As soon as summer came, Nanfang was hit by heavy rains for dozens of days, and the dams were washed away by floods due to long-term disrepair, and turned into a boundless country almost overnight.People's livelihood was dying and mourning was everywhere, and county officials from all over the country wrote to the imperial court to ask for help.

The emperor ordered the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs to organize disaster relief, but he received a complaint from the other party, and he was furious after reading it.But it turned out that the tax money collected by the Ministry of Households in successive years was not put into the treasury, but instead was borrowed by the princes, nobles, and aristocratic families, and the accumulated amount was more than [-] million taels.If Qu Zehou hadn't confiscated tens of millions of taels of silver to supplement the treasury, he might not have been able to support the war in Xiyi.

In a rage, Emperor Zhengsheng scolded all the ministers bloody. He didn't see the generosity and benevolence of previous years. He set a seven-day limit and ordered those who owed the money to return the money voluntarily.

However, seven days passed, not only did the aristocratic family remain silent, but they also refused to go to the court because they were sick, and the threat was clearly revealed.The disaster victims in the south were still waiting for money and food to save their lives. The emperor suppressed his anger and gave another three-day deadline, saying that if he refused to comply with the order, he would order Jin Yiwei to come to collect debts in person.

Jin Yiwei is different from Long Jinwei, who is assembled with children from aristocratic families. It is an army newly formed by the emperor a year ago. It only recruits children from poor families who were born in martial arts. Not only have they undergone cruel training, but they are also loyal to the emperor.If they come to the door, say they are collecting debts, it is better to say they are ransacking the house.

The royal family of Daqing has always been ruled by the aristocratic family, and if the aristocratic family is disturbed, it is tantamount to disturbing the foundation of Daqing.These people are extremely powerful and have been in high positions for a long time. In their eyes, the treasury bank of the household department is no different from their private money. When they want to get it, they can just write an IOU. The old sage has no censure. What happened, the throne has not been secured yet!

Wanting to get the money back is slapping their faces, so naturally they have to unite and slap them back.

Therefore, there was still no one to repay the money for three days. The prince of Nan'an even went to the household department to borrow another 2 taels. Hearing that he had no money, he was very angry.

Emperor Zhengsheng in the Hall of Mental Cultivation smiled coldly after hearing the news.

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Jia Lian was sent to Taicang County, Suzhou as the county magistrate. At first, he did a good job. After Erfang was convicted, the reputation of Rongguo Mansion plummeted, and his colleagues began to squeeze him out intentionally or unintentionally.Because he still had a big family to support, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and support him.

A few months ago, a flood destroyed the embankment in the upper reaches of Taicang, drowning tens of millions of people.The emperor was furious, and immediately issued a decree demanding a strict investigation.Less than a year after Jia Lian took office, he allocated money to repair the embankment several times, but the previous county magistrates embezzled the money privately. The foundation of the dike and dam was eaten away by termites due to years of disrepair. possibility of remediation.

In terms of guilt, Jia Lian was really not implicated, but he had no connections and no foundation, so he was pushed out by his colleagues and Shangfeng as a scapegoat, and he was imprisoned overnight.

Jia Amnesty was so anxious that he couldn't sleep for several nights. After running around to ask for help but failed, he thought about selling his property to redeem him.When leaving Rongguo Mansion, Jia Amnesty kept an eye out and took away the property deeds of the land in the mansion.Fortunately, because the title deed could not be found, Mother Jia tried every means to raise money to atone for Mrs. Wang, Wang Xifeng, and Jia Zheng. She did not touch the foundation of Jia's mansion, but sold all the goods in the shop cheaply, which also exhausted Mrs. Wang and Wang Xifeng. The dowry, and the Zhuangzi in the countryside, angered the clansmen by selling the sacrificial land, and were robbed and snatched, and the rest were dilapidated and worthless.

But even so, if you sell it, you can make up tens of thousands of taels for emergency.Jia Amnesty was packing his bags and preparing to return to Beijing, but Mrs. Xing came into the house with a letter in her eyes.

"What's the matter?" Jia She asked in shock.

"Zhu'er's daughter-in-law sent us 2 taels of silver, take a look." Mrs. Xing handed over the letterhead together with a bank note.

Jia Amnesty took it quickly, and sighed after reading it, "Zhu'er's daughter-in-law has a heart. All the property in our hometown in Jinling was sold out by the tribe, but the remaining Lijiazhuang was given to his mother and his wife by Brother Huan to save their lives. They are orphans. Widowed mother, it is not easy to take out 2 taels at once!"

Mrs. Xing nodded repeatedly, and said, "The letter said that they will return to Beijing in a few days, because the Wang family has offended the whole family, Lang Geer can't find a sponsor for the provincial examination, so he has to move to another place to find a way out .This Wang family really knows how to commit crimes!"

