair, I like blonde hair." A carrot added.

A carrot jumped up excitedly: "I really want to tie a bow for Eggy."

At last all the carrots jumped up and said, "Yes, yes, eyes, long wavy golden hair, and lots of bows!" Their voices formed a cheerful melody.

If Lu Chen had hands, he would definitely cover his head. These radishes actually want to give him long hair and tie bows!

In comparison, Lu Chen resentfully felt that the fairy who just gave him a pair of anime character eyes couldn't be better.

Sure enough, Dan Sheng's happiness comes from an even more unfortunate contrast.

"Xuanyou, you're here." After Qianhe appeared, a tall young man wearing a golden crown came out of the pumpkin house, with a kingly demeanor in his gestures.

He seemed to have stepped on the bouncing carrots without realizing it, and stepped into the pit one by one.

Shaochu's brows and eyes moved slightly, and he said lightly: "Baihu, Qianhe invited you here to save his life?"

At this time, Qianhe said: "Xuanyou, I know you are here for the water crystal, please sit in the room." After speaking, he entered the pumpkin room first.

Just listen to Qianhe said: "Xuanyou, I haven't seen you for a long time, are you unfamiliar with my tea making skills?"

Shaochu, who was originally angry with trouble, with a face that was not to be provoked, and who was quick to pay tribute, unexpectedly softened his expression after Qianhe's words, and sat spontaneously on Qianhe's left hand.

Anyone who is acquainted with Qianhe knows that Qianhe is good at divination, and can use his own Tao and the will of heaven and earth to calculate the past, present and future, but it needs to pay a high price.

Qianhe's divination method is particularly unique. Others use dials, tortoise shells, Sinan, and copper coins... In short, they are all tools that have something to do with Xuan characters, but Qianhe just makes tea, using the most common fan room utensils.

Except for Qianhe himself, no one could understand how Qianhe did his divination.

Dressed in a moon-white gown with silver thread embroidering, and the E-guanbo belt, which is free from wind, Qianhe is full of the elegant demeanor of a hermit in the mountains.

This is really a person who is so serious from face to toe that people can't help being in awe!Even though he raised such a group of violent loli, it did not compromise his elegant temperament at all.

While Lu Chen was thinking wildly, the teapot of calculation suddenly burst open!

It was just the explosion fragments of mortal utensils, which actually cut through the skins of the rabbit demon Qianhe and the divine beast Baihu.

Lu Chen was safe and sound under Shaochu's protection, and he couldn't help feeling a sense of crisis in such a dignified atmosphere.

After entering the room, Shaochu, who had been sitting quietly, said at this moment, "Qianhe, give me the Shui Jijing." It was like a creditor asking for debts.

——Tricked, at first he thought that Qianhe was trying to help him figure out what kind of species Longlong was.

With a light wave of Qianhe's hand, the tea stains on his body disappeared immediately, and the wound on his face was healed. With a look of worry on his brows, he spat out a jade box from his dantian with pain all over his face and said, "If you give it to you, I will give it to you. A pair of eyes then looked at Lu Chen: "Cute little guy, what breed are you?"

Qianhe's gaze seemed to be born with a soothing power that embraced everything, which gave Lu Chen the urge to break away from Shaochu and rub himself in Qianhe's arms.

The next moment, Xianjun's hand was in front of Lu Chen, and he snorted coldly: "Didn't you come to Baihu to help me find out whether Lu Chen is related to Qinglong? What are you asking?"

Lu Chen immediately came to his senses, and after a while, he was afraid, it was too embarrassing for him to dawdle or something.

"I did feel a trace of Qinglong's aura in him," Baihu stretched out his hand to Lu Chen's eggshell with mysterious and cold eyes, covered it, shook his head after a while and said, "I'm sure he's not Qinglong's." Son." After saying these words, Bai Hu showed a desolate and dejected aura, as if he had aged a lot.

Tens of thousands of years ago, during the Battle of God's Fall, Big Brother Qinglong died, as did Little Sister Suzaku and Brother Xuanwu.

Only he, alone, is alive.

"White Tiger..."

Qianhe wanted to talk to persuade, but Baihu smiled to himself, his eyebrows stretched, "You don't have to say, I know." Then he said to Lu Chen and the others: "Although Lu Chen is not my brother Qinglong's son, but he has his breath, I must They are also the descendants of the eldest brother. Since they are the descendants of the eldest brother, I have to help."

After speaking, he frowned slightly, took out a bone from his arm, and handed it to Lu Chen with a smile: "Call me Second Uncle."

The divine beast White Tiger, masters the killing spirit of Ruijin!

His bones can be used as extremely golden objects.

