Qiu Cheng only felt a tremor in his heart, and his lips moved. After all, he still didn't say anything, but silently wiped away the tears on Ah Chang's face.

He was used to living alone in the past, he didn't have any big plans, and he didn't have much plans for the future, but now he had to think more.

In the past, at the temporary base, because of the militarized management, even though it was hard and difficult, the law and order was very good. Although there were a few forces in the dark, people like Qiu Cheng didn't look down on them at all.

What could Qiu Chengneng have at that time?It's just working hard every day in exchange for a little ration.In the beginning, there were one or two thorny heads who wanted to grab what he had in his hands. Qiu Chenggao went out and fought with people twice, but later on, he rarely encountered faultfinding. At that time, the temporary base was strictly controlled, and everyone Don't dare to make trouble.

Now it is different, Qiu Cheng has more things, so it is easier to be targeted by others, and there is no more militarized management, so Qiu Cheng is not as open-minded as before when he really confronts people. In the past, even if Qiu Cheng confronted someone, he would hit him whenever he wanted, and he would go to the police station whenever he wanted, without any scruples, but now it is different.

Looking at Ah Chang, Qiu Cheng couldn't help but feel a little complicated.Ah Chang's physique is different from that of ordinary people. Qiu Cheng can't figure out why this is so, and Ah Chang can't explain it either. He just has a vague guess in his heart that the abnormalities displayed by Ah Chang may have something to do with the new students. .

With this kind of conjecture in mind, Qiu Chengcheng didn't want to expose Ah Chang's existence.If it was five years ago, when the X virus just broke out, with the chaos at that time, it would not be particularly difficult to fish in troubled waters and pretend to be an impostor.

But now there is no such possibility. The identity and household registration management in their country is already very strict. Coupled with the militarized management over the years, everything is in order. I wish I could register even a mosquito. A Chang like this Big living people, how can they find a loophole to take advantage of, even if there is that loophole, they don't have the relationship to find it.

That night, Qiu Cheng did not give up meditating. He clearly saw the benefits of his practice. Being young has always been a disadvantage. Whose fist is vegetarian these days?

Just now at the riverside, Qiu Cheng did not expend much effort, and he knocked down three opponents by himself. This is already a great improvement for him. If the scene at that time was not too chaotic, he and A Chang He didn't have much experience in fighting against others, so he wouldn't be able to eat this knife.

Qiu Cheng calmed down, put everything behind him for the time being, and fell into samadhi after a while.Ah Chang nestled on the bed beside him, lying there motionless at first, and then sat up from the bed after Qiu Cheng settled down, leaned over and sniffed Qiu Cheng's wound, and let out a few sad sounds deep in his throat whispered, and finally lay sleepily beside Qiu Cheng.

Feeling the two round eggs on his belly, Ah Chang couldn't help but gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand to untie his pocket, and planned to throw them on the floor and smash them.

The reason why he was so weak today and caused Qiu Cheng to be injured was because, on the one hand, Ah Chang used to live with an old cat, and always avoided people when he saw them, lacking experience in fighting. It also had something to do with the two fragile items on his waist, because he was afraid that they would break, so Ah Chang was restrained and failed to deal with the enemy in time.

Thinking of this, Ah Chang couldn't help being very annoyed, he wanted to smash the eggs of these two bad things!The fanny pack was untied, and Ah Chang was holding it in one hand, and was about to throw it out, but his movements stopped again—no, let’s hatch them, and kill them for Qiu Cheng to eat when they grow up .

After one night, the wound on Qiu Cheng's arm had scabbed over.After finishing a meditation session in the morning, Qiu Cheng took care of the wound a little bit, put on a clean cloth and bandaged it again, so as not to be rubbed off by his clothes to remove the scab. Now the weather is getting hotter, and one of them got inflamed if it was not done well. It's troublesome.

After hastily eating breakfast, Qiu Chengcheng was about to go out, Ah Chang jumped up and down clamoring to follow, but Qiu Cheng pressed him down with a word.

"Take good care of your home, and don't let your things be taken away."

"Woo..." Ah Chang squatted on the railing, watching Qiu Cheng ride a tricycle out of the community, he looked back at the crops planted on the terrace, and at the direction Qiu Cheng left, without moving for a long time.

