Zhou Qianxing is 68 years old this year, and his son has just turned [-]. He and his wife really struggled to give birth to such a child. They went to famous hospitals all over the country, and they often went out to pray to God and worship Buddha. When I was nearly forty years old, I got a boy.

During the turmoil in the past few years, his wife was gone, and only father and son were left to depend on each other. Zhou Qianxing was a businessman in the past, and he had a good eye. During the years when the X virus broke out, he also spent a lot of thought on management. They have a small farm not far from a temporary base in their provincial capital.

Now that the X-virus vaccine is out, the militarized management is over, everyone has left the temporary base and returned home, and the whole world is carrying out post-disaster reconstruction work.His son said that he wanted to recruit more talents now to form a powerful Internet company.

Zhou Qianxing doesn't know anything about Internet companies, but his son wants to start a career, so he must persist.Anyway, after a few years, he, the father, will be in the soil, and he will be left to deal with all the property in the family. It is better to let him do it now. With him watching from the side, even if he stumbles , and it will not fall too hard.

So in addition to running his own farm, Zhou Ganxing started the logistics work of his son's Internet company, in charge of the company's canteen, and was mainly responsible for arranging three meals a day.

It's not easy for everyone these days, and the same is true for computer talents. Except for those who have secured their jobs, most of them are still struggling to make ends meet. If their Internet company wants to recruit good talents, it must be able to Just make people feel full.

Zhou Ganxing usually transports things from his own farm, but his farm is still limited in scale, and in order to ensure output and improve labor efficiency, the crops planted are relatively single.

In order to improve the food, Zhou Ganxing occasionally went to a few markets in their provincial capital. When he came across something delicious and not expensive, he could buy a little and go back to improve the food for everyone. There are quite a lot, and now when supplies are scarce, there are some new things, not to mention the high price, and they are selling fast.

Xinnan City is close to the provincial capital, and there is only one station by train, which takes more than three hours. Zhou Qianxing heard that there is a lively night market near the Xinnan City Railway Station, so he brought people over to see what happened.

He didn't hold out much hope at first. After all, Xinnan City is a small city, with industry, agriculture, tourism, and everything is not very good.

In recent years, due to the disturbance caused by the X virus, all primary, middle and high schools across the country have also closed their doors. Before that, there were documents issued to allow each base to carry out compulsory education. However, neither adults nor children paid attention to this matter in those years. , so this work is also carried out so-so.

Even now, everyone is not focused on studying and taking exams. Even if the college entrance examination is really resumed, there will not be too many candidates from all over the country. How many students can a third-rate university like New South University get?

In Zhou Ganxing's heart, he didn't have much expectations for Xinnan City. This afternoon they bought a train ticket and went out. They took the train for more than three hours. When they came out of Xinnan City Railway Station, they saw the nearby night market. It was lively. As soon as he walked to the train station square, a gust of night wind blew by, and Zhou Ganxing smelled a smell of sauerkraut. He immediately swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and ran all the way along the direction of the night wind. He finally found him. The two young men selling sauerkraut.

Six taels of cornmeal can be exchanged for a catty of sauerkraut. This price is too fair in Zhou Ganxing's eyes, so he immediately decided to buy them all.

"This sauerkraut is good, where did you get it from?" While Qiu Cheng was weighing it, Zhou Ganxing pulled another cabbage leaf and chewed it in his mouth.

At this time, Qiu Cheng and the others had already pushed the tricycle to the empty train station square, placed the electronic scale on the ground, spread plastic sheeting on it, and weighed half and half of the sour cabbage that had been twisted in salt water.

Seeing him doing this, Zhou Ganxing felt a little more satisfied. He is an old businessman, but he doesn't show his shrewdness on his face from time to time. Sometimes he deliberately doesn't say anything, and sees what the other party will do first.

If Qiu Cheng saw that he was easy to talk to at this time, even moving the whole bucket of cabbage and water to the electronic scale to weigh, he would definitely not agree.It's just that he didn't say anything, and he even acted like he was being taken advantage of earlier, and Qiu Cheng didn't show that he wanted to take advantage of it at all. Zhou Ganxing saw this and gave this young man a rather high impression in his heart point.

"Some time ago, I brought some cabbage back from the north, and when it rained, it was not easy to sell, so I pickled it." Qiu Cheng said to him while twisting the salt water: "This pickled cabbage is not good after being tossed a few times. It’s been left for too long, so take it back and eat it as soon as possible.”

"It's okay, wrap it up and put it in the refrigerator, it won't be a problem to eat for a week." Zhou Ganxing said.

"That shouldn't be a problem." Having a refrigerator is really much more convenient. If there is no electricity restriction in Xinnan City next month, they can also plug in the refrigerator and make a stir pot every now and then, so there is no need to worry about it. Eat it in time and it will go bad.

"Then can you usually get some other things back? I manage a cafeteria, and I need a lot." Zhou Ganxing felt that Qiu Cheng was a kind young man, and he could deal with it more.

"There should be a batch of potatoes in a few days." Qiu Cheng said.