There was no blood on the bone, it was very smooth and clean, but Lu Chen seemed to see the dripping blood and the severe pain under the smile.

Lu Chen was moved in his heart, and said: "Second Uncle Baihu, I can't take it." Looking at the person behind him, he felt a sense of peace in his heart, "Shaochu will find it for me."

"He can find a fart, he only knows how to find someone to rob, but he knows that some people only have one Luo Heng and one Qianhe. Tell me, where else can he snatch it? Besides, the other three extremes have long been destroyed. Tens of thousands of years ago, he had no choice but to find a substitute." Bai Hu became angry, his image was unnecessary, the dirty words jumped out, he paused, and said bravely: "Why don't you follow the second uncle, the second uncle's body As a divine beast, it has its own sense of five extreme spirits, which is better than following this robber boy."

"Enough," Shaochu said softly, and the white tiger's bones immediately turned into two identical bones, one was taken away by Shaochu, and the other returned to the white tiger's body, completely repaired!

"Longlong, Qianhe's spiritual spring can be said to be an amazing creation. It absorbs and compresses the spiritual energy from the outside world and turns it into water. You go to bubbles." After speaking, Lu Chen flew out with a light hand and fell into the water. In the poisonous claws of the little loli's carrots.

In the room, Baihu was shocked: "Xuanyou, have you reached the upper god level?"

How could he be able to copy the five extreme spirits and restore his divine beast body to its original state if he was not in the upper divine realm!

He knew that after the Battle of God's Fall, the God Realm had been destroyed, and the laws of heaven and earth no longer allowed God to appear, so how could it be possible for Xuanyou to reach the state of the Supreme God.

But the facts were in front of him, so he couldn't help but believe it.

Qianhe looked the same as before, but the hands hidden in the sleeves were trembling slightly.

"You two, don't bring up the matter of the Battle of the Fallen Gods again," Xuanyou said, "I don't want Lu Chen to know."

Qianhe shook his head and sighed: "Shaochu, ever since I learned to calculate, there has never been a pot frying thing, never. Don't you care about that at all?"

Perhaps because the fried pot is too unknown, Chizuru did not dare to mention the name of the matter of calculation, and only used that matter instead.

Shaochu didn't answer, but just looked at Qianhe quietly, expressing his meaning clearly.

Qianhe sighed and spread his hands, another set of purple sand tea set appeared in his palms, after calculating again, the originally rosy cheeks became pale, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his lips...

Fortunately, this time the teapot did not explode.

The three present, including Shaochu, all quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, when Qianhe picked up the teapot and poured the first boiling water into the teacup, the teacup burst into pieces!

Qianhe's hands trembling while holding the pot, the second cup still exploded.

The third cup, fried!

The fourth cup, fried!


It was not until the last cup that the tea flowed into the cup normally, and the cup and the tea were safe and sound.

After three breaths, the tea leaves sink to the bottom, forming a pattern.

Qianzuru looked at the egg-shaped pattern of stacked tea leaves at the bottom of the cup, and it looked like a pair of eyes were empty from the tea leaves in the egg body.

A strange look lit up in Qianhe's eyes: "Xuanyou...Xianzhou is saved, now, your family Lu Chen has to know if he doesn't know it."

Xuanyou picked up the cup and took a closer look, and after a while, said calmly: "Lu Chen and I will definitely not participate in it."

Qianhe didn't try to persuade him right away, but changed the subject, and asked in a tone of gossip and concern among friends: "Xuanyou, what is the real relationship between you and Lu Chen?" Don't talk about masters and spiritual pets, everyone is not blind.

Hearing this, Xuanyou's face softened a little, revealing a trace of memory. This memory is too far away. Countless years have not smoothed it out, but it has continued to deepen, go deep into the bone, and become an inseparable part of the soul.

After a while, Xuanyou replied: "I used to have a crush on him," the aura of the high-ranking fairy was completely revealed at this moment, and he was determined to win: "Now, I don't have to!"

Afterwards, how Ren Qianhe questioned, how he turned around to persuade, Xuanyou didn't say a word, but his meaning was fully revealed.

Bai Hu also opened his mouth to persuade, but suddenly thought of something, his opened lips were tightly closed, and deep meaning flowed from his eyes.

Seeing this, Qianhe had no choice but to show his cards and said bluntly: "Xuanyou, Lu Chen and you both live in the fairyland. Haven't you ever thought that there will be no eggs in a full nest?"

"The world of ten directions, the world of billions of squares, I can lead Lu Chen to walk freely, what does it have to do with me?" Xuanyou's attitude was extremely firm.

