Compared with the academic conference, although it was an informal meeting, the venue was still chosen at the French Academy of Sciences.

The French Academy of Sciences is one of the five departments under the French Academy, similar in nature to the Royal Society.But the biggest difference is that it does not have a research institution.The funding of the Academy of Sciences and academician allowances are paid by the king, so there is some shadow of a royal advisory body.Administrative affairs are handled by the life secretary, such as reporting on the annual achievements of the Academy of Sciences and so on.

Since it was not the first time for Charles to join the Academy of Sciences, Ampere confidently invited him to the small conference room on the second floor.So when Shire arrived, he walked through the long and short wooden plank road outside, entered the gate, and climbed the wide staircase under the Renaissance-style dome.The stairs are all made of a whole piece of beige sandstone with dark cloud patterns, and the corners are polished and rounded, revealing an elegant and peaceful texture.

As he climbed up the stairs, Charles met two acquaintances, who nodded in greeting.In electricity, Ampere can be regarded as one of the most authoritative scientists in France; his contention is that electricity and magnetism are two completely different affairs, and Charles is completely opposite.So when they knew what Charles was here for today, they all wished Charles good luck——

What most people agree with seems like the truth, but there are surprises, aren't they?

As for Charles himself, he felt only a little excited.Certainly not nervousness, which had left him 800 years ago.The reason for the excitement is even more obvious - if he can succeed this time, the curtain of the era will soon open!It's all thanks to everyone, and he's getting ready to witness this great start!

But this kind of mood certainly doesn't look like that in the eyes of people who don't know the inside story.So before reaching out to knock on the door, Charles took a deep breath silently, before his knuckles landed on the brass knocker, and he clicked lightly three times.

"Please come in."

Charles pushed open the door.The door was heavy, with what looked to be some kind of pear wood; the hinges were old and creaked a little inevitably.But Charles almost didn't hear it at all, and his attention was all on the people inside.

At the front of the room was a square plank of wood painted white.Most of the rest is taken up by a long oval table around which matching high-backed chairs are arranged.

One was pulled away, and a man sat on it.He looks about 40 years old, with soft facial features and a dangerous hairline.The other was about the same age, except he was standing up, with curly hair and larger, expressive eyes.

The standing one is Ampere, and the sitting one is Auster.Judging from Ampere's body leaning sideways to Oster and leaning slightly, they were discussing something before Charles came in.

"Hello." Charles said decisively when the eyes of both of them fell on him, "You must be Professor Ampere?"

"Yes, I am." Ampere straightened up and looked at Charles with a little curiosity.

He had heard before that Charles was a businessman, and he should be quite shrewd; but in fact, today he understood why his peers would take a fancy to such a young man——

If he didn't know it in advance, he wouldn't be able to tell his occupation from Shire's appearance at all!And age is too young for temperament!

These thoughts flashed through Ampere's mind. "Nice to meet you, Monsieur Grandet." He said politely, making an introductory gesture. "Please allow me to introduce you. This is the Mr. Oster I mentioned before. He is from Denmark, and he is likely to be with you. You have a similar view on electromagnetism."

From the moment Charles entered the door, Oster was also looking at him, and his general impression was similar to that of Ampere.

He heard Ampere talk about it when he was in Geneva, and he decided to come to Paris almost immediately; anyway, Denmark is on the east side of France, so it can be regarded as a stop on the way home.Moreover, he hoped that someone on their side would prove the validity of their view—that electricity and magnetism must be somehow related.

Yes, on this point, the views of Ampere and Auster are completely different.There is no evidence on either side, and neither can convince the other.But this academic difference does not affect their relationship, after all, they are all colleagues.

Now, after hearing Ampere's straightforward introduction, Oster stood up. "Hello, Monsieur Grandet." He stretched out his right hand, "To be honest, you are much younger than I imagined, which is really pleasant."

Charles heard the hidden meaning in the words - he was too young, and he couldn't be said to have been systematically educated, Oster didn't want to see him stage fright. "You are too kind, Professor Oster."

Ampere watched the two shake hands from the side, and felt that this was probably due to the initial goodwill brought about by the same position—people are always more pleasant to those on their side, whether intentionally or not. "Looks like you hit it off," he laughed. "That would be great."

Oster glanced at him, said nothing, but also had a smile on his face. "Surely you already know, what are you going to do here today?" he asked Charles.

