, but now she is dying of worry.Every time the youngest son asked, she was speechless, and seeing Tao'er's disappointed expression, her heart was about to break.

The Empress Dowager stood there for a while, and couldn't help complaining about Nanny Gong again.Since I persuaded Bengong, you should persuade me a little more, so that Bengong can have a step down.

Dai Quan was still winking, and stepped forward to support the queen mother and put her on the chair, "Your Majesty, please calm down, you can't be so angry, the Seventeenth Lord is still waiting for your support. Madam, since the emperor can't make sense, let's Can you think of other people's solutions?"

"Other people's method, what method? Whose method?" The queen mother took advantage of the situation to give up her plan to go to the Qing Palace, and asked strangely after hearing Dai Quan's words.

"Mother, the emperor has been on the throne for almost 15 years, but this reserve position is still vacant, which is not good for the country and the country." Dai Quan shook the whisk in his hand, approached the queen mother and said in a low voice.

"You said to establish a prince? What does that have to do with Tao'er? Can he not establish his own son, Li Tao'er?" The queen mother was full of expectations, but she couldn't help being discouraged when she heard the words, and said with an annoyed stare at Dai Quan.

"Why not? Think about it, although there are nine princes under the emperor's knees, they are all young and can't see anything. But the Seventeenth Lord is different. He is young and talented, and what is even more rare is that he is both civil and military. Yi This old slave sees that only the Seventeenth Lord can take on the great responsibility of the crown prince." Dai Quan's eyes flickered, and he chose what the Queen Mother liked to hear.

"Besides, what happened to the emperor's younger brother in the former dynasty didn't happen once or twice. Why can't it be done in our Daqing dynasty? Madam, the excellence of the Seventeenth Lord is obvious to all the ministers. You don't need to come forward for this matter, as long as you reveal it a little bit If you come up with some ideas, there will definitely be pawns who will overcome obstacles for the Seventeenth Lord. You..."

"Dai Quan, you're presumptuous. You..." Gong Nam was so heartbroken when she heard that, she hurriedly shouted to stop Dai Quan.This stray dog, he is going to kill the empress dowager.The empress is not respected by the emperor, if she dares to intervene in the establishment of the crown prince, the emperor may not even save face.

And listen to his nonsense, all the ministers in the court are stupid, why don't the good princes want to establish a prince?Every prince in this palace has the support of his family behind him, which family is not better than the Empress Dowager's family?Is it possible that they don't support their grandson, but support an irrelevant person? !

As for why the princes are still young, that's bullshit.The Seventeenth Lord is only fifteen this year, how much older can he be than the twelve or thirteen-year-old princes?

Nanny Gong could see clearly that someone in the court must have wanted to raise the matter of establishing a crown prince, but she couldn't figure out what the emperor meant, and she was afraid that she would be the first bird.But Dai Quan, the bastard, didn't know who benefited from it, and even encouraged the Queen Mother to take the lead.

It is conceivable that as soon as Lihuang Taidi's memorial came out, there must be opposition from the whole court.And those ministers can also take advantage of the trend and propose the establishment of the crown prince.This was a test for the emperor, but they wanted to sacrifice the empress dowager and the seventeenth master.

The Empress Dowager was enjoying herself when she was interrupted by Nanny Gong suddenly, she couldn't help being displeased, she frowned and said, "Shut up and listen to what Dai Quan has to say."

"Your Majesty..." Nanny Gong couldn't help being anxious, and wanted to explain clearly to the Queen Mother.

But the queen mother didn't want to listen to her right now, so she reprimanded impatiently: "You step back, you won't have to come and serve these few days."

Dai Quan's words seemed to open the door to a new world for the Queen Mother.What is an iron hat prince, the emperor's younger brother is really stunning!Thinking about it, they are all her sons, so why should only the eldest son be the emperor?If Tao'er is established as the emperor's younger brother, he will be able to inherit the throne in the future, so it is fair, isn't it? !

Establish a reserve, must establish a reserve, establish a prince!The more she thought about it, the more the Queen Mother felt that this was a good idea, and she couldn't help but nodded appreciatively at Dai Quan.

