heavy rock

Chapter 18 Healing Guilt Disease

Chong Yan originally wanted to tell Qin Dong'an that he would no longer go to the Gong family's company to do odd jobs in the future.But after going home and sleeping, he changed his mind.Qin Dong'an's elder brother arranged for his younger brother to work in a friend's company in order to train his younger brother a little. He, the "brother's classmate" who is not easy to deal with, just got a little bit of light along with his feet. If Qin Dongan Dong'an is still not doing well, so he retreated first, which is a bit unreasonable.In the future, if there is anything that needs help, people will not be willing to reach out.

Chong Yan is not a young man, and he still has some understanding of the world's sophistication.So the next morning I got out of bed early and hurried to "work".He would never be able to enter such a leisurely and supportive post as logistics.There are only three staff members, all of whom are easy-going and easy-going, and the work is not too tiring.If he is still picky, it would be a little unflattering.Besides, the Gong family brothers don't know him now, and after a lifetime, no matter how guilty I am, I will bear it with all my might.Gong Hao is the boss again, his activities are basically limited to the top floor, and he will never come to the lower floors when he is free.As for Gong Zhi, he is still a student, and he won't hang out in the company every day when he has nothing to do, Chong Yan thinks, the chance of him meeting Gong Zhi should be very small.

In general companies, there is a place similar to the logistics department to raise idlers, and people without any strong connections cannot enter.In the past, Chongyan also had an information analysis department, which specially arranged for those who were related, such as the relatives of a certain leader in the city, the daughter of the partner, the daughter-in-law of the director's family, and so on.The round-faced female section chief of the logistics department who always stuffed them with candies seemed to be some kind of relative of Gong Hao's mother after hearing gossip from the little secretaries in the administration department.Although he came in based on his relationship, that person has a good personality and doesn't offend anyone very much. He gets along well with everyone in the company, and he is very kind to the two newcomers.Chong Yan once heard her remind the two young people in the office: "Don't be stupid, these two children came in for an internship because of their relationship with the palace president. Children who can go to a place like ours for an internship, The family has a little bit of background, maybe we will have to rely on them for food in the future. We must remember to reserve our own hands when doing things."

Chong Yan laughed as he stood outside the door, thinking that the female section chief was really a smart person with a clear mind.Instead, Qin Dong'an didn't understand what the people in the office were saying, and yawned while pinching the candy bag with a confused expression.

Chong Yan decided to work for a while longer, when Qin Dong'an didn't want to do it anymore, he could leave together.This will not offend anyone in face.

The weather is getting hotter, and several people in the logistics department are busy tidying up the warehouse.The things used in winter and spring should be put away, such as blankets and quilts used by the staff on duty, and sent to be cleaned, and things like mat towels should be tidied up in advance.In addition, there are some anti-heat products such as anti-heat medicines and refreshing drinks that should be prepared in advance.

Chongyan followed the two assistants to clean up the warehouse for a long time, moving a pile of boxes around, his hands and feet were so tired, he slipped to the stairwell while smoking, and then went down the stairs to the roof of the building .

Chong Yan used to hate places like rooftops.Ever since Gong Zhi was about to jump off a building, he has had a shadow on such a place.But the top floor of Taifeng Building is different. The entire building has been arranged and turned into a sky garden for employees to rest and relax.Rockery, fountains, green plants, lawns, and wooden tables and chairs, Chong Yan fell in love with this place after only coming up once.Contrary to him, Qin Dong'an doesn't like to climb up, he thinks it's windy here.

Chongyan didn't want to be seen, so he walked around to the back of the rockery and sat down between two raised rocks.When he came up, he met colleagues who came out to smoke a few times. They stopped Chong Yan to ask questions, and made fun of him like a child.Although Chong Yan could see that they had no malicious intentions, Chong Yan, who was alienated by nature, didn't like being the focus of this nature.Some people would ignore him, or observe him from a distance, no matter which attitude would make Chong Yan feel bored.He would rather find a place where no one will see and sit quietly for a while, even if sitting on the rockery is not as comfortable as the chairs outside, he would still choose this place.

It's very secret here, and no one comes easily, which makes him feel very relaxed.Or someone else has found this hiding place before, but those office workers are not willing to shrink into the rocks to dirty their expensive work clothes.Over time, Chongyan naturally regarded it as his secret habitat.

In less than a month, he had heard two confessions here—probably the two suitors felt that there were fewer people on the rooftop during overtime hours on Sundays, and the location was more romantic, so they chose this place by coincidence.Unfortunately, both girls refused.In addition, he also heard a quarrel. It seemed that two staff members of the finance department had a great quarrel over the account books. Later, they were scolded by the chief of the finance department who came out to smoke. gone.Chong Yan watched the farce of this scene with cold eyes, and sometimes thought that when he was working hard in Li's company, the company might have been so noisy, but he stood tall and never paid attention to it.