"A good wife is less likely to cause harm. Ma'am, fortunately you are my wife." Jia Amnesty expressed his feelings and held Madam Xing's hand tightly.Although Mrs. Xing has a poor brain and a low family background, she is cowardly and the worst thing she has done in her life is to despise her servants. Compared with the two wives of the Wang family, she is really a good wife and mother.

Mrs. Xing was happy for a while, sad for a while, and tears started to fall again.

Because of the 2 taels, Jia Amnesty canceled the trip temporarily, and hurriedly went around with gifts and red envelopes, but nothing happened, and he didn't even hear a sound.

This day is the No.20 second day in the prison. Jia Lian curled up in a corner in a mess. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he looked up and immediately growled angrily, "Forget it, even if you beat me to death, I won't do it." I will confess! If you commit such an injustice, you will be punished sooner or later!" He is not stupid, knowing that once he confesses, he will die, and his family may be affected.

The head of the cell opened the door lock with a jingle, and said with a smile, "Master Jia, please come out, the younger one offended me a few days ago, I hope you have a lot of adults and don't care about the younger ones. The younger ones are also the responsibility, there is no other way!"

The second monk Jia Lianzhang was puzzled, seeing that the prison chief was humiliating, he really wanted to let him go out, he hesitated for a moment, then walked out quickly, when he just got out of the prison, he saw the prefect of Suzhou standing by the door, apologizing in multiple voices, and said The matter has been clarified and it has nothing to do with Mr. Jia. Mr. Jia has suffered such unjust crimes, and he must make up for it in the future. After saying this, he waved his hand, and several young and beautiful girls rushed up, pushed Jia Lian into the carriage and took him to the eunuch's mansion to wash.

Jia Lian came out in a clean suit, only to find that his father had already taken a seat in the main hall, and the prefect and several colleagues were taking turns toasting to him with a very obsequious attitude.He barely suppressed his doubts and anger, and sat down to greet several people.The governor of Suzhou repeatedly punished him with alcohol, until he was very drunk, and then he walked the two of them out of the mansion with erratic steps, saying, "I have offended you a few days ago, please forgive me, Mr. Jia! Another day, Mr. Jin You must personally come to the door to make amends!"

The carriage drove far away, but Jia Lian still couldn't remember it, looked at Jia She and asked, "Father, what's going on? Which noble person did you invite to clear it for me?"

Jia Amnesty opened the brocade box given by the eunuch, counted the precious gifts and smiled triumphantly, "The nobleman is far away in the sky, but right in front of us! Lian'er, our Jia family will prosper again in the future!"

There were wounds all over Jia Lian's body, and he was in severe pain. He didn't have the heart to play around with him, and asked anxiously, "Who is it? This matter is really smoothed over?"

"What's the matter if it's wiped out? I tell you, your grievances must not be in vain! We are wronged as the county magistrate. Let's go back to Beijing immediately and find someone to deal with these bastards!" With all his thoughts, he kicked away the mountain of brocade boxes.

"The Rongguo Mansion has collapsed, and the Jia family's reputation has been ruined. Who do we turn to for redress? Who cares about us?" Jia Lian, a man of seven feet, couldn't help but wipe away two tears at this moment.Growing up so big, he really had never suffered such injustice and suffering.

As soon as he mentioned this, Jia She immediately suppressed his anger, and smiled happily, "Who cares about us? Tell you, in the future, people who are rushing to curry favor with us will have to line up at Shiliting! You don't know, do you? Brother Rihuan has returned, and now he is the Marquis of God, and concurrently serves as the Minister of Security in charge of ceremonies, awarded a first-grade unicorn, and specially bestowed with three eyes and wearing a flower feather, this is the one in the court!"

He gave a thumbs up and smiled more complacently, "Back when Wang Xifeng offended Brother Huan so badly, I felt something was wrong in my heart, so I secretly gave him my antiques to apologize, and even invited him to drink a few times. It can be considered that we have some friendship. This time it was a coincidence that our family was at the end of the road, and he came back. I thought it would be better to ask him than to ask others, so I sent someone to send a letter, but he sent two immediately. A close friend came to Suzhou and asked the prefect directly. No, you came out."

Jia She clapped his palms and sighed, "I saw it back then, Brother Huan must be promising, and he is still very promising! He is 17 years old, and he has made such great military exploits at only 17 years old. Our ancestors of the Jia family are not as good as him! You don't know yet," he leaned into his son's ear and whispered, "he has never broken his relationship with the emperor, otherwise he wouldn't be able to wear the three-eyed flower feather that can only be worn by princes and county kings. Our old Jia family finally has hope. !"

It took Jia Lian quite a while to recover from the astonishment, and sighed, "Father, this is the first time I have convinced you in my life! You are the most discerning person in our family, and you know how to establish a good relationship with Brother Huan early on." It really saved my life!" Then he didn't know what to think, and laughed gloatingly, "I don't know how the old lady and the second uncle are feeling now. Those who were discarded as scraps in the past are now flourishing; Right now, there is nothing to do. Nothing is more permanent than this.”

"Isn't that right! Let's go back and quickly pack up our things and return to Beijing. Brother Huan is a righteous man, and he promised to avenge you!"

