The God of Trade in Two Worlds

Chapter 83 I want to help them

Xu Ran's eyelids twitched, and he stood side by side with Liu Junli, Wu Que, and Jia Xinrou who were traveling with him, not to mention the regret in his heart, why did he take on such a task?Living here for two weeks, the skin will fall off, right? !

Thinking in this way, Xu Ran couldn't help but glanced at Li Cheng, his eyes flicked across the opponent's skin, and he looked down at his hands, no matter how they looked, they were rougher than others, so for a while, Xu Ran Ran let go of his heart, and somehow thought about it without knowing what was going on.

There is a Daduan Village on Daduan Mountain. The screenwriter and director came here once before, but they only took a look at the environment of the village with the company of the village chief. A few points worse.

From a distance, the cracks in the originally flat earth wall looked like creepers, and the stream flowing around the village was also stained with a trace of scarlet from the underground soil. The director was a little dazed, and he and the screenwriter looked at each other. There was a hint of shock in the other party's eyes. The last time I came here, the stream in Daduan Mountain was not like this. If the village chief disguised the village because of their investigation, the cracking of the house is okay, but in the village The streams in the village were all formed naturally, and there was a sudden change. The only explanation was that something unexpected happened in the village when the two left.

The village head was a bit embarrassed to say it, but the village head's wife brought a cup of hot water to the director and the others, and smiled on her skinny and dark face, "It's nothing serious, Daduan Mountain is close to Sichuan and Shanghai provinces, where earthquakes usually occur There will always be aftershocks here, shaking the house won't hurt anyone, just get used to it."

"Mangzi's house is a new house, and his second uncle's Yangzi's house is also a Xinlei house. It is not afraid of earthquakes. It can't be wrong for a few distinguished guests to live in their house!"

The director's face twitched for a while. To be honest, he really wanted to turn around and leave at this time. He used to say that Sichuan and Shanghai provinces are prone to earthquakes, but he didn't expect that Daduan Mountain, which is not in Sichuan and Shanghai provinces, would also be affected by aftershocks. In previous years, there were merchants who came to collect dates, and they were almost isolated from the outside world, so few people knew about Daduan Village, and naturally there were no corresponding reports of aftershocks.

It was too much of a mistake.

The director stroked his forehead, feeling dizzy for a while. He thought that the publicity outside had already been released, and it was definitely not okay to retreat temporarily. He could only hope that there would be no major problems during the filming.

At this time, the artist with two suitcases has already settled in Mangzi's family and Yangzi's father's family. These two families are relatively well-off families in the village today. Mangzi's family is the best, followed by Yangzi's father's family. Therefore, all the female artists lived in Mangzi's house, and the men of the crew and the two male artists took the second place and entered Yangzi's father's house. Child.

The child timidly rubbed his father's corner, locked his small body behind his father, and looked at the guests with big eyes, probably never seen so many strangers.

"Yangzi, call him uncle." Yangzi's father patted the spoon of his son's head, the brawny man stared at him with tiger eyes, and was a little displeased with his son's stage fright. The people who came here were all from the city, and their own children should not lose face to the village. .

"Uncle, Uncle." Yangzi stammered around, a little nervous, swallowed his saliva, his eyes turned to Li Cheng, and without blinking, he shouted crisply: "Brother."

It made the crew laugh out loud.

"This kid is interesting and has a sweet mouth!"

The director smiled, "Isn't he just my brother, a college student just now, Yang Zi is not wrong, we are all old."

Yangzi continued to look to Li Cheng's right, shivered a bit, saw the big Shen You, met those indifferent eyes, his mind was blank for a moment, he opened his mouth and didn't make a sound, Yangzi's father followed him to see it, and also Can't help swallowing, this man's aura is too strong, his hands are thrown behind his back, as if he doesn't fit in with the surroundings.

Li Cheng beckoned and called the child to his side. After asking his age, he realized that the child was already 12 years old, but it seemed that he was only eight years old in stature. A pair of small hands seemed to be wrapped in a layer of frosted paper, holding them in his I can't feel the softness of the skin at all, it is as rough as an 80-year-old old lady, Li Cheng frowned, even though his family was originally a poor household in Yong'an City, and I have seen many poor people who do everything to survive, but I didn't expect there to be such a poor family in the mountains.

Father Yang seems to be more enthusiastic about Li Cheng. Ever since the director leaked that Li Cheng is a student of University A, Father Yang has been looking at the boy with eager eyes all the time, even in a place like Daduanshan where communication is inconvenient. What should be known is still able to understand a thing or two. For example, a college student in University A, in the eyes of Yangzi's father, is a person like a doctor. If his child can be taught by this person for a month or two, he may be of benefit for the rest of his life.

So with this in mind, Yang Zi came in with foot washing water that night.

It’s very convenient to take a bath in the mountains. You can boil a pot of hot water and mix it with cold water. Then you’ll be done with a rag soaked in water and rubbing it on your body. But no one, from the director to the staff, is willing to stand bare-chested. Use the most primitive method to take a bath in the yard. The fence is neither high nor low, and nothing can cover it, not to mention that there are several female artists next door, so these two days are the second best. I can’t take a bath, I can only wash my feet. Bar?

