Buddha Luomen, in the dean's office.

Except for the slight "cracking" sound of the wind blowing the treetops and climbing on the window, the room was eerily quiet.

The man sitting behind the desk lowered his head, turning over a page of the book on his lap with a black cover and no words on the cover, looking at it from Luo Xiu's point of view. Look, he could vaguely see that the pages of the book were old and yellowed, and some symbols he couldn't understand were drawn in black ink on it.

The man lowered his head and read the book very seriously. Luo Xiu wasn't sure if the other party really listened to his question - but Uzrok didn't speak, so he could only keep quiet, shut his mouth and sit obediently. Waiting here for the man to read enough of that inexplicable book. When he lost his mind at the beginning and accidentally glanced at the book in the man's hand from the corner of his eye, Luo Xiu also followed him across a table without knowing it. Or the man stared at the symbol on it for no apparent reason, and was stunned.

Until the antique clock hanging on the wall was ticking, it seemed as if a century had passed.

"Helen and Heller? I probably know it. Are you talking about Sister Francois? Why would you come here to ask me a question?"

"I just thought you knew for sure."

Luo Xiu answered honestly. During this period, his eyes stayed on the man's slender fingertips as if fascinated, watching the fingertips gently slide over the edge of the book, lightly inserted into the bottom of the book, and gently hooked his fingers. , only heard a soft "snap", Luo Xiu was slightly startled, watching the book being closed in the man's hand.

"According to the regulations, if the patient did not voluntarily mention his past to others, the clergy of Buddha Luomen, including me, have no right to provide their information to third parties... Then again, how could you I'm so interested in them all of a sudden, but recently I've been watching you circle around them."

While talking, Uzrok gently placed the interesting book on the desk, across a desk, when he found that the eyes of the black-haired young man sitting opposite him seemed almost It was when the man followed the book uncontrollably and actively, an imperceptible smile flashed in the man's strange-colored pupils.

Luo Xiu was silent for a moment, and Uzrock's answer was within his expectations. At first, he thought of asking this man just by luck - now that he got this kind of answer, he didn't think it was any good Disappointed.The black-haired young man paused for a moment, and instead of continuing to struggle with Helen and the Heller sisters, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the black book on the table: "What book is this?"

After a long silence, he raised his head and glanced at Uzrok: "If it's not convenient to answer, it's okay not to say."

"There is nothing to say, "The Great Key of Solomon"." Uzrok glanced at the book, and said lightly, "I found it when I cleaned the library a while ago, probably from the pagoda of the last century. I found the translated version handed down from the previous church in Roman’s church to be interesting, so I took a look.”

Solomon's big and small keys, if I remember correctly, Luo Xiu remembered that these two books should be classic books on demonology, the small key is the famous geotia system, which records King Solomon's method of summoning 72 demons in hell; and the big key, It is the real "Key of Solomon".

This is the body of the Solomon-sized key.

Later, three new sequels appeared,

The second book contains the method of summoning the four-dimensional monster; the third book contains astrology and the legend of the angels of the zodiac; That is to say, the summoning part is famous in the fourteenth century, and the last three parts are not original.

How could a high-ranking priest be interested in this kind of thing?Luo Xiu raised his eyelids and glanced at Uzrok, who raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "It seems that you have heard of the name of this book, remember not to tell the nuns that I brought this book back and was chanted If you do, it will be annoying."


When a man speaks in this kind of tone that is neither high nor low, nor commanding, Luo Xiu always has the illusion that the other party rarely walks out of the holy light, showing a little down-to-earth "willfulness" or "coquetry"... ...This thought made his hair stand up involuntarily. The black-haired young man reached out decisively, dragged the book to him, opened it, and read it. The text inside was not written in any country that is currently in circulation. The tadpole-like characters were randomly written on top of some weird symbols like notes. Luo Xiu felt that these characters were familiar——he paused for a while and thought about it, and then he always felt that these characters were different from what he saw before The text engraved on the dinner plate is somewhat similar.