Qiu Cheng went out for a few hours, and found two people who made steel doors and came back. He wanted to install a steel door on the stairway on the fifteenth floor and at both ends of the elevator room, although there are still 1510 and 1512 that have not been bought yet. However, Qiu Cheng felt that this matter could no longer be dragged on.

Anyway, the two families don't live here now, so Qiu Cheng decided to make the door first, at worst, they will each be given a key to go there at that time, it's better than everyone can come and go freely in this floor like now.Of course, if you can buy the house, it's better to buy it early.

The two masters measured the size and took Qiu Cheng's deposit. They made an appointment to install the door a week later, and then went back first.

After they left, Qiu Cheng first looked at his two cages of voles, and then went to 1505 to look at the pond of fish. They all grew well, but they were too slow. The corn in 1501 didn’t grow very well. The corn stalks were tall and thin. In the past few days, there have been a few ears of corn, but they are not big. It doesn’t look like there will be any good harvest. Yes, but if it is pulled out now, Qiu Cheng feels a little pity, and he plans to wait two days to see the situation.

There are several baskets of potatoes on the terrace of his house that can be harvested again. Qiu Cheng spread a tarpaulin in the living room, and asked Ah Chang to bring those wooden baskets in, put them upside down on the tarpaulin, and put the potatoes in the baskets together with the soil. Pour it out, it's time to loosen the soil thoroughly, and if there are any bugs hidden in the soil, you can also pick them out at this time.

Ah Chang poured baskets of potatoes together with the soil onto the tarpaulin. Qiu Cheng pushed the soil away with his uninjured hand and picked out the potatoes. The spatula loosened it.Among the sundries sorted out from Ah Chang's strongholds, there were dozens of spatulas alone. Qiu Cheng picked a few heavy ones to use as gardening shovels, which seemed quite handy.

It has been raining a while ago, and these wooden baskets are placed on the terrace to rain every day. These days, the soil is also a little hardened, and the process of loosening the soil will take some effort.

Due to the severe lack of sunshine, this batch of potatoes did not grow well, they were small and the quantity was small.Qiu Cheng picked out all the potatoes in the soil, loosened the soil again, picked out the bug eggs in the soil as much as possible, and finally mixed some fertilizers, and put the soil into a basket.

This time, Qiu Cheng planted shallots, leeks, tomatoes, and peppers in these baskets. The leeks and shallots were just dug out from the previous wooden baskets and transplanted into the new baskets. Peppers and tomatoes were still used. The seeds from the past, because the germination rate and survival rate of the seeds in the Juling Array are very high, the seeds that Qiu Cheng exchanged for before are still left after use.

The reason why they all planted these is because after selling those pickles last night, Qiu Cheng felt that selling these things was quite profitable. Tomatoes and peppers bear a lot of fruit, so if you plant a few plants, and when they bear fruit, you can have some every day. For harvest, leeks and shallots can be picked every day. The locals love spicy food. He made salty and spicy pickles and sold them. The harvest may not be worse than potatoes.

Like this time, because there was no good weather, their potatoes did not grow very well. In the hot summer season, potatoes are a shade-tolerant and cool-loving crop. Once the temperature is higher than 25 degrees Celsius, the tubers will stop growing. And the summer in Xinnan City is very hot.

After finishing all this, Qiu Cheng and Ah Chang took some wooden baskets to 1506, scooped up the remaining turf with a shovel, put them into the wooden baskets, and put some in the fishpond, next to the wall. Others moved to 1501, and put them in the room where the goats were kept, near the window, where the sunshine was quite sufficient. From now on, these goats will eat grass every day, just eat it now.

vacated 1506, the location of this house is good, the south and west can be exposed to the sun, it is a pity to plant grass, Qiu Cheng plans to spread some more soil, and plant potatoes here, it is only mid-May now, away from the hottest There is still a month to go, if the weather is good, and with the help of Juling Array, it should not be a problem to plant two crops of potatoes.

After a busy day, when the sky was getting dark, Qiu Cheng and Ah Chang went back to their house, took a shower and changed into clean clothes.

After the heavy rain a few days ago, the maintenance work of the water pipes in their city was delayed again. When Qiu Cheng sent voles to a resident of his community two days ago, he heard them say that the area would soon be flooded.

