Battle reports came from the border frequently, and the Hu people who had been silent for five years began to covet the rich land of Daqing again, burning, killing and looting many important border towns, making people's lives difficult.

The fifth prince handed over a booklet to ask for a fight that day, and a group of generals responded.However, the emperor kept the scriptures unpublished, saying that he would have to think about it for several days.Someone from the faction of civil servants who knew the emperor's heart immediately stood up to advocate peace, saying that the people should not be harassed by the flames of war anymore.

The frontier sent six urgent reports in a row, and the dispute between the main war faction and the main peace faction became increasingly fierce. The emperor finally made a decision-a truce, and sent the princess to Xiyi with a generous dowry to get married.The fifth prince threw down his wat board and left in a huff.The emperor was not annoyed, and continued to discuss the choice of relatives with all the ministers.

Because several princesses are already married, and the youngest Princess An Lin is married to Xiyi.Therefore, this time the relatives are chosen from among the noble girls in Beijing.The military generals of the main combat faction sneered again and again, and the civil servants of the main peace faction suddenly lost their temper, lest the emperor would fancy his daughter.In the end, no one knew who handed over a memorial, suggesting that Mr. Wang's second daughter go to marry him.

The reputation of the daughter of the Wang family has long been stigmatized. If she continues to stay in Daqing, she will be alone for the rest of her life. Why not make some contributions to the country and the people.Thinking about it this way, there are many people who agree.Wang Ziteng was confined in the mansion and could not go to court, so naturally he couldn't tell the difference for himself.

So at noon that day, Gao He came to the door with an imperial decree.

Wang Ziteng took the imperial decree and sent Gao He to the gate in a daze. When he returned to the main hall, he tripped over the threshold and couldn't get up for a long time.The butler hurried over to help, and asked the girl to bring medicinal wine to massage the swollen ankle of the master.

Fang didn't care whether her husband fell or not, she squeezed the handkerchief and sobbed and wiped away her tears.

After a while, a girl ran in and yelled loudly, "Master and wife are not good, Miss committed suicide!"

The two turned pale with fright, and hurriedly ran to the daughter's room, only to see a white silk tied to the beam, the daughter was holding her neck in both hands, and she was stepping on a rickety embroidered pier.A few little girls were crying to stop her, but they were afraid of touching her and let her put her neck in it.

"Lan'er, mother, please come down quickly!" Fang wanted to hug her daughter down but was afraid of startling her, so she turned around in a hurry.

Wang Xilan turned to face her parents, the embroidered pier under her feet wobbled and almost fell, causing the girls around her to scream loudly.She seemed to find it amused, glanced at the maids a few times before sneering, "I was originally the most honorable empress in Daqing, but now I am going to be sent to Xiyi to serve that stinking, hideous, and vulgar barbarian. From now on, I will never see my parents in my homeland again, and I will only swallow the windy sand from the desert and the barley that burns my throat every day, so I might as well die!" After finishing speaking, he wanted to wrap his neck in the white silk again.

"Lan'er, don't be impulsive! We haven't reached that point yet, so don't let it get you!" Fang pulled her husband over and said hastily, "You still have your father! Your father will find a way! You Come down!"

Wang Xilan looked at Wang Ziteng full of hope.

Wang Ziteng held the imperial decree tightly and did not say a word.

Fang was in a hurry, and reminded, "Our Lan'er once bestowed a marriage to the third prince. The third prince is kind, and he will never give up. You can ask him if there is a way? Maybe he can make the emperor change it. What's your idea?"

Wang Ziteng pondered for a moment, finally he was reluctant to part with his daughter, and beckoned Wang Xilan to come down, "Stop making trouble, father will go to ask the Third Prince."

"Really?" Wang Xilan was overjoyed, and immediately jumped off the embroidered pier, took Wang Ziteng's arm and said innocently, "Then ask him, can I still marry him? It's fine to be a side concubine instead of the main concubine. I don't care about those titles. Dad, you are a first-class loyal and brave man, and you are also a minister of military affairs. Marrying with our royal family will benefit him and not harm him at all!"

