heavy rock

Chapter 23

The jeep merged into the mighty car river, and the eyes were full of flashing lights.Streetlights, car lights, nearby shops and residences, skyscrapers in the distance...the stars on the sky are dimmed.The night is like a thick curtain, quietly supporting this grotesque world.

Qin Dongyue lowered the car window, held the steering wheel with one hand, fumbled with the other to light a cigarette for himself, and asked lightly, "Can Chong Yan drive?"

Chong Yan hesitated between "yes" and "no", and said honestly: "I don't dare to go on the road without a driver's license."

Qin Dongyue stared ahead, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and the contours of his brows and eyes softened, "It's the same as Xiao An. Don't look at him always blowing his hair and making noises, but he is actually very timid."

Chong Yan could also see that Qin Dong'an was a proper paper tiger in front of his brother.

"Qin Dong'an has a good temper."

Qin Dongyue pursed his lips and smiled, "Yeah, he has a good temper and soft ears, so silly."

Chong Yan's heart twitched, secretly pondering the meaning of his words.He was a little suspicious that he had misunderstood something in his villainous heart, but would a man like Qin Dongyue say something meaningless without a target?Chong Yan thinks this should be a kind of veiled warning, or he thinks that Qin Dongan has heard something from him that affects him, and he is worried that he is trying to use Qin Dongan's soft ears to achieve what purpose?

Looking at the magnificent and cold night outside the window, Chong Yan said lightly, "Brother Qin can speak directly if he has something to say."

Qin Dongyue twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling a little complicated in his heart.Also at the age of 17, some children only know how to eat and play, such as his family Xiaoan.Some are as transparent as if they had given birth to an exquisite heart.

"I know you are very close to Xiaoan," Qin Dongyue smiled slightly, with a warm look in his eyes, the thick and roundness of an adult man leaking from his bones like wine, faintly carrying the coercion of a superior person, "Or me I'm thinking too much, but I should remind you of something. If you and Xiao An are only congenial, then you've heard these words. If you have other plans... Xiao An actually doesn't know the two Li family members very well. Young master. He is a child at heart, and he doesn't have much contact with those children in the circle."

Chong Yan unconsciously closed his eyes.

Sure enough.

"Young Master Qin is really a good brother." Chong Yan smiled lightly, and looked back calmly, "But you think too much."

The car stopped at the intersection, and Qin Dongyue and him looked at each other quietly, one pair of eyes was full of thinking and scrutiny for proof, while the other pair of eyes were indifferent and empty, as calm as water.Qin Dongyue couldn't tell anything from his expression. The boy whose ears were red and his hands and feet were stiff when Tang Yi held his hand seemed to be just his own illusion.

The red light turned green, and the car behind me honked its horn.

Qin Dongyue withdrew his gaze and smiled inexplicably, "Maybe I'm thinking too much, but there is only a child like Xiao An in the family, so it's hard to think too much."

Chong Yan didn't answer his words.

In fact, Qin Dongyue's insinuation at this level is considered very polite. After all, he has no power or power. As an illegitimate child who lives under the fence, even if someone kills him outside, it is unlikely that someone will jump out and say a word for him.It's normal for Qin Dongyue to suspect that he has ulterior motives. Putting his identity and Qin Dongan's identity together, it's obvious that he's a high-ranking man.Or in Qin Dongyue's view, with his identity, he would have close contacts with Qin Dongan, and it is very likely that he wanted to use Qin Dongan's identity to open a gap for him to contact with the children of the aristocratic family.

In this world, marriages between men and women are not the only ones that pay attention to a well-matched family.But some things are like this. It is one thing for you to have a guess, but it is another thing for the guessed thing to actually happen.Faced with such straightforward suspicions and warnings, Chong Yan was not disappointed.

After a moment of silence, Qin Dongyue said again: "Gong Hao told me about the recording. Are you very concerned about the Gong family's affairs?"

It turned out that the suspicion came from here - he had a good relationship with Qin Dongan, and he used Qin Dongan to hook up with Gong Zhi, so this good brother thinks that he is brazenly using his innocent younger brother?It seems that the relationship between the Qin family and the Gong family is still good, Qin Dong'an is probably still young and doesn't socialize much, that's why he said he doesn't know the Gong family.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Qin Dongyue asked again: "I heard that you specially asked Gong Zhi to meet?"

"I owed Gong Zhi a favor before, and this time I just paid it back." Chong Yan was not a good-tempered person in the first place, and for Qin Dong'an's sake, he endured it for a long time, and his patience was exhausted. "If you have nothing to ask Yes, please stop on the side of the road."

Qin Dongyue raised his eyebrows, with a smile in his eyes, "Your temper is not as good as it looks."

There seemed to be a ball of steam at the bottom of the heavy rock core that was constantly shrinking and expanding. I couldn't help but reached out and slammed on the car door, "I said stop!"

Qin Dongyue parked the car on the side of the road, and Chong Yan pushed the door and got out of the car without saying a word.

"Hey, kid," Qin Dongyue reached out and grabbed his wrist without thinking too much, "I said these are not..."

Chong Yan struggled for a while and did not break free, his whole body became irritable, and he clenched his fist and swung it over like a conditioned reflex.The distance between them was too close, and Qin Dongyue was completely unprepared, not to mention the small space in the car, there was not much room to hide.Therefore, although the punch passed the bridge of the nose, it hit his cheekbone firmly.When Chong Yan lost control of his emotions, he couldn't control his own strength at all. Qin Dongyue could clearly hear the crisp knocking sound of Chong Yan's finger bones.

Chong Yan almost yelled out in pain, his fist was shaking non-stop when he retracted it, and he couldn't stretch his fingers at all.

Qin Dongyue was also a little dumbfounded, how did things turn out like this?