"This is very good. Dai Quan, I want to reward you heavily." After a long while, the queen mother came back from her dream, praised Dai Quan with satisfaction, and generously bestowed a reward.

"In addition, you need to plan this matter. You must inform everyone who should be notified, and you go to my natal family in person. Tell them, this is what I mean." Looking forward to the youngest son becoming an emperor The Empress Dowager couldn't help but feel very proud of the younger brother's scene, "As long as you do things faithfully, Taoer will succeed in the future, and your benefits will be indispensable, understand?"

"The old slave thanked the Empress Dowager for her kindness, and he must have devoted himself to the Empress Dowager and the Seventeenth Lord before dying." Dai Quan smiled happily, knelt down and thanked loudly.When no one saw him, his eyes flickered, and he thought to himself: It's done!

The Seventeenth Lord will definitely not be able to become the emperor's younger brother, but the crown prince may be able to stand up.Now everyone is worried not about which prince will be able to take the throne, but because the emperor doesn't mention it at all, making people completely confused about what he means.

In the 15 years since the emperor ascended the throne, he has never established a queen or named a prince.From ancient times to the present, I am afraid that no emperor has such a fair father like today.

The biological mothers of the nine princes are all concubines, and they are ranked in no particular order, so the princes all come from the same background, and no one’s mother is more noble than another’s; What age advantage; on weekdays, he treats the princes equally, and never shows a preference for any prince...

The emperor's behavior made the ministers puzzled.If the emperor does this, isn't he afraid that the princes will seize the throne in the future, causing father and son to kill each other?As important ministers and good ministers, they must not sit idly by the emperor's behavior.

Of course, they also have a little selfishness, and things like Conglong Zhigong are still very tempting.The Daqing Dynasty has been handed down for three dynasties, and each time the succession to the throne has been uneventful, how many opportunities have they lost.At that time, they thought that Prince Yizhong could set off some troubles, but who knew that he was just a showman, and he was knocked down by the emperor in one stroke, leaving them no chance to make meritorious deeds.

Yu Wenxi could see the turmoil in the court, but he didn't attack it immediately.When conflicts accumulate to a certain extent, they will always erupt. It is always better to erupt when the country is safe and peaceful than when there are internal and external troubles.

In the palace, His Majesty the Emperor was paying close attention to the situation in the court, but Mr. Xie in Xiu Muzhong was very unlucky.

No.30 episodes to avoid suspicion of the old man's illness

"Ah-choo, a-choo, a-choo—" three sneezes came out in a row, Master Xi wiped his nose with a veil wearily, and then wrapped the quilt around his body tighter.

Is there anyone more unlucky than him in this world, huh?

Looking forward to the stars and looking forward to the moon for three days, I didn't do anything, and I was sick in bed.First he had diarrhea until he collapsed, and finally his stomach subsided. Didn't he just sleep without a quilt, and he even caught a cold.Sneezes one after another!

Butler Lin cared about his master's health, and would personally watch him whenever he was taking medicine.The master has just gained the attention of the emperor, and it is the time when he is working hard to do his job, how can he always be sick.

Moreover, haven't you been exercising in the palace a while ago? Why did you exercise for two months, and this is the only effect?This sick and delicate person is not as strong as the old man was before.It seems that the father-in-law in this palace is not reliable, he still has to ask the old man in the village to help him, and he must not let the old man stay so sick and weak.

Unbeknownst to Mr. She who was sneezing, his competent butler Lin was already planning a follow-up training plan for him.Now he only feels chest tightness, stuffy nose and brain pain, wishing he could just go there.

Back then, under the harsh conditions in the border town, it was so cold that the dripping water turned to ice, and he could move things when he urinated, so he didn't get any cold.

"Master, Young Master Lian has come to see you." Xia He opened the curtain and came in, first gave the old man a stack of newly made handkerchiefs, and then gathered together the handkerchiefs he had thrown all over the floor.

"Don't come, tell him to go back. I'm fine, what's there to see." The old man said in a low voice, this child doesn't wink at all, he is sick, what should he do when he is sick?