Wang Ziteng gave her an angry look, changed his clothes and hurried to Prince Jin's mansion.

The third prince stood behind the desk, drawing a picture of mountains and rivers with great concentration.Wang Ziteng didn't dare to disturb, and stood quietly by the side, his eyes could not stop drifting to the banner of 'Inscription on the Gold List' on the east wall.Such an unbearably vulgar text is really out of place in this elegant room, and I don't know who left it.

Just as he was thinking wildly, the Third Prince put down his brush and invited him in a gentle voice, "Please take a seat, Mr. Wang, please."

Wang Ziteng cupped his hands, not even daring to say anything.

The servant brought a pot of hot tea, poured it for the two of them, and left respectfully.The third prince raised his glass and sipped, and said straight to the point, "Did Mr. Wang come here for Ling Qianjin?"

Wang Ziteng nodded, and was about to make a statement, but he heard the other party ask in a lukewarm manner, "Master Wang, do you think it is more honorable to make a daughter, or a serious royal princess?"

"Naturally, the princess of the royal family is more honorable. The little girl comes from a humble background, so how can she be compared with the princess." Wang Ziteng was startled.

"Then why can my royal princess get married, but Ling Qianjin can't? My lord Wang, it's fine to just say it in front of this king. Don't let my father listen to it, otherwise the wrath of the emperor will hurt you and me." I can't bear it." The Third Prince put down his teacup with a solemn expression.

Wang Ziteng was terrified, and nodded while wiping his sweat.

The third prince suddenly laughed lightly, and said in a low voice, "This marriage is definitely a turning point for Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang's daughter has made such a sacrifice for Daqing. Father is deeply grateful and must have something. Compensation. The foundation of this king in the court is shallow, and it is necessary for Mr. Wang to re-enter the court as soon as possible to contribute to this king. Those who achieve great things do not care about the small details, only the success or failure. Mr. Wang will go back and think carefully to see what he has gained and what he has lost. "

Losing a daughter, in exchange for the emperor's guilt, in exchange for a chance to re-enter the court, came out of Prince Jin's mansion in a daze, Wang Ziteng was thinking all the way.After stepping off the sedan chair and looking back at the majestic palace, he finally made a decision.

In the study, the Third Prince brushed off the teacup that Wang Ziteng had used, and smiled softly, "It's dirty, throw it away."

The prince clearly still had the same kind attitude as before, but the servant felt extremely uneasy, and said cautiously, "Dare to ask the prince, have you thrown away the whole set?"

"It's useless, so naturally throw it away." As if thinking of something happy, the young man put on a weird smile.

No matter how noisy Wang Xilan was, when the agreed time came, Wang Ziteng finally sent her to the palace, and after hastily held the canonization ceremony, she was sent to Xiyi by an army.The emperor greatly praised the loyalty of the royal family, and sent Gao He to return the court clothes and the top-wearing flower feathers that day, but did not say when the prince-to-be would re-enter the court.

Even so, Wang Ziteng still heaved a sigh of relief.

However, in just one month, the army that sent off their relatives returned in embarrassment, and at the same time brought news that shocked the entire court.The just-canonized Princess Yonghe was assassinated by barbarians, her belly was ripped open, blood flowed like a river, and her death was horrific.Moreover, the Hu people also planted the blame on Daqing's head, and sent troops to attack Yumen Pass that day.When the army came back, the battle was still in stalemate. However, Daqing had no commander in town, nor did it have enough reinforcements. The defeat was only a matter of time.

Yumen Pass is the last gate to guard the Central Plains. If Yumen Pass is broken, Hu people can drive straight in.

Before the emperor had time to worry, a man in gray rushed out from among the escorting soldiers, knelt down and shouted for grievances.After hearing what she said, the emperor felt dizzy and his eyes turned black.

It turned out that this person was none other than Princess Anlin's eldest maid, Fei Cui.Now her face is sallow, her body is bony, and her fingers are covered with thick calluses. She still has the delicate and juicy appearance five years ago.However, it was Princess Anlin who was more miserable than her. The golden branches and jade leaves were gifted by Ji Li Khan to all the generals to play with, and the eyes, ears, nose, nose and limbs were cut off by the jealous Ke Dun, and the teeth were knocked out. Tie the neck with a belt, and keep it in a stable like an animal.

