Because of his injuries, Charles lay at home for several days.Although Victor complained about this-he felt that Charles could live in his house-but Charles didn't respond.He stayed at Lafitte's house for one night. Although his legs were wrapped like rice dumplings, he woke up the next day and went home.

It doesn't matter what you do when it's nothing, but of course you have to pay attention to what people say when you have something.Although there is no famous precedent in France for judging homosexuality as a crime, and the general environment cannot be compared with the time when he lived in later generations, it is always right to be careful.

Charles knew this, and of course it was impossible for Victor not to.So he didn't take any tough measures; Charles' caution was just a sign of his heart, which showed that their future was still very long!

As for Victor himself, although he was also injured, he didn't have the good treatment of being able to rest in bed like Charles.Because he was originally a high-ranking man, he was inevitably on the cusp of the storm and had to follow up on the follow-up of the assassination; plus various other affairs, he was busy.

And then there's the king.

Now that the matter has been discussed and a countermeasure has been discussed, the king can naturally sit still.Two days later, the negative public opinion became more and more popular, and Decaz's responsibility was crusaded one after another, so he slowly issued the handbook that he had prepared long ago.

The crowd was originally "filled with righteous indignation", but at this moment they were dumbfounded——

What?Decaz had voluntarily resigned a long time ago, and His Majesty also agreed?

What?Decaz went to the UK, isn't it beyond his reach?Also promoted to a duke?

Although the ultimate goal has been achieved, I am still unhappy. What's going on?

Compared with the opponent's inexplicable aggrieved feeling as if he had beaten the wrong person, Charles's feeling was that His Majesty the King really poured cold water on him!

This is a long-term strategy based on retreat; if it is implemented well, it will be no problem to hide it from the other party for a year or so.And in this year and a half, there are too many things they can do.At that time, they will have an absolute advantage—no matter whether it is the market or the political situation, their opponents will be powerless.

Charles has also discussed with Earl Decaz, and the two will go to the Academy of Sciences to visit Ampere sometime.There is no need to be too anxious about this matter, because if you do it too quickly, it will be easier to attract the attention of your opponents, and their plan may be exposed in advance; as long as it is done before Decaz officially takes office in London.

So Xia Er'an is recovering from his injuries steadily, and the biggest pastime every day is to listen to the old housekeeper let him babble a few words like "the current situation is really not peaceful".

Under such circumstances, Charles never imagined that Michel would be the first to visit him.

"I thought it was just an excuse that you were sick," Michelle said in such a surprise, sniffing the smell of medicine in the air as she said, "So it's true?"

Charles stared at Michel silently.

Even if not everyone knew about the fact that he and Victor rushed back from the provinces and entered the palace immediately, Michel definitely knew about it.Now that he knows it, he can figure it out even if he thinks about it. He is injured, and illness is just a general term.

So, did the other party come to his house specially to prove this point?

Probably because Charles' eyes were too speechless, Michelle coughed lightly. "My dear Charles, I am only concerned about your health."

Charles nodded, his movements were impeccably solemn, and his tone was the same. "Thank you for your concern, I'm much better now."

Well, it really is not that easy to cooperate!

Hitting a moderately soft nail, Michelle could only sit down on the side chair. "Okay, don't talk nonsense." He cut to the point, "You must know what I'm here for, right? Just like I know why you are lying in bed to recuperate?"

Charles looked at the deceptively smiling face researchingly. "Maybe I can guess a little bit. But what it is, I probably have to ask you to explain it."

If he's not mistaken, the Earl of Artois, who is as arrogant and conservative as him, didn't take him to heart at all, right?Then, after he came back from the Duleli Palace, he never left the gate.The conversation in the palace, and the fact that the king had only four people, not even a servant who was listening, it was absolutely impossible to spread it.

So, if the Count of Artois wants to find someone to trouble him now, shouldn't he be looking for Victor?Anyway, no one should be him!

"I guess you didn't think too highly of my visit," said Michele, still maintaining his usual smile. "But I must say that you must have guessed wrong this time."

Charles raised his eyebrows slightly. "I would like to hear more about it." He would like to know what countermeasures the Earl of Artois can come up with under this situation-after all, the news of Decaz's resignation has spread, and it seems to be the royalist Big win!So, besides celebrating, what else could the Count Artois think of?

"Before I tell you my real reason for coming, can I ask you a few questions?" Michelle was still smiling.

Charles never took his eyes off that face.At this time, he suddenly had a feeling that there was another deep meaning behind Michelle's smile.While analyzing what the deep meaning would be in his heart, he showed an appropriate cooperative tone: "As long as I can answer, I am very happy."

"Although you are still lying on the bed, your mind is not slow at all." Michelle raised the corners of her mouth, with a tone that had been expected for a long time. "'As long as I can answer'?" Whether it can be answered or not depends on Charles' own mind?So what are you happy about?