"Didn't the doctor leave a precautionary prescription? Give Lian'er and Yingchun a bowl, and you all drink some too." Jia She paused and then ordered, and finally muttered to himself, "Lie down Who will take care of Lao Tzu when I get off?"

Xia He smiled and pursed her lips when she heard the words, and gave him a bowl of warm water, "I have persuaded Master Lian to go back, and the medicine has been delivered to the young master and the girl. You, you should worry about yourself. It is obvious that the girl is sleeping with you." Yes, the girl is fine, you are a good father." He was so sick that he couldn't get up.

Don't think that I can't hear that you are mocking me, Master Xi glared at her angrily, and told her with his eyes: If you dare to be presumptuous again, the master will punish you right now.

It's a pity that the misty eyes in the sickness had no deterrent effect, so Xia He went out with a giggle.She has already made an engagement, and she picked the man herself, and she is only waiting to get married next year.She knew that the old man was a bit different from before, but she liked the old man now.

"Sick again?" Yu Wenxi received the news of Jia She's leave just after leaving court, and asked with some surprise: "What's the matter, is it still diarrhea? Didn't you say that there is no serious problem that day?"

"Going back to the emperor, he said he had a cold and was afraid of infecting others, so he asked for leave." Jia She was a big man with so many illnesses, and Li Qing also looked down on him, not as good as a little girl.

"This is really a disaster, let Yu doctor Bai go to him again to have a look, and then send someone to deliver some suitable medicinal materials." Yu Wenxi laughed, shaking his head and burying himself in the official business.

The old imperial doctor was a little annoyed, he just said that Marquis Jia Enhou was fine, and this guy caught a cold for him, it was really disrespectful to the imperial doctor.

Annoyed to be angry, as an imperial doctor, you still need to cultivate yourself, take the pulse slowly, leave a prescription Shi Shiran, then fling your sleeves and leave.Except for the two liang of yellow lotus that came out of the prescription, he left nothing behind.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Jia was too nervous a while ago, and now he is suddenly idle, and his body is a little uncomfortable. He is adjusting himself at this time, and there is nothing serious." The old imperial doctor twitched his beard to report. If Enhou dared to act again, Huang Lian would not be able to solve the problem.

Yu Wenxi nodded, and asked again: "When will it be better?" This kind of situation is not uncommon, and he can understand it.However, he still had a feeling, why did this Jia Enhou act a little deliberately?

"It's just a cold, the old minister's medicine will be fine after two doses." The old doctor is very confident in his medical skills.

Once or twice can be a coincidence, if it happens three or four times, then there is something to talk about.Yu Wenxi ordered Li Qing to send the old imperial doctor back, and then ordered, "Look at Jia Enhou, and don't let him have any more accidents."

In the Rongguo Mansion, the elder was holding a bowl of bitter juice and wanted to scold mother, he had never drunk such a bitter medicine.According to him, the medicine has reached a new level of bitterness.

If you want to drink it, Lin Zhixiao stares at him every day.If it doesn't work, bring a little padded jacket to welcome the spring together.The two of them looked at you eagerly, especially the pleading little eyes of the girl, and she couldn't say anything if she didn't drink.

If you don't drink this... How embarrassing is the master in front of his daughter.

So, as soon as he gritted his teeth and became cruel, he pinched his nose and drained the medicinal juice in one gulp, and when he put down the bowl, he retched for a while.It's so fucking bad!

Come here three times a day according to meal times, drink medicine, retch, and eat candied fruit, making the old man feel as if he has something.

Speaking of which, the wind and cold this time was exactly what Jia She wanted.It should be this time, the court seems not to be very peaceful.This was what he thought of when he had diarrhea and was recuperating in bed.

Although he was far away from the court in his previous life, he could still know a thing or two if some things were too big.Probably at this time, there was a storm in the court for the establishment of the crown prince.Although the situation in this life is different from that at that time, no matter what happened or not, he still hides first.

