heavy rock

Chapter 108 Three Little Rabbits

Li Chengyun drank some wine with a few old customers who came from the south, and when he came out of the clubhouse, his footsteps were a little shaky.The little assistant was waiting outside, seeing him coming out, he rushed up to meet him, reached out to hold his arm, "Mr. Li, be careful of the steps."

Li Chengyun opened his eyes and looked at him for a while before he suddenly realized, "It's Sun Hao."

Sun Hao was a bit dumbfounded, "It's me, Mr. Li. I'll take you home right away."

He was a newcomer who had just applied to the company after the year. He worked as a probationary worker in the personnel department for a few days, and was transferred to the secretarial department by Gao Yun.Hearing that Gao Yun will resign in two months, everyone in the secretarial department tried their best to get up to the position of first secretary after Gao Yun left.Sun Hao is naturally no exception. He is a top student in the School of Foreign Languages. He is proficient in business and diligent in his hands and feet.With her praise, Sun Hao naturally paid more attention to his work.

Helping Li Chengyun to sit in the back seat, Sun Hao thoughtfully handed him water and a towel.Li Chengyun took it and wiped his face, then asked casually, "What time is it?"

Sun Hao said: "It's a quarter to plant twelve o'clock."

Li Chengyun leaned on the back seat a little tiredly, and heaved a sigh of relief, "Go to Yulan Lane."

Sun Hao was stunned for a moment, and was about to ask where Yulan Lane was, but the driver, Lao Liu, had already answered "Yes", started the car and drove slowly past the fountain in front of the clubhouse, and sped towards the south of the street.

Sun Hao shut his mouth and didn't ask any questions wisely.

Because the air conditioner was on in the carriage, the windows were closed tightly, and the alcohol smell on Li Chengyun seemed to be more obvious than before.This also surprised Sun Hao a little.He has been with Li Chengyun for more than a month, and it is the first time he has seen him drink to such an extent.In his impression, Li Chengyun is a very shrewd businessman. A shrewd businessman will not leave any flaws no matter whether he is a partner or a competitor.

The wheels run over the night, walking lonely under the clear starlight of the summer night.

It took Sun Hao a long time to realize that Li Chengyun was not asleep, but had been staring out the window in a daze.The corners of his eyes were reddish from alcohol, looking from the side, it looked like he had cried.

Sun Hao didn't dare to look any more, he lowered his head and pretended that he was playing with his mobile phone.

An hour later, the car stopped outside a side street.Li Chengyun opened the door and got out of the car with his head down.Sun Hao was about to follow, but Li Chengyun waved at him, "You and Lao Liu wait here."

Sun Hao was taken aback for a moment, and quickly agreed.

The driver rolled down the window, lit a cigarette, and sighed softly, "How many years has it been, cough..."

The street lamps illuminate the narrow street outside and the half-person-high red character "Demolition" on the wall next to it, indicating the impending fate of this community.Residents in several nearby buildings have almost moved out, and only a few sporadic ones are still lit.Li Chengyun lowered his head, his tall figure was gradually swallowed by the night, and disappeared into the depths of the alley.

Sun Hao asked curiously: "Uncle Liu, is this land acquired by our company?"

Old Liu puffed out the smoke ring, and answered irrelevantly: "When he wanted to buy it, he didn't have that much money in his hand. When he had money in his hand, it would have been bought by others."

Sun Hao thought about the meaning of his words, "It's not Li's land? Then why is Mr. Li here?"

Old Liu glanced at him from the rearview mirror. Recently, Sun Hao has always been running outside with Li Chengyun. Old Liu has become more or less familiar with him, so he said vaguely, "I lived here before. A woman."

a woman?What kind of woman?

Sun Hao blinked curiously and waited for him to continue, but it was a pity that Lao Liu's mouth closed again.

"Really..." Sun Hao also sighed, "You might as well not tell me anything. This is only a half-talk, isn't it killing people?"

Lao Liu smiled, "Gossip about your leader, do you still want to hang out in Li's?"