Chong Yan took a deep breath, "I think you made a mistake, Young Master Qin, even if you are Qin Dongan's brother, you have nothing to do with me, what position do you think you have to ask about my affairs ?”

Qin Dongyue was dumbfounded.

Chong Yan withdrew his hand, opened the door and got out of the car.

Qin Dongyue came back to his senses, got out of the car quickly, and chased after him, "I'm sorry, today's matter is because I overtook..."

Chong Yan stood on the side of the road raising his hand to stop the car, without turning his head, he said: "I already understand what Young Master Qin means, don't worry, with your reminder, I will never dare to hit your young master." idea."

Qin Dongyue also felt that he had gone too far, or that he had used the wrong strategy and shouldn't scare Chong Yan as a child who didn't know the rules.

Qin Dongyue took a deep breath, "I apologize to you."

"Is your apology worth it?" Chong Yan stopped a taxi, opened the door and turned to look at him, his eyes filled with pure doubt and disgust, "Why do people like you always think that others are not as valuable as you?" What about it? Don’t you feel great about yourself?!”

Qin Dongyue, "..."

The doors close and the taxi slides into the constant traffic and is quickly out of sight.

Qin Dongyue stood on the side of the road and watched the car leave, suddenly feeling a little headache.With things like this, how would he explain to Xiao An?

Chong Yan sat in the taxi holding his right hand and rubbed it for a long time, and the stabbing pain gradually calmed down.

From a rational point of view, there was nothing wrong with Qin Dongyue's actions. He treasured his younger brother, and was afraid that someone with malicious intentions would use his younger brother as a pedal in the name of the two brothers and bully him.If it were another person, Chong Yan might pat Qin Dongan on the shoulder and admire enviously, "Your brother is really kind to you." But when that awkward role falls on him, this feeling is not so pleasant up.

No matter how much people clamor that feelings cannot be measured by material things, in fact, how many feelings can really jump out of the material framework?Money, status, power, these things are like special coordinates, they determine what kind of life you will live, what kind of people you will meet, and what kind of things will happen.The Li family, the Gong family, the Qin family... These families belong to the same class, and they will unconsciously protect the interests of this class when they are among them.In their view, Chong Yan's identity is not on the table, he has no power, no money, and a little bit of self-defeating ambition.

But so.

The taxi stopped outside the gate of the "Shanshuiwan" community, and Chong Yan paid the fare shaking his paws, only to notice a car parked at the gate of the community when he got off.In an army green Jeep, a tall man leaned against the door and smoked.

Chong Yan scolded mother in his heart, is this over yet? !

Seeing him get out of the car, Qin Dongyue took out a box from the car window and walked towards him.Those were cookies baked by Tang Yi, because Chong Yan loved them, he specially packed a box for him.The two had an argument just now, Chong Yan slammed the door and got out of the car, holding his breath in his heart, there was still a box of snacks there.

Qin Dongyue handed the box in front of him, smiled kindly, "Hey, something was left behind."

Chong Yan took the box and nodded indifferently, "Thank you. Go back and thank Mrs. Qin for me."

Qin Dongyue felt a little powerless, "Auntie" has become "Mrs. Qin", which shows that he is angry.

"The words just now may not sound good," Qin Dongyue decided to appease the furious child, otherwise Qin Dong'an would have to gossip with him, "However, if you consider from my standpoint..."

Chong Yan interrupted him, "Why should I consider from your standpoint?"

Qin Dongyue, "..."

"Actually, I also think you're right. Since you're right, please stop explaining too much, Mr. Qin. Since you want to pretend, please pretend to the end."

Qin Dongyue, "..."

Why does this poor kid have such a nasty mouth?It's a pity for his pretty little face to be so mean.

Chong Yan turned his head and left.If you don't go, you can't, and he wants to do it again.But no matter how angry he is, he still has self-knowledge. What does he do? The instructor of the Imperial Army, he is a gangster who came out of an alley, can he beat him?Chong Yan can be regarded as a person who has seen the world, but no matter how self-restraining he is, it feels different when he faces others' behind-the-scenes discussions and face-to-face scolding.The only consolation is that this person is not related to me, even if I get angry, there is a limit to it.

Chong Yan walked on the tree-lined road in the community, while relaxing himself, he ate the biscuits baked by Tang Yi to comfort himself.Although this son hates him, his mother is still very cute, she smiles kindly, her hands are soft, and she can make snacks.In fact, in terms of dim sum making skills alone, Tang Yi's level is very average.A rich housewife has nothing to do and only takes this as a hobby. How good can she be?But it's just killing time.But the food made at home, for some reason, tastes different from the ones bought outside.Chong Yan thought about it all the way, and got a vague idea of ​​the "mother's taste" mentioned in the novel and movie.Although the biscuit box was half empty, his mood gradually improved.

However, today was destined to be an unpleasant day for him. Before he could go downstairs, he saw the light in his living room was on from a distance.

Chongyan suddenly caught fire.

md, one or two don't treat him as a human being.My own father doesn't take him seriously, so it's no wonder that others treat him as garbage and step on him.

When Chong Yan got out of the elevator, he saw that the door of his house was ajar, so he went up and kicked the door open.

The heavy wooden door swung open and slammed heavily against the low cabinet in the entrance. A pot of green radishes on the corner of the low cabinet shook twice and fell down, making an ear-piercing shattering sound.

The people in the room were startled, and when they opened their eyes, they saw Chong Yan standing at the door with a black face as if he had taken gunpowder, and immediately became a little angry, and opened their mouths and scolded: "Just enter the door, why do you look like you want to kill someone? "

Chong Yan looked at Li Chengyun who was sitting on the sofa with a murderous look on his face, "Why are you here?! How did you get in?"

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