After the disaster

Chapter 12 Calling

This morning, when Ah Chang woke up, Qiu Cheng had already gone out. He sat up from the bed, scratched his messy hair, and felt a little disappointed.

Yawning and coming to the terrace, Qiu Cheng had already watered the crops and picked the ripe tomatoes and peppers when Qiu Cheng left. He squatted down next to the wooden basket where the peppers were planted. He put his nose close to sniff, then stretched out two fingers, gently pulled a branch, and picked off a ripe red pepper hidden behind the branches and leaves. Put it on the window sill not far away, every time Qiu Cheng picks the ripe peppers, he puts them here to dry.

After picking the peppers, Ah Chang did not leave immediately. He squatted on the terrace for a long time. Although Qiu Cheng included the whole house in the spirit gathering array, he always felt that this terrace made him feel more comfortable.

Ah Chang has no memory of his life in human society, nor does he have much sense of time. When he was with that old cat in the past, they would often find a quiet place to bask in the sun. Today, apart from hunting and patrolling their respective strongholds, they have nothing to do most of the time.

Ah Chang didn't understand why Qiu Cheng was so busy every day, and why he couldn't bask in the sun with him.He came to the bathroom, picked up a green toothbrush, and cleaned his teeth unskillfully as Qiu Cheng taught him.

He had found quite a few of these toothbrushes in the past, and together with them there were some things that were soft to the touch, which tasted a bit strange, and he didn't like it very much.The things are hidden in a residential building to the north of the school. He always enters and exits through the windows on the second floor, and does not damage the gate of that building. He will look for them another day. Maybe Qiu Cheng will be very happy to see them .

Throughout the whole day, Ah Chang did nothing but bring back a bundle of grass for the three goats. He just nestled on the terrace, taking a nap while paying attention to the movement downstairs. There are more and more, which makes him feel very uneasy, if it is not because of Qiu Cheng, maybe he would have moved to live in a remote mountain corner.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Qiu Cheng came back, bringing back more than a dozen corn cakes, as well as the remaining tomatoes and a handful of shallots.He took two pieces of voles from the kitchen window and fried them together with the shallots, and sprinkled the remaining chopped green onions in the tomato soup, and the two of them ate corn tortillas with the meat and soup until their bellies were round. .

After filling my stomach, the sky gradually darkened. It was time for Ah Chang to go out to catch voles. During the day, voles rarely came out of their holes, and it was difficult to ambush because of the bright lights. Usually it was difficult to catch voles, but it was different at night. .

Ah Chang learned the mouse-catching skills from the old cat, relying on his rich experience, keen senses, superb latent skills, and agility.

Probably because Ah Chang didn't like to eat rat meat in the past. The old cat didn't hide from him the secret of why he was always able to catch the rats easily. When you need to eat, just choose a place to stay, and you will always get something in the end.

When Ah Chang went out, Qiu Cheng was not idle. Today their team leader's attitude is very clear. If he is late next time, he may not be able to pass the test so easily. This is not only related to whether he can keep his work in the next few days. It is also related to his job evaluation during this period. A bad evaluation is likely to make his future job hunting road bumpy.

So he decided not to go to the city to sell voles in the next few days, and if he caught them in the next few days, he would put them at home and raise them until the current job was over.

There were still some wooden strips used to nail the wooden basket before, and Qiu Chengcheng used them to nail a wooden basket about half a meter high, half a meter wide and one meter long, and made a cover for the wooden basket.This wooden basket is next to his TV cabinet and placed against the wall.Voles are no more honest than goats. He is a little worried about placing them in the opposite house, fearing that they will eat the cage and run away in the middle of the night.

When Ah Chang came back after catching the voles, it was already midnight, the lights were dark, and there were not many candles left in the house. Qiu Chengcheng didn't dispose of the voles immediately. He removed the lid of the wooden basket and asked Ah Chang to take the voles Pour it in, then close the lid, think about it and press a few thick professional books on it.

Early the next morning, Qiu Cheng caught a few big voles from the wooden basket and took them out to deal with. These big voles grew slowly after eating too much, and it was not worthwhile to keep them.The remaining smaller voles will be kept in wooden baskets first. When Ah Chang goes out to mow the goats during the day, he can get some grass seeds and roots for them by the way.

Voles are really easy to feed, and they can grow well just by eating grass roots and grass seeds. The most common grass seeds in this season right now are Mai Niang, which can be seen everywhere in the nearby abandoned fields. Qiu Cheng casually wanders outside after work every day. With one turn, you can pull back a lot of tassels.