Sun Hao rolled his eyes, "Since you also said it was gossip, then I know what it is. Hey, have you seen it? What kind of woman is it?"

Old Liu sighed, "It's been almost 20 years, who still remembers."

"20 years?" Sun Hao exclaimed, "Then... that must be very beautiful, right?"

Lao Liu shook his head and refused to say more.

Sun Hao was aroused by his half-sentence, Lao Liu refused to say more, but he became even more curious, wondering what kind of woman this would be?Can people miss 20 years?

"She is just a girl who grew up in an ordinary family. She has never suffered any setbacks since she was a child." Chong Yan murmured: "Simple, kind, always smiling when talking to everyone, and has a very good temper. I don't even remember her." I've lost my temper. Well, I'm nothing like her."

His back was pressed against Qin Dongyue's chest, and his whole body was nestled into his arms.Qin Dongyue rested his chin on Chong Yan's shoulder and listened quietly to him.The two sat snuggled up in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking out at the quiet night together.

Chong Yan's two hands unconsciously fiddled with Qin Dongyue's hand in front of him, stroking the callused fingers.After a long time, she sighed softly, "If you want to say that she has any shortcomings, besides bad luck, she is stupid. Why do you think she is so stupid?"

"The sweetness of this, the arsenic of that." Qin Dongyue didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only say, "That was her life."

"I know, I know. But when I think about it, I'm still very upset." Chong Yan sighed, "It's already past twelve o'clock, and today is her birthday... Her life is too short, she hasn't enjoyed it yet." The son is a bit filial... oh."

"Knowing that you are doing well, she will feel at ease." Qin Dongyue squeezed his fingers and told him to count, "I have finished high school, finished my college entrance examination, have my own career, and there is someone so handsome who can hurt so much." People's boyfriends... are simply winners in life."

Chong Yan laughed, smiled and sighed again.

"If she can see it with her own eyes, then she will be a winner in life." Chong Yan thought sadly, if his mother is still alive at this moment, it would be so perfect if he could have the opportunity to make her a birthday cake .

"I actually don't care if I have a father now, I just hope she's still alive..."

"Don't you still have me?" Qin Dongyue rubbed his cheek, "It's so easy to finish the college entrance examination, you don't need to go to class, you don't need to do homework, this is the most relaxing two months in your life, let's think of something pleasant Or, let's go out and play."

"Where are you going?" Chong Yan lost interest.Probably because the review before the college entrance examination was too tiring, he is lazy every day now, and just wants to stay at home and sleep late.

Qin Dongyue said, "Where do you want to go?"

Chong Yan thought for a while, "Let's go northwest. Xi'an, Dunhuang, Turpan... how about seeing the Silk Road, Terracotta Warriors, Mogao Grottoes, Tianshan...?"

"No problem," Qin Dongyue naturally agreed, "When will I leave? I'll check the flight."

Magnolia Lane is like a place frozen in time. No matter how many years have passed, it always seems to be the same as before: the uneven road surface, the mottled walls on both sides of the small street, and the dim yellow sky overhead, as if the power will be cut off at any time. Street lights, and ordinary people who have lived here for generations.However, the city is changing with each passing day. In just a few months, this place will be completely different, and the shadow of Magnolia Lane will no longer be there.

A few pieces of waste paper on the side of the street were swept up by the night wind and flew past him.

The building in front of Li Chengyun had already been evacuated, and the circuit was naturally broken. It was pitch black upstairs and downstairs, as if the whole world had fallen asleep.He stood downstairs for a while, climbed up to the attic, and took the key from his pocket.

The night was too quiet, the sound of the key turning in the door lock and the sound of the door leaf being pushed open were extremely ear-piercing. The silence of the night seemed to be broken by some sharp thing, releasing those old things hidden in the dark. Years passed.

Li Chengyun stood at the door, moving his lips silently, "Yang Shu, I'm back. What's for dinner today?"

The window is half open, and the moonlight is shining all over the floor.

Li Chengyun slowly slid and sat on the ground, resting his head on the door frame behind him.


Li Chengyun closed his eyes and murmured, "I was wrong, Yang Shu."