"Xuanyou, not to mention that this is the hometown that gave birth to you, made you holy and godlike, are you so cold-blooded that you don't even care about the lives of your own disciples?"

"Teaching people and fish is worse than teaching people to fish. After the death of my brother, I have been guarding Xuanlingzong, making Xuanlingzong an authentic Taoist sect in the world, and importing countless talented monks to the realm of cultivation. For thousands of years, I have personally cultivated There are thirteen disciples, and there are tens of thousands of registered disciples. Whether my apprentices or registered disciples can sit in all directions, five of them are even more qualified to be golden immortals. Jun's voice has always been calm and elegant, neither fast nor slow, not in a hurry, but at this moment he changed the subject: "Isn't this gentleman doing enough?"

Xuanyou is angry!At this moment, Qianhe suddenly remembered Xuanyou's true identity and strength.

The wrath of the Immortal Monarch is like the majesty of heaven, irresistible, not to mention, Xuanyou at this time is no longer an Immortal Monarch, but a god!

Not a trace of mana leaked out, but Qianhe felt the whole house vibrate, no, not a house, but his Qianhe small world was shaking, and the space barrier was crumbling.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from afar: "Why, Qianhe, don't you welcome guests to your house? You actually demolished the house."

The next moment, the space stopped shaking.

Xuanyou gave up, but Qianhe couldn't stop panicking. Who was it that came? As the master of Qianhe's small world, he didn't even notice?

Outside the pumpkin house, Lu Chen, who jumped out of the spiritual spring, saw a boy in a big red robe descend from the sky.

The boy's blond hair was extremely long, fluttering behind him like a cloak.

Unexpectedly, the young man didn't go into the pumpkin house, but walked towards Lu Chen, he let out a little sigh, and when he stretched out his right hand to touch Lu Chen's eggshell, Lu Chen disappeared from his eyes.

The disappearing Lu Chen naturally returned to the hands of Immortal Xuanyou.

The familiar feel and taste calmed down Lu Chen's restless heart. That boy was too dangerous, so dangerous that Lu Chen had a feeling that the boy would eat him right away.

It's really just being eaten as food!Don't think about it!

The next moment, the young man stepped in with an elegant posture, holding a long jade-colored box in his hand.

The young man ignored the thousand cranes and white tigers, walked straight to Immortal Xuanyou, put down the long box and said, "I am the envoy of the lord, and I am ordered by the lord to bring the slurry."

The long box exudes an extremely strong wood spirit breath!

The Muji spiritual object was obtained so easily.

Baihu was shocked again, but it wasn't because of the Muji Spiritual Object, but because he actually met the God who was absolutely impossible to appear again in just one day, twice!

Think of him as the divine beast, the white tiger, who had fallen to the level of a golden immortal after the battle of the gods, but he unexpectedly met two gods in one day.

It is conceivable that the Lord of the gods is also a god, so there are other gods in this world?Does it also mean that he has a chance to recover his god body?

"Baihu, don't you know who his master is?" It wasn't until Qianhe's sound transmission broke into Baihu's sea of ​​consciousness that Baihu woke up from his imagination, suddenly remembered the identity of the boy and the boy's master, and thanked him He gave Chizuru a serious look.

The two stood up together, saluted and said: "I have seen the envoy."

The boy ignored them and looked down at Lu Chen with interest.

Lu Chen in Xianjun's palm felt so pressured that he shrank back, and then shrank again, until his robe covered most of his body, and he felt a little bit safe.

The young man looked down at the top of a small piece of shell exposed by Lu Chen, his eyes became hot, he licked his lower lip and said, "I haven't eaten a delicious Shenlong for many years, the breath of Shenlong is really exciting. .”

demon!that devil!

Lu Chen quickly lowered his body to the safest position, so that Xianjun's outer robe could completely cover his egg body, and was surrounded by Xianjun's aura.

Even though Xianjun was dissatisfied with the young man, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips slightly at this moment.

——It feels so good to be relied on by Longlong.

"You don't have to be afraid, come out." The young man said to Lu Chen, "If you didn't have a trace of my brother's breath on you, I really couldn't help but eat you."

Lu Chen cautiously poked out the egg top and half an eye from Xinjun's robe, "You promised not to eat me, so I came out."

The young man smiled and tore off one of his long hairs, turning it into a platinum feather with brilliance flowing among the hairs, and handed it to Lu Chen: "Well, I will give my feather as a gift. This feather can be used as a top-quality refining It can also be directly used as a magic weapon for attack and defense. Most importantly, with it, you will have three chances to summon me. But only three times," the young man stuck out his tongue again, looking at Lu Chen intoxicated He licked the corner of his lips, "When it's the fourth time, I'm going to eat you."

