heavy rock

Chapter 68

Chongyan caught the bell of the next night's self-study, and rushed out of the classroom with his schoolbag.Qin Dong'an had been on guard for a long time. When he moved, he also jumped up and ran out.The teacher who was packing up on the podium was taken aback by the two children's convulsions, and thought that the two children had a stomachache?Can't hold it anymore?

Chong Yan ignored Qin Dongan who was crying and howling behind him, and ran all the way out of the school gate. Just as he was about to pull out his phone to ask Lin Quan where he parked his car, he saw a familiar figure flashing behind the flower bed by the roadside, striding forward walked towards him.Chong Yan was stunned for a moment before he realized, "Qin Dongyue?!"

The light from the street lamp gave this man a weather-beaten look, as if he had rushed back from a far away place.Seeing Chong Yan's dazed look, he seemed to smile a little, and there was a faint yellow light in his deep eyes, as gentle as an illusion, "Why are you running in such a hurry?"

Chong Yan blinked, and said like a ghost: "Are you back?"

"Well, come back and deal with the flower shop."

Chong Yan hurriedly said, "Let me tell you..."

Qin Dongyue shook his head with a smile, and interrupted him, "Chongyan, I'm here just to tell you, leave this matter to me. I know you are good at business. But we are a partner People, Lin Quan, Lin Pei and I are not simply your subordinates. Therefore, you have to learn to let others share the pressure with you. '36 County' is not yours alone. If we hide behind and share the money , let you charge forward alone, then who are we? Huh?"

Chong Yan was silent, should he be right?

Qin Dongyue put his hands on his shoulders, looked at him very solemnly and said, "Chongyan, do you believe me?"

Chong Yan would like to ask him, what kind of belief does he mean by "believe"?Trust him to handle business well?Believe in his character?Or do you believe that what he said, don't worry about him, is the truth?Chong Yan thought in confusion, this actually means the same thing... What am I thinking...

Qin Dongyue pressed him hard against his chest, with a little helplessness in his voice, "I said, can't you consider our self-esteem?"

Chong Yan really didn't know how to answer this question. He was used to standing on a high ground and giving orders, letting others solve problems according to his ideas.But he lacks the experience of moving forward alongside others.He has always thought that if there are people around him, it will be a great threat to him... Well, the current situation seems to be an exception.

"For the past few days, you are staying at my house temporarily, and you will go to and from school with Xiao An."

"What does it mean to live at your house?" Chong Yan straightened up and pushed him away a little, looking at him dissatisfied, "Are you worried that someone will come to my house to smash the glass?"

"Listen to me," Qin Dongyue patted him lightly on the shoulder, "This incident has already alarmed the media. It is not difficult to find out how many shareholders there are in '36 County'. Some people want to make this matter big. That's for sure. I'm afraid someone will chase you to block people. After all, you are still a high school student, and it will be difficult if you are involved in the school. What if the principal fires you in a fit of anger? Besides... "Besides, the situation is unclear now, and Qin Dongyue is worried that he will be in danger alone.

"How could you be expelled?" Chong Yan was dissatisfied with his guess, "I didn't violate the school rules and regulations."

"The influence is not good. People's schools also need to focus on image." Qin Dongyue smiled as if begging for mercy, "Chong Yan, can you save us some face? All things will be settled by you, the big boss. , are we all just watching?"

It is quite understandable for him to say that Chongyan, man, who doesn't care about face?

"I'll stay at my house during this time." Qin Dongyue emphasized, "I'll go back to your own place when things are over."

"Why? It's not like I don't have a home." Chongyan was unhappy, he didn't like to live in other people's homes, and he had to go to the bathroom to see other people's faces.Of course, you can't say that when facing Qin Dongyue, "Look, I have a lot of bad living habits, such as... For example, I like to sleep naked when I sleep. Can I be naked in your house?"

Qin Dongyue's breathing paused subtly, and he replied irrelevantly, "I can do it later."

"Huh?" Chong Yan didn't hear clearly, and was still trying to reason with him, "...and there are a lot of reference books and so on, which are used in class, and I still keep them in my own home."

Qin Dongyue was unmoved, "Use Xiaoan's."

Chong Yan looked at him sincerely, "I know you want to prove that you can stand on your own. This idea is very good, and I will support it, Brother Qin. I will leave this matter to you. But I don't have to live in your house go."

Qin Dongyue had a headache as to how to persuade him. Now that they didn't know who was behind the scenes, he was really worried about Chongyan going in alone.If you live in Qin's house, you will have a driver to pick you up from school, and the security facilities in the community are more comprehensive. After all, most of the residents in that area are government officials.

Qin Dongyue was worrying, and saw Qin Dongan who was chasing from the school gate, his eyes lit up, and he took his younger brother over as an excuse, "Chongyan, I have to be busy with this matter these days, here at home I'm afraid I can't take care of it. What kind of background do these people have behind them? We don't know if they have any grudges against '36 County'. I'm actually a little worried about Xiao An. He is young and heartless. You Live in my house, stay with him when you come out and go in, I will feel more at ease."

It is really difficult for Chongyan to refute this reason, "...Okay."

Qin Dongan, "..."

He was close enough to hear it all!Qin Dong'an angrily despised his elder brother in his heart, how could he be so shameless when he was in a relationship, he wouldn't talk nonsense, and even used his younger brother as a gunman!If you want him to help look at the girl of your dreams, just say so, and he won't refuse.Really!

Qin Dongyue reached out and patted Qin Dongan's head lightly, "You and the driver go back first. I'll take Chongyan home, take a few changes of clothes and go back."

Qin Dongan glared at him, and called back when he went to his own home, and called home when he went to Chongyan's house.This is the evidence that the elbow has been turned out before even passing the door, right?

