Scarlet Dawn [Apocalypse]

Chapter 51 Wake Up

The eyelashes like cicada wings trembled slightly, the pupils like a boy's ink dye lazily looked at the man in front of him, and the bloodless lip line slowly raised, he said: "What if I say no?"

"Bye and you are in a symbiotic relationship, your deep sleep will only make him weaker and weaker."

"That's exactly what I want," Nine licked his lips, his evil eyes lightly fell on his neckline that was tightly held by the man, and he said with difficulty: "When he is too weak to move, I can easily occupy him." Body, and then return to Father."

Su Chen raised the corner of her mouth sarcastically, "Stupid, Bye can't move, do you think you can still move?"

Nine turned her head to look away contemptuously, moved her lips weakly, and said, "I hate the way you guys casually enter other people's mental realms and don't mind—"

Before he could finish speaking, Su Chen's five fingers tightened suddenly, and he threw Nine flying.

His back collided with the iron frame, and his shoulder blades were so painful that the entire shelf shook tremblingly. The blue and white light emitted by hundreds of memory balls flickered on and off. With a mouthful of blood, "--you meddling in your own business!"

He finished the words in a low voice, propping his slender palms on the ground and trying to get up.

A military boot stepped on his back, stomped him hard to the ground, and pushed him away like a mischievous.

Su Chen narrowed his eyes dangerously, raised his eyebrows slightly, as if what he was stepping on was not a virus mutant, but an insignificant piece of trash, he sneered and shook his head, "Tsk, how weak——"

Nine's cold eyes swept across the condescending man, he simply didn't struggle, his cheeks were pressed to the ground, he lay quietly on his stomach, and said in a cold voice: "Aren't you afraid to kill you when I'm fully mature? "

"When you are fully mature, you will only be swallowed by Bye, and you will have no chance to come out and kill me~" Su Chen raised the corner of his mouth playfully, removed his boots and squatted down next to Nine, he easily lifted the back collar of Nine, and shook it like a prank , Said: "Tell you not to sleep, understand?"

Nine turned her head away from looking at him, "Hmm..."

"I understand the answer, but I still don't understand." Su Chen repeated it in a good-tempered manner, increasing his strength in his hands.

Nine frowned slightly from being strangled, his icy-white cheeks flushed slightly, he moved his neck uncomfortably, and what he got in return was a more brutal grip.

"Understood." He answered a syllable from between his teeth.

"Good boy~" Su Chen let go, threw him to the ground again, and tilted his head to look at the young man's embarrassed appearance, "Being obedient will save you from suffering, hasn't your Father taught you?"

Nine turned her head to the other side, "I won't sleep, you can go now."

When Bai Yi woke up, he didn't feel the discomfort of the thought invasion last time. On the contrary, he seemed to be in better spirits than before. He fumbled to press the communicator to check the time. In the dark, a piece of fluorescent blue lighted up suddenly. It shows that less than 15 minutes have passed.

"How about it, am I gentle?"

Su Chen's voice sounded not far behind him, and the blue light of the communicator went out.

Suddenly, Bai Yi recalled the purpose of the other party's mind-invasion against him - he had to independently find a way to resist the mind-invasion, but right now he couldn't even stay awake... Thinking of this, he slumped back in his chair , Said in a muffled voice: "Am I bad?"

"Your situation is very special. This is an artificial body, and the mental domain is shared with mutants. The Alliance has no research in this area. I cannot explain the phenomenon of coma."

The voice moved from far to near, and finally stopped by the armchair.There was a hint of sweet and pleasant smell floating in the air, Bai Yi subconsciously tilted his head, his cheek was touching the hot cup wall, and immediately shrank back in embarrassment.

"You're so boring." Bai Yi complained softly.

Su Chen laughed mischievously, then put the cup in Bai Yi's hand, "Be careful it's hot."

Bai Yi: "This is..."

"The hot chocolate for you, your body is too weak and needs energy." Su Chen sat back in the armrest, crossed her long legs, looked at the other party with a smile, took a sip slowly, and said happily : "Is the hot chocolate I made delicious?"

Melt the dark chocolate into the hot milk, add sugar, and drink it into your mouth to warm you up. Bai Yi licked the foam on his lips, and asked in a vague voice, "Why don't you drink it?"

Su Chen said with a smile, "I can't stand the taste of weapons. I'll just feel sick after drinking it."

Bai Yi choked on the drink that he didn't have time to swallow, and sprayed Su Chen all over without politeness.

Su Chen took off his combat uniform jacket with black lines all over his head and threw it into the corner, a vein twitched on his forehead, and said, "Sorry, I'm a bitch."

"I'm used to it." Bai Yi wiped the corners of his mouth nonchalantly, and continued to sip hot chocolate.

Su Chen: "I'll give you another 5 minutes to rest, and I'll enter your mental realm again later."

Bai Yi froze unnaturally, and asked, "Did you go in just now?"

Su Chen chuckled lightly, and said jokingly, "That's such an insignificant question~"

"It seems that you have had similar bad experiences, Ah Chen?" Bai Yi responded calmly, "It's okay, it's just a physical defect, short and short is born, I won't laugh at you."

Su Chen rested his chin on the armrest with one hand, tapped his temple with his slender index finger, pretending to be sad and said, "What should I do? I really want to prove that I am physically sound~"

"Hold it." Bai Yi put down the cup and asked again: "Did you enter my spiritual realm just now?"

