After the disaster

Chapter 2 Recruitment

The next morning, in the early morning sunshine, Qiu Cheng squatted on the terrace of his house, looking at the green onions again and again.

This is not normal!These green onions that had just been transplanted, not only did not show any signs of wilting, but they were raised by a full finger length. It is the beginning of spring now, and the temperature at night is less than fifteen degrees. Under such circumstances, this It is absolutely not normal for a few green onions to grow so fast!

"Attention all residents! Attention all residents! Xinnan City People's Hospital provides free diagnosis and treatment to all citizens. Please pay attention to your health. If you have..."

Hearing the movement, Qiu Cheng stood up from the balcony, leaned over to look north of the community, and saw a police motorcycle slowly passing by on the student street behind their community.

"...Citizens whose homes have been destroyed, please go to the sports center to get a temporary tent, and the relevant units will arrange the residence uniformly at that time..."

"...The disaster has passed, and what awaits us ahead will be a better tomorrow. Please cheer up..."

Qiu Cheng took one last look at the green onions on the terrace, and hastily closed the door and went downstairs. Although he wanted to spend more time and energy studying the spirit gathering array, the most urgent thing right now was the issue of livelihood. .

The loudspeaker on the police motorcycle just now yelled that many places in the city center are recruiting people to clean up the city after the disaster.

During the years at the temporary base, Qiu Cheng also participated in several large-scale recruitments organized by the city government, and the two largest ones each year were spring planting and autumn harvest.According to professional and physical ability, the government divides the labor force level of all citizens who respond to the recruitment, from level one to level four.

The first level is mainly the military, because they can fight the infected, they are the main combatants, and they were also the most important part of the temporary base at that time, as well as doctors, senior technicians, scientists and scholars.Young and strong people like Qiu Cheng are classified as the second-level ordinary labor force, followed by the third and fourth levels.

Generally, there are level requirements for recruitment. Even if you participate in the same recruitment, the recruiter will give you different treatment for different levels. In order to get more and better food, Qiu Cheng has spent a lot of effort to get his level up these years. The assessment was upgraded from level three to level two.

Generally speaking, unless it is a teenager who is growing up, once this rating is determined, it will rarely be changed.Of course, in the past few years, Qiu Cheng has also seen many people use their connections to tamper with their own ratings. Whenever they are recruited, as long as they pass a simple interview, they can mix up to a level that is much higher than their own contribution value. s return.

However, most of these people have been around for a long time, and they will become notorious after a few times. Moreover, if they do not have such good physical and psychological qualities, they are sent to perform higher-level tasks, and there is a certain degree of danger in themselves.

When Qiu Cheng went out this time, he also carried the hiking bag he bought before, stuffed the woven bag filled with soil yesterday in the bag, and brought a water bottle.He hurried to the city center with his hiking bag on his back. If he saw bullet casings or other metal garbage on the way, he would pick them up and put them in his backpack.

Although the doors of many shops on both sides of the street are open, if you go in and have a look, there may be some valuable things inside, but now no one knows whether the owners of these shops are alive or dead. If the burglary is caught by the owner of the shop again, the conflict will escalate, and the theft may be escalated into robbery.

Qiu Cheng saw a broken mobile phone under the eaves next to him. He walked over a few steps, picked up the broken mobile phone, and planned to put it in his backpack.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew up several plastic bags in the corner. When Qiu Cheng raised his head, he saw a few pieces of white debris scattered quietly in the area originally covered by those plastic bags… A broken bone, left by those monsters.

I don't know how the X virus has transformed the human body. After being infected with this virus, all good people will become monsters that eat human flesh.

Qiu Cheng had seen many bone fragments like this before.The most frequent time was in the spring three years ago, when their temporary base was short of food, they organized people to go outside to collect wild vegetables, and Qiu Cheng and his team went to a hillside to the north of the Xinnan River.

There they were attacked by the infected, and the accompanying soldiers immediately started a fight with them. After the battle, Qiu Cheng and a dozen other non-military personnel were responsible for cleaning up a nearby cave where the infected used as their lair. At that time, he saw many broken bones that were exactly the same as those in front of him.

