The blizzard still didn't stop. Once people went out, their eyelashes were covered with hoarfrost. If they walked far away, they might freeze into popsicles.Jia Huan and his party had no choice but to stay in the cave.

Since Mr. Huan made the rules that day, the refugees in the cave no longer dared to attack their own kind. One of them went crazy that night because he couldn't bear the condemnation of his conscience, stumbled into the blizzard, and disappeared without a trace.

If one is crazy, there are naturally two, and many people leave one after another. After a few days, I will see that those who can endure the hunger and cold and continue to hide in the cave are those who have never eaten their compatriots.They are wiser, stronger, and more appreciative of life, whether it is their own or that of others.

After going through this for another seven or eight days, Jia Huan's package shrank severely, and the accumulated food was exhausted.When the other refugees came out, they also dug out as much food as possible from the collapsed houses and took it with them. They used to eat it secretly. After those lunatics left, they left behind some pure and kind people. The past few days have been much better.

In the early morning of this day, Jia Huan took out the last few pieces of buckwheat cakes, boiled them into gruel with snow water, and said while stirring, "After breakfast, we will set off for Yunzhou. We have eaten all the food, and it will be a porridge if we stay any longer." Dead word. Suo Xingxue has grown much smaller, so it doesn't hinder anything."

"Huan'er has the final say." The third prince smoothed out the few strands of hair that fell on the young man's forehead and easily interfered with his sight.

The splint on Xiao Ze's leg has been removed, and he is stomping his feet aside. Hearing this, he nodded quickly, "Let's go whenever the third master says. Hey, the broken leg has really grown back! It's only been half a month! Sure enough It's a miracle medicine!"

The three sipped the porridge.This is the last food, and I can't bear to finish it.

At some point, the blizzard outside actually stopped.Jia Huan got a few balls of snow to wipe the bowl clean, carried the package on his back, strapped on the skis, and waved without hesitation, "Let's go."

The three of them left the sled behind and disappeared into the vast snowfield with their skis on.Seeing this, the victims immediately followed, and some anxious ones tripped over the skis, rolled a few times before getting up, and followed the boy closely.

Not long after he hit the road, Xiao Ze began to appear frequently.Either hit a tree or hit a rock, and was entangled in several vines, unable to get up for a long time.

Jia Huan slid over, poked his belly with a pole, and said in a bad mood, "Well, don't pretend to me. You are a rough guy who grew up in the north. You can't even play with a snowboard. Who will believe you? Get up, I'm waiting for them!"

The third prince pursed his lips and smiled.

Xiao Ze got up with a grunt, tore off the vines, and said gratefully, "Third Master, I knew you were cold-faced and warm-hearted, and you are a good person! Anyway, taking two is a guide, and a group is a guide..."

Seeing that the smile on the corner of Jia Huan's mouth became more sinister, he gradually silenced himself.

"It's okay, Huan'er, at worst their protection fee will be charged to my account." The third prince smiled and touched the boy's frozen face.The term "protection fee" was heard from the other party, and it was really appropriate.

"Okay, put it on your account." Jia Huan glanced at him, took out the map from the package and looked it up carefully, and said with a frown, "Take them with you and the speed will be greatly slowed down. I'm afraid we won't be able to reach Pingquan Town tonight. Nearby There are no caves to stay in, and you have to spend a night in the ice and snow, so you have to be mentally prepared."

"With Huaner here, naturally there is no need to worry." The Third Prince waved his hands casually.

Jia Huan sneered, "You actually believe me."

"We share weal and woe, life and death depend on each other, who else can you trust if you don't believe it?" The third prince smiled, but felt a little depressed in his heart.The boy's heart is too defensive, it seems that no matter how hard he knocks, he can't break it.

While speaking, the victims of the disaster arrived one after another, and when they saw the three people waiting in the snow, they all showed pleasant smiles.They are well versed in the way of watching and helping each other. The young and strong made a lot of simple sleds to drag children or the elderly. After chasing for several miles, no one fell down.

Seeing this scene full of human touch, Jia Huan's face became much more relaxed, and he turned around and continued on his way.