However, Yangzi only brought water for Li Cheng's feet to wash his feet. Maudongsheng glanced at Li Cheng who was embarrassed and moved, and then glanced at Yangzi who was standing beside him helplessly. He couldn't help touching his chin in silence. So good that even kids like it?

"Brother, wash your feet." Yangzi watched Li Cheng take the basin and put it on the ground, and he knelt down to help wash his feet. Shen You's face turned dark all of a sudden.

"..." Li Cheng blushed, and waved his hands quickly, "No, no, brother, just wash it by yourself..." He wanted to say that he would just wash his feet by himself in the future, but he couldn't say anything , the child's eyes were like obsidian, and he couldn't bear to express his refusal at all.

Yangzi withdrew his hand, completely lost the vigor he had when he was standing at the entrance of the village, and asked timidly after a while, "Will that brother still teach Yangzi how to read?"

Li Cheng was silent for a while, smiled and rubbed the child's head, "Of course."

Yangzi's house has four rooms, plus the two beds moved from the village head's house, it is not a problem for six or seven people to live in. Li Cheng and Shen You share a bedroom. It was night, and after talking on the phone with Du Heng, Li Cheng vomited heavily. He looked at the moon in the sky, closed the window tightly, turned around and lay down on the bed, stretched out an arm and pinched his thin waist punishingly, "You are too kind to him."

"It's just a pity. It's the first time I've seen a child who loves learning so much." After being poked, Li Cheng turned over. Even many top students are no exception, but today a child like this who likes to learn can't get a good education, which is too uncomfortable."

"how do you want to do it?"

"Before I came here, I had seen the terrain of Daduan Mountain. There are many slopes. The climate here is not suitable for growing melons and fruits. Instead, I can grow some sweet potatoes, which will be bought by one of my partners at a high price. In the long run, the villagers will gradually become rich. Come to think of it, such a goal can never be achieved with donations..."

Shen You lowered his head, trying to silence the boy's lingering voice.

He seemed to keep an eye on the people in the village all night.


The crew started work the next day. For artists like Li Cheng, they only needed to be good teachers. All a little silent.

In the village, there is only one aunt in her 40s who is the teaching teacher. However, this woman only went to school for six years. She broke her leg after failing to work and came back to take on the children's studies. The pressure of life made her more temperamental. It is cold, and the class is very strict, but these cannot stop the enthusiasm of the students. Perhaps many children understand better in their hearts that only by learning good knowledge can they get rid of the current life in the future.

After finishing her Chinese class, Liu Junli sat on a boulder not far from the classroom with red eyes to record her class experience. She is the oldest in the team, and there is a 13-year-old boy beside her, who is just naughty, but the star After all, his child is different from ordinary people. Even if he can’t stay with the child for a long time due to work reasons, he still has exquisite clothes, handsome schoolbags, and even all kinds of expensive toys in the mall, which are basically what the child likes. , what can be bought with money, there is nothing that cannot be obtained.

Comparing it this way, the children in Daduan Village are really pitiful.

"Some children have not even been out of the village for more than ten years. They have no holidays, no travel, and no playground. Their greatest wish is to study well, but here there are no textbooks above junior high school. It is like a village forgotten by society. The village..." Liu Junli took a deep breath, "I think as a mother, I have been hit the hardest here recently. When I saw those children in class, I could think of the children living in the city. How happy."

The camera freezes on Liu Junli's pitiful eyes looking at the children during recess.

Li Cheng didn't use textbooks, so she could figure out the students' learning process, and directly used chalk on the blackboard to tell the content according to the progress of junior high school review. The language was concise, but the effect was very good. Things that have already been read hundreds of times in textbooks are much more interesting.

"...Yangzi asked me cautiously last night, would my brother teach me to read? I thought that if most students have such a self-motivated mind, many teachers don't have to change their tricks to make students more interested in learning. , I feel very ashamed, I am not as good as Yangzi, he really likes to study, and I later found out that not only his appearance, but also twenty or thirty children in the same village also have such a passionate love for learning, such People are worthy of respect, so I hope to help them." Li Cheng beckoned, and two or three children ran across, a girl and two boys, and Yangzi was among them.

Li Cheng asked: "Yangzi, what do you want most now?"


"Apart from reading?"

Yangzi pinched the hem of his clothes with his fingers, lowered his head, then lifted his head up, licked his dry lips, a pair of longing eyes on his dark gray face stared straight at the camera, "I want...a mechanical pencil. "

"I want...a pink dress." The little girl Wenwen wrung her fingers with a flushed face.

The tiger-headed Su Ping opened his palms and wiped his clothes, and suddenly said loudly: "I want my father to recover from his illness, and I want my father to stand up."

The child was dressed in dirty clothes of no color, his thin face was facing the camera with his head up and his mouth wide open, but his pupils were dark and shiny.

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