In order to avoid the growth of bacteria as much as possible, Qiu Cheng also put a lot of hay in the wooden baskets. These voles made their own nests in the wooden baskets. Because there was enough food, conflicts seldom occurred. Occasionally, some voles would become noisy after being locked in the wooden baskets. Great, Qiu Chengcheng had to deal with them in advance, made them into voles and dried them.

Qiu Cheng didn't throw away the leftover vole fur, vole head, viscera, paws, tail, etc. when dealing with voles. Instead, he stuffed them into an oil pot, added water and EM bacteria, and put them in the sun. Let them ferment somewhere else, and in a month or two, they'll make good fertilizer too.

This oil pot was also brought back by Ah Chang from nowhere. There was still a little oil in the pot, and it was used by Qiu Cheng to fry the voles meat for a while. As a result, not long after eating, the two went upstairs with disheveled faces. Going down, I wanted to go home after finishing the solution, but turned back before reaching the fourteenth floor, and then they wandered outside for most of the night, not daring to go upstairs until they completely calmed down.

The post-disaster repair work is being carried out in an orderly manner every day. Soon, their electrician team went to Jiayuan Community to carry out maintenance work. Two days ago, Qiu Cheng spent a few corn cakes and asked Lao Li to help him change a lock. The broken lock on the door of the house opposite was removed, and a new lock was installed.

When the staff come to knock on the door and find no one, they will collect the information and confirm whether the house has an owner. Unless it is confirmed that the house has no owner and other people are arranged to live in it, otherwise they will not want to Open the door and go in.

And the work of their electrician team is only responsible for the normal power transmission of several main lines in the community, and to ensure that the houses with people can use electricity normally. The maintenance work of empty houses is only carried out to each household. electric meter.

The rest is to ensure that the three sheep will not bark at the critical moment. Qiu Cheng has no choice but to leave it to Ah Chang.

In the past two days, Qiu Cheng has been very nervous. When he goes out and comes home every day, he can't help but look up at his terrace from below. Whenever he has time, he moves the crops on the terrace. Put it, just put some low ones outside, and double check that you can't see anything abnormal from below.

In the end, he was really worried, so he used some curtains and quilts to cover the wrought iron railings around the terrace. The railings of his terrace were 1.5 meters high. After covering them with sheets, curtains and other fabrics, their house could not be seen from below. The scene on the terrace.

When arranging work, he learned that Qiu Chengcheng lived here, and the electrician team leader naturally assigned the maintenance work of their building to him and Lao Li.

Qiu Cheng and Lao Li divided the work. Lao Li was in charge of the first to seventh floors, and Qiu Cheng was in charge of the eighth to fifteenth floors. This was just a general inspection work, and there was no need for two people at all. Separate operations would help improve efficiency.Old Li knew that Qiu Chengcheng lived on the fourteenth floor of this building, and seeing that he offered to be in charge of the upper floors, he was also happy to avoid climbing a few floors. After all, this old man with old arms and legs is no longer comparable to a young man.

Qiu Cheng went in and out of the fourteenth floor every day, knowing that his family lived on this entire floor, and the rest were empty houses. After checking the wiring and lighting equipment in his own house and public areas, he went up to the fifteenth floor and checked Face-to-face equipment and lines in public areas.

He walked through the corridor on the fifteenth floor, and all he saw were the same door panels. This kind of door was installed uniformly by the developer at the time. The door panels were extremely thin and the door locks were not strong. Those who didn't change the door, the whole floor on the fifteenth floor was empty, Qiu Cheng knocked on the door one by one, but there was no movement.

Then he went to the thirteenth floor, it was still quiet, and then he went to the twelfth floor...

"Oh, I can't do it anymore. You said why didn't they pass the elevator first and then let us come over..." Qiu Cheng was on the stairs when he heard a woman's voice from below.

"You think they still take us seriously?" Another voice sneered.As soon as Qiu Cheng heard the voice and tone, he immediately recognized that this was the woman who sold him broken jade a while ago, named Shen Xing.

"Oh, it's not easy to stutter." The woman who spoke in front sighed three times.

"How about we sit here and rest for a while, there are still several floors." Shen Xing said.

The other woman was about to speak when she heard footsteps from the stairs above. The two looked at each other and became a little nervous. I heard that the closer to the suburbs, the worse the public security, especially those like This kind of empty building is always particularly frightening.

"No one is upstairs right now, so you don't need to go up." After a while, Qiu Chengcheng appeared in front of the two of them with a toolbox on his back.

"It's you." Upon seeing Qiu Cheng, Shen Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

"You know him?" the woman with her asked.

"It's from the electrician's team. I've seen it in the city before." Shen Xing didn't say much to her.

"Oh." The woman nodded, and then asked Qiu Cheng, "Is the upstairs empty? No one lives there?"