Princess An Lin endured three years of life rather than death, and finally died of a serious illness.Fei Cui, who was assigned as a military prostitute, tried her best to seduce a soldier and escaped at night.God finally opened his eyes and allowed her to meet the soldiers who were sending her relatives back home on the way to escape, and then she set foot on her homeland safely.

After reporting all her grievances, Fei Cui felt that she couldn't live on, so she crashed her head on the Golden Luan Hall.

The emperor stared at the large pool of blood flowing out of her skull with a hideous expression.The hall was deathly silent, no one dared to speak, no one dared to look up, not even to breathe.

However, the Fifth Prince was fearless, knelt down heavily with a plop, and asked, "Royal Father, is this what you call peace? Peace bought with An Lin's blood and tears, self-esteem and arrogance? My grand princess of Daqing!" Is it just to be sent there for the barbarians to play with and harm? Is my majestic kingdom of heaven just for the barbarians to trample on and plunder wantonly? My minister refuses to accept, my minister please fight! If you don’t step down on Xiyi, your minister will be unique in this life. Do not return to Beijing!"

"My ministers please fight! If you don't step down on Xiyi, your ministers will never turn around!" All the generals knelt down together, with hatred shining in their eyes.

On the civil servant's side, no one dared to stand up and talk about peace.The royal family suffered such insults, and negotiating peace again is tantamount to betraying the country and surrendering to the enemy. Who would dare to say that?

The emperor didn't speak for a long time, Gao He saw that his face was not right, he stepped forward two steps to inquire, but saw him fall straight down.The courtroom was suddenly in chaos.

All the imperial physicians of the Taiyuan Hospital gathered in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and Concubine Shu, who was in charge of the Sixth Palace, was waiting in the side hall.Concubine Shu's complexion was pale, except for a pair of red eyes, she looked at the west blankly, wondering what she was thinking.Princess Anlin is her only child, and her grief at the moment cannot be described in words.

After waiting for half an hour, the imperial physicians came out in a file, with terrified expressions.

"How's father?" The third prince frowned.

"Back to the lord, the emperor was so angry that he had a stroke. I'm afraid, I'm afraid he won't be able to stand up again." All the imperial doctors knelt down in unison, waiting for the third prince to deal with him.

"Get up, father's illness, I will trouble everyone from now on." The third prince waved his hands dejectedly, and walked quickly towards the hall.

All the imperial physicians breathed a sigh of relief, feeling deep gratitude to the benevolent Third Prince.

The fifth prince was about to follow, but was stopped by Concubine Shu, who said carefully, "My lord, please be sure, you must step down Xiyi, and bring back the heads of Jili Khan and Ke Dun to me! You come home victorious!"

The Fifth Prince nodded, gave Concubine Shu a little bow, and went on his way.

"Your Majesty, don't you want to go in and see the Emperor?" a court lady reminded in a low voice.

"Why did I go to see him? If it wasn't for his selfishness, how could An Lin in this palace die? The three princesses are all living well, enjoying endless glory and wealth, accompanied by their concubines, and having children at their knees." But An Lin from my palace died so tragically! He has suffered retribution! He has suffered retribution! Hehe..." As she spoke, Concubine Shu laughed nervously.

"Your Majesty, be careful, if someone listens to you..." The palace maid turned pale with nervousness.

"The phoenix seal is in my hands, who am I afraid of? Besides, he is exhausted, and it's time to abdicate." Concubine Shu interrupted the maid's words, and left the Hall of Mental Cultivation without looking back.

The first thing the emperor said after waking up was to order the Fifth Prince to send troops to Xiyi immediately. Knowing that he would never be able to stand up again, he was insane for a while, and after calming down, he said, "Prepare the Zen ceremony for me."

While everyone was waiting with bated breath, he pointed at the Third Prince tremblingly with his skinny fingertips, and said, "Qi'er, you will be the emperor of Daqing from now on. I will give you eight words—make every effort to govern and revitalize the country! "

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