Chong Yan has never gone out for "playing". He didn't have that condition when he was a child, and he never had a suitable opportunity when he grew up.He is too busy, flying around is a common occurrence, but every time he goes out, it is because he has to have a meeting, negotiate a contract, whatever... Anyway, he never went out to play, so until now, Chongyan can recall The deepest impressions of the countries and cities he has been to are only the hotel rooms and the conference room for negotiation, and at most the scenery along the road from the hotel to the conference room: roads, vehicles, pedestrians coming and going in a hurry.

Lying on the bed, Chongyan is full of thoughts about going out for a trip. He has to bring a camera, walk a lot, see a lot of scenery, eat delicious food, and buy local specialties... The more Chongyan thinks about it, the more he can't lie down. I got up and started to search the Internet for the cities that I would pass along the way from Xi'an to Xinjiang, read travel guides, and asked Baidu what specialties each city had.

Qin Dongyue couldn't fall asleep after being tormented by him, so he got up, booked the plane ticket in the middle of the night, and then started to pack his luggage.When he was young, he traveled to many places with his parents, but when he grew up, he rarely had the chance to travel.I have been to many places, but they are all for the purpose of performing tasks, and I rarely relax and have fun.Hanging out with the people I like has never happened before.Thinking of this, Qin Dongyue also became excited.

Chong Yan slid his finger across the screen, reminding Qin Dongyue: "It says that the ultraviolet rays in the northwest are strong, so you need to wear sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat."

Qin Dongyue hummed, and took out two long-sleeved jackets from the closet and stuffed them into the suitcase, "The temperature difference between morning and evening is huge, so be prepared."

Chong Yan glanced at the guide on the screen, "Oh, it said that you should bring an umbrella and a waterproof cover with a camera when you go out in summer."

Qin Dongyue didn't want to bring such messy things, but seeing Chong Yan's expression of interest, he took out the umbrella and put it in the suitcase.

At dusk, the two packed their luggage and started yawning at each other.

Qin Dongyue decisively carried Chongyan to bed, "I'll make an appointment for the afternoon flight and sleep for a few hours first."

Chong Yan was also very sleepy, so he honestly went to catch up on sleep.

Qin Dongyue didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he thought to himself, why bother, don't sleep when it's time to sleep, don't work when it's time to work, insist on wringing it out... Chong Xiaoyan seems to be getting more willful.

Well, it's okay to be willful, and there's nothing wrong with it.

Li Chengyun was woken up by mosquito bites.

The residents have moved, but the mosquitoes obviously have no intention of moving away together.The windows were not closed tightly, and I don't know how many people came for supper in one night.Li Chengyun scratched his neck, then scratched his cheeks, and felt that all exposed parts were itchy and painful, it was extremely uncomfortable.

The phone at hand buzzed, it was Gao Yun calling, Li Chengyun answered it angrily, "What's the matter?"

Gao Yun's voice was always calm, "Mr. Li, morning. I have Manager Li's leave slip in my hand. The HR department would like to ask, did you personally approve Manager Li's leave request?"

"Huh?" Li Chengyun was stunned for a moment, "Ah Qi?"

"Yes." Gao Yun explained: "Manager Li said he was going on vacation, and he said that you agreed to reply to the leave letter. The date is from today to the end of this month."

It seems that there is such a thing.But Li Chengyun couldn't remember clearly, "Where is he going? How can I just leave?"

"Manager Li started handing over to his subordinates a few days ago," Gao Yun said, "As for where to go, I don't know, should I check?"

"Well, check it out." Li Chengyun was a little displeased. His son was going on vacation, but his secretary knew about it before he, the father.

Li Chengyun rubbed his sore waist and got up from the ground, went to the bathroom to try it, but luckily the water didn't stop.Li Chengyun simply took a cold shower, changed into the clothes left here before, and started to pack his things.Since the news of the relocation came to light, he started to pack things piecemeal, but because he didn't have enough time and he didn't want others to come and clean them up, he hasn't packed them up until now.In fact, strictly speaking, there is nothing to clean up here. At the beginning, Yang Shu took all his own things away, and the tables, chairs and furniture were all left by the original landlord, and it had nothing to do with her.All that needs to be tidied up are the few clothes he put here.