"What's the price of potatoes?" Potatoes are often seen in provincial cities.

"One catty of cornmeal is exchanged for one catty of seven taels of potatoes." Qiu Cheng directly reported the transaction price between himself and Ge Hongchang.

"How much can you get?" Zhou Ganxing's eyes lit up when he heard the price.

Right now, these potatoes are relatively rare, basically they were stored last year. Although potatoes have more moisture than cornmeal and are not as full as cornmeal, they are still very popular in the provincial capital. Zhou Ganxing usually looks for them in the market near their home. After searching around, if he could exchange a catty of cornmeal for a catty and a half of potatoes, he already felt that it would be very affordable.

"I don't know, we need to see the situation at the time." Qiu Cheng said smoothly.

"Is the quality of the potatoes not bad?" Zhou Ganxing asked again.

"It's definitely not bad. I have shipped several batches of goods before, and the supply is in short supply." The quality of the potatoes grown by their family is naturally not bad.

"Then when this batch of goods arrives, you can leave me a few hundred catties. Look at my cornmeal, is it of good quality? They are all grown in my own farm, dried in the sun, and ground into powder with a stone mill. How many, thin and dry."

At this time, Qiu Cheng had already weighed the sour cabbage, so Zhou Ganxing asked the two young men who came with him to bring over the cornmeal and weigh it, and while scooping the cornmeal onto the scale, they sold it and boasted.

"You still have a farm? What do you grow?" Qiu Cheng couldn't help but feel agitated when he heard that the other party had a farm.

"Hey, the main thing is to grow corn. I also planted potatoes, and they are still young seedlings." Regarding his own farm, Zhou Ganxing did not tell Qiu Chengduo.

"Have you raised chickens yet?" Qiu Cheng asked him directly.

"I just raised a group in the beginning of spring this year. Why, you also want to raise chickens?" Hearing his question, Zhou Ganxing felt relieved again.

"Is it easy to buy chickens in the provincial capital?" Qiu Cheng raised his head and looked at Zhou Qianxing.

"It's not too difficult to say. Our provincial capital is connected by trains in four directions, east, west, north, and south. There are also many businessmen coming and going. It depends on whether you can touch them. These things sell very quickly." Zhou Qianxing said.

"Oh, then I'll leave you potatoes, can you keep an eye on the chickens for me in the provincial capital these days?" Qiu Cheng asked him.

"Okay, let me help you take a look. Just leave me five hundred catties of potatoes. Next week, we will trade in this place at this time. What do you think?" Zhou Ganxing and Qiu Cheng agreed.

Qiu Cheng naturally had no objection. In fact, he still wanted to inquire about the piglets through Zhou Ganxing, but they had just met and it was inconvenient to make too many demands, so they bought the chickens first.

Recently, as the two chickens in their family grew up day by day, Qiu Cheng's thoughts also became lively. If they can raise a group of chickens, their family will have chicken eggs to eat in three to five months.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few more words. Qiu Cheng asked Zhou Ganxing about the price of chickens, and Zhou Ganxing also asked Qiu Cheng where they were going to buy agricultural products at the night market. The two completed the transaction and confirmed it again. As for the time and place of the transaction, everyone went to their own business.

That night Qiu Cheng and the others did not bring out a few bottles of pickled vegetables and pickles except for pickled cabbage. Zhou Ganxing bought all the bottles of tomato and chili sauce just now, leaving only a few cans of pickled green onion leaves and pickled leeks. Qiu Cheng Thinking about it, I didn't go to the stall anymore, turned around and went straight home.

After returning home, Qiu Cheng and Ah Chang didn't do anything else that night, they just carried the mud bags. They transported truckloads of dirt from the outside to the community, and then carried big bags upstairs. It was not until the wooden frame nailed by 1504 was covered with soil and some fertilizer was mixed on it.

The peanut and soybean seeds that were planted before have now sprouted small shoots, and when they grow a little longer, they can be transplanted to 1504.

Another night later, Qiu Cheng and Ah Chang got up early as usual, went to the river to fetch water to catch bugs, and after returning home Qiu Cheng meditated and Ah Chang took care of the crops and the family's livestock.

Qiu Cheng recently meditated, not as relaxed as he did at the beginning. He read the "Wood Repair Notes" carefully again, and found nothing wrong with his practice. He guessed that this might be a breakthrough, but Don't dare to rush for quick success, but never slack off in practicing meditation every day.

At nine o'clock, Qiu Cheng made some breakfast for the two of them after leaving the appointment. They ate some of the potato flour they steamed the day before yesterday, and the rest was left to dry. Just grabbed a handful from the drying rack and cooked it with sauerkraut.

After breakfast, Qiu Cheng wanted to go to the city to get the ten catties of sweet potatoes he ordered two days ago. When he was packing up and preparing to go out, seeing Ah Chang looking at him eagerly, Qiu Cheng's heart softened.

"Do you want to go together?" Qiu Cheng went back there before, and felt that although there were people like Guigui Huang and the others there, it was basically peaceful and not chaotic. It should be no problem to take Ah Chang with him.