Master She thought very clearly, he didn't count on Conglong's meritorious service, sealing his wife and son, and passing on the title of Rongguo Mansion in the future to complete the task.The emperor's father, the nine princes, none of them are easy to get along with, anyway, he didn't see any one that stood out in his previous life.

If it weren't for Lin Zhixiao watching him drink medicine every day, he would have planned to stay sick forever, preferably until the emperor couldn't bear it, except for his ministers.It's too dangerous to walk in front of the imperial court in this kind of treacherous situation. He is not a character who can dominate the wind and waves.

With a little cold and good medicine, Jia Amnesty soaked in bed for three days and couldn't go any longer.Lying in bed all day, he felt that his body was about to grow hair.But he didn't want to go out to work as an errand, he knew that he was not smart, if someone took him into the ditch, it would be so wronged.

By the way, there is also Lian'er, so it's not a big job to go to the study to study with her.Fortunately, the old emperor didn't mention who Lian'er was with, otherwise it would be hard to tell in the future.

"Zhi filial piety, let's ask Lian'er for leave from tomorrow. His father is so sick, how can his son not take care of him himself?" Elder Xi sat cross-legged on the bed and ate melon seeds, that's all he had left Let's have some fun.

The master is so lazy and wants to take the young master to do it together. Butler Lin was heartbroken, and reminded with a drooping face: "Master, there is a word in the palace that you will come to the Qianqing Palace to serve in the morning." So, you can't be a patient anymore!

"Oh, when I got out of bed just now, I seemed to have sprained my ankle. Zhi Xiao, go get some traumatic plasters, and then send someone to ask the master for a few more days off." The elder was not moved at all, and said Pretentiously yelling twice, and muttering: "The master is unlucky, why did he sprain his ankle after recovering from his illness?"

It doesn't look like it!Lin Zhixiao had nothing to do with him, so he had to order someone to go to the guard's office to ask for leave, including Jia Lian's leave.What's the matter? The masters of other families are all looking forward to making progress, so why did my own family meet such a person who does not seek to make progress.

"Your Majesty, Mrs. Jia asked for leave because of a sprained foot, and Jia Lian also asked for leave to serve the sick." Li Qing really admired Jia Amnesty at this moment.

As the emperor's personal manager, Li Qing has been terribly annoyed these days.In all directions around him, there are all kinds of overt and hidden temptations, this is the price of being with the king.

Moreover, he is in charge of some royal spies, so he is naturally aware of the disturbances in the court.The court, which has been quiet for many years, is about to cause a storm, and I don't know how many people will pay the price for it.If possible, Li Qing also wanted to hide away, just like Jia Amnesty who was suffering from various illnesses.

"Ask Doctor Bai to show him. In addition, you go and tell him in person that if you don't see him tomorrow morning, I will let him never go out of the palace." Yu Wenxi is now sure that Jia She is definitely Knowing that the court is not peaceful, he hides without wanting to get involved.However, how could he tolerate the ruthlessness of his love.

Question: How many kinds of men are there who never leave the palace?

Answer: Emperors and eunuchs.

Director Li was very happy to spread this word, and went to see Doctor Bai in no time.The old imperial doctor received the order, bared his old and strong white teeth, and followed.

A sprained ankle can be regarded as a traumatic injury, and he has already prepared acupuncture and moxibustion exercises to make Jia Amnesty realize what it means to be immortal and die.Don't you know how to respect the old and love the young, and toss the old man to your house every now and then, don't you know if the old man needs to rest? !

"The emperor sent someone here again?" Why did you focus on him?Master She was very depressed, and asked the second housekeeper with his neck shrunk.He's just a little old dude, if he can't get a job, he can get a military job, what did the old emperor like in him, and can he change it?Do I have to become a talented person with both civil and military skills to attract people's dislike?

"My lord Jia, the emperor heard that you sprained your ankle and was very worried. He has sent the imperial doctor to you again. Doctor Bai, please show your lord Jia a look. This sprain can be big or small. It won't be good if you leave some hidden wounds." Before the second housekeeper could speak, Li Qing entered the room accompanied by Lin Zhixiao.