"It's so good, I have something in my hand and I don't know how to hand it over to the emperor, it's enough for these moths in the south of the Yangtze River to drink a pot!" Jia Lian laughed sinisterly.

Because the original Jia's mansion was a little small, the emperor specially granted a mansion, and inscribed the four gilded characters of "Shenweihoufu" in his own handwriting.Aunt Zhao was at a time when she was in a good mood, and in the old days she and Li Wan shared the same illness, and she was able to speak well. She happily brought his mother and son into the mansion for a temporary stay, and gave her a guarantee ticket to help her complete the Lange Pediatric Examination In two days, six highly respected guarantors were found.

Li Wan thanked him a thousand times, and she was so grateful.Jia Lan even regarded Uncle Huan as his lifelong idol. When he saw him, he was so happy that he seemed to float to the sky, and he refused to read the book. stop.

A few days later, Jia Amnesty's family also came back.Because it was the second wife who committed the crime back then, and the eldest wife was not involved, the emperor awarded Jia amnesty to the Rongguo Mansion.Because of Jia Amnesty's absence, the gate was sealed.

The big house tore off the seal and asked people to clean the courtyards. Once everything was ready, a banquet was held in honor of Brother Huan.

Jia Shen and Jia Lian are dudes who know how to do things, they are proficient in eating, drinking and having fun, and they have some common topics with Jia Huan.Jia Lan was in charge of pouring wine for the three of them, poking his cheeks and listening with gusto.

Aunt Zhao is now a first-rank imperial order, but she is a straightforward person, she has no consciousness of an imperial order at all, and she has not seen Li Wan and Mrs. Xing for a long time, but she has endless words to say.

"Where is Yingchun? Is she married?" Aunt Zhao looked at Mrs. Xing.

"I got married a few years ago," Mrs. Xing showed shame. "Because our family background is not high and we don't have a rich dowry, we can only promise her to a local gentry in Taicang as his wife."

Li Wan said with a smile, "So what about the squire? The family is rich and the population is simple. It's much better than marrying into a wealthy family!"

"Pearl's daughter-in-law is right!" Aunt Zhao nodded repeatedly.

Mrs. Xing was also happy, and after drinking a glass, she said, "That's the reason! You know Yingchun's temper, like a piece of dough, she can be rounded and flattened by others, and she will never enter a rich and deep house. Her husband is a To be honest, the husband and wife raised their eyebrows in harmony, and lived a comfortable life. Originally, her mother-in-law looked down on her a little bit, and wanted to accept a noble concubine in the house. Just as the conversation was finished, good guy, Brother Huan was named a marquis and a minister. Hahaha, her parents-in-law were so scared that they couldn't even breathe, and they said in a loud voice that the ancestors of his family had accumulated virtues, let the son-in-law marry such a good wife, and dared not mention the word of taking concubines, and even killed all the son's maids. Expelled. When we came back, they were offering Yingchun like a bodhisattva!"

Speaking of this, Mrs. Xing poured wine for herself and Aunt Zhao, and sighed, "Thanks to Brother Huan, otherwise we would not have a good life. Sister, I respect you."

Li Wan also raised his wine glass, and said with tears in his eyes, "I would like to toast my wife too. You and Brother Huan have shown great kindness, and Brother Lan and I will be married for the rest of our lives, and we will repay each other with all our strength!"

Aunt Zhao blushed, she raised her glass to drink with the two of them, while waving her hands and saying nothing.

After a few rounds of drinking, the three of them became more and more excited, talking non-stop.Mrs. Xing leaned into Aunt Zhao's ear and asked mysteriously, "It is said that Wang Xifeng did not return home after being divorced, but instead became Jia Zhen's concubine, and that Jia Rong often went to her place to spend the night, but is there really someone?" What's the matter?"

Aunt Zhao immediately spat, "Hey, whore, thanks to her for doing it! It's common for father and son to share the same bed for a few dollars. Fortunately, Lian'er divorced her, otherwise she would die now I can't lift it up!"

Mrs. Xing supported her forehead and said, "Why does Lian'er always meet such an adulteress? Is it fate?"

Aunt Zhao knew that she had said the wrong thing, so she hurriedly persuaded her to drink with Li Wan, and was laughing, when Wang Shanbao's family opened the curtain and rushed in, panting and shouting, "Madam, it's not good, the old lady is calling!" Come to the door and say that we want to separate."

"Well, it's true that the mosquito saw the blood, and the fly smelled the smell, so it came here! Let's go, I want to see how she wants to divide it. It happens that Huan's brother, sister, and Zhu'er's wife are all there. It's ready!" Mrs. Xing lifted her skirt and walked aggressively to the front hall.When we broke up with the second room at the beginning, the first room only verbally said to separate the family, and did not respond to any official documents.The Second House's property has been wiped out, but this time it's robbery!

Aunt Zhao and Li Wan also changed their expressions, put down their wine glasses and followed closely.

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