"I don't know about the other floors. You'd better confirm it after turning on the electricity. There is only my family on the fourteenth floor, and no one lives on the fifteenth floor." Qiu Cheng briefly explained the situation to them.

"You live here? Then take a look at this document, sign it if you don't mind, and fill in the user information as well." Shen Xing handed the folder in his hand to Qiu Cheng neatly.

When Qiu Cheng was working in various communities during this period, he often met them who were doing publicity and statistical work. He knew that the current electricity consumption policy limited electricity for each household, and there was no limit for public lighting in the community. , The elevator power is limited, and the quota is calculated according to the number of residents. After the monthly quota is used up, the elevator in the building will be out of service.

Qiu Cheng filled out the resident information, signed his name on another document, handed the folder back to them, and then Qiu Cheng walked downstairs without saying much, and Shen Xing and the others hurriedly followed. The emptiness is scary, and having a man around them somehow makes them feel safer.

The three of them went downstairs together. While Qiu Cheng was doing maintenance work, Shen Xing and her colleagues knocked on the door layer by layer until they reached the eighth floor. They found a house with a child in it. , talked to them through the door, saying that his parents were not at home, the door was locked, and he couldn't open it.

Qiu Cheng went downstairs to find Lao Li. The situation on his side was slightly better than that of Qiu Cheng and the others, but not much better. I don't know if it was because it was daytime and the residents were out. Confirm it.

The buildings on their side are relatively new, and the main buildings have not suffered too much damage. There are no major problems. After an overall inspection, and after solving a few minor problems, the electrician team leader will report the work progress. If it goes well , it will be powered on tonight.

After Qiu Cheng got off work that day, Shen Xing found him again.

"Do you still want broken jade?" She asked straight to the point.

"If the price is right, ask for some more." Even if Shen Xing didn't mention this matter, Qiu Cheng would have to ask her about it.

He has been studying "Wood Xiu Notes" recently. Although he is still a little confused about how to practice, he is also confused about those formulas and mental methods, but he has a better understanding of spiritual energy and gathering spirits. .

He set up the spirit-gathering array to gather the spiritual energy of the world, just like scooping up a ladle of water from a big river, which benefited him a lot, but it was insignificant to the vast world.

In the spirit-gathering formation, the aura is not static. This formation is driven by the spiritual power contained in the jade, so that the aura in the formation moves according to a certain law. This movement makes the aura gather and not disperse. .This is the operation principle of the gathering spirit array, and to maintain the operation of the spiritual energy, it will inevitably consume some energy. When the jade stones used to set up the array run out of spiritual power, the formation will lose its effectiveness.

After talking about Yushi, Qiu Cheng asked Shen Xing again: "Can you get the owner's information of our building? I only want the fourteenth and fifteenth floors."

"Which one do you want specifically? I can ask someone to look it up for you, but..." She doesn't do white work.

"My upstairs room, 1506." Qiu Cheng handed her a tortilla, and then said, "If you can get me to buy that room, I'll give you five more."

Recently, Qiu Cheng felt more and more that the terrace area of ​​his house was too small and not enough. Although the house opposite their house was not bad, the orientation was not so good. It was facing north, and the sunlight was not enough. The direction of their house was much better. The location is at the southwest corner of the building, there are no walls to block the west and south sides, and there is plenty of sunlight. His room number is 1406, and 1506 is right above it.

It's only been two days, and their electrician team will be disbanded soon. At that time, Qiu Cheng will not have to go to work, and he will have plenty of time all day long. He can sell all the dried voles tomato sauce they have accumulated during this period. In addition, the potatoes and corn will soon be ripe. He believes that with the current market price, it is not impossible to take down the upstairs room. Whether it is feasible or not, he will have to try it out. Anyway, the house is the cheapest right now. , After another three to five months, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

In the evening, Qiu Cheng was squatting on the terrace digging potatoes. Based on the growth cycle and time ratio of tomatoes and peppers, these potatoes should be ready to be dug now.

At the beginning, Qiu Cheng was a little apprehensive, but after digging a few times, he found light yellow potato skins. Now he felt at ease, so he called Ah Chang over to work together. The terrace full of things was moved to the relatively spacious living room, and the potatoes in the basket were dug out of the soil one by one.


Just as they were digging vigorously, the chandelier above their heads suddenly turned on silently, and the originally dim living room suddenly became bright, and the bright light illuminated every object in the living room clearly. From darkness to light, anyone can't help feeling how magical the electric light is.

"There's a call." Qiu Cheng stopped his movements. It wasn't until this moment that he truly felt that the disaster was over and they had returned to the previous world.

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