The moon shadow shakes, the sky panics, and the east wall is demolished to make up for the west wall.

The sheep in the sheepfold are being yelled at by wolves, the first Alice came to me.

He held a longbow in his hand to shoot the wolf, was tempted to drink the soup, lowered his bow, and became a sheep,

The shadow of the moon shakes, the heart is panicked, the wolf enters the sheepfold and chases away the sheep;

Moonlight, flustered, hour and minute hands lined up.

Tarot soldiers patrol the path, and a second Alice comes to me.

He is timid, he is sad,

Stopping time, stopping space, unstoppable swallowing,

Tarot soldiers come to the fence,

He's a ball, stuck on the table, the rapier through his chest,

Moonlight, flustered, Alice sleeps on the dining table;

The moon spits out light, the shadow shakes, and the twins are a pair.

Alien flowers bloomed beside the lotus pond, and the third Alice came to me.

Blonde with long eyelashes,

Teenagers with weapons in their hands,

Stepping on the bloody road to pass through the barriers, you will become the king of the fairyland,

The moon emits light, the shadow shakes, and the king disappears beside the lotus pond.

The moon is covered by clouds, the snow is vast, and the walls of the orphanage block the light.

Dark clouds overwhelmed the city, clouds fell frost, and the fourth Alice came to me.

She carried the bamboo cage eye, and the bird was in the middle of the cage,

The caged bird flies before dawn, but only hears the wind whimpering,

Covered by moon clouds and boundless snow, empty bamboo cage eyes, buried in loess in the backyard.


When Luo Xiu woke up, he always felt as if someone was singing in his ear with a familiar melody.

This song is very weird, the lyrics are very long and there is almost no part that is sung repeatedly-not so much as singing, it is better to say that a fairy tale has been made into a song and told in the form of singing... Luo Xiu closed his eyes, and when he realized that he seemed to be lying on a comfortable and soft mattress, he relaxed and tried to make himself quiet and continue listening to the people around him singing... But what he didn't expect was that no matter how he Concentrating so much on himself, he couldn't even listen to the song that that person was singing intermittently into his mind——

He understands every word.

But the strange thing is that he has no way to think about what the word means or what kind of meaning it symbolizes.

But at this moment, the singing stopped abruptly, and a slightly mean voice with an obviously immature voice sounded above Luo Xiu: "Sir? Sir, are you okay? Are you thirsty? Are you hungry? Do I need to tell Mammy to come to town and get you a doctor?


It sounded like the sound of birds chirping and wiped away the last few words of lyrics left in his mind... Luo Xiu opened his eyes helplessly, and the first thing he saw was the pale, printed The roof of the wallpaper——it looks like the edge of the wallpaper is yellowed and slightly rolled up because of its age. It is strange that such an inconspicuous and irrelevant small detail unexpectedly makes people feel to peace of mind.

The black-haired young man lying in the middle of the bed let out a sigh of relief, and found that he was actually lying on the bed in the guest room that the old nanny in the orphanage cleaned for him at this moment. The bed was sunken because he slept in the middle.

And at this moment, there is a little blond girl lying on his bedside, holding her face and looking at him with interest, she looks like a little doctor trying to find the cause from his face—that is, this At that time, Luo Xiu was slightly surprised to find that the big and exaggerated top hat had been replaced on Amy's head. She was still wearing a hat, but it looked like a normal straw hat, made of white rattan. , on the brim of the hat is a delicate handmade pink rose...

Pretty normal girly style.

The hat also hides her natural flaws well.

When she met Luo Xiu's gaze, she smiled shyly—at the same time, Luo Xiu's gaze slowly began to move away from her, and finally his gaze stayed on the little girl holding her hand at this moment. On the hands on her cheeks, two smooth wrists protruded from the washed white old clothes, and then there were five healthy fingers, but on the wrist of one of her hands, there was a rough braided wrist. A garland of white wildflowers exudes the normal faint fragrance.

He clearly knew it was his own illusion, but Luo Xiu still seemed to smell a trace of blood in the faint fragrance of flowers.

There was a violent commotion in the chest cavity, and the stomach was like being stuffed into a bull that saw the red cloth and became rampant-its sharp horns hit his stomach, and all the organs from inside become excruciatingly painful.

The black-haired young man lying in the middle of the bed closed his eyes again, as if he could get rid of the scene that appeared in front of him at that moment—the metal sickle that collided with each other and sparks could be seen in the darkness, and was chopped by the sickle with a clatter The petri dish, the slippery and soft young body in the wet nutrient solution quickly withered in his arms like a flower at the end of the flowering season, leaving only the pair of golden pupils that finally returned to dim...