However, before Lu Chen could reply, the young man disappeared as if he had suddenly arrived.

Lu Chen looked at the feather and fell into deep thought. Whether he took it or not, summoning and so on, it feels very powerful.

Xianjun stretched out his hand towards Feather.

For the first time since meeting Xianjun, Lu Chen and Xianjun have a heart-to-heart connection.

I saw him explode at an astonishing speed, jump onto the table in one fell swoop, hold down the feather firmly and say: "This is mine, you are not allowed to destroy it, Shaochu."

Seeing that Longlong liked it so much and insisted on keeping the feathers by himself, Shaochu had no choice but to take his hand back, after thinking about it, he stretched it out again, and ruthlessly touched the top of Lu's shell.

A quarter of an hour after the boy left, Lu Chen, who was no longer afraid, began to roll over the wide golden feather. The golden feather had a very comfortable aura, warm like a family member, drawn from the blood.

Lu Chen asked Xianjun curiously, "Was that Kunpeng just now?"

Xianjun replied: "How can I see it?"

Lu Chen replied: "Look for fine wine and drink it."

Manipulating spiritual energy to open the jade box, Lu Chen revealed the evidence: "Look, he is so greedy that he drank a fifth of what his master asked him to give."

"He still chases after dragons, not Kunpeng, what is it? My Chinese was very good back then, and it definitely didn't hinder my science." Lu Chen was a little proud, "I want such things, and no one can compete with me. "

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen forcibly stored the things in his spiritual thoughts, and his head ached for a while.Baihu said that he had the aura of a green dragon, and Kunpeng said that he had the aura of his brother. Lu Chen couldn't help but yearn for his own image of a divine beast after hatching.

After hatching, if you have the opportunity, you must go and see who the master of the young Kunpeng is. It looks very powerful.

Four of the five extreme spiritual objects have been obtained, and only the last one is missing. Xuanyou does not believe that the white tiger is just perception. He can be sure that the white tiger knows the whereabouts of the spiritual objects. "Brother Baihu, please tell the last fire extremely spiritual object."

Baihu said: "As far as I know, there seems to be a Phoenix family, but they are very exclusive, and the place where they live in seclusion is not known to the world. Let me take you there." Needing him to say, how could Xuanyou, whose spiritual consciousness spread all over the world, not be able to discover Phoenix's territory, he couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

"Brother Baihu should take us there," Xuanyou hugged Lu Chen and stood up, "I don't want outsiders to know that I have broken through to the divine realm."

One god and one fairy egg got up to leave, but Qianhe didn't go out to see them off. He was still sitting like a high-ranking hermit, but whispered to Lu Chen: "Little guy, after you hatch, you can come here if you have a chance." I'm here, I have something good for you."

Lu Chen's eyes lit up. Qianhe, who has lived for an unknown number of years, Lu Chen is looking forward to his good things. The most important thing is that Qianhe is so serious and reassuring.

It wasn't until the figures of the three disappeared from Qianhe's small world that the lolis rushed into the pumpkin house together, squeezed at Qianhe's feet and said: "Master Qianhe, that guy in white clothes is good or bad, he is trying to grab balls from us. Don't even give us a hug."

"It's okay," Qianhe threw a rabbit into Loli's arms, "Practice well, if you can become an army, I will send you to Lu Chen next year. Don't beat my rabbit anymore, use it as a mount Bar."

"Thank you Qianhe-sama." The little lolis bowed together, and each took out the jade slips, and some even took out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and started to work.

"Master Qianhe, the last issue of "Zonghengxianzhou" did not sell very well. Should we change the storybook to serialize it, but the best-selling Lord Louxing has gone to retreat and hit Sanxian. I don't know when it will be released. Will go out."

Qianhe took a hard bite of the carrot that didn't turn into a human, and gritted his teeth: "There is no need to withdraw the old serialization, and sell it in the Devil Realm. I will personally write the new serialization. Do you have any stories about the fairy king and the spiritual pet?" What good literary name contribution?"

"The overbearing fairy fell in love with me."

"Vulgar, it's too vulgar. We don't read any of our scriptures, from heavenly immortals to foundation building, and it's not a third-rate workshop that sells exclusively to Qi refining monks. How can such a literary name be so elegant," Qianhe said fiercely again. He took a bite of the radish, raised his head and pointed, "Just call Xie Mei Xianjun Ba Ai Me: Prison Pet 360 for five days."

"My lord is really clever!" the little lolis exclaimed, "but the risk of exposure is too great."

"It won't be exposed," Qianhe said with a final word, "The pseudonym should be called Golden Wing Dapeng King."

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