heavy rock

Chapter 2

Chong Yan's grandma set up her small stall at the corner of West Street. When Chong Yan found her, she was chatting with an old lady selling socks next to her.She is familiar with needlework, and she is making insoles with her hands while chatting.These days, not everyone is used to going to the supermarket to buy insoles. Some elderly people like to make things by hand. They feel comfortable and strong. Therefore, when the old lady’s business is good, she can sell them for 30 to [-] yuan a day.

Seeing the dust on Chong Yan's body, Zhang Yuegui lowered his face and began to scold him for not learning how to fight all day long.Chong Yan turned a deaf ear, lowered her head and put all the things from her stall into a woven bag, and then helped the old lady move out when she went to school at noon tomorrow.Zhang Yuegui is not in good health, so she spends at most half a day at the stall every day. Fortunately, it is not far from their home and school, so running errands back and forth is not troublesome.

Most of the people living near West Street are employees of the old cotton mill. In the past few years, when the cotton mill was profitable, West Street was very lively, and there were many businesses and stalls.Later, the efficiency of the factory was not good, and the market also became depressed.Chong Yan remembered that not long after he went to the capital in his previous life, the West Street area was demolished. When he came back a few years later to pay the old lady's funeral, this area had already changed beyond recognition.

"Just follow that gangster," Zhang Yuegui was still nagging in his ear, "I see what you can do, I can't control you..."

Chongyan had a sudden thought, could it be because he was used to the old lady nagging in his ear every day when he was a child, so later, when he lived alone in the old house of the Li family, he couldn't bear the silence and started talking to himself? ?

Chong Yan quietly glared at the old lady.

Zhang Yuegui didn't notice the supercilious look, and quickly folded the thick linen on the stall with his hands, put it in a woven bag, and helped Chongyan put away the wooden table that was about to fall when touched, With a smiling face, I put it in the grocery store on the corner.The wooden table is relatively heavy, and it is inconvenient to carry it back and forth. After closing the stall every day, it is stored in this grocery store.The proprietress of this shop is also an acquaintance of Zhang Yuegui, who used to be a colleague of the cotton spinning factory. Zhang Yuegui also buys some snacks for the family's grandson from time to time, and the two get along well.

When Chong Yan was walking back with the woven bag on his back, Zhang Yuegui bought a handful of shallots and a bundle of green vegetables at the roadside vegetable stand. She cooked a pot of noodles at night, and dinner for the two of them was ready.As for breakfast, she usually gets up later than Chongyan. There are steamed buns at home, and Chongyan gets up early to boil some hot water, and she can deal with it with pickles.

There are only two people in the family, and life is simple.

Zhang Yuegui lived in the old residential building of the cotton spinning factory. It was the small two-room apartment that Chong Yan’s mother had allocated to her when she was in elementary school. After a long time, the building was dilapidated, and there were no lights in the corridor. She looked like Zhang Yuegui. Bad people have to carefully hold on to the handrails when going up and down the stairs.

After entering the door, Zhang Yuegui went to cook, and Chong Yan went to his room to do homework with his schoolbag.When the book was taken out, Chong Yan suddenly didn't want to write anymore.In case the development of the matter is still the same as in the previous life, it will only be a few days before he is brought back to the capital, and it seems to make no difference whether he writes his homework or not.Wen Hao would continue to come to the door if he didn't get the jadeite dragon pendant. After thinking about it for a while, Chong Yan felt that he had to say hello to the old lady first.In his previous life, Wen Hao came directly to the door, but the old lady was so angry that she was almost hospitalized.

Chong Yan left his homework and strolled to the door of the kitchen. Zhang Yuegui was bending over to take noodles from the cupboard. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he scolded without raising his head: "I miss eating all day long. Have you finished your homework yet?"

Chong Yan leaned against the door frame and looked at the old lady's thin figure, suddenly he felt a little uncomfortable.The old lady is not in good health, but the little savings left by her mother is really not worth anything.He's just in high school now, what kind of money can he make?If you want to treat the old lady, the only way is to cooperate with the Li family.

The old lady had a bad mouth and didn't want to see him because of the fucking thing.But anyway, his mother is just such an old woman, can he just leave it alone?

"Grandma," Chong Yan interrupted her nagging, "someone is looking for me today."

Zhang Yuegui looked up suspiciously.

Chong Yan gritted his teeth, "Judging from their tone, they should be from the capital."

Zhang Yuegui's eyes were dazed for a moment, and then he became furious, "You bastard, you still have the face to run to Linhai..."

Chong Yan interrupted her with a headache, "Grandma, I'm telling you something serious. They're here to find something."

Zhang Yuegui was stopped in the middle of scolding, and gasped for breath, "What are you looking for? The poplar tree was killed by their little beast, and what else do you want to slander us?!"

Chong Yan rolled his eyes, and said in his heart that it wasn't me who made the false accusations, so why are you angry with me?

"Tell me," Zhang Yuegui threw the water ladle on the chopping board with a thud, "What are you looking for? When Yang Shu was expelled from school with you, a bastard, he came back without any luggage, just carried it with him. I picked up a ragged bag and put a few changes of clothes in it..."

