After the disaster

Chapter 93 Tricks

In fact, Qiu Cheng and the others not only have eggs to eat, they can also eat chicken every few days. Fortunately, the location on the [-]th floor is high, they occasionally fry chicken and stew chicken soup, and it is not easy for the residents downstairs to find out.

As the little hens began to lay eggs one after another, the little roosters had grown up, and when it was time to sell, Qiu Cheng called the boss Bai in the provincial capital that day and asked him if he wanted little cocks.

After the previous several cooperations, Qiu Cheng felt that Boss Bai was not bad. Although he was a gangster, he never used his own power to suppress people when doing business, and what came out of his hands, no matter what Whether it's cornmeal or soybeans, the quality is guaranteed, and it's better to cook raw than cooked. Since Boss Bai is so reliable, Qiu Cheng naturally doesn't bother to find others.

"Little cock?" The boss Bai on the other end of the phone couldn't help raising his brows when he heard that Qiu Cheng had a batch of little cocks for sale: "Your business is getting bigger and bigger, and now even the little cocks are turning upside down." up."

"The quantity is not much, it's just a little trouble, but the quality is not bad, brother Bai, someday, can you arrange someone to come over and have a look?" The group of little roosters in their family have basically not grown very much recently, and if they continue to be raised like this, they will still have a good time. It was a waste of a lot of feed and energy for no reason.

"Well, let's go tomorrow afternoon. I just have something to go to Xinnan City. I will stop by your place when the time comes. Let's talk about the price after seeing the goods." Boss Bai said.

"Success, call me when you get to the place tomorrow afternoon." Qiu Cheng responded immediately.

In the provincial capital, as soon as Boss Bai put down the phone, a few younger brothers surrounded him: "Boss, these little cocks are brought back, and when the time comes, let the brothers have a tooth-beating sacrifice?"

"Get out, just know how to eat." Boss Bai scolded angrily.A little rooster needs a lot of soybeans to exchange, these prodigal things.

"Boss, then let's go over tomorrow, go to Shen Dingjun's first, or do you want to go to Xiaoqiu's place?" Another younger brother asked again with a smile, not taking their leader's black face seriously at all.

"Go to the one surnamed Shen first, it's a big deal after all." Boss Bai narrowed his eyes.

About the rumors about Shen Dingjun in Xinnan City, they have heard a little bit in the provincial capital. Boss Bai is a gangster who pays attention to the word of love and justice. Shen Dingjun's actions are obviously not to his liking, but business is business. These days It's not easy to wholesale some poultry. This time, the few duck farms surnamed Shen organized in Xinnan City have really become popular in their province.

Before dawn the next morning, Qiu Chengcheng caught all the little roosters in the house, and only picked out a few of them as breeders, and put the rest in cages. In an empty room.

Chickens are hard to see at night, and it is easy to catch them. I really have to wait until the sun comes out, and these chickens are alive again before catching them. It will take a lot of trouble, especially the chickens in Qiu Cheng's family. They're all pretty wild.

It’s rare that this day is still Saturday. After breakfast, Ah Chang didn’t have to go to school anymore. He took his homework and came out to lie on the ground at the door of the terrace, doing homework for a while, running errands for a while, and grunting on the mat after a while. Lou dozed off.

Qiu Cheng knew that Ah Chang didn't like reading very much. Except for the homework assigned by the school teacher, he usually didn't force him very much, so as not to worry about getting a child who was tired of studying, and then there would be no other way. Take your time. It doesn't matter if you study for a few more years, and you don't need to point him at making money to support your family anyway.

"Hey, little brother, do you have houses for rent here?" At this time, someone from the downstairs community talked, and it seemed that some southerners came to look for houses.

"I don't know too well, but there are fewer houses in the community here. You can look for the farmer's houses at the back. I heard that there are many rented houses there." Zhou Quan's voice came later.

"Oh, I just came over from there. Farmer's houses are not good. There are too many people there. Usually, when my wife and I go to work, there are only two girls left at home. They are too young, so don't worry." The man sighed He took a breath and said again.

Qiu Cheng carefully recognized this man's voice, and keenly noticed that his health seemed to be not in good condition, as if he had just recovered from a serious illness.

"That's it, then you can ask your grandparents, they may be clearer." Zhou Quan said apologetically.