[I... still want to live. 】



A simple word is like touching the magic switch on the body, the bottle full of poison was overturned, and the corrosive poison quickly spread in the body... At this moment, the black man lying in the middle of the bed The young man changed from his tired but calm appearance before. His face was pale and his chest heaved violently, as if a dehydrated fish was struggling to get the few air that was inhaled into his lungs. Big drops of sweat ran down his forehead. Drips were dripping from room to room, and the white shirt that someone had put on on him was completely soaked in sweat at this time—he looked as if he had just been fished out of the water.

Luo Xiu guessed that his face must be ugly at this moment, so that it scared Amy who was lying on the bed at this time... So the black-haired young man moved his lips, wanting to say something casually to change the current atmosphere. At least not so embarrassing - at least don't let the little girl who was lying on the edge of the bed and smiling at him for a second panicked and looked like she was about to rush out the door.

However, when he really tried to wriggle his lips, he was surprised to find that his throat was terribly dry... He froze for a moment, thinking that in such a situation, even swearing would seem very courageous, so he raised his hand Pushing away the forehead hair that fell in front of her eyes, she gave up the struggle with a long sigh, and just pretended to relax in a difficult and hoarse voice: "Amy."

The little girl lying on the bed and staring at him widened her eyes slightly, as if silently asking him what he was doing.

"Just now, the song you sang when I fell asleep," Luo Xiu hesitated for a while before continuing, "Can you sing it again?"

"Song? What song?" Amy looked a little disappointed. "I didn't sing. Mammy said that the sick need to rest during the recovery period."

The black-haired young man was stunned for a while, but he still resisted his exhaustion and turned over from the bed to sit up.Under the inexplicable gaze of the little girl beside the bed, those black eyes swept across every corner of the room——Luo Xiu moved very slowly, he seemed to be looking for something seriously, carefully Carefully from the room—even the shadows were swept one by one—but in the end, it was obvious that he didn't find what he was looking for, so after a moment of stupefaction appeared on his face, the black hair The young man lowered his eyes expressionlessly.

Amy was a little nervous.

She didn't know if the disappointed look of the black-haired young man sitting on the bed was because of her.

And just when she started to think about whether to go out obediently before the other party told her to get out, at this moment, she heard the black-haired young man call her name again—the voice was hoarse and deep, as if it had been polished by rough gravel However, it seemed to Amy that it was the most beautiful voice in the world. Her eyes lit up: "Sir?"

"What time is it now?"

"It is already December 28, sir, and you have been in a coma for two whole days."

"...December 28."

Luo Xiu thought about it, and he remembered that according to the previous agreement, the Hatter should pick up Amy from here on the second day of Christmas—but now Amy is still here, staying with him in the orphanage Speaking, at least this explains... probably because the expression on Luo Xiu's face was too obvious at this time, guessing why the black-haired young man was silent at this time, Amy felt a little embarrassed and hung down After hesitating for a while, he raised his hand and pressed the brim of his hat, and said first, "Speaking of which, I also have something unexpected to tell you—I don't know why, the hat that has always obeyed the agreement Mr. Carpenter did not keep the agreement this time, and the orphanage did not wait for his carriage on the second day of Christmas... Oh, Mammy told me not to worry, what should come will always come, but I think it is probably because My body is so hopeless that it needs to be given up, so—”

The little hand that was pressed against the brim of the hat lightly clenched into a fist.

"So I guess Mr. Hatter won't be coming."


"And last night, Mammy received a call from the town. They told me that my good friend - Ladoni was infected with a very serious plague, and it seemed that she would not survive..." At this time, Dai in Ai The straw hat on Mi's head almost covered half of her face. When she slipped from the bed and sat on the cold floor with her back against the edge of the bed, Luo Xiu could no longer see the expression on her face. "I'm really terrible. At this moment, what I thought was—that's okay, anyway, I can never leave this orphanage again, and meet her in the outside world as promised."


"This is the worst Christmas, sir." Amy's voice sounded calm, "It's better to live in the endless darkness from the beginning than to see the hope slip from your hands after you have hope." .”

"Your life is long, Amy."

"Yes, sir, my life is long, but in fact it is over."

