He paused, and then said: "Master Liao doesn't care about things on the surface, but he firmly holds the right to dispatch military weapons. It's just that everything that has passed through his hands is flawless. Bureau Cheng and others are in charge of military weapons." The daily affairs of the bureau, the traces of pocketing are very obvious."

Mu Zhenliu said: "In this case, you should focus on Ju Cheng and others. Why are you paying attention to Master Liao?"

"You're right, I thought that the moths in the Military Weapons Bureau were Bureau Cheng and the others, and they were planning to take back the spies who had been placed next to Master Liao, but I received news that Master Liao would go to Gutang Town every two months. Gutang Town! Gutang Town!" Yu Donghai said, showing deep hatred, "Others don't know, but I have stayed in Pingbo City for so many years, how can I not know that there is already Tang Chizhou's private collection there? The base camp of the army!"

Mu Zhenliu was stunned.

Tang Chizhou, it turned out to be Tang Chizhou again!

Yu Donghai said: "Brother Mu... Mr. Mu! I have two things to apologize to you. One is that I should not have lured you there knowing that Gutang Town is Tang Chizhou's base camp. The other is that I should not have thought of the danger of Huoyun Mountain and still sent him away. You go. I am...too confused about these two matters!" As she spoke, she bent her legs and knelt down in front of Mu Zhenliu.

Mu Zhenliu hurriedly went to help him, but he held his hands firmly, and said in a low voice, "Bujiyigezhuang has risen very fast in the past two years, and Tang Chizhou was secretly helping him. Susha's identity is suspicious, and it is most likely Tang Chizhou. People, you have to be careful!"

Yu Donghai's voice was both low and fast, even though Mu Zhenliu was so close to him, he only got the meaning by half listening and half guessing.

Mu Zhenliu widened his eyes.

Yu Donghai said again: "Because of him, I doubted your identity and led you to Gutang Town. Unexpectedly, I led you into the mouth of a tiger."

Mu Zhenliu said: "Huoyunshan is also a temptation?"

Yu Donghai shook his head sadly and said: "I'm afraid that those weapons will fall into Tang Chizhou's hands. He has fifty thousand soldiers in his hands. If the weapons are excellent, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Mu Zhenliu said: "Even if he has [-] well-equipped soldiers, looking at the world, it is still a drop in the bucket."

Yu Donghai said: "He alone is a drop in the bucket, what if there is a stronger backer behind him?"

Mu Zhenliu's heart sank: "Who?"

Yu Donghai said: "Actually, Lord Liao once came to me and gave me an account book. At that time, I couldn't understand the contents of the account book. I thought it was evidence that Ju Cheng and others were pocketing their own money. When talking about this matter with Master , and laughed at him for being narrow-minded, and he wanted to pull them off before returning to his hometown. I later learned that this record was the distribution and whereabouts of iron in the Military Weapons Bureau. A huge part of them was sent to the ancient Tang Town, and then transported to the northwest."

Mu Zhenliu suddenly broke out in a cold sweat: "However, there is nothing wrong with the number of weapons sent out by the Military Weapons Bureau every year."

Yu Donghai said: "Yes, not only the number is correct, but also the quality is impeccable. Not only you and I don't understand the tricks in this, even Mr. Liao doesn't understand. Because of this, he still dare not report this matter directly Court."

Mu Zhenliu said, "Does Fang Hengxie know about this?"

Yu Donghai sneered: "Tang Chizhou is Fang Hengxie's confidant, Tang Chizhou fell to the northwest, Fang Hengxie... I'm afraid it may not be clean!"

Mu Zhenliu said: "The Liao's house is full of families... Could it be that Tang Chizhou murdered him for the account book?"

Yu Donghai showed shame, shook his head lightly and said, "No, I was the one who set fire to the Liao Mansion."

Mu Zhenliu said in a daze, "Why, why?"

The two of them squatted and knelt on the ground and whispered for so long, they had already attracted the attention of Su Shahao, and now they could hardly restrain themselves from coming over.Mu Zhenliu found out in time, pulled him up, and cast a reassuring look over him.

Su Sha took a sip of the spring, her face was full of displeasure, and she looked at Yu Donghai very unkindly.

Yu Donghai turned a blind eye, and continued to lower his voice, "Master Liao said that his house is full of spies. He died so strangely, I naturally suspect that the people in his house knew that he had the intention of betrayal, and deliberately tampered with it. Plus Sir, ever since you went to Master Liao's study, I was very worried that they would think about the account books, and then suspect you and me, so I made such a bad move."

For a suspicion, so many lives were killed, including the old and weak, women and children.

Mu Zhenliu felt a tightness in his chest.

Yu Donghai saw his dissatisfaction, and hurriedly said: "I didn't kill his wife and children. I sent away his wife and daughter secretly. Anyway, Mr. Liao has been confused all his life, and he finally came to his senses and exposed this A conspiracy!"

One after another, one by one, the impact on Mu Zhenliu was too great.

He closed his eyes and straightened out his thoughts before saying, "If the Pingbo City Military Bureau is really so important, why would Fang Hengxie allow my mentor to insert me in?"

Yu Donghai said: "Maybe the emperor no longer trusts him, making him powerless to stop it. Or maybe..."

He didn't go on.

Because whatever the next guess is, it must be scary.

Fang Hengxie was an extremely terrifying person.