Li Chengyun sighed, and moved out a book box that Yang Shu didn't take away at the beginning. These books and so on can be burned to Yang Shu in the future, and the tables and chairs should be forgotten.

Li Chengyun was about to call Sun Hao to come up and move things for him, when Gao Yun called, "Mr. Li, Manager Li has already booked today's ticket to go to Xi'an with the second young master. And..."

"What?" Li Chengyun said in his heart that I was busy with work, and the two little bastards slipped out to play, really...

"Master Chong Yan and Manager Qin from '36 County' also booked tickets for the same flight."

Li Chengyun was stunned for a moment, "They made an appointment?"

"This...can't be confirmed yet." Gao Yun waited for a while and saw that he was silent, and asked him with a little headache, "Should we stop Manager Li?"

"Forget it, let them play." Li Chengyun sighed, thinking that there are three little bastards now.

After hanging up the phone, Li Chengyun looked around and said to Yang Shu, you must have never expected that I would go this far with my son...he didn't intend to recognize me at all...

Forget it, forget it, don't admit it, Li Chengyun thought to himself, if he can get together with his two brothers, maybe one day, he will be willing to look him in the right eye.

Chong Yan and Qin Dongyue checked in their luggage and entered the security check early. Just as they were looking for a place to sit down and have a drink, they saw a familiar face in the cafe.

At the same time, Li Yanlin looked away from the iPad screen, looked through the glass wall of the cafe, and met Chong Yan with a shocked expression.

Li Yanlin laughed and waved at him.

Chong Yan also found this scene of meeting acquaintances at the airport quite interesting, so he dragged Qin Dongyue into it.After entering, I found that Li Yanqi was sitting opposite him, and I was shocked, "You go out together?" Li Yanlin is a student who returned to China for the summer vacation, but Li Yanqi is not, does he not have to go to work?

Li Yanqi also smiled, "I also need a vacation, where are you going?"

Chong Yan said triumphantly: "We are going to revisit the Silk Road, how about it, is it meaningful?"

Li Yanqi and Li Yanlin looked at each other and laughed together, "We are going to Xi'an. What a coincidence."

Chongyan, "..."

"Have you booked the hotel yet?" Li Yanlin asked him, "Let me tell you, I searched a lot of strategies before leaving..."

Qin Dongyue came over with two cups of iced black tea in his hand, sat down beside Chongyan, and said to Li Yanqi, "I happened to have something to do with you, and I planned to talk to you when I got back from playing."

Li Yanqi asked: "What's the matter?"

"Aren't you qualified for import and export? We want to find a reliable trade agent, so let's put it under your name." Qin Dongyue said: "Essence, essential oil. And France."

Chong Yan kicked him under the table.

Qin Dongyue was unmoved.

Li Yanqi couldn't help laughing, "Chong Yan, what do you mean by kicking me? Did you not want me to agree?"

Chongyan, "..."

Qin Dongyue stretched out his hand and rubbed his head, and hurriedly comforted His Majesty, who was about to blow his hair, "I'm thinking that looking for strangers is worse than looking for acquaintances? If you happen to meet, just ask. If your brother is not happy, then go to Cheng Cheng." Wei." Chong Yan proposed to cooperate with Cheng Wei before, but was rejected by Qin Dongyue.At the beginning, that color embryo wanted to pick up Chongyan, his family, but Qin Dongyue wrote down everything.It's already very cheap if you don't clean him up, and you want to make money with him?Think beautifully!

Chong Yan was overwhelmed by his "Your brother", and he didn't recover for a long time.

The Li family brothers all laughed, and Li Yanlin imitated Qin Dongyue and touched Chongyan's head, "Good boy. It's easy to talk about doing business, so the fat and water don't flow to outsiders' fields."

Chong Yan pulled his hand aside depressedly, "Who is with you in the one-acre field?"