Amy got up from the bed and patted the non-existing dust on her buttocks. She stood quietly by the bed and looked at Luo Xiu. Such a lifeless gaze made people feel terrified-such a gaze seemed to be the same as the one in her mind. The lingering golden pupils overlapped each other. In fact, Luo Xiu wanted to rudely and impolitely ask her to turn around and stop looking at him with such eyes.

This kind of gaze made him feel as if he was standing on the high ground of morality but did something that was actually quite bad for others.

However, just at this moment, he heard Amy ask him: "Sir, although you certainly don't know Ladoni--but, if I may, I thought maybe I could invite you to the yard. After death, everyone should go back to the original place so that they can rest in peace. Ladoni can’t come back, so I made a small tomb for her in the corner of the orphanage...Of course, if you—— "

Amy didn't finish her sentence, because at this time the black-haired young man had stood up from the bed in silence, stuffed his feet into the slippers indiscriminately, took her hand and led her out the door.

After a few minutes.

A strange combination of one big and one small, a black-haired young man and a blond girl wearing a straw hat appeared at the corner of the front yard of the orphanage quietly. The whole front yard was covered with snow, even except There were no footprints around besides the traces of Luo Xiu and the others.

The only thing that can be seen is that the small area around which stands a stone tablet that can barely be regarded as a rectangle has been trimmed and cleaned by someone——Luo Xiu looked at the one with his familiar name written crookedly in ink. On the stone tablet, there is a string of small garlands made of white wild flowers.

The wreath looks exactly the same as the wreath in Amy's hand, and it goes without saying who hung it up.

Luo Xiu paused, and suddenly asked a question that even he himself found very strange: "Does this flower bloom even when it snows?"

"Well, it is open for a long time of the year, but when the winter is over and the ice and snow melt and everything recovers, the flower will end its flowering period of the year and wither—the world where all creatures wake up It is the grave of this flower, so this flower also has a name, which is inseparable from the name of our village, and we all call it 'Alice'."

As Amy spoke, she stretched out her small hand and carefully cleaned away the thin layer of white snow that had fallen on the stele.

Luo Xiu found a cluster of white wildflowers named "Alice" in the corner of the orphanage. Standing beside those wildflowers that were blooming vigorously under the snow and ice, he was silent for a while, then squatted down and took them together. Once picked - the floral fragrance of this flower still had a negative effect on his dizziness, but under Amy's guidance, he squatted in the corner and patiently weaved a larger wreath with these wild flowers.

When he hung the garland on the stone tablet, he paused for a moment. For some reason, he thought of the empty Christmas tree after the children took away the name cards corresponding to the gifts on the previous Christmas day, and later, he was full of ice and snow. A little girl in a red cloak who appeared but smiled and said to him, "If I don't go out for a day, I can suffocate to death."

Ladoni pretended to be alive, and her soul returned to the orphanage after her death.

But apart from herself, no one in the place where she once stayed thought she would come back.

A gust of wind blew by, and amidst the faint scent of flowers, the black-haired young man suddenly saw a flash of red in his peripheral vision—his pupils shrank slightly, and he suddenly raised his head, and then saw At the moment, standing behind the stone tablet, was the little girl who was grinning at him with an unrefined smile.

She is wearing a red cloak.

At this moment, the disabled arm due to the lack of a hand was covered with white wild flowers named "Alice", and the clusters of flowers perfectly covered the disability of her hand. Ladoni's smile became brighter and brighter, and suddenly there was a soft "rustling" sound, and under the wind, the two garlands hanging on the stone tablet were blown down into the snow at the same time.

at the same time.

Only a soft "poof" was heard.

The little girl in the red cloak standing behind the stele gradually scattered from the clump of wild flowers on her arm, as if her body itself was composed of such flowers, and countless wild flowers the size of fingernails were scattered in the wind. In the middle... Finally, when the figure completely disappeared into the air, Luo Xiu bent down, and picked up a bunch of small flowers from behind the tombstone like magic... However, this bunch of flowers was not white, it was a faint pink.

The black-haired young man gently inserted the bouquet of pink flowers on Amy's straw hat beside her.

After fixing it firmly, he lowered his eyes and said in a calm voice, "Sure enough, colored flowers are more suitable for a little girl like you. White flowers are too plain, what's so good about them?"

Amy raised her head and stared blankly at the black-haired young man who was looking down at him expressionlessly at this moment. She blinked, and a tear the size of a bean finally slipped from that numb little face. There is a wet water mark.



"Sing me a song," the black-haired young man's voice was almost drowned out by the wind, "that song about Alice."

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