Qiu Cheng also heard people say in the night market that tap water, like electricity, is limited to use, but others said that many coastal cities have opened up for people to use, as long as they can afford the water and electricity bills, their new Nanshi must be like this sooner or later, Qiu Cheng hopes that this day will come sooner.

When Ah Chang came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, Qiu Cheng had already mixed the flour that he bought last night, and it was dry, and put it in a large bowl, covered with a wet cloth, Ah Chang was only curious. He picked up the wet cloth and looked at it, then put it down again.

Qiu Cheng was chopping leeks at this time. He chopped a handful of leeks very finely, put them into the inner pot of a rice cooker, added some seasonings, and stirred them with chopsticks until the fluffy leek leaves Stir until more than half of it collapsed, and then give up.

Ah Chang squatted opposite the coffee table, watching curiously that Qiu Cheng had adjusted the stuffing and went to knead the dough. Qiu Cheng asked him to light the stove, so he took out the stove in the corner and lit it, and then followed Qiu Cheng's instructions Yes, half a pot of water was boiled on the stove.

Rolling dumpling wrappers and making dumplings, Qiu Cheng was familiar with these things in the past. When he was just a freshman, he hadn’t been a serious tutor yet. Apart from distributing leaflets, he usually went to the restaurant to help out, and the wages were very low. Among them, there is a northern dumpling restaurant, where he learned how to make dumplings, and also learned how to squeeze dumplings from the owner of the store. The extruded dumplings have round belly, thin skin and big filling.

After Qiu Cheng finished making dozens of dumplings, the water in the pot had just boiled. He neatly sprinkled these dumplings into the pot, and pushed them twice with a spatula. After cooking for a while, the aroma of noodles came out. , Qiu Cheng ordered cold water again, and boiled it for a while. When the dumplings in the pot floated up, he fished them out with a colander, and slowly filled them with two large sea bowls.

After scooping up the dumplings, Qiu Cheng made two more bowls of dumpling soup, took out the two taels of aged vinegar he bought last night, poured half of it for him and Ah Chang, and then handed Ah Chang a spoon and a pair of chopsticks to let him Eat dumplings with vinegar.

The dumpling wrappers that Qiu Cheng rolled out by himself were soft and elastic after being cooked through. Ah Chang imitated Qiu Cheng's example, using a spoon to fill the dumplings from the sea bowl into his own bowl, and beat them in the vinegar sauce. Roll, just fished it out and put it in his own mouth, his eyes narrowed as soon as he took it in.

"Is it delicious?" Qiu Cheng said, took a sip of the dumpling soup, because this time there was no meat in the dumpling filling, so he hadn't cooked it for a long time, and the leek leaves were still spicy, so he ate two leeks Dumplings, another sip of soup, just right.

"Yeah!" Ah Chang looked at Qiu Cheng, smiling like a happy little daughter-in-law.

"Eat more, make some dumplings." Seeing that he liked it, Qiu Cheng was also very happy. He used to make dumplings at home, and he would eat them for several days once he made them. Although he liked doing it alone in his heart. Living alone and eating dumplings is pure and comfortable, but he has never shared it with others. Now he finally understands why people need a partner.

The large thin-skinned dumplings made of half a catty of flour seemed quite a lot, but they both ate them in a short time. After eating the dumplings, they drank a lot of dumpling soup. Ah Chang was watching on the sofa with his chubby belly TV, but Qiu Cheng went to meditate again.

They didn't go to the night market to set up a stall that night, because fresh vegetables could be made into pickles, so they didn't have to set up a stall every day, just once every few days. With the time saved, Qiu Cheng decided to practice more.

According to the "Wood Cultivator's Notes", he will be regarded as a formal Mu Cultivator after he successfully builds the foundation. At that time, he will not only get more lifespan, but also improve his combat effectiveness. When something like last night happened, at least he wouldn't hold Ah Chang back.

The place to meditate is still near the balcony door. There are many crops planted here, and the aura seems to be stronger than other places in the house. Moreover, smelling the smell of grass and trees, Qiu Cheng is always particularly easy to enter meditation.

Ah Chang changed a few channels with the remote control, and felt a little boring. In the end, he simply turned off the TV, dragged a sofa cushion and sat next to Qiu Cheng, and imitated him and meditated with his legs crossed. After a while, he started snoring...

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