"What kind of writing is this?" He pointed to a tadpole writing on it and asked.

"Hell's lingua franca, don't you understand?" Uzrock raised his eyebrows.

That naturally surprised tone made Luo Xiu almost laugh out loud. He raised the corners of his lips and said with a smile, "How could I understand?" while flipping through the book, when he turned to one of the pages, he The smile on his face suddenly subsided slightly, and his black pupils stared at the abstract pattern on the book for a moment——

The ugly skeleton horse's head opened its mouth wide, and a huge and sharp blade protruded from the horse's mouth. Under the pier, there was a long handle carved with flower vines.

This pattern occupies the entire position of that page, and there are those tadpole texts on the side that make annotations for each part of the horse's head. The annotations are written in English, and the composition and arrangement of gemstones on the skull horse's forehead are marked in detail. As well as the meaning of other parts of the skeleton horse... Luo Xiu looked more and more frightened all the way. With every little movement of his, he could almost feel the purple grape-shaped crystal ball hanging around his neck with a rope. , and the itching produced by the slight rubbing of his skin.

The black-haired young man with his head down didn't see the lightly crossed fingers of the man sitting opposite him twitch.

After a while, Uzrok sat up, smiled and took the book out of the black-haired young man's hand, and said in a soothing tone: "Don't worry too much about it, just watch the things in here as lively as possible. If you can use it to summon 72 big demons like this, they are still busy..."

This familiar tone made the corners of Luo Xiu's lips twitch. He stared at the book in the man's hand, and said slowly with a very concerned tone: "That sickle..."

"It is one of the Seven Kings of Hell, the sickle of Samael the Wrathful, and the sapphire inlaid on the head of the skeleton horse. On the day Samael became the prime minister of hell, Lucifer personally pried it off from the throne of the king of hell. Inlaid on it." Uzrock lowered his head, as if casually glanced at the pattern that was almost burned through a hole by the black-haired young man, and then smiled, "This picture is quite restored. .”

I don't know why, but Luo Xiu felt that the description of "prying gems" had a strong visual sense, and there was a feeling of "that picture is too beautiful, I dare not think about it", so he pondered for a moment, and decisively changed the topic: "... Is there even a way to summon the Seven Lords of Hell?"

"That's why I say it's a fake." Uzrok flipped through the book casually, "In fact, it goes without saying that this kind of work copied from a pseudo-code, even if it is a real and regular summoning book, can be successful. The possibility of summoning a great demon is also very small."

"It's very small, doesn't it mean it's completely impossible?"

"That's right." Uzrock nodded earnestly, and he put the book back in his drawer. For some reason, the man's expression behind the candlelight seemed a little elusive, "Although it is The wrong summoning spell, but there are still one or two words or one or two words that are related to the correct summoning method, so sometimes, it is very likely that the corresponding demon can really feel that someone is trying to Summon him."

"and then?"

"And then ignore it."


"Unless he himself wants to take this opportunity to leave hell, then even if the summoning magic is wrong, he will appear—or, without summoning magic at all, just find an open space and yell his name, and he can pretend that he was summoned." Summon and appear out of thin air."

"...That's too casual."

"There's no morals at all," Uzrock leaned on his forehead and chuckled, "But hell is probably such a very random place, only the heavens have more rules and regulations, and there are detailed regulations on how many inches you take every step. , Anything more or less is a sign of disrespect."

"It's as if you've been there."

"I sit in the position of a cardinal, which means that there will be no more than ten people in the world who read more books than me." Uzrock said with a sneer, "No matter what the content is , As long as you read the book, it probably won’t do any harm. If it’s ridiculous, read it as an eye-opener, and if it’s useful, keep it in your mind and maybe it will come in handy one day.”

"So... has anyone ever summoned Samael?"

"Yes." Uzrok slowly suppressed his smile, looked at Luo Xiu and said seriously, "He is the only one of the Seven Lords of Hell who has been summoned, which is the second situation I mentioned, he left Hell voluntarily Come to the world."

