It has to be said that Adams' prediction was completely correct.

What the Americans want, as mentioned earlier, are all kinds of practical industries, including light and heavy industries.This involves a wide range, and it is hard to talk about it at first glance.

"You have worked so hard for your country."

After reading the cooperation proposal put forward by the United States, Charles said with a smile.He was noncommittal about the content and only praised Adams.

If it were some blunt people, they probably wouldn't be able to hear the meaning behind the words.But Adams is certainly not dull, on the contrary, he is also very smart.

You are for your country, and I am for mine; what can you offer, so that I will be willing to offer what I have in hand in exchange?

"I think everyone here can afford this compliment." Adams said calmly, "Isn't it?"

Don't accept the offer?Want to get more useful information?Charles smiled.His position is basically in the middle of the long table, almost face to face with Adams, and he is undoubtedly the focus of everyone's attention. "Of course. Wouldn't my time be more personally valuable if it were not for this noble devotion?"

Officials around the Shire couldn't help agreeing.Because they have already discussed in private, if they have capital like Shire in their hands, will they be willing to serve in the government——

The conclusion is of course negative!With an annual income of tens of millions of francs, they will make a lot of money as soon as possible, and then travel, gourmet, can do whatever you want, why bother to deal with the incoming foreigners?

Adams can't deny that either.He is well-informed and has already heard about the output value of those factories last year.

To be honest, this is what prompted him to come to France all the way.If he knew those numbers last year, then he should have used more generous treatment to win over Shire!It is always better than icing on the cake, and everyone knows it; but he has missed the opportunity now!

But things are never known earlier, and there is no medicine for regret.The only thing he can do now is to try to get the most benefit with the least cost—if it can be done.

Because he never underestimated others easily.Even if Shire's age is young enough for his position and his appearance is too outstanding for an official, this is not the point.The point is, is Shire's strength worthy of his current position and speed of promotion?As long as the answer is yes, there is only one conclusion——


"You are really a role model that all people in this era should follow." Adams continued, feeling that the words were absolutely sincere: but whether it can be done, and how many people can do it, is out of his scope of consideration.He would have liked to be such a vane if he could; but it was clear that Charles had already taken that position. "So would you now be generous enough to tell me your opinion on this?"

The so-called these are of course the suggestions made by the United States.Charles has already read it, and thinks it is similar to the British's share. "Of course," he nodded, and changed the subject again, "but before that, I have to make sure that you must already know that the British have just returned, right?"

Adams nodded, vaguely guessing what was waiting for him behind Charles.

"That's good." Charles tapped his fingers on the document, "Then you must also understand that some terms between us and the British have affected us now?"

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the Americans suddenly became uneasy, although it was very subtle.You know, this influence can never be good!

Adams was one of them, too, but you couldn't tell from his face. "Can you go into more detail?"

"In order to achieve the goals that everyone wants to see, there are always some rights and interests clauses, similar to patents or exclusive transfers." Share said.

Adams nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, of course."

If the British want to cooperate with the French, of course they have goals.Judging from the recent situation, the goal is undoubtedly money, enough money to ease the tense domestic economic situation.Of course, a fully disclosed technology earns nothing and must be kept secret.

From this point of view, Shire doesn't say anything, it's exactly what a qualified partner should do.

But at the same time, he thought very keenly that this reason sounded high-sounding, but in fact it was in favor of Charles having the final say.Because they can't verify certain key secrets with the British, or they won't answer if they ask the British (no one can do stupid things that are self-sacrificing), in the end it depends on Shire's meaning-who makes those key parts Is it all in Charles' hands?

But even if he thought of the latter point, it was useless; the reason was still the same as above, they were completely pinched.

"Please continue." Adams said, already aware that his bad hunch was beginning to be verified.The first hurdle is to get off your horse!

Charles smiled again, looking completely benign and harmless. "You're very kind. I have a feeling that if we can keep this going till the end, we'll all get what we want."

"Of course!" Adams replied, but now he really just wants to grit his teeth——

This guy is completely pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!If it were really that easy to talk about, the British would have brought back the shipbuilding technology they cared most about long ago, so why would they be limited to certain aspects of textiles and steel?He now has to wonder whether this meeting can achieve a little more results than the Aachen meeting——

At the Aachen Conference, Britain, France, Russia, Prussia, and Austria, each of the five countries put forward no less than five proposals; but in the end, the consensus reached was only two general and basically non-binding points!

It seemed that if, as Charles said, they were both happy to get what they wanted--or even half, or less--then he should all go to church, thank God!

The ensuing talks turned into a lengthy battle of wheels, with people from both sides taking turns, insinuating, eloquent, and haggling over many details.This is simply another form of vegetable market, but instead of selling vegetables, it sells more benefits that are invisible to the naked eye.

Negotiations are usually like this, and Charles doesn't think there is a big problem, anyway, he has enough patience.And he didn't want to talk too quickly, because he didn't want someone to think "ah, the French are always bullying" or something.Napoleon had just passed away, and the cause of death was suspicious. He didn't want to be dragged to block the gun!

Anyway, it's just one sentence: It's okay, just wait, anyway, I have the final say!

Americans have also noticed this attitude.The opening was sharp, but for most of the negotiation, the other side didn't seem very aggressive.The key is that the opponent has aggressive capital!

"Looks like it's going to take a while," Adams said, somewhat surprised, at the end of the day's agenda. "Hopefully, we're going to be fine over the next few days."

"Of course," Charles affirmed, "but I think you might like to go to the East." He suggested, "After you have experienced it yourself, you may have a deeper understanding of what we are talking about, and you will be more able to understand it." Get a sense of where we stand."

Adams' eyebrows were almost raised above his hairline.Understand Shire's position?Is it to let them understand the gap and not think about forcing too much from France?

But actually, Charles thinks so——

It is better for the Americans to come early than to be late; it is the same for both parties.Because, if the Americans were later, maybe it would be time to catch up with the technical transformation of the factory.That also means that it is not so easy to send Americans back with not the best things.

From the bottom of his heart, Charles didn't want to cause trouble for himself, and he didn't want to let the other party see the technical reform.You know, even if it is a negotiation, no one will show their hole cards in a hurry; besides, they are in a dominant position, so there is no need to worry at all!The best is of course reserved for your family first, isn't it?

Then, when the other party realizes and tries to get it, it is enough time for him to update his hole cards to a deeper and farther aspect——

Hole cards, of course, also need to keep pace with the times!

This abacus is really clanging.

It's not to say that Americans are unaware of this, but that's the point.Even if they guessed that Shire was likely to hide the treasure, they still couldn't refuse the temptation to cooperate with France; because they had no better choice!

This is exactly the best trade-off for the country as a whole.In all sincerity, it was in Charles's character to do it--to whet the appetite, but to be addicted to it.If you follow Michelle's advice, it will be more likely to backfire-holding too many good things in your hands will also make other people who don't have them unite and attack!

If the temper is too weak, it will go to the extreme of following others; if it is too extreme, it will easily go to the other extreme of betrayal.

After observing Charles' performance in the negotiations with the United States, Michel deeply felt that he had made a bad move-he thought that Charles was leaning towards the former extreme, so he wanted to use some means to make Charles lean towards the latter ; But it turned out that Charles had always known what he was doing, and the means he did would very likely make Charles change his attitude towards him into the latter!

... What else could he do to save his doom?

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