"No... don't bother me." Lao Tzu's feet are in good shape, so it's obvious if you look at them.The old man shrank his feet under the quilt, thinking about how to cover up this matter.

Before he could think it over, the old imperial doctor grabbed one of his feet without hesitation, didn't even ask if it was crooked, and said with gritted teeth: "This foot is really crooked, plaster or something I'm afraid it won't cure the root cause, and we still have to use acupuncture. But don't worry, Master Jia, the old man's acupuncture skills have been praised by the previous emperor, so your injury is nothing to worry about."

"Acupuncture?" Jia She's voice suddenly rose. At first he was grateful that the old man hadn't exposed him, but now he understood.This old man is going to play with him with needles!Look at the smile on that old wrinkled face, it makes him feel eerie.

"Lord Jia, don't hide your illness from the doctor." Li Qing looked very winking, and immediately stepped forward to help the old imperial doctor hold Jia Amnesty.I am in dire straits, and I don't want others to be too at ease. Although Director Li does not admit that he is envious or jealous, he supports the old imperial doctor's tormenting Jia Amnesty.

"Oh—" Didn't it mean that acupuncture doesn't hurt? ? ?

"Hehe, it seems that Imperial Physician Bai is truly immortal. With just one injection, Mr. Jia can already jump up and down without any visible sprain. Since acupuncture is so effective, it is better to give more emergency injections to consolidate the curative effect for Mr. Jia."

Li Qing, I hate you! ! !

No.30 Once the two Hanamaki emperors were very considerate and proposed to break the glass heart

"Enhou is finally willing to recover?" When Jia Amnesty arrived at Qianqing Palace, Yu Wenxi's breakfast had just been served, and when he saw him coming, he asked him to sit first.

"It's all thanks to the emperor's grace to bestow good doctors and medicines that I can recover so quickly." That old man is not a good person. Whose acupuncture and moxibustion pricks toes, don't you know that ten fingers connect to the heart?But... hmph, the master has plenty of ways to deal with that old guy.

Yu Wenxi had already heard about what happened yesterday, and even had a good laugh.At this time, when Jia She heard it mentioned by himself, he couldn't help laughing, and explained: "The old imperial doctor has no other intentions, but just thinks that you don't take care of your body."

"I understand." Jia Amnesty also knew that the old imperial doctor had no malicious intentions, but Li Qing was definitely not a good person.When it was time, that guy held down his foot and let the old man do whatever he wanted.Don't look at the softness of the golden needle, it really hurts to prick someone, and the toes are all swollen now! ! !

"Go and change into this outfit, and I will go to court with you later." Yu Wenxi pointed to the armor hanging on a shelf. This armor looks inconspicuous, but it is not something that the emperor can take out. Everything.At least...it looks mighty.

Jia Amnesty knew that the reason why the old emperor asked him to come to the court early was probably to ask him to go to the court together.So there was no stumbling, and obediently put on the armor under the service of the palace servants, and was also worn with a long sword by the way.However, Mr. She has never learned swordsmanship, so he probably can only use it as a knife.

Wearing an armor weighing at least [-] jins, Grand Master She didn't feel heavy, it was much lighter than the burden given to him by the shameless old eunuch.It's just... last morning, why did you dress like this?Why does he have to dress up on the battlefield when everyone else wears watban court clothes? ? ?

If you don't understand the problem, the old man doesn't think too much about it, it's too much of a brain.Anyway, he could see that, at least so far, the old emperor should have no malice towards his family.Maybe... Wearing this is because he is afraid that he will be beaten early in the morning?

However, the emperor's old man just doesn't know how to love others. He patronizes himself to eat, and doesn't ask if others have eaten at home.Just now I didn't feel that seeing other people's delicious food now, the old man felt that he was so hungry that his stomach hurt.

I got up too early today, and was in a hurry to enter the palace, so I didn't have time to have breakfast.He was planning to cushion the carriage, but Jia Amnesty just dozed off again.It's okay not to see anyone eating, but when he saw the emperor's old man eating alone, he immediately became angry.