Not far away, under the flickering candlelight, the man's strange-colored pupils were extremely bright, red as fire and golden as sand. For some reason, Luo Xiu felt terrified when he looked at him like this—he subconsciously He felt that he should end this topic now, but for some reason, he suddenly thought of the guy named "Belphegor" in his dream, so next, he almost blurted out: "Then he's back now?"

"Where are you going back?"


"...I don't know." Uzrok lowered his eyes slightly, his long and curly eyelashes lightly concealed the emotion in his eyes, he turned his face away and fixed the realization in a corner of the room, his voice suddenly changed A very distant voice said lightly, "Probably soon."

Luo Xiu was stunned for a moment, and he didn't understand what the words meant—but at this moment, he vaguely heard the sound of a big bell being struck from the wind outside the window, and it was almost curfew time again, The dark-haired young man stood up from his seat, briefly said a few words to the man as the end, and left his office in a hurry.

Luo Xiu closed the door behind him with a bang, and stood in the corridor where the cool breeze was blowing. Luo Xiu was silent for a while, and then suddenly there was a sound: He came tonight to ask about the two sisters, Helen and Heller, and it turned out that it was a serious matter. Two or three sentences were perfunctory in the past, but instead, a lot of discussions revolved around completely irrelevant topics...


That kind of topic, if any nun passing by heard it, they might be frightened into a heart attack.

Scratching his head and sighing, the black-haired young man quickened his pace of walking back. It was already this time. Of course, there was no one in the corridor, only the slight "rustle" sound when the soles of his feet rubbed against the soft carpet. He hurried down the stairs and was about to go up the stairs leading to the patient's room, but when he passed the corner of the slow-walking platform, he saw him sitting on the window sill with his knees tucked up, looking out the window with his head tilted. long curly hair young female.

The wind blew in from the window, and the hem of her blue robe, which was already looking a little old, swept across her calf. When she put her legs together and bent her knees, the gently swaying hem of the robe looked like a fish swimming naturally in the water. Stretched fins... The moonlight shines on her beautiful and clean face, as if this beautiful woman with empty eyes is isolated in another cold space far away from the world.

Luo Xiu moved, he couldn't make up his mind whether to talk to this woman - when he turned around and wanted to walk away, the other party called his name unexpectedly.



"You seem to be very curious about the matter between me and Heller." Helen turned her head. The wind blew her long curly hair into a mess. She sat barefoot on the window sill, lowered her head condescendingly, and looked at the Dark-haired young man on the stairs, "Why?"

"Actually, I don't want to care so much," the black-haired young man replied honestly, "Sometimes I would rather not know anything, so that I can ignore it with peace of mind—but when something happens in front of me like this, Even if I close my eyes, I'm afraid I can't pretend that it didn't happen. For example, you and Heller, when I hear you planning in detail what means you are about to use to get rid of your twin sisters, do you think I should take this as Was it a joke, and then turned away?"

Helen lowered her head, and her whole face was hidden in the shadows with her back to the light. While Luo Xiu was speaking, she remained silent until the black-haired young man finished speaking, then she raised her hand and held The long hair hanging by the ears was pinned behind the ears, and she didn't answer the young black-haired young man's words. She raised her feet, Ziobac's calf stretched out, and swayed in mid-air. She stared at her naked feet and smiled. With a sound, he suddenly said without beginning or end: "Alice, you should understand a truth. Sometimes what you see with your eyes does not symbolize the so-called truth. It's like a movie. If you don't see the end, you will never see the truth." Knowing whether it is a tragedy or a comedy, it is very likely that the actor who was still laughing one second suddenly fell to his death in the next second of the performance."


"As you can see now, Alice, why do you think I have no shoes on?"

"Probably because you don't want to wear it."

"No," Helen sneered, as if Luo Xiu's answer was really funny, she narrowed her eyes with a smile, "Actually, it was Heller who put away all my shoes, because when she thought It was time for us to go to bed and I wasn't supposed to be out and about... even though I begged her to give me my shoes back, saying that the ground was cold outside and I might catch a cold if I went out without them."

