Scarlet Dawn [Apocalypse]

Chapter 56 He Just Asked You to Die

Bai Yi nodded slowly, "I understand."

Claude laughed nervously, clicked his tongue and said, "Bye, you are so pathetic."

"Sad?" Bai Yi asked back, "Doctor, I think you may not understand what Hill means."

Claude sneered: "It was the D virus that attracted him, not you. Isn't that sad?"

Letting go of his hair, Bai Yi didn't rush to answer the other party's question, but turned his hands around the neckline.With the help of Nine's strength, the strengthened body easily completed this upward movement. He slightly tilted his head and said to Silverson: "It's useless?"

The major general smiled dotingly and said, "Well, take it away and play."

As if in response to this sentence, Bai Yi dragged Claude out of the snow wall, and put his backhand on the tree trunk. He stared expressionlessly at those green eyes full of mockery, the corners of his lips slowly raised, and finally stopped Cheng had an evil smile that was astonishing, like a gentle and harmless young man suddenly infected with murderous intent - Claude froze for a moment, seized the gap, and Bai Yi suddenly raised his knee and slammed into the opponent's soft abdomen.

The snow on the treetops shook and fell, and this downward force made Claude bend over in pain, his abdominal cavity convulsed, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood mixed with minced meat and internal organs, and his chest heaved violently.

Bai Yi didn't give him time to catch his breath. He supported the opponent's forehead with his palm and pressed it back against the tree trunk without hesitation. He leaned over and whispered in Claude's ear, "Do you know, doctor, the reason for us is It’s not important, the process is not important, only the result will be cared about.”

The temperature of more than minus 40 degrees froze the skin of the tree as hard as a rock, and when the back of the head hit it, blood spattered, leaving a radial trace, and the smell of blood was overflowing. Bai Yi frowned in disgust, and a drop of blood spattered under his eyelids. Slowly slipping down like tears, leaving shocking marks on the ice-white skin.

"So, the meaning of Hill's words is, thanks to the D virus, he didn't miss me."

The shattered skull was automatically repaired, there was a crackling sound, and the brain was shocked. Claude's consciousness was a little blurred, and he couldn't hear what Bai Yi said at all.

Not far away, Su Chen had a mean and painful expression, as if he was the one who was beaten, he poked Silverson with his elbow, "Well... your wife is so violent, I can't tell it's still an abuser mad."

Silvison looked serious, frowned slightly in displeasure, and said, "It's too close."

Su Chen was taken aback, and subconsciously asked, "What's so close?"

"Bye and that doctor," the major general snapped his knuckles one by one, his eyes fixed on the two of them, "is it necessary for them to be so close when they talk?"

"..." Under the low pressure, Colonel Su shivered, and silently stood aside.

The second one bumped into his abdomen with his knee raised, Bai Yi glanced at the blood spot on the snow indifferently, and said unhurriedly, "Why don't I change the term to something that is easier for you to understand, what do you think, doctor?"

Then, without waiting for Claude to answer, he continued on his own, "The gun you gave me in the underground laboratory 400 years ago, did you ever think that it would be returned today?"

"Have you ever thought that one day, you will die by my hands?"

After finishing speaking, he lifted the weak Claude and threw it on the ground, then turned around and took a light machine gun handed over by Silvison.Since the outbreak of the end of the world, firearms have been gradually replaced by cold weapons due to the limited number of bullets and the inconvenience of replacement. Bai Yi almost forgot when was the last time he touched a gun.

The ten-kilogram machine gun is not equipped with a tripod, has a magazine capacity of 300, and a combat rate of fire of up to 200 rounds per minute.Bai Yi walked up to Claude with a gun, stepped on his stomach with his military boots, looked down at the other's pale face condescendingly, and said indifferently: "For me, this result is enough."

In just a few minutes, the body damage was repaired, and Claude regained consciousness, with a pale smile on his lips. He shook his head nonchalantly and said, "I have no regrets to die in the task assigned by the teacher. Let's do it!" .”

"Really?" Bai Yi raised the corner of his mouth, with a trace of contemptuous ridicule in his eyes, and said sympathetically, "You probably haven't realized that you are an abandoned child abandoned by that man, have you?"