In fact, the breakfast of His Majesty the Emperor is very simple, a small pot of stalked rice porridge, a plate of miscellaneous rice rolls, and a few dishes of seasonal side dishes.Since Yu Wenxi ascended the throne, he has practiced strict frugality, and never let people serve seven bowls, eight dishes, twenty or thirty dishes, except when it is necessary to show the country's vitality.

But right now, in Jia She's eyes, it's the snow-white and translucent japonica rice porridge, the fragrant flower rolls, and the fresh and tender side dishes, all of which are so attractive.

"No breakfast? Why don't I treat you to a meal?" Grand Master Xi's gaze was so sharp that it was difficult for Yu Wenxi to pretend not to see it.Thinking about it, he was the one who let him enter the palace early, fearing that he might have missed breakfast.

Still have a conscience.Jia Amnesty didn't hesitate at all, and planned to thank En for the meal, "Thank you..."

"Your Majesty, it's time for the morning court. If you don't leave, it will be too late." Li Qing said carefully, interrupting Jia She's words immediately.If you eat, you will know how to eat.I don't even look at what's going on. For a man of seven feet, it doesn't matter if he is hungry.

Find fault, right? ! !Grand Master She glared at "Li Cheng Yaojin", he really didn't want to.

Yu Wenxi wanted to laugh when he saw Li Qing staring at him. The two of them met each other like a dog meeting a chicken.He picked up two flower rolls and stuffed them to Jia Amnesty, "Eat fast on the way, if you dare to lose your manners after entering the Golden Luan Hall, I will return it to Wuya."

Hmph, I've been busy all morning, and I just messed with two rolls, why is the master's life so hard? !Crying for his fate, while quickly killing the Hanamakis, Jia Amnesty resumed his solemn demeanor and expression before entering the Golden Luan Hall.After all, he really, really, really didn't want to see the shameless old eunuch.

"Start playing if there is something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do." This is Li Qing's long-drawn voice.

"The minister has a book to play." A minister came out of the class and knelt down, and after getting permission, he began to speak at length.

Just listen to him, from the Three Emperors and Five Emperors to the Tai, Ancestor, Taizong of this dynasty, his rhetoric is gorgeous and passionate, which is really thought-provoking and meaningful.The heart of worrying about the country and the people glowing in it made people cry when they heard it and sad when they heard it.

In short, Master Xi didn't understand a sentence, and just saw this guy crying and crying.

"What did he say?" Jia Amnesty asked softly, standing behind Li Qing, on top of the imperial steps, leaning slightly forward.

Manager Li didn't move at all, he didn't want to deal with this uneducated guy at all.This is all so clear, isn't it just a suggestion to the emperor to establish a heir early, so as not to cause chaos if the country has no heir.I don't understand this, what else can I do.

After the minister finished speaking, he was almost crying, but he didn't hear anything from the emperor.The heart that was a little apprehensive immediately hung high, and involuntarily raised his eyes secretly to look at the past.The emperor was sitting on the dragon chair and yawning, and he didn't want to talk to him at all.

It's over!I knew it was not easy to be an early bird, but fortunately, I ordered my family to pack their bags last night, so I wouldn't be too hasty when I lost my job and was expelled from the capital.I just hope that the emperor will not demote him to a wild place, otherwise he will die if he is not acclimatized.

"Since you mentioned the establishment of the crown prince, who do you think is worthy of being the crown prince?" Yu Wenxi said to the other ministers: "Don't just watch it, since the matter of establishing the crown prince has been mentioned, let's discuss it Well, you can speak freely."

The proposal to establish a reserve has been going on for many days, but this is the first time it has been formally raised at the court meeting.This early bird job was fought for by himself, because he gained more than he lost.

If Master She knew what he was thinking, he would definitely smile at him.Play tricks with the old emperor, his eyelashes are hollow, how can you beat him?You gain more than you lose, and he will let you know in minutes what it means to gain more than you lose.

Fortunately, the early bird is not an idiot who goes all the way to the dark, and his task is just to start, there is no need to kill himself.Immediately kowtowed and said: "It's all up to His Majesty's Sacred Heart."

