According to the custom, on the second day of the new year, Uncle Yunzhuang's family will come to Yunfeiyang's house to pay New Year's greetings.

Yun Feiyang dislikes his uncle's family even more than his aunt's family.It's really long to say this, and I have to start when my grandparents were still alive.

The grandfather of the Yun family was a worker in a state-owned brick factory in Lincheng, and the grandmother was a typical housewife.The grandparents preferred the youngest son, and both sons joined the factory when they grew up. The eldest son, Yunting, was only a temporary worker and family worker, while the youngest son, Yunzhuang, replaced his father's official staff after his father retired.

At that time, there was a big difference between family workers and regular workers. Regular workers went to and from work normally, bragging and chatting in the workshop, and when the time came to turn on the machine, the day’s work was over and they could easily receive money at the end of the month; Wherever the workshop is dirty, tired, or busy, I will go to that workshop to help with the work, and the wages are still calculated on a piece-by-piece basis. Not to mention the hard work, the money I get is much less than that of regular workers.

Yun Ting has been doing family work for many years.He got married in the early 80s, his son Yun Feiyang was born, his wife didn't have a formal job, and his life began to struggle.Yun Ting thought about it, gritted his teeth, and decided that he would rather be a self-employed stall than work in a factory.For this matter, he was scolded by his parents and even threatened to sever the relationship.

Holding his breath, Yun Ting Leng successfully found a way to do fruit business, gradually got started, and then twins were born, and the family life became better and better.

At that time, the Yun family had already separated, and it was agreed that Yun Zhuang would take care of the parents, and Yun Ting would pay the maintenance every month.Yun Zhuang was jealous that his brother's situation was better than his own, so in addition to getting alimony, he went to Yun Ting's house several times to borrow money under various names and refused to repay it, such as his parents were sick, his relationship was going away for promotion, and his wife had something to do at home. , Daughter wants to eat milk powder, etc., and so on.

In the 90s, the brick factory where Yunzhuang was located began to decline due to poor management.However, Yun Zhuang had a good calculation: How much can he spend a month to support his parents?But he took hundreds of dollars from Yunting every month, equivalent to more than a month's salary in the factory, not counting the money borrowed in various names!He firmly held his father's retirement salary in his hands, and did not give his brother a penny. Even after his parents died, he monopolized the house and property that the old couple left to the brothers.

Yun Feiyang remembered that he only found out when he graduated from university in his last life that his uncle's family used this method to collect money from his own family. He borrowed tens of thousands of money and did not pay back. Set of two-room households.The family owns two properties, one for self-occupation and one for rent, and lives a very comfortable life.Only Yun Feiyang's father, Yun Ting, was an honest man and thought they were not doing well.

Forget it all, it's a matter between the parents, and Yun Feiyang shouldn't be the one to hold grudges, but he clearly remembers that when he was in college, his father was pushed by his uncle, made a mistake in decision-making, and rashly invested in something he was not good at. In the fruit import business, one truck overturned and was destroyed on the way, and the other truck was pulled back. Because it was sold at the vegetable market, the price was too high and no one cared about it. In the end, most of it broke, and all the money was lost. drift.At that time, my father lost his old face and begged to my uncle's house to ask my uncle to return the money I borrowed in the past few years, so that I could use the money to repurchase some original domestic fruits to sell and tide over the difficulties.

But he was scolded out of the house by his uncle and aunt!Scold him for failing in business, what are they doing!Said that the money borrowed in the past was used to honor grandparents, and it had been used up long ago, and the funeral of grandparents was also arranged by them. Father Yun is an unfilial son, and he dared to use the money to talk about things!

God knows, Father Yun paid for all the grandparents' funeral expenses, but the uncle's family took away the condolence money and family money given by the work unit and those who came to express their condolences.

When they tell such lies, they are really not afraid of the wind flashing their tongues!But the honest father actually believed them.

Father Yun was told that he was ashamed to death, that he had no more money in his hands, and that he couldn't make a comeback, so he learned to be like his uncle, drinking to drown his sorrows all day long, and gradually became an alcoholic.

...Those are things from the previous life.

On the night of the first day of the new year, Yun Feiyang thought of these past events in the bedroom, squeezed his fists, and was filled with grief and indignation.

At this moment, the phone in the living room rang, and my father answered it. It sounded like he was talking to his uncle.

Yun Feiyang walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa.When his father hung up the phone, he said casually, "Dad, is it uncle?"

"Yes, your uncle's family is going to come over to pay New Year's greetings tomorrow." Father Yun's face remained normal, and he instructed Yun Mu, "Dongmei, are you ready for the red envelope? Put a big red envelope for Yiyi later and give it to her tomorrow."

Yun Yiyi is Yun Zhuang's daughter, Yun Feiyang's cousin, the same age as Yun Shan and Yun Yue.

Mica nodded in response.

Yunyue and Yun Yiyi have a good relationship, and they are quite happy, "Yiyi is coming tomorrow, I haven't seen her for a long time." The conversation between the two little girls is something that brothers and parents can't listen to.

Yun Feiyang's heart tightened, and he pretended to ask curiously: "Dad, how much money did you give Yiyi?"

Father Yun frowned, "What are you asking about this?"