"Grandma, do you still want to hear it?" Chongyan became impatient, and it's fine to keep his mouth shut, but he didn't say anything. If he continues to talk nonsense, can he still talk about things?

Zhang Yuegui stared at him wheezingly, "Say it!"

"They're looking for something from the Li family." Chong Yan looked at her expressionlessly. He knew that Zhang Yuegui had put away the item. "It's very important. If we can't get it, we can never finish it."

Zhang Yuegui's eyes jumped.

Chong Yan said again: "Grandma, the Li family is powerful, we can't afford to mess with it."

Zhang Yuegui suddenly deflated like a punctured balloon, her lips trembled a few times, and her eye circles were also red.Chong Yan knew that she was being unworthy for her daughter, but so what?The situation is stronger than the people, ordinary people will never be able to compete with powerful and powerful families.Let him say that his mother should have avoided Li Chengyun in the first place, and no matter how dizzy she was, she shouldn't have mixed up with that kind of young master, and it would be clear that there would be no good results.

well.Chong Yan sighed old-fashionedly and said, "Nie Yuan."

Zhang Yuegui rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily: "My mother won't give it to them, if I really want something, let that bastard kneel on Yangshu's grave for three days!" Yangshu is Chongyan's mother's nickname.

Chong Yan said angrily: "Grandma, if you really don't give it, maybe the two of us will go to the grave to accompany my mother."

"How dare they?!" The old lady stared.

Chong Yan nodded solemnly, "They dare."

The old lady puffed up and sulked.

Chong Yan suddenly softened, walked over and patted her on the shoulder, "Grandma, they may come again in the next two days. If they do come, leave it to me. I'll go talk to them."

Zhang Yuegui gave him a displeased look, "What are you talking about?"

Chong Yan smiled, "Talk about what is best for both of us. At least you have to take out the money for your retirement from Li's pocket. You deserve it."

Zhang Yuegui sneered and gave him a sideways look, "Ugly words first, don't be blinded by wealth like your damn mother, you have to jump into that den of thieves by yourself! Such people are more ruthless than wolves, be careful!" There's not even a bone scum left!"

"I know." Chong Yanxin said, even if he didn't know, he would know if he lived a lifetime longer.

"As long as you know it in your heart." The old lady was in a bad mood, and she didn't bother to talk nonsense with him.Throw the vermicelli into the pot, stir it, and turn off the heat to serve the rice.Just as the old and the young sat down by the tea table with their rice bowls, there was a knock on the door outside.A gentle male voice shouted outside: "Is Chong Yan at home?"

Chong Yan sent the old lady into her own room to stay, and after eating the noodles in two mouthfuls, she came over to open the door while wiping her hands, and let people in.

Or those people who blocked him during the day.Except for Wen Hao, the other big guys consciously stayed outside the door.

Wen Hao glanced at the small living room of less than twenty square meters, frowned and sat down on the wooden sofa.Chong Yan sat across from him carelessly, didn't even bring a cup of hot water, and didn't have the slightest sense of entertaining guests as a host.Wen Hao frowned even tighter.After what happened in the afternoon, he felt a bit of Chong Yan's temperament. It's hard to say whether this person is soft or not, but he definitely doesn't eat hard. If he wants to get things as soon as possible, he has to try a different method.

"That, Chongyan," Wen Hao put on the posture of an elder. In fact, isn't Li Chengyun's son his nephew?The two young masters in the family always called him "Second Uncle" when they saw him, "Let me introduce myself first, my surname is Wen, and I'm from the Li family in the capital." A young man across the street.

"Oh." Chong Yan looked indifferent, as if no matter what he said, he couldn't arouse his interest.

Wen Hao coughed, "I don't know what you did to your parents..."

"Sir, you probably don't know about my family's situation," Chong Yan solemnly interrupted him, "When my mother was studying in Beijing, she met a hooligan who tricked me into giving birth, so I didn't father."

Wen Hao, "..."

I don't know if it's his own illusion, Wen Hao always feels that there is something else when Chong Yan said this.He shouldn't be very old, but the calmness of his demeanor makes it hard to think of him as a teenager.Especially his eyes are clear and cold, as if nothing can be hidden from him.

For a moment, Wen Hao was not sure how far to speak.

"Let's talk straight," Chong Yan was impatient at first.It's not that he can't hold his breath, but that Wen Hao is his defeated opponent, and it's hard for him to treat him as an equal opponent in his heart.

Wen Hao coughed twice and said, "That's right, when your father and mother were together, they..."

"It goes without saying," Chong Yan interrupted him, "I know everything."

Wen Hao was slightly startled, "You know?"

"If you have something to say, let's just talk about it." There was a hint of playfulness in Chong Yan's eyes, he could see that Wen Hao planned to make up some reason to beautify Li Chengyun—only after laying the groundwork can he ask for things.But Chongyan didn't have the patience to listen to his stories. He listened to it out of curiosity in his previous life, and it has been disgusting for more than ten years.

A strange feeling suddenly surged in Wen Hao's heart, as if the person sitting opposite him was not a young man who grew up in a small city and had never seen the world, but an evenly matched opponent at the negotiating table, even stronger than him.

Wen Hao felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

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