Yu Wenxi smiled, and said loudly: "Where are you dear friends? The establishment of a reserve is related to the country and the country, and the inheritance of the national fortune is a major event of the country. But... If you don't speak, then I will really have my heart alone."

Thoughtful ministers dare not keep silent any longer. This man has always kept his word. He said that if he is lucky, he is lucky. It is useless to say anything after he is lucky.The most frightening thing is that this master has never made people understand how he got lucky.

"Revelation to the emperor, all the princes are young, the No. 17 son of the late emperor is pure filial piety and kindness, cautious and studious, earnest in words and deeds, and has the demeanor of the emperor when he was young. I think the seventeenth son of the late emperor can be called the prince." The first speaker was A member of the Empress Dowager's family.

Their family is not like the queen mother, fantasizing about pushing Yu Wentao into the reserve position.It was just the exchange of interests that made them willing to act as pawns and cannon fodder for this establishment of the reserve.

This person already has the consciousness of being an abandoned child, and he let out his breath as soon as he finished speaking, unable to kneel for a long time.He is old and has no hope of further progress in his official career. What he is doing at this time is not so much for the family, but rather paving the way for his son.

The price he paid for selling this idiot was that his son could get the full support of his family and allies in his official career, and he would be able to have smooth sailing in the officialdom in the future.The old man is nearly 40 years old, and he worked really hard for his son who was in his [-]s to pass the Jinshi exam.

"You mean, I should be the emperor's younger brother? Do you agree?" Yu Wenxi felt rather boring, teasing them might as well tease Jia Enhou.It's been more than ten years, and he hasn't made any progress. He clearly knows that he is a ruthless man, but he wants to test his bottom line again and again.How come you don't know how to repent when your head is broken and your family is ruined?

"Your Majesty must not do so. Your Majesty has nine princes under his knees, all of whom are dragons among men. Why do you want to make your younger brother the heir? This thief is talking nonsense, princes..." Immediately, a minister stood up and angrily reprimanded, Count the excellence of the princes with righteous words.

The atmosphere in the court gradually became fierce, and the courtiers were divided into distinct factions, and they quarreled chaotically into a pot of porridge.

Jia Amnesty was not qualified to go to court before, his title was just a false title, and he was always regarded as a high-ranking existence in the early court.However, seeing the scene like the vegetable market in front of him, he instantly understood the true meaning of the early court—a group of old men robbed women of their jobs.

His Majesty the Emperor is quite used to it, just watching them quarreling with his chin propped up like that, it doesn't look like a wise king in a casual manner.Of course, this is the slander of Grand Master She.In fact, His Majesty the Emperor is still very majestic.

The quarreling stopped soon, because no one wanted to be surrounded by people watching a show.

After more than ten years of blood changes in the court, most of them are Yu Wenxi's hardcore sons. They will not express their opinions easily without the emperor's words.The emperor's die-hards did not participate, and relying on the supporters of the princes alone could not make any waves.

"Enhou, am I already old?" Yu Wenxi suddenly asked rather sadly when the Jinluan Hall was eerily quiet.

Jia She and Jia Enhou were in a daze with his hair lowered. He never thought that the old emperor would ask him something. If Li Qing hadn't stepped on him in time, he might have yelled out in a daze.

Others had already seen that there was an extra person beside the emperor this morning, wearing a very strange armor, but they didn't know who it was.At this time, upon hearing the emperor's question, most of the ministers couldn't help thinking: What kind of Marquis is Enhou? ? ?

No matter what kind of Marquis Enhou is, Jia She knew that this was calling him, "Back to the emperor, you are two years younger than my humble minister, how can you say you are old? If you feel old, then the minister should not have stepped into it." It's the coffin."

"Yeah, I'm not yet thirty, why do people think I'm old, and it's time to consider the issue of an heir? You don't know, listening to their words that make people grow old, my heart will break It's over." His majesty's performance Yu also came up, holding his heart in his hands, and said with a painful expression: "You... you, you have broken my heart."

Your Majesty, you are enough! ! !

It is a headache for the die-hards. Their majesty is actually very reliable, but occasionally he willfully go off-line, which really makes the courtiers worry. Why do you give allegiance to such a person?