Mu Zhenliu thought about it, and said slowly: "Or maybe, he is already confident."

If it wasn't for being confident, how dare you clear Gutang Town to chase and kill one person?If he was not confident, how dare he openly send troops to besiege Huoyun Mountain and deal with a court official?If it weren't for being confident, how dare you send Mrs. Yu's coffin back?

The reason behind being confident and confident makes people dare not think about it.

Yu Donghai said: "If Fang Hengxie joins forces with Jing Chi, one of them will have power in the government, and the other will hold a heavy army. If the inside should cooperate with the outside, the Jing family will be in danger!"

Jing's, Jing's.

Jing Chi's scene is also Jing's scene.

Mu Zhenliu remembered the old news about Jing Chi mentioned by his mentor.

Jing Chi was not called Jing Chi, but Jing Rui.The first emperor had a son in his later years, and he loved him very much. He also took him with him in the court for four years.That year, the locust plague was rampant, many people had no crops, and the household department was unable to provide disaster relief, which caused public resentment.The Minister of the Ministry of Hubu was sophistrying at the court, but Jing Chi refuted him speechless, shocking the court and the public.After coming down to court, the first emperor held him in his arms and sat in the imperial study for one night. The next day, he was renamed Chi and bestowed the title of Northwest. He would leave Beijing soon and never return.

Therefore, when Jing Chi's birth mother, Concubine Yu, passed away, he did not return.When the first emperor died, he did not return.When the emperor summoned him, he did not return.

until now.

Mu Zhenliu suddenly understood the late emperor's mood.

If you have a smart child, you will be naturally happy.It's a pity that I am old and suffering from illnesses, and the crown prince is an adult and full-fledged. I have the heart and power to support the youngest son to inherit the great line, so I can only send him away from a distance to avoid my elder brother's jealousy and suspicion.

He also knew Jing Chi's mood.

It's not that Jing Chi didn't return, but that he wasn't ready to return.

On the day when he decides to set off to return to Beijing, he must embark on a journey to be king!

Pingbo City, far away from the capital, may be the first stop of the journey.

The blood in the Mu pillow rushed from the bottom of the feet to the top of the head, and then slowly flowed back from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet. The body was hot and cold, and the temples on both sides began to ache again.He stroked his forehead lightly, trying to adjust his disturbed heartbeat.

Yu Donghai suddenly reached out his hand from under the table, and stuffed something into his palm.

Mu Zhenliu pinched it subconsciously and stuffed it into his sleeve.

Yu Donghai poured himself a glass of wine, raised his glass to Mu Zhenliu, drank it all in one gulp, put down the glass, turned his head and left.

"Master Yu!" Mu Zhenliu called to stop him, stood up and said, "Madam Yu has two words to tell you."

Yu Donghai's footsteps stopped suddenly, and he turned around.

Mu Zhenliu said: "She said that Xu Xian wants to find someone who is virtuous, gentle and well-mannered."

Yu Donghai said with red eyes: "Is there another sentence?"

Mu Zhenliu said: "It is enough for you to listen to her alone in your life."

Yu Donghai cried and laughed, laughed and cried: "It's her, it's what she can say."

Mu Zhenliu saw that he was a little crazy, and said again: "Madam hopes that you will live a safe life and live a long life. My lord, please don't disappoint Madam's painstaking efforts."

Yu Donghai said dejectedly: "A long life like a walking corpse? She is probably blaming me."

Mu Zhenliu was speechless, silently watching Yu Donghai walk away numbly, being hugged behind his back.

Su Sha nicely kissed his hair: "What are you talking about?"

Mu Zhenliu said: "I want to go back home."

Susha let go of her embrace, looked down at his face, her eyes flickered, and said, "Okay."

Back in the carriage, there was nothing to say all the way.

Mu Zhenliu has been sitting in a daze, letting Susha touch his hand, touch his head and kiss his face, without any response.Susha really wanted to explode, but seemed to think of something, so she couldn't bear it.

After returning home, Mu Zhenliu locked himself in the study, and opened the paper ball Yu Donghai handed over.

There are only four words on the paper ball: moderate and not mean.

Mu Zhenliu held the note in a daze for a while, then suddenly crumpled the note into a ball, then spread it out, and slowly tore it up until it couldn't be seen horizontally or vertically.

He didn't come out until evening, Susha was standing at the door, looking at a tree, when he saw him going out, she turned her head quickly.

"What are you looking at?" Mu Zhenliu asked.

Su Sha said nicely: "Look at how much I can cut this tree into pieces in the shortest time."

Mu Zhenliu said: "Is there any result?"

Su Sha said nicely: "No. Because I still don't know what the shortest time is. It seems that I always feel that it can be shorter."

Mu Zhenliu said, "Is this your way of practicing?"

"This is my way of practicing. Do you want to learn?" Susha held out his hand towards him.

Mu Zhenliu took his hand: "I'm hungry, let's eat."

Susha pulled him hard, and pulled him in front of him: "You have something on your mind. What did Yu Donghai say to you?"

Mu Zhenliu said, "You want to know?"

Susha stared right into his eyes: "I want to know everything related to you."

"...Me too." Mu Zhenliu said slowly.

Susha's body froze, "What do you want to know?"

Mu Zhenliu said, "How old are you?"

Su Sha was stunned.

Mu Zhenliu smiled and patted his head: "Let's eat, baby."

Su Sha is good: "..."

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