Luo Xiu frowned.

"Look, this is different from the weak Heller image you imagined, isn't it?" Helen said, "You believe what your eyes see, but eyes can sometimes deceive, just like me and What you think is one-sided words when you say them, so what you think is also your 'one-sided words' to me."

"Are you trying to tell me that Heller is not a good person, but you are?"

"That's right, that's not right." Helen turned her gaze away and said calmly, "My sister is not a good person, and I, of course, am not either."


"The existence of twins always has its special meaning - when Heller has a cold and fever, I also feel groggy and unable to lift my spirits; when Heller is depressed, no matter how I feel Trying to put a smile on my face doesn't fill the void; when Heller gets punished for making a mistake, I get the same punishment with the whip on her and standing by."

"It's good if you really think so," Luo Xiu folded his arms and raised his chin slightly, "Then you still plan on your sister and want her to die? Maybe you will go to hell with me, is that really okay?"

"So what? Anyway, I've had enough of eating, sleeping, bathing, going to the toilet, or breathing, and I have to share it with another person-no one asked my wishes, and no one thought there was anything wrong with it, Because everyone thinks this is a fact that was destined from birth, I have never had any private space, friends, relatives, including lovers."

Helen's words made Luo Xiu frowned with some concern - he vaguely felt that they seemed to be getting to the point gradually.

But at this moment, Helen suddenly sneered, turned her head, and looked at the black-haired young man standing on the stairs with those empty but unusually cold pupils: "You must be curious about how we came to Futuro Right?... The answer is simple, because we killed people, many, many people, adoptive parents, kind neighbors, and the handsome son of the rich businessman in town—ah, I used to I thought I would marry him."

Helen's voice paused for a moment, then suddenly sank——

"Until one day I came home and saw Heller sitting in the living room holding his head and kissing, blood was everywhere around her, and her white dress was dyed the same as the dress I was wearing when I went out that day. Flaming red, ripped to shreds below the hem, cum dripping down the hem of her dress when she stood up from her chair - you see, after stealing the love of her adoptive parents, she stole me My fiancé, she is really cheap."


"I think I should be angry, but unexpectedly, after a moment of astonishment and suffocation, when I saw Heller smiling at me and saying 'we can be together again', I felt that there was nothing wrong with it, probably everyone They all thought we were crazy—in fact, they didn’t know that this was the setting they imposed on me and my sister. From the time I was born, she cried when I cried, laughed when she laughed, and killed someone. How is it possible to stand aside and just watch?"


"There are many kitchen knives, we chose two that are exactly the same."


"She chopped off my fiancé's head and kissed it; I took his heart out of his chest and ate it."


"Heller said that I should never dream of leaving her in my life. At first I thought it was ridiculous, but now that I think about it, there is nothing wrong with it—it's not 'should not', and it's 'inseparable' at all."


"Our roots are connected, just like now." The beautiful woman sitting on the window sill raised her hand and touched her neck, "They must have started to attack, I can feel that Heller is about to suffocate , do you hear? My sister seems to be sobbing, begging for mercy, struggling—"

The black-haired young man on the stairs stepped out of the shadows, and in the darkness, those dark pupils were extremely dazzling.

Helen lowered her head and glanced at him, her eyes flicked past the sharp fleshy ball in the black-haired young man's hand who didn't know when it appeared, and instead of being surprised, she raised her lips and smiled: "It's so cute." The meat dumpling, is it a piglet?"


Luo Xiu lowered his head and looked at the thing in his hand that was not tall enough.

"Why, Alice, are you going to kill me?" Helen jumped down from the window sill lightly, her green pupils were unusually bright, she looked at the black-haired young man in front of her and smiled, "But it's very Good proof, Heller is dead, and I'm doomed too - you see, it's like it's preordained, 'it's up to man' can only be used in details, but the ending is already written in the script No change at all.”

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