Claude frowned and looked at him suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

"This is a little secret that only he and I know, and it's no wonder you don't understand," Bai Yi said playfully, "In our rules, no reply equals rejection, not the acquiescence that Hayden said——" Ke Lauder's eyes widened in surprise, and his lips moved. Bai Yi saw his hesitation, raised the corners of his mouth cruelly, and said, "I think you should understand what I mean. He knew that I refused to go back, but Let you come and die, doctor, the sad person is you."

Claude was silent, closed his eyes forbearance, remained silent for a few seconds, and said softly, "You shouldn't lie, Bye, just do it, don't insult Teacher Cong Xi."

"I am telling the truth."

"To shut up……"

"Since you insist on doing this, then I respect you." The butt of the gun rested on his armpit, and the muzzle moved to his heart. The last light in Bai Yi's eyes went out, and his cold and stern face was like the god of death who executed the killing. The situation of the mission - Dr. Weak who broke his ankle by airborne, the alliance mission expert who couldn't help vomiting during the mission, and Claude who finally took off his disguise and pointed his gun behind him.

"The 28 players who sacrificed for me—"

The trigger was pulled, and there was a deafening burst of bullets in the quiet and gloomy afternoon. All three hundred bullets shot into a bowl-sized spot on Claude's left chest, and blood foam and pieces of flesh flew across. Under the powerful impact of the machine gun bullets, His entire upper body turned into a bloody sieve.

The terrifying burst that lasted for a minute and a half ended, and Bai Yi's right arm was knocked unconscious by the receding force. Throwing away the machine gun, he knelt down on one knee beside Claude, silently watching the shattered pieces of meat and internal organs. Regenerate and recombine at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Also for myself—" he added in a low voice.


Claude choked on a few mouthfuls of blood foam in a row, turned his head with difficulty, opened a gap in his eyes, his pupils dilated, and his beautiful emerald eyes lost focus, covered with a layer of emptiness, and murmured: " You don't know the teacher, he wants to do more than you think—"

"No matter what he wants to do, what he has done wrong cannot be undone." Bai Yi pulled out the dagger between his boots and pressed it against his neck, "The world, human beings, mother and me...Of course, it can also include you— —the saddest student abandoned by the most beloved teacher?"

Claude just smiled, "He still loves you..."

"Well, it's a pity that I can't continue to love him."

"One day you'll understand."

"What do you understand? The reason for creating viruses? The reason for turning humans into zombies? Or the reason for destroying the world?" Bai Yi sneered, "Sorry, I can't understand the distorted concept of 'innovators', whether it is the Hanged Man or the God of Destiny. Wheel, none of you should presumptuously put yourselves in God's place."

"One day you will understand," Cloud repeated, closing his eyes and saying, "Goodbye, White Team—if you can, please put my body back in the underground laboratory, where Dawn was born .”

"I'll try my best—" With a light swipe of the dagger, the iron-sharp blade cut through flesh and bone, severed the cervical nerve, the chest cavity stopped healing itself, and everything became quiet.

Bai Yi took a deep breath of the cold air full of bloody smell, the emptiness after the massacre was gnawing at his heart like a body with bones, at this time a hand was put on his shoulder behind him.

"Do you know where he is?" Bai Yi asked.

"Sydney base."

"It seems that Hayden didn't lie to me." Bai Yi tilted his head, rubbed his cheek against the back of Silverson's hand, and asked, "Did you see the entrance? Is there any other useful information? For body? "

"His memory has been processed, and there are artificially implanted false parts in it. The specific situation can only be determined after going to the hospital." Silvison took the dagger, helped Bai Yi up, wrapped him in his coat and put him in his arms.

"when to go?"

"Wait for you to join the team, don't worry."

The voice fell, and the communicators on the wrists of the three lit up at the same time.After browsing through the news just received, Su Chen pressed the extinguishing screen, walked over to the two of them and said, "Let's go, the aircraft has been found, and Conrad's team is chasing the 'innovator' who came to meet him, we have to go there as soon as possible." Take a look."

"Wait a minute," Bai Yi looked at Claude's bloody corpse again, and said, "Find someone to take him away, and send him to that laboratory in a few days."

"The body can handle whatever you want, but the brain has to be handed over to the Central Academy of Sciences for further information extraction." Silvison wiped the blood on Bai Yi's cheeks, smiled, and whispered: "I will accompany you when the time comes."

Bai Yi pursed his lips and nodded, no longer speaking.

Fifteen minutes later, several special forces members came to respond and were responsible for cleaning up the scene.Su Chen briefly explained a few precautions to his subordinates, and then went to find the coordinates of the aircraft with Hill and Bai Yi.

