If you agree to this bet, it's not good to be passive so early; but if you don't agree to him, will it make him unhappy?

Yun Feiyang was in a dilemma, and suddenly heard the system softly [嗤], [Also said that he has the initiative, just like you!Play if you want to play, don't play if you don't want to play!Why think so much!boring! 】Yun Feiyang choked speechlessly, and glanced at Guihai Fengxing, the boy's eyes were full of hope, but his expression was so drawn to death, it was so funny.Yun Feiyang was really helpless against this young boy.

Well, just play it, anyway, I have played even more extreme ones...

He opened his mouth, "..."

At this moment, there was another knock on the door.

Guihai Fengxing gritted his back molars, turned his head 90 degrees suddenly, and shouted at the door, "Come in!"

The waiter opens the door.

Guihai Fengxing shouted again: "What's the matter!"

The waiter probably heard that the customer was in a bad mood, and lowered his head in trepidation, "Young Master Feng, I'm sorry to bother you. That's right, a kid downstairs said he came to see you... I don't know if it's your friend, so I went in first. Come and ask."

"Child?" Guihai Fengxing was puzzled, "What kind of child, how old is it?"

"Thirteen or fourteen years old," the waiter replied quickly, "like a junior high school student. He said he saw you walking in, and said he came to see his brother."

I go!Yun Feiyang was stunned, could it be Yunshan!No way!I knew this kid wouldn't stay at home honestly!He hurriedly said: "That... Guihai Fengxing, I'll go down and have a look, it might be my brother."

"Your brother?" Gui Hai Fengxing was taken aback, "Why did your brother come here?" He had seen Yun Feiyang and two smaller boys and girls together from a distance, so he probably knew they were his younger siblings.

Yun Feiyang bit the bullet and said: "Well, I'll explain it to you later, I'll go down and have a look first."

Guihai Fengxing waved his hand, "Go."

Yun Feiyang followed the waiter downstairs, went to the door and saw that it was indeed Yunshan, looking inside, saw his brother, immediately laughed, "Brother! It really is you!"

Yun Feiyang put on a tiger face, "Who told you to come!"

Yun Shan saw that he wasn't really angry, he wasn't too afraid of him at the moment, and he knew that his brother was soft-hearted, so he was confident, smiled salivatingly, and pulled his T-shirt, "Brother, let me play with you guys, Take me! Take me!"

Yun Feiyang gave him a shudder on the forehead, "I told you no, you are still like this! Go and play with your classmates!"

"I don't, I'll just go with you! Are you playing billiards? I want to play too, I will!" Yun Shan yelled, covering his forehead.

"Fuck, I owe you? Whose younger brother is as annoying as you!" Yun Feiyang grabbed him by the back of his neck and led him into the door, "I warn you, don't make trouble for a while, do you hear me? This friend It's my new acquaintance, he is different from us! Don't talk nonsense."

"What's the difference, ouch, brother, you let go, it's uncomfortable!" Yun Shan held his back collar with both hands, muttering all the way.The waiters watching along the way were all laughing at the two brothers. It is really rare for such two people to appear in high-end entertainment clubs.

Yun Feiyang pushed the door open and entered the room, put the Yunshan he was carrying aside, and then smiled embarrassedly at Guihai Fengxing: "It's really my brother, he followed us here secretly, you... don't mind, right? ?”

Guihai Fengxing glanced at the child standing there adjusting his collar, and said a cold "huh".For the sake of Yun Feiyang's younger brother, he didn't care about it.If other people disturbed them, he would definitely kill him with a knife!

It's over, now you can't play games that are not suitable for children, what is this little kid doing here!

Yun Feiyang patted Yun Shan on the head, "What are you doing standing there, you have no manners at all, hurry up and call someone! This is... Brother Feng!"

Guihai Fengxing twitched his lips when he heard this address.

Along the way, Yun Shan's big eyes, which resembled Yun Feiyang's, but darker in color, kept glancing around, and he saw something unusual here.He also has good eyesight, knowing that with his brother's strength, he may not be able to afford such a high level of play.I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money to play, right?He stuck out his tongue and called obediently, "Hello, Brother Feng."

Yun Feiyang introduced: "My brother's name is Yun Shan, you can call him Xiao Shan."

Guihai Fengxing nodded, "Let's play together."

Naturally, no one brought up the bet just now.Yun Shan had never played snooker before, and it looked very novel, so Yun Feiyang had to explain it to him again, and Yun Shan's eyes lit up as he spoke, "It's fun! Come on! Brother, have you all started yet?" ? Can I join in this round?"

Yun Feiyang felt that he had wronged his younger brother again.In the previous life, this damn kid didn't care about him at all, except for asking for money and things, he basically had nothing to say to him, and he didn't play with him; this life is good, the brat has become his follower, and he loves to cling to him no matter what, It's like having a puppy.

No wonder Yunshan is like this, he is disgusting at home, his father does not love his mother, his twin sisters are better than him in all aspects, only his elder brother treats him well, urges him to study, and often praises him, unknowingly , Yunshan developed a strong feeling of dependence on his elder brother.

