For an adult, twenty catties of grain per month is definitely not enough to eat.

Twenty catties a month, an average of less than seven taels per day, calculated as two meals a day, one meal is only more than three taels, this amount of food is not even enough for a strong laborer who has not seen meat for a long time.

Not to mention those southerners who have just settled down, each of them only has fifteen catties a month, and half a catty of food a day, which may not even be enough for children.

In order to ease the food pressure, Xinnan City introduced a new policy in December.All citizens who have settled in Xinnan City, whether they are original local citizens or those who have just relocated from the South, as long as they can solve the problem of food rations and do not need to buy food from the market, they can go to the city hall and get a package with their ID cards. A shopping card worth three yuan.

A shopping card worth three yuan doesn't sound like much. In fact, at the current price, a catty of cornmeal is [-] cents, and a [-] catty is only [-] yuan. The maximum denomination of the new currency issued this time is only ten yuan. To be able to get a three-yuan shopping card for free is still very good for some local citizens who are not very short of food.

I heard that the largest shopping mall in the city will be open for business on Christmas day, and these shopping cards can be taken to this shopping plaza for consumption.

At present, this shopping plaza is under preparation. Citizens pass by the plaza every day, and they can see many decoration workers busy.

Qiu Chengda never bought grain at the grain sales office in the city. This time, he heard that there was a shopping card, so he wandered around the city when he was free, and got the shopping card. .

While queuing up to get the card, he saw many citizens who also came to collect the card at the city hall. When collecting the card, they swiped their ID cards. Anyone who has received a shopping card will not be able to go to the grain sales office to buy food that month. , This is very helpful to relieve the food pressure, but it is inevitable that they will have to bleed some blood in the city.

"Hey, do you think we want food or a shopping card?" In Jiayuan Community, Aunt Chen and the others haven't made up their mind yet.

"If you want to buy food, you must buy it early. I heard that there is not much food in the city now." Zhu Yanming said.

"We have been working here in Xiaoqiu for so long, and we have saved some food at home. If there is no accident, we should not run out of food."

As long as Qiu Cheng, the big boss, was strong and their job was stable, they wouldn't have to worry about the food problem at all, but in the current atmosphere in the city, they always felt uneasy in their hearts if they were asked to give up food.

"Old Zheng, what are your family's plans?" Zhu Yanming asked Zheng Jitao.

"We don't have much food in our family, so we still have to stockpile some to be at ease." Zheng Jitao replied.

Since working here with Qiu Cheng, their family can eat enough now, but because they still have two children at home, they don't have much food left over. In this situation, they must choose to buy grain.

"The three-dollar shopping card is enough to buy a lot of soap for washing clothes. The leaflets in the supermarket are all posted, and a piece of soap is only sixty-five cents." Aunt Chen is still reluctant to part with the three-dollar shopping card Well, the food is bought with money, but the shopping card is free.

"I also saw that XX brand shampoo, which cost less than two yuan a bottle. My mother-in-law told me yesterday, saying that the shampoo I bought at the night market last time was not good, and that it made her hair dry. It's like straw." Zhu Yanming was actually very moved.

"What shampoo are you talking about?" Qiu Cheng just came up from downstairs at this time, and stopped by the room where they were working to have a look.

"Hey, Xiao Qiu, the rest of us are talking about the shopping card in the city." Aunt Chen laughed.

"Oh, that card, I just got it back from the city, take a look." Qiu Cheng took out the wallet from his pocket, opened it, and took out a silver IC card from it.

"Yo, it's pretty well done." Zhu Yanming and the others took it and passed it on for a look.

"Why is it a VIP card?" Zheng Jitao craned his neck to look over and asked casually.

"It's a VIP card, you can pay the bill, and there is a little discount. Take your ID card and sign an agreement. This time, I will sign for three months, and there will be nine dollars in the card. In the future, the detergent at home The laundry detergent is there."

Qiu Cheng's family was not rich since he was a child, and he was used to careful planning. Although he is not short of money now, some habits have been formed, and now he is being lavish, and he can't afford it.

"Oh, hello, it's nice to have nine yuan." When he said this, Aunt Chen was also very jealous.

Nine dollars, what is that concept? Zhu Yanming’s family’s old man’s pension is only five dollars a month. This nine dollars is almost worth two months’ pension. This is for nothing. .

"I'm going to take half a day off in the afternoon, so I'll take care of this too." Zhu Yanming made a decisive decision.

"Then I'll go tomorrow morning." Aunt Chen said afterwards.

They work for Qiu Cheng here, and they can rest for two days a month. Usually, when there is something at home, they can say hello to Qiu Cheng or Zhou Quan, as long as they make sure that there are people doing the daily work, and don't sleep together with a few people. .