He went out to catch bugs, and by the way, he went around to Wang's house to bring the day's bean dregs. There was still work upstairs, so he didn't say much to this person.

Recently, many southerners have flooded into Xinnan City. A small number of them are taken care of and are arranged in the city. Most of them are arranged in nearby towns. Some people don’t want to live in towns, and they can’t count on the government to arrange them. I have no choice but to go to the urban area to buy a house or rent a house to live in.

There are many peasant houses on both sides of the student street behind the Jiayuan community. Recently, many southerners have lived there. Although they are all from the south, these people are not familiar with each other. The man just now was worried. Security issues, that is also a natural thing.

Zhou Quan pattered upstairs with a small box of worms and a bag of bean dregs, but Qiu Cheng upstairs had already opened his "eyes of heaven and earth".

He saw the middle-aged man in his early forties downstairs sitting and resting by the flower bed under the community.

The sun in November is not very sunny, and the autumn wind blows occasionally, which makes it feel very cool and dry. The air conditioners in Qiu Cheng’s glass house are all turned off, and only a few progenitors are placed in the rooms that need to adjust the humidity. humidifier.

However, this man was already covered in sweat at this moment, and Qiu Cheng could tell that it was all a manifestation of sweating and extreme weakness.He sat on the edge of the flower bed for a while, took a break, took out the water bottle he carried with him and took a sip of water, then checked the time, then turned and walked outside the community.

Qiu Cheng held a few seeds infected by the Y virus in his hand, and while extracting the "poison" from them, he watched the man's every move through the "eyes of heaven and earth".

He walked out of the Jiayuan community with slightly flamboyant steps, and walked all the way to the west. Qiu Cheng knew that there were several villages there that were used to resettle the southerners. This man was probably going to go home at this time .

Sure enough, about four or ten minutes later, the man entered a village. This village is not close to Xinnan City, but it seems to be quite popular. Most of the people living in it are southerners who have just moved here.

"What's going on?" The man walked into a yard. There were several two-story houses built in this yard, and their family was arranged in one of the rooms. As soon as the man entered the yard, there was a man about his age. The woman came out.

"I didn't see any suitable ones, so I'll go out again in the afternoon." Hearing the voice, the man straightened his back slightly and cheered himself up.

"Let me go, you rest at home." After entering her own room, the woman wrung out a towel and wiped her husband's face.

"It's okay, so many foreigners have come to the city recently, I heard it's a bit messy, so don't go out first." The man said to his wife while wiping his face.

"Father, father!" At this time, the two children upstairs seemed to have heard the movement, and rushed downstairs like the wind.

"Don't run down the stairs," their mother scolded.

"Father, how many bugs did you catch last night?" The two little girls were not afraid of their mother, and moved to their father's side from left to right. The two little girls looked alike and were about the same height. It's like twins.

"Not too many." The middle-aged man smiled and took out a plastic bag from his pocket at this moment, and opened it in front of the two girls, so that they could see clearly that there were less than three cornmeal buns in the bag.

"Have you eaten yourself?" asked his wife.

"Eat." The man laughed.

"What the fuck, just drink water?" the woman said, snatching the cornmeal cornbread from his hand, and staring at her two girls with wide eyes: "Go and help me light the fire, we'll have dinner together later, Don't try to steal your mouth."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo." The two little girls went around their old lady again.


"Give me a bite...give me a bite..."

"Okay, one bite per person."


"Just know how to eat, you guys are starving to death."

"...Dad, are you hungry?"

"I'm not hungry."

Seeing this, Qiu Cheng turned off the "eyes of heaven and earth". From the family's conversation, he already knew that this man should be catching bugs in their area every night recently, and looking at their cornbread, it seemed that he had never seen it before. Lao Hu and his uncle and nephew traded it at the booth.

Qiu Cheng decided to find an opportunity in these two days to have a chance encounter with him, and then rent his house below the ninth floor of the sixth building to their family. Although he didn't know much about this family, Qiu Cheng felt that he should be wrong. no.

Ever since he decided to dispose of some of the houses below the ninth floor, Qiu Chengcheng began to pay attention to those people who came to Jiayuan Community to view houses.

In Qiu Cheng's view, when people face their family members, they are often able to show their true side best.

Some people pretend to be decent outside, and beat and scold their wives and children as soon as they get home, or some young people are polite outside, but they don't feel like that at all when they get home.