"A little conjecture." Charles affirmed.

Auster nodded. "I heard some fascinating ideas the other day; and they came out of your mouth. Electromagnetism, as we all know, is still a hypothesis, and all new directions have value. In any case, I I really want to hear what you have to say." He glanced at Ampere again, with a little teasing in his voice, "Andre must be as anxious as I am."

"Can I say no?" Ampere spread his hands exaggeratedly.

"Both of you are too polite, I'm flattered." Charles smiled. "If there are no other questions, I'll just start talking?"

Both Ampere and Oster nodded, watching as Charles walked to the edge of the board, and picked up a charcoal pencil.The theory of this young man may be able to convince them, more likely not; but as a scientist, shouldn't you try any imaginable possibility?

Charles then proceeded to state his reasons for why he felt that electricity and magnetism were connected.It inevitably involves the magnetization of particles, wave theory, and field theory (of course, Charles replaced them with some more popular descriptions).But the previous theory is still a hypothesis that has not been verified in this era, let alone the latter one——

Not that it looks like a fantasy, but it is a fantasy!In short, the mind has been opened to an unimaginable level, at least for people of this era.

"...Unbelievable." After Charles finished speaking, Ampere was stunned for a while before saying so.

Although he felt that this must be complete empty talk, it was also too systematic; so that he had to think that even if Charles couldn't produce evidence to prove his theory, at least he did work hard to make it sound like quite reasonable--

He now understood why Ciel was able to convince those of his peers, especially mathematics.Charles has no basis in scientific experiments, but he can clearly explain such unimaginable things to others, and he has an obvious advantage in mathematics that finds patterns between numbers!

If it is said that Ampere's view, which originally believed that electricity and magnetism have nothing to do with each other, and can only be convinced by actual experimental results, will not be easily changed, Oersted has thought more about it.He believes that electricity and magnetism are related, but this is more based on the philosophical influence he has received, and it is still at an idealized level, and he has not come up with effective experiments to prove it.

And now, Ciel's words had opened a new door for him, or so he thought.Electric current is a two-dimensional thing, inertia association, and magnetism related to it is also two-dimensional.

But what if this thinking direction is wrong?They cannot be said to have a deep understanding of the nature of magnetism.Suppose it has a larger scope and spreads throughout the entire space... A two-dimensional electric current can generate a three-dimensional force field. It sounds unbelievable, but it is definitely attractive enough...

"Are you planning to develop in this direction, Mr. Grandet?" Oster asked suddenly. "I would like to invite you to my laboratory if you so wish. Your ideas are a valuable asset, or so I believe."

These words are clearly poaching!Ampere was shocked. "Hans, you..."

"I am willing to try such a bold idea, even if it is quite incredible in the eyes of others." Auster replied succinctly.Scientific discoveries often need to capture a moment of inspiration, and no less than [-] possible directions flashed through his mind just now.Although I don’t know if it’s useful or not, but being able to develop ideas is the first condition for success!

From such a firm expression, Charles had already seen the dawn of his plan's success. "Those are just my own random guesses. It is my honor that you two are willing to take the time to listen. But I don't do this as a profession-in fact, I will leave Paris tomorrow, and my luggage has already been put in." The carriage is on."

"Ah..." Oster let out a low cry, both grateful and disappointed.Fortunately, I caught up with it today, otherwise I might miss it forever; sadly, Shire's words were undoubtedly a tactful refusal. "Don't you really think about it?" He still didn't want to give up, and added: "Just remember, as long as you have such a thought, I am very happy to work with you, no matter what time it is!"

These words were very sincere, but for a moment, Charles felt as if he had heard them somewhere... By the way, isn't it similar to what he said to Faraday? "I really appreciate your appreciation. I think I'd love to work with someone like you, if ever." But it's just a nice promise—he really just wants to be a good businessman!

Ampere looked at Oster and then at Charles, feeling that he had been completely stunned by this development—Hans was not a particularly easy-talking person; did he miss some key part?

The author has something to say: Charles: Auster is coming to my bowl! ∩(?ω?) ∩Oster: Charles, come to my bowl! ∩(?ω?) ∩Victor: What do you two think of me?air! ε=angryε=angryε=angryε=angryε=(o`ω′)ノAlphonse: anger+1

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