After the disaster

Chapter 21 An Egg

More than ten catties of cornmeal, this is dozens of corn cakes. According to this price, in the current Xinnan City, there are people who can afford it, but definitely not many, and Qiu Cheng does not plan to buy it.

He set up a stall here, and many people who saw the bustle passed by their stall, and there were quite a few people who talked about it, but they didn't see any of the ones that actually bought it.However, the car selling live chickens was parked at the intersection close to the direction of the city center. Even if someone bought it, they would probably not come to the night market with a chicken, and they would definitely take it home first.

"Ah Chang, how about eating roasted sparrows?" Old Feng came back from watching the excitement, saw Ah Chang squatting at the door of the store behind the stall eating roasted sparrows again, so he teased him to talk.

Ah Chang, a guy who seems to have a brain problem, eats a roasted sparrow every night, but his son is always greedy. Sometimes Lao Feng feels unhappy when he looks at it. On the one hand, he laments the luck of this fool. That's great, but on the one hand, I despise myself for being too useless.

"..." Ah Chang raised his eyelids, looked over at him, continued to eat without saying a word.Ah Chang now knows that no matter how fast he eats, it cannot be as fast as Qiu Cheng sells roasted sparrows, so he doesn't worry at all, and gets his own one every day, squatting on the side to eat slowly .

"Tsk, there's only so much meat in a roasted sparrow. Have you ever eaten a roasted chicken? It's such a big one, you can take a bite out of it, and the chicken skin is so oily... Hiss! That's delicious!" Lao Feng gesticulated and boasted.

"?" Ah Chang had already finished eating the roasted sparrow in his hand at this time, the portion was too small, and it was not enjoyable enough. Seeing Lao Feng reaching out for such a big roasted chicken, he couldn't help being fascinated, so he turned his head to look at Qiu again. become.

"I can't do it now, I'll buy it for you later." Qiu Cheng felt sorry for the cornmeal, and was reluctant to buy such a big chicken to eat back. During this time, he still wanted to buy as many houses as possible.

"Hey." Ah Chang was very easy to dismiss, and when Qiu Cheng said that he would buy it for him in the future, he immediately grinned happily.

"When will that be in the future? It's rare to see a group of live chicken sellers in our city. The next time I don't know, it will be the year of the monkey. By then, there may be no place to buy any amount of cornmeal. Ah Chang, They are at the intersection ahead, go and have a look if you don't believe me." Old Feng continued to tease.

"?" Ah Chang looked at Qiu Cheng again after hearing the words, with obvious expectation on his face.

"The stall will be closed later, let's go and have a look together." Qiu Cheng planned to take him to experience eye addiction.

"Just buy one and go back to eat. The business at your stall is so good, why don't you be reluctant to buy a live chicken?" Lao Feng said again.

"There's still a cost." Every time someone said that he made a lot of money, Qiu Cheng responded like this.

Lao Feng chatted here for a while, and when he saw a customer coming to their stall, he hurried over to say hello.

Ah Chang was so tickled by him that he looked in the direction of "roasted chicken" frequently this night, because Qiu Cheng promised him that he would go to have a look after closing the stall, so he desperately hoped that the things on the stall would be sold out as soon as possible. He walked to the left of Qiu Cheng for a while, walked to the right of Qiu Cheng for a while, and kept circling around him.

Finally, after nine o'clock in the evening, Qiu Cheng finally sold out the last tomato. The two of them pushed the tricycle and walked together to the intersection that Lao Feng and the others had mentioned. Ah Chang stood next to Qiu Cheng, his eyes wide open He closed his ears, and soon, he found a place.

At an intersection not far from the night market, a large truck was parked, and there were several strong men standing on top of the truck. These strong men surrounded the two large trucks. Let's start, under the truck, there are three floors inside and three floors outside, almost blocking the entire intersection.

There were also a few police motorcycles parked on the side of the road, and several police officers in uniforms were maintaining law and order. With so many people gathered together, it would be easy to cause trouble if one of them got it wrong.

Ah Chang's eyes were soon glued to the roosters and hens in the cages on the truck, and they couldn't move away. They looked similar to those birds, but they were much bigger than the birds. There must be many of them. meat!