"Why don't our family pay for one person's ration?" Zheng Jitao's daughter-in-law Wang Meiying said to her husband.

"It's fine, but don't take ours, take the girl's ID card, and share it with someone else." Zheng Jitao and the others used to be in the south for a few years. When it was really difficult, the rations of the elderly and children were easily taken away. Reduced, so he only dared to touch the two children in the family at this time, and he and his wife's share could not be touched.

"Xiao Qiu, your family's Ah Chang and Zhou Quan also received shopping cards, right? Now your family doesn't need to bring banknotes when going to the supermarket." Aunt Chen said to Qiu Cheng.

"Hey, yes." Qiu Cheng smiled and didn't say much.

This time, when Xinnan City implemented the household registration problem for those southerners, many people who still have registered permanent residence in other places and currently live in Xinnan City also took a ride along with them. For example, Zhou Quan, who now puts The household registration fell to Xinnan City.

But Ah Chang's household registration has not been changed. The identity information he is using now belongs to someone else, so naturally he can't touch other people's household registration.It's just that only Qiu Cheng and Ah Chang and Zhou Quan knew about this matter, even the Wang family didn't tell them, Shen Xing didn't know about it, and Aunt Chen and the others naturally had no way of knowing.

As for Ah Chang's identity, Qiu Cheng now has plans.He planned to use the conflict between Shen Dingjun and Ai Wenhai to sell Ai Wenhai a favor this winter, and then see if he could use Ai Wenhai's relationship to help Ah Chang gain an identity.

According to his observations, Ai Wenhai is quite affectionate. Although he intends to use him this time, the benefits he brings to him are real.Although Boss Bai is not bad, but the provincial capital is not where Qiu Cheng can observe and spy with his "eyes of heaven and earth" from time to time, and he is afraid that something will go wrong.

Time passed day by day, and in Xinnan City, the first half of December of this year was still very peaceful.

Although the limited food purchases are reduced, people will not starve to death. Factories from the south continue to relocate from the industrial zone, and a large number of citizens go there every day to apply for jobs. If the work problem can be solved , Coupled with the rations that are limited to purchase every month in the market, everyone feels that this winter should be able to pass safely.

However, when the time entered the second half of December, variables appeared again.

It’s not that the grain depots in the city are empty. Judging from the current consumption rate, the existing grain in Xinnan City should last until mid-January. During this period, relevant personnel will also work hard to get grain back from the north. The buffer period of more than one month is not particularly stressful.

The bad thing is that the cities to the west of them are in the west of Xinnan City, next to the southwest mountainous area. The planting conditions in the mountainous area are already relatively poor. In addition, there was a lot of pests this year, and the local grain harvest was not good. The grain was not available for a long time, and the grain sales offices in several cities were out of stock.

These days, militarized management is not implemented like it was when they were in the temporary base, and the population flow is relatively free. How can a city keep people without food? Many citizens drag their families to the central plains or After going to the north, many of them came to Xinnan City.

Although population is wealth, at this juncture, so many people come at once, and Xinnan City can't bear it. They are all fleeing civilians, and they can't be rushed. We really need to settle them down. The rations for so many people Where are we going to come from again?

As a result, the leaders of Xinnan City, who have just passed the rest for a few days, are worried again. In order to maintain the city's law and order, the number of patrol police on the street has also increased. Many patrol police have guns. I heard that quite a few of them are On secondment from the SWAT team.

"Tell me, what are you going to do about this?" Everyone in the conference hall had serious expressions on their faces.

"..." The answer to this question was complete silence. It's really difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

"Needless to say anything else, let's cast a vote whether to keep these people or not," said a young cadre.

"Why don't you stay? Could it be possible to drive people away?" Another person smiled wryly.

"If we give food, they will naturally stay. If we don't give food, they will naturally leave." The young cadre said just now.

"No food? It's not that simple. There are still some people in the south who haven't finished moving. When the time comes, we will implement the household registration for foreigners in the city. Do we have to check whether the people are from the south or the west? ?” The other obviously had his own considerations.

"It is impossible for the factories in the south to be relocated in a short period of time. They will be moved one after another, at least in the second half of next year. Many factories are still waiting to see. If we can keep these people, we will definitely be able to attract people. Less factories." An older comrade said.

"Who doesn't know the benefits of population these days, but it's not that there is no food." After all, it is still a food problem.

This time, this matter is really difficult to handle. They haven't reached a conclusion yet, and a large number of foreigners poured out from the train station.

It turns out that when these people chose places, they also went through comparisons, and there is also a lot of information about this on the Internet.

In Xinnan City, southerners who have just settled down can purchase [-] catties of grain per person per month, which is relatively acceptable across the country. I heard that several first-tier cities are no longer able to accept foreigners. Many people set their sights on Xinnan City.

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