Master She also wanted to cover his chest, he was disgusting.The old emperor's heart is broken, that thing is not made of glass, it will break if it breaks.Based on his decades of understanding of the emperor's old son, this is a precursor to this madman.

"I am in the prime of life, and the princes are still in their prime. What do you want? To provoke my sons to fight for the throne, so that the previous dynasty's fight for the throne will reappear? Or do you want my father and son to fight each other, and set up a target for you to attack? What do you think of my sons? A tool to grab benefits, a symbol of an alliance of interests, or a puppet at the mercy of others?"

Yu Wenxi suppressed the expression on his face, leaving only a cold expression on his face.Jia She had never seen him like this before, so he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Life is like an opera, and the old emperor is the most experienced actor.

No.30 The second round discusses that in the Marquis of Enhou's palace, no matter the meal, the prescription Jia Shesheng was promoted to Earl

"My sons haven't started thinking about my chair yet, but you are very anxious. Enhou, what is that sentence called? The emperor is not in a hurry, but in a hurry to die..." Yu Wenxi's corner of the eye swept over again Jia Enhou, who was distracted, asked maliciously.

"Eunuch." These two words were sprayed out of Mr. Xi's mouth without thinking at all, and he wanted to cover his mouth after spraying.How many people have been offended by this nonsensical talk.Peeking down, it turned out that many people were glaring at him.

The emperor's old son is too vicious, and he immediately put the master on the opposite side of the half court people.

"Yes, that's the sentence." Yu Wenxi couldn't help but want to twitch his lips, and forcibly held back, "If you really feel free, it's not that I don't have nothing to do here. How about I give you assignments?"

You will never be given a chance to refuse a question from the emperor's old man.The crackling is a distribution, and the consequence is that many families in the capital are facing the problem of dismantling their partners and dividing their families.

From the desert to the grassland, from Yunnan to Lingnan, from Saibei to Liaodong, it is really divided into different parts of the world by His Majesty the emperor, and it will be difficult to visit relatives in the future.Undoubtedly, they also want to express the emotion of Han Yu back then, a letter to play Jiuchongtian in the morning, and demote Chaoyang Road in the evening.

The kinsmen of the princes wanted to fight for more political power and interests, but in the end they were dismantled by Yu Wenxi, and their power shrank instead.It was for the sake of the princes that he didn't do anything cruel.

However, the two who became the first birds and the fools were not so lucky.The early bird ended up being ransacked and executed, and couldn't enjoy any benefits; the foolish old man was clinging to his life, but his children and grandchildren were not allowed to be officials for three generations, so he burst into tears on the spot.

Master She sighed secretly while twisting his beard, the old emperor is so cruel, he knows where to stab where it hurts.

Li Chu was like an unsuccessful farce, which started in a chaotic way and ended quietly.But Jia She's political career was just the opposite. It started quietly and gradually became noisy.

"Do you know who that Enhou was? I don't look like a familiar face." After the court was over, the ministers walked out of the Golden Luan Hall in twos and threes, discussing in low voices as they walked.

"Well, it shouldn't be a eunuch. Judging by his attire, he looks like a military general. Hey, Lao Li, do you know anything?" Another person asked his friend in the military department.

"Look, he looks a bit like the boss of the Jia family." This military general was from a noble family, and he had a little impression of Jia Amnesty, but not too deeply.After all, the two are not in the same circle, and there is no intersection between them.

"The Jia family? Which Jia family?" Everyone who heard it frowned, and it took a long time for someone to suddenly say: "You mean, the Rongguo Mansion? That's Jia Daishan's eldest son, can't he?" Didn't I hear that he was a worthless playboy? .

Rongguo Mansion has declined since Jia Daishan.Just because the Jia family has an empty title, it doesn't make people think of his family when they mention the surname Jia.

The military officer frowned and recalled, and immediately slapped his chin and said: "It's his family. I remembered, the name of the boss of the Jia family now is Enhou, Jia pardon Jia Enhou."

"Hey, why does the emperor think of his family again?

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