Su Chen knew what Bai Yi wanted to ask, and answered directly: "I've seen it before."

Bai Yi was taken aback for a moment, his eyes drooped, and he said calmly, "I can feel it waking up."

Su Chen hummed, and generously admitted, "I woke up."

"You? Why did you do that?" Bai Yi raised his head in shock. In the dark, he could only judge the opponent's position based on his voice, but Su Chen, who was a weapon, could clearly see his every move. This kind of sensory weakness It feels very passive.

"After the last time your body was exhausted, the reason why you became weaker and weaker is because it didn't want to wake up." Su Chen explained: "As two symbiotic parties, one party's dormancy means that the other party will double its consumption. Bye, the ninth-level mutant To drain your strength, I must wake him up."

Bai Yi frowned suspiciously, "How do you know this?"

"It's just an inference, but now it seems that I happened to be right~"

Bai Yi stopped talking and quietly finished the remaining hot chocolate.

Su Chen took the empty cup, got up and put it on a table in the corner, instead of sitting down, he walked behind the armchair, and raised Bai Yi's chin in this reverse posture, "Pure blood can accept The thought feedback you receive comes from the superficial sea of ​​consciousness, what you need to do is to carry out all your thoughts deep into the spiritual realm; the goal of thought invasion is the deep spiritual realm, and whether the invasion succeeds is determined by the difference in mental power between you and the other party."

Bai Yi stared at Su Chen's bloodshot eyes, and asked blankly, "How should I resist?"

The next moment, Su Chen's voice sounded in Bai Yi's brain——

"Use mental power to build barriers, build a multi-dimensional space that misleads intruders, infinitely complicate your sea of ​​consciousness, and prevent intruders from successfully reaching the spiritual domain, or even more cruelly, keep the enemy's consciousness in your thinking world forever—— "

It was already past zero when he left the torture room, and the autumn night was very cold. The continuous hours of intrusion of thinking made Bai Yi feel extremely tired in his brain, but what was even more tiring was that he could not overcome the problem of fainting at all - he could not maintain consciousness If you are awake, it is impossible to block the intrusion of thinking.

Su Chen followed him, with a smile in his eyes, his gentle eyes kept falling on Bai Yi, but he rarely said a word.

Silvison waited at the entrance, and when he saw the two people coming out, he pressed the cigarette butt against the wall.

Bai Yi silently walked around behind him, wrapped his arms around Silvison's neck from behind, jumped lightly, hooked his legs around his waist, and said in a muffled voice, "You're tired, carry me on your back."

Silvison gave Su Chen a questioning look, Su Chen nodded, stretched out his hand to pat his friend's shoulder, and said with a smile, "I'm leaving first, without disturbing you."

On the playground in the middle of the night at the military academy, the major general was walking round and round with Bai Yi on his back. Bai Yi lay on his back, his cheek pressed against the cold side of his neck, and his eyes narrowed in sleepiness.

Finally, Silvison broke the silence and asked, "Do you think it is important to learn to close the mental domain?"

Bai Yi took a deep breath, and said lightly: "Probably I really don't have any talent in this area. You don't need to comfort me. It's just that I haven't suffered any setbacks in my previous life, so I can accept it after some time."

"Decided to give up?"

"That's not true. Anyway, it's still a long time. I can't keep fainting."

"Fun Que?" Silvison stopped, turned his head slightly, and said, "Ah Chen's teaching should be to use soft invasion, which will hardly cause any damage to the target, and will not cause stun Que."

"So it should be my own problem." Bai Yi lay on his shoulder, poking Hill's cheek out of boredom, "But it's easy to think about problems in the spiritual realm, and I can call you shameless in the future~"

Silverson smiled, "It's not necessarily your thinking that reveals your thoughts, it may also be your body language."

Bai Yi retorted: "I'm also professionally trained, okay? If you want to tell a lie, even a polygraph machine can't detect it."

"A polygraph machine doesn't understand your body like I do."

After finishing speaking, Sylvison chuckled softly, his slender eyelashes drooped down and cast a light shadow on the eyelids, the narrow corners of his eyes were slightly raised, and there was a romantic charm in the water blue eyes.Originally, Bai Yi's cheeks were burning because of that slightly colored sentence, but now his breathing became chaotic, and he loved his frivolous and gentle temperament so hopelessly.

The laughter stopped, Hill's lips maintained a playful arc, and he asked lightly, "Go to my room tonight?"

Bai Yi rolled his eyes and said, "There is still training tomorrow, so don't make it too late."

Hill smiled and said, "Then take a day off, Ah Chen's side is sure to be fine."

"Are you really here to train me, Major General?" Bai Yi smiled slyly, leaned his head over and nibbled on Silvison's earlobe, and whispered, "Why do I think your motives are impure?"

Silvison turned his head and kissed Bai Yi on the lips, "Should I praise you for your sharp intuition?"

Bai Yi lazily rested his chin on Silverson's shoulder, tilted his head to look at his face, yawned and said, "I'm too tired today, so I won't fuck you anymore. I'll work hard on my wife later~"

Silvison moved his hand behind and pinched his buttocks, playfully: "It sounds like you've had sex before."

Bai Yi cut, and muttered in a low voice, "It's you sooner or later."

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