Bai Yi could see the snow-covered factory from a distance. Several huge double oil barrels were displayed on the side of the fence, and there were a few holes in the rusty surface, but what really attracted his attention was not the factory itself, but the waiting room. Two familiar figures in snow combat uniforms stood outside.

"Achen and I have to go in for an inspection. You are a reserve member and cannot intervene." Silveson said, "You wait with them for a while, and we will take you back to the hive directly after we are done."

Afterwards, Bai Yi separated from the two of them, organized a few words of explanation in his mind, and walked towards the double oil barrels.

Under the broken bracket, Brooke walked around anxiously like an irritable big dog, kicking the crumbling barrel from time to time. Ian, on the other hand, was much calmer, leaning against the iron frame in silence, between his fingers With a half-burned cigarette.

This guy actually still smokes?Bai Yi recalled the scene since they met. Ian has always had a regular schedule, healthy and restrained living habits, and never touches things that damage bodily functions such as tobacco and alcohol.

The two turned their backs to the direction he came from, and each had their own concerns, until Bai Yi walked behind them without being noticed.

"Who gave it to you?" Without warning, Bai Yi took half of the fundus of Ian's eyes between his fingers, took a shallow breath in his mouth, and then pressed it on the black lacquered iron shelf. He looked at the two people who were stunned with a smile.

Ian was the first to come back to his senses, and replied, "Colonel Su Chen."

"This bastard, I know I'm going to be genetically modified and I'll give you something like this," Bai Yi scolded with a smile, but he wasn't angry at all, "Did you encounter any problems on the road?"

Before he got an answer, Bai Yi felt his eyes go dark, and he was pinned down on the snow in a dizzy state.His head was tightly wrapped with a warm snow combat coat, and the other party sat astride his stomach, and then he was beaten head to face.

Brook was only wearing a thermal shirt, his cheeks were flushed from the cold, his eyes were covered with a film of water, his chest was wheezing, he was obviously very angry, and he couldn't bear to move his hands too hard, even if he was wrapped in a thick cloth. His coat was also broken, and half his fist was smashed into the fluffy snow.

When everything stopped, Bai Yi took off his combat uniform and glanced at the angry and injured Brooke, and said with a smile, "Don't be angry, are you? Put on your clothes first, so you don't get cold."

Brook's eyes turned red, and he smashed his fist into the ground against Bai Yi's cheek, shouting, "Why did you hide it from me?!"

"It's too dangerous. It's already risky to act with you in order not to arouse suspicion. I can't let you know more," Bai Yi explained, sitting up and putting on the coat for him, rubbing the side of Brooke's face with his palm Warm him up, and continued: "Did you meet too many zombies along the way?"

Brook murmured, and Ian said, "I met Colonel Su Chen and Major General Vandro within a short distance. They asked the team to take us to search for aircraft and other 'innovators', and then found the factory."

Bai Yi nodded slowly, and continued to attack the sulking Brooke. Seeing him humming and awkward, he wanted to be amused, but when he really laughed, he was afraid that he would be more violent, so he rubbed his curly hair and coaxed: " When you complete the genetic modification and officially enter the Special Forces, I promise to tell you everything, don't be angry?"

"Don't touch it," Brook hid aside, glanced at the factory gate, and muttered, "If the major general sees it, I'm afraid I won't be able to join the special forces."

Bai Yi laughed, "He dares!"

Brooke also laughed, pulled Bai Yi to stand up and bent over to wipe off the icicles on his body. He stared at the blood on the combat uniform for a moment, frowned slightly, and asked in a low voice, "You don't have yours, do you?"

Bai Yi smiled so much that his eyes rolled up, "No, don't worry."

At this time, Ian, who had been leaning on the iron frame, suddenly stood up straight, looked past the two companions, and said, "He's back."

"Who?" Bai Yi asked subconsciously, then turned around——

Under the boundless snow, a group of special forces members jumped off the aircraft and walked towards the factory. The man walking at the end only wore a thin combat uniform jacket, which made his figure lean and straight, and his aura was cold and powerful, even if he was far away. Looking from afar, Bai Yi could also feel the other party's fearsome aura.

As if sensing something, the man stretched out his hand to lightly press the brim of the military cap, raised his eyelids, his cold and stern gaze swept across the long distance on the snowy ground, and finally hit the bottom of those dark eyes, pausing slightly imperceptibly.

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