"Chongyan," Li Yanqi straightened his face, looked at him seriously and said, "Don't say what you don't like to hear, let's discuss the matter. Compared with the Cheng family, which one do you think has more advantages in foreign trade? "

After so many years of grinding in Li's family, Chong Yan knew better than him, but he couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart and didn't want to get involved with Li's family.

Li Yanqi smiled and said: "Hey, what are you doing for business? What do you want to do so much? Besides, I am in charge of the import and export now, and it has nothing to do with the rest of the Li family. Send a report to my secretary, let's hold a meeting to study it. Let's follow the procedure, what do you think?"

Chong Yan thought for a while, "Okay."

Li Yanqi is really a suitable partner if his surname is not considered.This person is sometimes quite dark-bellied, but generally speaking, his character is passable.As he himself said, if you do business, everyone earns money.If the cooperation with "36 counties" is not profitable, Li Yanqi will not lose money and make money.

Li Yanlin also became happy, "From then on, there will be more chances to meet each other than before. I'll go find you if I have nothing to do."

Chongyan didn't know why he was so happy, but he was still happy when someone showed his kindness to him, "Aren't you leaving?"

Li Yanlin thought for a while, "I will work hard and try to finish the remaining credits in one year. When the time comes, I will come back and contact a university as a substitute teacher—it depends on which university you go to, and I will be your teacher when the time comes." , I want you to be my class representative, I will give you clear questions in the exam, and let you pass even if you don’t attend class.”

Li Yanqi, "..."

Qin Dongyue, "..."

Chong Yan had convinced him, "...do I want to say thank you?"

"You're welcome." Li Yanlin said with a smile: "Anyway, I have to come back after school, and I don't want to go to and from work on time every day like my brother. There is no holiday, and I am so annoyed."

Chong Yan imagined the situation of Li Yanlin as a substitute teacher, and he thought it was not bad.He didn't join the Li family in his previous life, and it seems that he really doesn't like being in business.

"I'll go out with you when the holiday is over," Li Yanqi said enthusiastically, "Let my brother go to work, um, and your brother Qin will also go to work together. Let's go out and play."

Qin Dongyue and Li Yanqi looked at each other, alarm bells ringing in their hearts.

"Hey, it's time to board the plane," Li Yanqi grabbed his younger brother's wrist, "Hurry up, get your bag."

Qin Dongyue also dragged Chong Yan out and ran out of the cafe only to realize that the four of them were on the same flight, and a sad feeling suddenly floated in his heart.What he thought before was that Chong Yan was too lonely in terms of family relationship, and it would be nice if he could get along well with the Li family brothers.Unexpectedly, inadvertently planted the root of disaster.Qin Dongyue imagined the picture of himself immersed in overtime work, and Zhong Xiaoyan and Li Yanlin going out to play hand in hand, and suddenly felt that the future was gloomy.

Li Chengyun looked down at a photo just sent to his mobile phone.

In the photo, Li Yanlin and Chong Yan are sitting together playing with their mobile phones. Li Yanqi is squeezed behind their necks, with one arm raised and stretched out of the camera. Both Chong Yan and Li Yanlin have stunned expressions, as if they haven't responded yet. Come on what happened.Only Li Yanqi grinned and drew a "V" with his free hand, and Qin Dongyue's half-drawn head was still exposed beside his arm.

Li Chengyun looked at it and laughed to himself, "Well, if you have a conscience, I will grant you a half-month vacation."

Li Chengyun saved the photo and couldn't help calling it out again.He hadn't seen Chong Yan for a while, he seemed to be taller again, he was an inch or two taller than Li Yanlin when he was sitting, and he seemed darker than the last time he saw him.The contours of the face are deeper, very similar to his 20-year-old appearance, but more handsome.

Li Chengyun reached out and touched the faces of the three sons in turn, and his fingertips rested on Chong Yan's face.

The book says time heals all wounds.He thought, maybe one day, the scars between them will be healed by time.He could also have a chance to sit with him like this and watch the unguarded look on his face.Or, he could still hear him call him "Dad" with his own ears.

Just like he once dreamed.

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