At this time, there were only the two of them, and some things need not be so cryptic.Both of them knew this well, so Ciel raised his chin slightly.If you have something to say, just say it, and he won't accompany you any more!

Michele clearly captured this attitude from Charles. "When I talk to you, I always have a sense of confusion - because I have never been able to associate your real age from your conversation." He said this, and then quickly shifted away before Charles opened his mouth to see off the guests Topic: "I would like to know what happened at the palace that evening when you and M. Lafitte came back from the provinces."

Charles remained silent.This question is indeed on point; but how could he say such an important matter?

"I know that Earl Decaz had already gone in to meet His Majesty the King before that. If he guessed correctly, he should have submitted his letter of resignation." Michelle continued, his eyes fixed on Xia. you.

"So you've seen the result now—Count Decaze has become Duke Decaze, but he has to leave Paris and go to London at the same time." Charles shrugged slightly. "I don't understand what's the point of asking me something that everyone knows."

"Really, it doesn't make sense?" Michelle asked rhetorically. "Is it really what you see? Just like the assassination of the king's nephew?"

That's not quite right, Charles pursed his lips.Isn't Michel from Count Artois' side?Why does it sound like it's on their side?Wouldn't it be a disservice to the Count of Artois to cast doubt on the real motive behind the assassination?

Rebellion, or spying?

But Michelle did not continue on the topic. "You've been to England before, haven't you?"

"That's right." Charles confirmed.Everyone knew this, and he was waiting to hear what Michelle wanted to express from here.

"It included Liverpool and Manchester, and then brought back something that made almost everyone jealous." Michel continued. "Although you don't seem to mind other people entering the same industry as you, almost no one does; because they know that they have already lost at the starting line, and there is no way they can surpass it."

"If by 'they' you include yourself, I must say that you are too self-effacing." Charles replied.

But in fact, he has to admit that what Michel said makes sense: After deducting the investment, not everyone has invention patents in their hands, and not everyone is familiar with modern business management.There is nothing wrong with a small workshop, anyway, it can only make some small money; but if you want to become big, or even become a rising star that surpasses him, then it is absolutely impossible——

The software and hardware of his factory are powerful enough, it is impossible for people to take advantage of it!

Michelle started shaking her head. "This is a true portrayal of you. You are low-key and self-effacing, but in fact, you are the one who makes the most money among us."

"I have to admit, if you came here today just to tell me this beautiful conclusion, I appreciate it." Charles replied, but his tone couldn't tell the slightest bit of appreciation.

"Look, you are completely invulnerable." Michelle said so, leaning back simply, "This makes me feel that I am likely to lose today's negotiation; and I don't like to lose."

"Today? Is there any negotiation?" Charles asked back. "I thought we didn't say anything at all."

"The result is already doomed." Michelle lowered her voice. "You've chosen a side, you're not going to change your mind, are you? You've given them an idea, haven't you?"

"To be honest, I don't quite understand what you mean." Charles denied it. "Your pile of 'right' left me more lost than I've ever been."

"Is that so?" Michelle asked back, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, "You are so tight-lipped, just as I imagined. But I haven't finished yet—although it seems that the royalists have the upper hand, they It seems to have suppressed your faction; but in fact, you will definitely not sit still. I would venture to guess that your plan must include at least one long-term ambassador in the UK? When the time is right, bring the situation back?"

"This conjecture is so wonderful, I want to applaud the self you imagined." Charles clapped his hands twice. "And this kind of thing, compared to me, it seems that you should tell the Earl of Artois." Although he said it easily, he was actually a little surprised: Although Michelle was definitely blind, she was already very Closer to the truth!Only the key details are missing!

"He's not interested in this, and I never tell him about it." Michelle spread her hands. "You must have heard of his temper."

Is it really rebellious?Charles was suspicious.If the Earl of Artois really couldn't even keep Michel, then the overall cohesion and combat effectiveness of the royalist faction would be very worrying.

"So I just want to ask today: Would you like to work with me?" Michelle finally dropped the bombshell he had prepared.

Charles froze for a moment, then smiled sincerely. "You know it's impossible." He's no fool, and it's really no good to turn against him!

"I'm really not surprised by your reaction." Michelle shook her head and sighed, standing up from her chair at the same time. "In this case, the only option is for me to work with you. I hope we can have a happy cooperation." After these few words, he turned and left.

...wait, is there a big difference between these two options?

Charles originally thought that Michelle got up to leave, but it turned out that he was only half right.Michelle did leave, but at the same time left him this oversized bomb as a gift—

Nima, how can this work?Knowing that Michelle came over, Victor would definitely be furious!

Author has something to say: Michelle: Shire, I brought you a whole lot of work!You just cooperate with me!

Charles: ...I have to think about it.

Victor: Michelle, I'll give you -2, get out of here! (#‵′)

Michelle: What's with this nervousness that I'm robbing my wife? ?

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