Qin Dongyue carried his younger brother into the car, told them to go home first, and then took him to find Lin Quan.When they came over just now, they parked the car at the intersection in front of them.Lin Quan was waiting impatiently by the side of the car, when he saw them coming over he smiled and said to Chong Yan: "Boss, this time you just wait for the good news."

Chong Yan is also thinking about it now, he is worried that his weak ability will be underestimated by other shareholders, and it is not surprising that other shareholders have the same idea.If Qin Dongyue and Lin Quan took this crisis as a platform to demonstrate their abilities, why should he object?Shopping malls are like battlefields, everyone needs to show their strength in exchange for the trust of their peers.From another perspective, this is actually a kind of running-in.

Back at "Shanshui Bay", Chong Yan packed up a few things and went downstairs. Before leaving, he left a note for the nanny, telling her that she doesn't need to cook or buy vegetables for a few days, as long as she cleans up and feeds the fish. .

Qin Dongyue stood by the car and waited for him. Seeing him coming out, he took the bag in his hand and placed it on the front passenger seat, and then took him into the back seat.

It's the attitude of a protector.Even Lin Quan, who was acting as a temporary driver, noticed this.But he just glanced at Chongyan who didn't seem to think about it, and said nothing wisely.

Qin Dongyue kept his arms on Chong Yan's shoulders, as if he wanted him to lean on him.Chong Yan felt that this posture...was a little awkward, but Qin Dongyue always had a pensive expression, and occasionally said a few words, all of which were business affairs.Chong Yan felt that he and his younger brother were probably used to riding in this posture in the car, and he didn't even react to the sudden change.And seeing that Qin Dongyue's attention was obviously not in the car, it would be embarrassing for him to say it on purpose.

The two brothers sent Chongyan outside Qin's house, turned around and left after putting them down.

This walk is half a month.

Chong Yan felt that he had tasted the pain of pretending to be generous.

What is full trust, letting others do it... This is not Chong Yan's style of doing things at all. He should name Qin Dongyue to be responsible for handling this crisis, and then arrange for another person to assist - this person cannot be Lin Quan.Then pull a third party on both sides and slime...

Not knowing the first-hand information made Chong Yan feel restless.He didn't know how far the situation had progressed, whether they really had control of the situation, or whether he needed to take action himself.It was inconvenient for Chongyan to call Qin Dongyue and Lin Quan every day to ask about the situation, so he had to call the manager of the flower shop on the sidelines or go online to check by himself.There is news on the Internet, but there are all kinds of things. Some people stand on the side of consumers and scold them unscrupulous businessmen, and some speculate that it is malicious competition among peers. Some people even say that this is an alternative hype of "36 counties", but there is no An authoritative statement.

On the third day after Qin Dongyue left, Chongyan heard that this matter had reached the Flower Association, and the Flower Association set up an expert group to coordinate the matter.

Two days later, all physical evidence was handed over to the police.

By the end of this week, the police determined that the mastermind behind the whole incident was a flower company named "Huapu". They were dissatisfied because "County 36" had snatched the order from them, and deliberately planned the accident. Want to discredit the "36 counties" reputation.After expert testimony, the physical evidence they provided is not the same species as the bonsai sold by "36 counties" although they look similar in appearance.The highly toxic pesticides that caused such a commotion were found in a remote warehouse of the "Hua Pu" company after identification by witnesses.

A week later, the TV station's golden talk show broadcast the ins and outs of the "poisonous bonsai" incident. The program interspersed with a TV documentary about the quality inspection of "36 counties" organized and planned by Qin Dongyue.At the end of the program, the host earnestly called for rational competition in the market.

Chong Yan sat cross-legged on Qin Dongyue's big bed, watching the follow-up report on this matter in the evening newspaper that day, feeling inexplicable in his heart.He didn't do anything, and the matter was over?really over?

Chong Yan stared at the ceiling for a while, then turned off the light, huddled under the quilt and continued to ponder: My partner is quite capable, is this a good thing or not?I'm still a little lost, alas.

When Chong Yan fell into a drowsy sleep, he felt that there was an extra person in the room, and then the quilt was pulled away, and a body still covered with moisture dented the mattress beside him.

Chong Yan woke up suddenly.

The lights in the room were not turned on, but the lawn lights outside the window were still on. The soft light cast a hazy mist in the room, and the figures in the mist had familiar silhouettes that made him feel at ease.

"Oh, you're back?"

When Qin Dongyue heard this dreamy whisper, he paused in the movement of lifting the quilt, and said softly: "Woke you up? I didn't expect... I thought you were in Xiaoan's room. Uh, it's midnight, and the guest room hasn't been cleaned yet... ..."

It was only then that Chong Yan realized that he was living in Qin Dongyue's bedroom, and he was a little embarrassed.It's all because Qin Dong'an swore that his brother would not come back anytime soon, so he lived in his bedroom with confidence.

Qin Dongyue tentatively said: "It's so late, let's make it right? Anyway, the bed is big enough, and the two of you won't be too crowded."

Chong Yan moved in silently. He could hear the tiredness in Qin Dongyue's voice, and couldn't help asking, "Is it all resolved?"

"It's all resolved, and I'll report to you tomorrow." Qin Dongyue let out a long sigh of relief, and before he had time to savor the wonderful situation of sharing the bed with the person in his dream for the first time, he fell asleep in a daze.

Chong Yan couldn't sleep anymore, suddenly there was another person in the room, and the whole feeling was different.Suddenly, there seemed to be something invisible and intangible in the air, but something that people could really feel.The warm and healthy body, the long and steady breathing of another person in the night, these are things from a long, long time ago in my memory.

Chong Yan suddenly couldn't remember the last time he spent the night with a warm body beside him.

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