The group stopped and went, and there were many old and young women and children who needed to be taken care of, so the speed was much slower than expected.Seeing that they were exhausted, Jia Huan stopped decisively when passing by a small river, and said loudly, "Okay, we will camp here tonight!"

"But it's a world of ice and snow here, how can people live? Let's find a cave?" Someone in the crowd muttered.

"There are no caves nearby. If you see what I do, just do it. Don't babble. Let me explain in advance, Third Master, I have a very bad temper. I might chop someone up if I slipped my hand." Jia Huan said as he spoke. Then he untied the hatchet at his waist, scaring all the victims back.

The third prince tried his best to hold back his laughter, and after a while he let out a breath of white air, and asked in a warm voice, "Huan'er, what should we do?"

"Let's build a snow house first." Jia Huan split the outer hard shell of the snow to reveal the soft inner layer, then found a wooden board, dug it down to the hard ground, and piled the snow into a huge semi Round sphere, beat firmly.The third prince and Xiao Ze did the same thing, the three of them worked together to pile up the snowballs bigger and bigger, seeing that they could accommodate five or six people after being hollowed out.

Seeing the victims staring blankly at him after straightening up, Jia Huan reprimanded, "Why stand there stupidly? If you don't want to freeze to death, just do it!"

Everyone promised, you help me, I help you, and soon many huge hemispheres appeared in the empty snow field, like yurts.

"Okay, Mr. Huo, add some carbohydrates to relieve fatigue. After recovering, go ice fishing by the river, or hunt a few hares to satisfy your hunger. Put these snowballs first, and I will deal with them in half an hour. " Jia Huan said as he walked towards a cypress tree, peeled off a piece of bark with a dagger, discarded the outermost knots, tore off the softest layer inside, and signaled to the victims, "The bark can also be eaten. , You should know this. But it’s not just peeling off the skin and eating it, but eating the softest layer, which is rich in carbohydrates, and can quickly replenish physical strength after eating it. Grilled, you can only tear them strand by strand, otherwise the tree will wither in the coming year, and when you encounter severe cold weather, where can you find food! There are pine trees, birch trees, and elm trees here, and the bark can be eaten. Especially the elm bark, which is dried and ground Broken can also be made into elm noodles, that's sweet..."

Jia Huan licked his lips, threw the cypress bark into his mouth, chewed it, and couldn't wait to peel the elm bark.It's a pity that there is no mill, otherwise, if you dig out some elm roots and squeeze them dry, you can get a few catties of white flour, enough to last for ten days and a half months.

Everyone followed his example and peeled the bark, it was much more delicious than swallowing it whole!Cypress bark is a bit bitter, pine bark is astringent and fragrant, birch bark is crunchy and chewy, and elm bark is slightly sweet!After suffering for so many days, it seems to be in heaven now.

"I didn't expect the bark to be so delicious!" The third prince sat gracefully in the snow, squinting his eyes and savoring the sweet taste lingering between his lips and teeth.

"It will taste better after I process it." Jia Huan quickly lit a fire, set a flat stone slab on the stove to heat it up, and then pasted the thin bark on it.Zila Zila's voice sounded very pleasant, and soon a thick burnt aroma spread.The milky white bark gradually turns golden yellow, and the edges are slightly curled, like petals.

"Eat it, this is better than potato chips!" Jia Huan twisted a piece and brought it to the third prince's mouth.

"What are carbohydrates? What are potato chips?" The third prince held his mouth very naturally, raising his eyebrows to express his doubts.

"Carbohydrates are also known as sugar compounds. Most plants and fruits contain such substances. They are one of the important energy needed by the human body. When the body is tired and the muscles are weak, immediately supplementing carbohydrates can relieve fatigue and restore physical strength The bark we eat now contains a lot of carbohydrates. Potato chips are thinly sliced ​​potatoes and fried in a frying pan. My aunt often made them for me when I was at home." Jia Huan answered slowly, I also twisted a piece and stuffed it into my mouth, chewing hard.