"Live chicken! Live chicken! Three catties of cornmeal for a rooster! Four catties of cornmeal for a laying pullet!" A strong man in the car yelled at the top of his voice, but the spectators around him didn't care at all. He moved, and stretched his neck to look at it, as if he hadn't planned to buy it at all.

"!" Looking at the big and fat roosters and hens in the cage, Ah Chang couldn't help but licked his lips, and the two eyeballs seemed to be shining green.

"Let's go, let's go back." After looking at it, it was too crowded to go inside, and it was inconvenient for them to push the tricycle, so Qiu Chengcheng didn't plan to go any further.

Ah Chang didn't say much, and when Qiu Cheng said he wanted to go back, he obediently walked back beside him, looking back while walking, very reluctant.

"Live chickens! Eggs! Two corn tortillas for an egg!" Someone yelled again.

Qiu Cheng paused, he turned his head to look at Ah Chang, and Ah Chang also looked at him.

"Look at the car, I'll go in and have a look." Qiu Cheng handed the tricycle to Ah Chang, turned around and walked back, squeezed into the crowd, and soon came to the innermost part.

In the open space under the truck, there were some empty cages piled up, and near the front of the truck, there were baskets of eggs, guarded by two strong men on the left and right.

"Can your eggs hatch chickens?" Qiu Cheng pushed over and asked one of the tall and strong men.

"Some can, some can't. If you want, I'll help you find it." The strong man looked fierce, but he still spoke very brightly and kindly, showing his white teeth in a smile.

"Please help me find two." Seeing the other party's good attitude, Qiu Cheng also smiled at him.

"Actually, if there is no old hen here, no matter how inexperienced you are, you won't be able to hatch it." The strong man squatted down to help Qiu Cheng pick it up while he was talking, and he picked up an egg for him. Carefully illuminated by the street lamps.

"Then why don't you sell chickens?" Qiu Cheng asked smoothly.

"Chicken is too tender, it can't stand up to tossing. Besides, we are traveling in big cities this time, and not many people will buy that." The other party said, shaking his head and putting down the egg in his hand, and took another egg from the basket. Take one and shine it at the street lamp...

On Ah Chang's side, with the passage of time, his original joy and expectation were quickly blown away by the night wind in the city. He was alone guarding a tricycle, surrounded by people coming and going. Qiu Cheng was nowhere to be seen.

Ah Chang stared at the direction where Qiu Cheng disappeared. The place was crowded with men, women and children, tall and short, with long hair and short hair, and those in yellow clothes and red clothes. There were so many people. Ah Chang looked at the crowd, Suddenly he felt a little at a loss, with so many people, if he lost Qiu Cheng, how would he get it back?

"What are you doing standing there?" At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded beside him.

"Qiu Cheng!" This was the first time Ah Chang called Qiu Cheng's name.

"What?" Qiu Cheng asked him.He bought eggs just now, because he was worried that there would be too many people on this side and the two eggs would be crushed, so he got out from the place where there were few people on the other side.

"!" Ah Chang shook his head and smiled happily.Why did he just forget that this person's name is Qiu Cheng? Now that he knows his name is Qiu Cheng, how could he lose it?

"Here you are." Qiu Cheng took out two eggs from his pocket and handed them to him. "Hatch the chicks first, and when the chicks grow up, you have roast chickens to eat."

Ah Chang happily took the two eggs and held them carefully in the palm of his hand.

"Get in the car and sit down." Qiu Cheng said and got on the tricycle.

The dilapidated tricycle left the intersection slowly. There was a stove, a few boards, and a Chang on the car. Behind them was a car of live chickens and many onlookers. Nothing could be seen from behind these people. But if you look out from the inside, you can see how they all looked at the truck of live chickens.

On the way back, Qiu Cheng was not in a good mood. Just now, he was standing in the middle of the crowd, looking at those eyes shining with longing, longing, and greed, he couldn't feel happy no matter what.

Ah Chang was very happy. He squatted on the side panel of the truck, holding the two eggs carefully, as if he was holding the whole world.

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