Guihai Fengxing found the two brothers' way of getting along very interesting. He secretly observed them carefully and found that they were similar in appearance, but their "looks" were far different.Yunshan only has the feeling of a child with a tiger head and a tiger brain, he can be regarded as a handsome boy, while Yun Feiyang has picturesque features, elegant temperament, and a more refined face, he can be called a beautiful boy.

It is worthy of being the person I fancy.

Yun Feiyang looked at Gui Haifengxing, "Our round...?"

"It's okay, let Xiao Shan join in, it's just practice anyway." Gui Hai Feng Xing said magnanimously without getting angry.

"Oh!" Yun Shan jumped up, hurriedly went to choose a cue, and when he walked over, he found the fruit plate and drinks on the coffee table by the window, his eyes lit up again, he wanted to eat but dared not The look of doing it.

Yun Feiyang was so embarrassed that he whispered in his ear: "You glutton, what are you looking at! Hurry up and play ball!"

"Oh." Yun Shan sniffed, walked to the table obediently, and put on a pose that looked like it.

Guihai Fengxing smiled, and pointed out: "Xiaoshan, you need to lower your waist a little bit, and lower your eyesight. It's best to put your chin on the pole, so that you can aim more accurately."

Yun Shan hurriedly followed suit, hit a shot, scored a red ball, and said pleasantly: "Wow, really! Brother Feng, you are so amazing!"

Yun Feiyang supported his younger brother's stupid forehead.

Guihai Fengxing was obviously emotionally mobilized, and said with a smile: "Hit another ball, this time don't hit red balls, play other colors, pay attention to the angle."

"Okay!" Yun Shan bent down excitedly.

Yun Feiyang suddenly felt a little dazed.

The scene of lovers and younger brother living in peace is really... amazing!In his previous life, he never dared to let his family know about Guihai Fengxing's existence, but after the incident was exposed, Yunshan once felt ashamed and desperately wanted to find Guihai Fengxing.When the two met, they didn't agree with each other, they blushed like fighting cocks, and almost had a fight.At that time, Yun Shan threatened to beat Gui Hai every time he saw Feng Xing, unless his brother broke up with him completely.After his mother found out, she forced Yun Feiyang to sever the family relationship. He really had no choice but to cry with Gui Haifengxing once, but failed to cut his wrists and was sent to the hospital by Guihai Fengxing. Only then did he really separate.Only a year later, because of Yunshan's affairs, he had to borrow money, so he called Guihai Fengxing...

I can't think about it anymore, if I think about it any longer, it will be the picture of being killed.

Yun Feiyang sat down on the sofa with an ugly expression.

"Brother, it's your turn!" Yun Shan yelled after hitting a shot without scoring a goal.

"What's wrong with you?" Guihai Fengxing is not as careless as Yunshan, he found Yunfeiyang was pale and clutching his chest, he seemed uncomfortable, so he hurried over, hesitated for a long time, and finally put his hand on his shoulder , asked with concern.

Yun Feiyang patted his hands habitually, raised his head and smiled, "...I'm fine."

This movement is familiar and natural, he is nothing, but Guihai Fengxing's ears warm up inexplicably.The place on the back of his hand that he patted was hot.

Yun Feiyang stood up, shook his head to forget those bad memories, walked to the edge of the table, looked at the red balls one by one, and checked which one had a better angle.

But Guihai Fengxing secretly put the hand that was photographed just behind his back, and squeezed his fist.

The three of them played for a while, and the waiter pushed the door in again, this time bringing some exquisite cream cakes and some snacks.When Yun Shan saw it, his saliva almost dripped down.

Based on the principle of "to please someone's younger brother is to please someone", Guihai Fengxing invited everyone to take a break, turned on the TV, sat by the window, and had something to eat.Not only can you play billiards here, but you can also put some movie discs, and there are playing cards under the coffee table.

Yun Shan curiously touched Gui Hai Feng Xing's CD player on the sofa, looking like he couldn't put it down.

Guihai Fengxing said with a smile: "Xiaoshan wants to listen to music? Just turn this on and plug in the earplugs." He showed him a demonstration.

As soon as the music started, Yun Shan yelled and sang along in horrible English.

Yun Feiyang had nothing to do with him, but seeing his younger brother so happy, he couldn't bear to blame him, so he could only look at Gui Hai Fengxing apologetically, "He just looks like this, he's out of shape, I'm sorry."

Guihai Fengxing loves Wu and Wu, but he doesn't dislike Yunshan. Instead, he handed the child a piece of cake, told him to eat, and said, "It's nothing, it's quite lively with Xiaoshan here."

Yun Feiyang heard the words, and deliberately said: "Oh, that's good, next time I have a chance to come out to play, I will take him with me."

Guihai Fengxing: "..."

Yun Shan had earplugs in his ears, so he didn't hear it. He dug a piece of cake with a spoon and stuffed it into his mouth, raised his eyebrows, and shouted happily: "Brother, it's delicious, you eat too."

Yun Feiyang annoyed him to death, and knocked him on the head again, "You can't stop your mouth if you eat it!"

Guihai Fengxing was disturbed by the two brothers, so he stopped putting on the so-called airs, and also took a piece of cake and handed it to Yun Feiyang, smiling sincerely, "Come, eat."

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