Xiao Ze couldn't put it down to this simple but delicious food, and he couldn't get enough of it after eating a lot of it. The third master Xin Daohuan is really a god, and he made the life of fleeing as lively and interesting as playing games!

The victims followed suit. They roasted all kinds of bark and ate them. They felt that there was no discomfort in their stomachs, hearts, and limbs. warm up.

"Is your body warm? When it's hot, cut some cypress branches for later use, and send some people to hunt in the forest or go ice fishing by the river." Jia Huan patted his buttocks and stood up, shaking his sleeves at Xiao Ze, "I and the three My brother went ice fishing by the river, and you took them hunting. You will always hunt, right?"

Xiao Ze blushed with embarrassment, and said in a rough voice, "Third Master, you underestimate me! When it comes to hunting, I am this!" After saying that, he raised his two thumbs up and emphasized them together.

Jia Huan pouted, and walked towards the river with the third prince who was smiling.

Why do these victims want to catch some fish to satisfy their hunger, but the ice layer on the river is too thick, and they are dizzy, dizzy, and weak in hands and feet. Where do they get the strength to dig through the ice?This is how the so-called story of lying on the ice and begging for a carp passed down in later generations came about.

Jia Huan tapped on the river with a wooden stick, and found that the ice was thicker than he thought, so he brought a bundle of dry firewood to light a fire, and told people to stand far away.

After the fire was over, the ice melted a lot, and a few pokes with a dagger pierced a small hole half a foot square.Fearing that the victims would follow suit, Jia Huan immediately warned, "Stay away from the fire and ice, otherwise too much ice will melt and we will fall and drown!"

Everyone agreed, stood a little farther away, started a fire to melt the ice, tore off the threads on their clothes, tied a few cypress leaves as bait, and cast them.

Not long after, a fish took the bait, causing everyone to exclaim in surprise, it was so lively.

Seeing Jia Huan's frowning, the Third Prince seemed to be impatient, and gestured to everyone for silence, then wrapped him tightly with bear skin, and hugged him into his arms to keep warm.The river immediately became quiet, but there were more fish hooked.

Half an hour later, everyone strung up the gills of the fish with straw ropes, walked back happily, and peeled off a lot of bark along the way. When they got close, they heard a lively noise.

"I didn't expect you to be useful." Jia Huan walked towards Xiao Ze who was carrying a deer and surrounded by everyone worshiping him.

"Third Master's praise!" Xiao Ze pretended to be modest, but finally couldn't help laughing.After being aggrieved for several days, he finally made Mr. Huan look at him with admiration!Otherwise, when I go back, I don't know if I can keep my position as the commander of the guards.

"Keep away when handling internal organs, so as not to attract wolves." Jia Huan warned, and then vigorously kicked the snowball that had been piled up before.

After being blown by the icy wind for half an hour, the outer layer of the snowball was as hard as a stone, and it made a muffled sound when kicked.Jia Huan nodded in satisfaction, took out the hatchet and cut a small hole in the bottom, and then hollowed out the inside of the snowball with a wooden plank.

"Have you seen it all? Hollow out the inside of the sphere, and don't make the walls too thin, so as not to collapse. Open the entrance and exit a little wider for better ventilation. Let's rest in it at night and make a fire." Jia Huan pushed out the excess snow. , explained to the victims.

When the space became larger, the third prince also took a piece of wood and drilled in, and repaired their temporary residence bit by bit.

Can a house made of snow live in people?The victims looked at each other in blank dismay.

A pair of younger brothers and sisters closest to Jia Huan did not hesitate to do it.The snowball they piled was the smallest, and it was emptied in a short while. There was no cold wind blowing inside, and a thick layer of cypress branches was laid, and a small fire was lit for warmth. It was very comfortable to live in, and the walls did not collapse at all. or signs of melting.

Upon seeing this, the victims quickly followed suit.When Xiao Ze came back with a group of people, everyone had already lived in their new home, and the orange bonfire leaked out from the small door opening, which seemed extra heartwarming.

That night, everyone distributed the food equally, and arranged for people to watch the night in turn, and spent the most united, joyful, and most peaceful night since fleeing.

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