Qiu Cheng has seen a lot of things like this recently. Although he also sympathizes with their families, especially those children who were born in unfortunate times but met bad parents. Qiu Cheng sympathizes with their experiences. If there is an opportunity, I would be willing to lend a helping hand to them, but I am unwilling to let such a family live in Building [-] of Jiayuan Community.

This not only related to Qiu Cheng's personal likes and dislikes, but also related to the safety of him, Ah Chang and Zhou Quan.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Boss Bai took some of his subordinates and drove to the front of Building [-] of Jiayuan Community, and called Qiu Cheng. Cars and goods, I took two people upstairs with Qiu Cheng.

After seeing the batch of young roosters, Boss Bai was very satisfied, and the price he offered made Qiu Cheng more satisfied. It has to be said that face-to-face business negotiations with Boss Bai were much smoother than trading through his subordinates.

After the deal was settled, Boss Bai asked his two younger brothers to go downstairs with the chicken coop. Originally, Qiu Cheng also planned to go with them. After all, Boss Bai's younger brother was not his younger brother. It was best to let them move, but just as he was about to make a move, he was stopped by Boss Bai.

"Don't be too busy, just leave this little thing to them, and it's not like there is no elevator, so you won't be tired."

"Yeah, yeah, don't stretch out your hand, just leave it to us." My boss had spoken, and the two younger brothers naturally had to cooperate with all their strength.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Qiu Cheng smiled, and didn't refuse anymore. Judging from Boss Bai's expression just now, he seemed to have something to say to him.

Sure enough, when the two boys went down with the chicken coop, Boss Bai called Qiu Cheng to the window and chatted with him.

"Xiaoqiu, do you know Shen Dingjun?" Boss Bai had a homely expression on his face.

"What? What did he tell you?" Qiu Cheng asked with a smile.

"I just mentioned it casually during the chat. Why, you two don't have a good relationship?" Bai Lao said with a big smile.

"Oh, I can't say whether it's good or not. I'm not familiar with him, but his hands are quite long, and there are too many twists and turns. I don't like it." Qiu Cheng didn't beat around the bush at all, and directly expressed own attitude.

As for why Boss Bai suddenly mentioned this issue to him, Qiu Cheng knew after thinking about it.In the past, Qiu Cheng didn't quite understand things like giving eye drops to people behind the scenes. Recently, he has seen a lot through the "eyes of heaven and earth", and he gradually understood that some people I put all my energy and wisdom on these things, and after a long time, my attainments will naturally increase, and when I meet those who are careless, it is really a trick.

"Oh, you don't like him? It seems that what he told me today is useless." Boss Bai was still smiling.

"How?" Qiu Cheng asked.

"He said that you are a young talent in Xinnan City. He intends to cooperate with you, but he doesn't know your character. He heard that we have cooperation, so he asked me about it today." Boss Bai said with a big face The smile on the face didn't change.

"My character is worrying?" Qiu Cheng also smiled at this time.

"It is said that he heard some bad rumors." Seeing what Qiu Cheng said, Boss Bai knew that he was actually like a mirror in his heart, and said to himself that this kid is not bad, and he can see clearly.

"Which son of a bitch poured dirty water on me!" Qiu Cheng cursed with a smile, and didn't say any more. Both parties have already understood the matter, and it would be meaningless to continue talking.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Boss Bai sat in the passenger seat and drove back to the provincial capital with a few brothers. On the way, he told a few brothers under his command. "In the future, let the brothers keep their mouths tight, especially for the people on Shen Dingjun's side. If you find someone who is cheating, don't give me mercy."

"Understood, brother." The other people in the car all had serious faces, without the slightest bit of joking and fooling around like usual.

"Hey, drive carefully, I'll sleep for a while." Boss Bai finished the training, put the backrest back, relaxed his body and lay down on it: "Oh, I'm so tired, there's more room for farts, damn it The water is quite deep."

Thinking of Shen Dingjun and Qiu Cheng, Boss Bai found it very interesting again, and couldn't help but lean on his chair and hum and sing a ditty.

Shen Dingjun, that old wretch, do you think his IQ is less than [-]?If he dared to play this kind of trick in front of him, if he didn't trick him, he would feel angry in his heart. Now it's all right, just let Mr. Qiu Cheng deal with him.

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