Chong Yan smoked a cigarette, crushed the cigarette butt on the rock, then closed his eyes and planned to take a nap.At this moment he heard footsteps coming from the door.

It was the footsteps of two men.

Chong Yan didn't pay attention at first.Because many people are used to coming to this rooftop to smoke a cigarette, make a phone call, or simply relax, as long as no one comes to disturb him, it doesn't matter to him.However, after a few seconds, Chongyan Kaijin felt that something was a little unusual.

One of them silently sat down on the wooden chair next to the rockery, and the other walked around the roof, and then deliberately looked from the side of the rockery to see if there was anyone behind the rockery—Chong Yan was sure that this person was not Seeing himself, he has done experiments, unless he walks directly in front of the gap, otherwise it is impossible to find people hiding here because of the angle.Chong Yan didn't know what the man was doing these actions, but he felt that it was not a good idea to go out now.

"Okay, don't be so nervous," the man who was only separated from Chongyan by a rockery and less than two meters away in a straight line said impatiently, "What's the matter with you calling me over?"

Another man said cautiously: "It's not neurotic. If this matter is exposed, not only will I not be able to stay in Taifeng, I'm afraid that the palace will always buy me a murderer to chase me down."

The first man sneered, "If I had known that you were so courageous, I wouldn't have looked for you."

The other man was silent for a while, "I have to think about this matter again."

The tone of the first man seemed a little impatient, "That's the price over there, don't miss this opportunity, you should think about it."

The man was silent.

"Think about your wife and son, they need money very much abroad."

Chong Yan in the rockery moved his heart, and quietly took out the mobile phone in his pocket.

Chong Yan's face was pale when he came down from the top floor. He didn't expect that he would run into such a big conspiracy just by smoking a cigarette.Although he didn't know anything about the piece of land that they said they were competing for, the bidding plan that Taifeng was preparing, the details of the bidding land, the bidding documents, and a rival company named Huarong... linked all these information together , What else does Chongyan not understand?

Chongyan is not familiar with Taifeng's personnel positions, but listening to the conversation between these two men, he can also feel that the man who is trying to win over must be in an extremely important position in the bidding, otherwise Huarong would not He offered such a high price and promised to send him abroad to reunite with his wife and son as soon as it was done.

Chong Yan held the phone like a hot potato, and he didn't throw it away, and it didn't matter if he didn't throw it away.These things have nothing to do with him directly. When Gong Zhi immigrated with his parents in the previous life, the Gong family's property did not collapse, which shows that this crisis did not cause any fatal blow to Gong Hao's business.

But he already knew these situations, could he just sit back and watch it happen?

In particular, he still has a sense of guilt towards Gong Zhi - even now that he is 17 years old, all harm is still too late to avoid, but what happened in the real years in his memory, how can he hypnotize himself? As if all that never happened?

If he really denied all that, and denied his former self, what would be the point of his rebirth now?

In fact, Chong Yan's inner battle was not as long as he imagined.He always felt that he was sorry for Gong Zhi, and such an opportunity to help the Gong family was simply a good medicine for his guilt disease.He even felt that as long as Gong Zhi could say "thank you" to him face to face, the sense of guilt he had been carrying might be washed away.

The question now is, how can he hand things over to Gong Zhi face to face?

While Chong Yan waited nervously, Saturday passed, and Sunday also passed, and Gong Zhi did not appear.According to the news he inquired, the bidding for that piece of land was set in half a month.

Chong Yan felt that he couldn't wait like this any longer, and it would really be a bad thing if he procrastinated any longer.So after getting off work on weekends, he asked Qin Dong'an to find out Gong Zhi's phone number.Although Qin Dong'an didn't know the brothers of the Gong family, since Brother Qin knew Gong Hao, it was not difficult to ask for Gong Zhi's phone number.As for Gong Hao's phone number... Chong Yan never thought about it.The person he is sorry for is Gong Zhi, but he doesn't owe Gong Hao anything.

Qin Dong'an was also very efficient in handling affairs, and sent Gong Zhi's phone number that night.Chong Yan didn't think too much, and dialed the number when he got it.But when the clear voice came from the other end of the phone, Chong Yan's throat suddenly became stuck.

"Hello?" Gong Zhi asked suspiciously, "Who is that?"

Chong Rock took a deep breath.


Gong Zhi hung up the phone.

Chong Yan breathed into his lungs in one breath, and then spit it out slowly. I don't know if it was his illusion, but there was a dull pain in his chest.

The phone was dialed again, and as soon as Gong Zhi picked it up, Chong Yan spoke out as if holding his breath, even omitting the greeting, "Young Master Gong, let's meet tomorrow."

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