"!" Ah Chang kept nodding happily.Qiu Cheng was happy to see him, and he was also happy in his heart. Now he can't help but want to do something to make Ah Chang happy, to make him happy.

This morning, the two of them were going out happily, but they didn't expect the atmosphere in the city to be very solemn.

"Damn it, I've heard people say that this year's pests are serious, but I didn't expect it to be so serious." In front of Dahe's store, several people were talking around.

"What's wrong?" Qiu Cheng stopped the tricycle and couldn't help asking.They rode a tricycle all the way here, and heard many people talking about the pests, but they didn't know exactly what happened.

"You guys don't know yet, do you? Right now all over the world are infested with pests. Someone has done a survey and posted it on the Internet." The old man who spoke looked like a nearby resident. He glanced at Qiu Cheng and the others. That's it.

"Do we have internet in Xinnan City?" Qiu Cheng had never heard of this, and the water and electricity system has not been fully repaired yet.

"We don't have it in this place, why don't we have it in other places?" The uncle looked at Qiu Cheng again, with a sense of superiority as a well-informed person: "It all happened yesterday, and we were also in the night market last night. Listen to what people say."

"Oh." Qiu Cheng nodded. They sold all their items in the night market yesterday. They didn't even go to their own stalls, so they went back directly. They really didn't have a chance to hear about it.Seeing that the store owner Da He was also at the side, Qiu Chengcheng took out the list from his pocket: "I'm here to get the sweet potatoes."

"The sweet potatoes are inside." Da He took the order and greeted Qiu Cheng inside the store. After thinking about it, Qiu Cheng still didn't leave Ah Chang outside alone. He locked the car first, then brought the cornmeal, and Ah Chang and the two entered the store together.

"So many people are watching, why lock the car?" As soon as they entered, someone whispered outside.

"It's okay to let the one in the back watch from the outside, it's just a matter of time." Someone immediately answered.

"Know what? Look at him again."

Sure enough, someone looked into the seed shop, and just as Qiu Cheng was putting cornmeal on the counter for Da He to weigh, Ah Chang looked around curiously.

"Tsk, are you a fool?" A woman said so, and the tone of her voice was really unpleasant.

Qiu Cheng frowned, and turned his face to look at the people outside. The few who were talking vigorously just now fell silent. His anger seemed to hit the hearts of these people. Some panicked.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Are you still allowed to do business?" At this time, Da He shouted at the people outside dissatisfied.

As soon as Qiu Cheng came back to him for the first time, he bought a pack of peanut seeds, and also ordered ten catties of sweet potatoes. This is already a relatively big customer for him. Although he is not very enthusiastic about business, it is not It doesn't mean he doesn't care if business is good or bad.

"Okay, what's wrong?"

"Really, it was fine just now, but if you say you change your face, you will change your face."

"I didn't say anything, it's really two hundred and five."

"Who won't let you do business anymore. If Guigui Huang hears this, you'll have to blame us? Let's go, let's go."

These people sighed a few times forcefully, and then they all dispersed.

"If you don't do business all day long, you will break your mouth." Da He weighed the cornmeal, and gave the sweet potatoes to Qiu Cheng and the others. Seeing them leave without saying anything, he wondered if they could go to him in the future. When I came here to buy things, I couldn't help feeling a little regretful in my heart. I knew that these people were not virtuous in their mouths. He really shouldn't be chatting with these people in front of his store today.

Ah Chang squatted silently behind the tricycle. He clearly felt that Qiu Cheng was not in a good mood at this time. He couldn't understand what those people said just now. Being so unhappy, he really should teach them a lesson.

After Qiu Cheng returned home, he nailed a wooden frame on the roof all day. He wanted to accumulate wealth and strength as soon as possible, and he wanted to help Ah Chang get an identity as soon as possible.

Ah Chang probably didn't understand what those people said today, so he didn't feel angry. If he understood one day, how would he deal with it then?As a gangster, in order not to let himself into the police station, he can't even fight with others. In order to avoid conflicts, all he can do is be patient.

He was absolutely unwilling to let Ah Chang suffer such grievances.

Because Qiu Cheng was not happy, Ah Chang was particularly quiet this day. He obediently handed Qiu Cheng a plank for the day, and accompanied him to carry the mud bags for most of the night. When he started to meditate after taking a shower, he finally bared his teeth and rolled out from the balcony.

This time he didn't go to the thirteenth floor, and climbed along the corner to the twelfth floor downstairs. After thinking about it, Ah Chang climbed two more floors, and then turned into an empty room and got off from there. building.

"!" On a quiet night, from a residential building next to the old vegetable market in Xinnan City, there was the crisp sound of glass breaking.

"Who? Whose bastard did such an immoral thing?" Cursing voices soon came from the family's house.

"!" Immediately afterwards, there was another crisp sound of glass breaking.

"Oh! This is to die!"

"!" There was still the crisp sound of glass shattering.


In the morning market the next day, many people heard that glass was smashed in several houses in their street last night, and the tallest one lived on the twelfth floor. It was unknown who did it. Yes, with that much strength.

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