"Hehe, I'm just curious," Yun Feiyang smiled innocently, "Last year my uncle gave me, Yunshan, and Yunyue [-] each. I think you must give Yiyi at least [-]."

He said this sentence on purpose.Regarding the New Year's money, every relative must actually maintain a balance of numbers.The total sum of the three children of the Yun family is the same as that of Yun Yiyi alone, which should be normal logically.

Of course Yun Feiyang knew that what his parents gave Yun Yiyi last year was five hundred.The three brothers and sisters in my family only earned one hundred and fifty together, and Yun Yiyi earned more than double that.

Father Yun didn't take it seriously, but because of these words, Yunmu on the side began to have doubts, "Feiyang, what are you talking about? Your uncle only gave you fifty each? So little?"

Yun Feiyang nodded.

Yun Shan supported his brother, "That's right, all the classmates in my class can get one hundred."

Xie Dongmei looked at Yun Ting, "Then I will give Yiyi a red envelope tomorrow depending on the situation."

"There's nothing to care about this small amount of money." Yun Ting waved his hand, "Our family's situation is better than that of my brother's. It's nothing to give the children some lucky money."

Xie Dongmei listened, so it's not good to say anything else.

Yun Feiyang hesitated, how to reveal the fact that his uncle's family owned real estate.If he said it rashly at this time, the source of the news would not be able to make up.We can only wait and see what happens tomorrow, and it is best to trick them into talking about it.

My father always had the impression of the past in his mind, and felt that his uncle had a worse life than him, so he should help.In fact, that was all uncle's way of crying poor, so how bad could it be?In fact, it is much better than the aunt's family. At least the uncle and aunt are regular workers and have a fixed salary!

Yun Feiyang groaned, raised his hand to grab a handful of melon seeds, and thought of countermeasures while eating.After a while, he ran to his mother and sat down, whispering something in her ear.After hearing this, Yun Mu nodded again and again.

On the afternoon of the second day of the Lunar New Year, Yun Zhuang brought his wife and daughter to the door with a hypocritical smile, "Brother, congratulations on the new year!"

Yun Yiyi doesn't have the exquisite taste of Yun's children, she looks ordinary, not as delicate as Yunyue, but the little girl has already learned how to draw her eyebrows at the age of junior high school, her mouth is also quite sweet, she stepped forward with a smile and said: "Uncle, aunt Good! Happy New Year!"

The children of the Yun family also hurriedly greeted their uncle and aunt.

The Yunzhuang family walked in and sat down. Aunt Xiao Hong took out three red envelopes and stuffed them lovingly into the hands of the three children.It feels thick to the touch, and it feels like more than one piece of money.

Yun Feiyang took it over to thank him, still thinking in his heart, could it be that these two have changed their sex?

Mica Xie Dongmei touched her body, and patted her head with an "Aiya", "Look at my memory, I put Yiyi's New Year's money in the room, and I will bring it here right away. Yiyi is waiting!" Turning around and leaving the living room .

"Auntie, it's okay." Yun Yiyi smiled sweetly.

Yun Feiyang also got up and followed his mother out.

It turned out that he reached a consensus with his mother last night, first wait for the red envelope from his uncle's house, and he immediately took it out to see how much it was, and told his mother, who would decide how much to give.

Yun Feiyang walked into his parents' room, took out the red envelope and opened it to have a look. Immediately, the mother and son looked at each other, completely speechless.

Ten five-dollar bills were folded and placed inside.Last year, it was five ten yuan, but this year it has improved, and there is a thick stack.

... people do things.

With a grimace, Xie Dongmei took out three of the five hundred-yuan bills prepared last night, put the remaining two in, and then brought them to the living room, and handed them to Yun Yiyi with a smiling face.

Yun Yiyi's expression froze obviously, as if she was a little thin.After all, she was a little girl, so she was not good at putting on a show, so she immediately pouted, and then "politely" thanked her.

After this little episode passed, no one else knew about it and didn't talk much about it.

Yunyue pulled Yun Yiyi into her room, and the two little girls whispered.

"Last time you told me about the monitor of your class? How are you doing?" Yun Yiyi's tone was not at all like that of a 13-year-old girl. On the bed sheet, kicked off the slippers, and stepped on Yunyue's pillow, the polite and sensible look in the living room just now disappeared.

Yunyue frowned, but she couldn't say anything about her, so she walked over and sat down, "Hush, keep your voice down, it will be troublesome if my parents hear you. I told you because we have a good relationship, don't mess around speak."

"I understand, I understand, hehehe," Yun Yiyi shook her legs, and squinted at Yunyue, "Look at you, if you like it, you like it. What's so great, go and tell him!"

Under the protection of her mother, Yunyue has a relatively tender and pure personality, so she is naturally not a girl like Yun Yiyi who pretends to be cute in front of her elders and is a little sister behind her back.Like the class monitor, she dare not tell anyone at home, because Yunshan will definitely laugh at her and poke it out, and her eldest brother Yun Feiyang will definitely teach her, not to mention her parents.So I can only talk to a few close female classmates and my cousin who is about the same age.

Yun Yiyi is only three months older than her, in Yunyue's opinion, Yun Yiyi must be able to understand her melancholy.

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