Those were all broken human bones, white or variegated, skulls, thigh bones, finger bones... were randomly scattered all over the cave. Qiu Cheng and the others each picked a load and picked these bones Return to the temporary base and burn it.As for how many human tragedies were caused by these infected people in this cave, and how many people's despair and fear were carried, that is a hell on earth that the living people can't imagine anyway.

The further you go to the city center, the more pedestrians will be on the street. Most of these people look similar to Qiu Cheng, with a sallow complexion and a vicious look on their bodies.

When Qiu Cheng found the first recruitment site, he was already very hungry. Before going to bed last night, he casually took a few bites of cornbread, and when the feeling of hunger subsided, he quickly let himself fall asleep. I woke up this morning and still haven't had a drop of water.

There was a water truck parked next to the recruitment point, and many residents were queuing up to receive water with buckets and jugs. Qiu Cheng thought about it, took out the jug from his backpack, and lined up at the back of the line. I'm so thirsty, I need to get myself some water to drink first.

"Young man, come here, I'll give you a ladle of water." At this time, an aunt under a sycamore tree by the street waved to her, and there were two big buckets in front of her.

Qiu Cheng turned his head and looked around, and found that there were quite a few people like this near the recruitment point. He immediately understood something in his heart. After thinking about it, he walked over and took out the kettle and asked her to fill it up for him. , Gulu Gulu raised his head and drank most of it, and then passed the water bottle to her to refill.

"Young man, do you have anything to eat? Just give me a bite." Sure enough, after the aunt filled Qiu Cheng's water bottle again, she asked him for food.

If this was in the past, Qiu Cheng might not have approached this water stand at all, and he might have come over, but he would never give her any food. He could give her something else, such as the broken mobile phone in his backpack and Bullet casings and so on, presumably most other people do the same.

But this time was different. Qiu Cheng thought of the "Wood Repair Notes" at home and the juicy green onions on the balcony, so he took out the cornbread that he had bitten a few times out of his arms, and picked it up. I didn't bite the half, and broke a small piece of corn tortilla for the hungry old woman.

"Hey, young man, you are really kind-hearted. Hurry up, are you a second-level labor force? Hurry up and line up there. Their recruitment site only needs 200 second-level laborers. After recruiting enough people this time, it will take a long time." Time doesn't change."

The old woman stared at Qiu Cheng's movements until he handed the small piece of cornbread to her, then she smiled and urged Qiu Cheng to go to the queue.

Hearing what she said, Qiu Cheng hurriedly lined up. This recruitment site is the closest to his house. If nothing else happens, the area they will be responsible for cleaning up in the future should be in the vicinity. If they go to work in other areas, the current The traffic is very inconvenient, and it will be troublesome for those who go to and from work every day.

Although there are empty houses everywhere now, not everyone can live in those unowned houses. Besides, Qiu Cheng never thought about moving.

The team moves quickly, and the registration process for one person takes less than a minute. This is one of the impacts of five years of militarized management on ordinary citizens like them.

When it was Qiu Cheng's turn, he took out the ID card he had prepared and swiped it on the card reader on the table, and the machine made a clear beep.

"Qiu Cheng, second-level ordinary labor force, with an electrician certificate, you are assigned to the electrician group, package one or package two?" The registrar didn't even look up, his fingers fluttered, and he quickly made notes on his laptop.

"Package [-]." Qiu Cheng swallowed, and made a choice cruelly. When he was in line just now, the people in front had already explained the two packages to him. Similarly, Qiu Cheng also asked the people behind him The person explained.

For the laborers participating in this recruitment, they will have two meals a day at 04:30 noon and [-]:[-] pm. The content of the pot dishes includes Chinese cabbage, potatoes, carrots, beans, etc. The second set meal is two corn tortillas and a bowl of corn batter per meal.

Of course, Qiu Cheng also wanted to eat miscellaneous vegetables, but he was not willing to do so. A tortilla can satisfy hunger for a long time, but miscellaneous vegetables cannot.Many people have made the same choice as him. Most of them have family members to support them. Even those who have no family burden, there are very few people who choose the package one, because no one knows, when this job is over Whether they can continue to earn rations after graduation.

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