When the sun came out, it was a sunny day.After the rain, the sky is blue and the sun is shining brightly.The sky is clear and clear, and the scenery is refreshing and refreshing.If it wasn't for the large funnel-shaped mudslide still lying on the ground, like the skin of a dead monster, people would think that the disaster in the middle of the night was just a nightmare.

While Dugu Xian led the guards up the mountain to survey the terrain, Ouyang Minzhong found a small low-lying puddle a little further downstream, and ordered the villagers to dig it bigger. shore, forming a closed artificial pond.Because the pond is isolated from the main stream of the mountain stream, it will not be mixed with the sewage from cleaning up the sediment.Although the water in the pond looks turbid, it can be drunk after natural precipitation. It can be regarded as a temporary large water tank for the convenience of villagers' lives.

It is not difficult for the master and servant of the young master to go up the mountain to investigate.Firstly, exploring the terrain is a compulsory course for marching and fighting, and secondly, the three of them have kung fu, jumping up and down like nothing.As soon as Ouyang Minzhong finished fixing the water storage tank, they came back. After confirming that there was no hidden danger of secondary subsidence, they organized manpower to prepare to clean up the sediment.

Destruction is but an instant, but reconstruction is infinitely more difficult.Only with the limited manpower and conditions in the small mountain village, it is unknown when and what month it will be all cleaned up.Therefore, the final agreed upon plan was to clean up the collapsed places of several houses, excavate important property, and bury the remains of the deceased.As for the others, wait until the adults return to the official post tomorrow, notify the county magistrate, and mobilize the nearby strong men, livestock and tools before making plans.

The person in charge has made a plan, and the woman who set up a pot to boil water on the refuge stone slope came to report that everything for drinking and washing was ready.It turned out that men, women and children in a village were drenched by the torrential rain, and some old people suggested to cook some cold soup to prevent epidemics.One pot of dried ginger and scallion is used for drinking, and the other two large pots are filled with mugwort leaves for washing.The woman filled the potion with a wooden bucket and took turns going to nearby houses to wash it.As for men and children, take off their wet clothes and pour a ladle over their heads.

A bowl of green onion and ginger was poured into the stomach, and he picked up the hoe and shovel, picked up the bamboo basket and dustpan, and started digging.All the laborers first followed the adults sent by the county magistrate to search for the lost items of the distinguished guests and the remains of the unfortunate companions who died.

Dugu asked for a shovel, took the lead, and took the lead to do it himself.His hands are not squeamish, but what he is good at is wielding knives and swords, and he is very unfamiliar with farming.He held back another burst of depression in his heart, his strength made him extraordinarily strong, and it didn't take long before his palms were blistered because of the improper method.The barb on the wooden handle pierced into the flesh, no blood was visible, but the pain was distinct.An older farmer really couldn't stand it, and felt sorry for him for breaking his farm tools, so he gently persuaded him to invite the noble adults to rest. These rough jobs should be done by rough people.Seeing that he was advised not to move, he demonstrated with his hands.

The tile-roofed house was washed away by mudslides. The wall foundation was built firmly at the beginning, and the lower half is still there.The belongings of Dugu Mian and others were all placed in the house, and it was easy to determine the approximate location because of the ruins and broken walls.Everyone worked together, and almost all the picks were found.Carrying it to the rocky slope, Ouyang Minzhong's long-legged companion washed and tidied it up with the helping women.

Dugu later believed that Song Wei was in the backyard at that time.The courtyard wall was originally built of mud, but it has long been integrated with sand and stone. It is hard to say where the people and horses in the courtyard were washed away.Ouyang Minzhong observed with several old farmers, chose the most likely direction, and asked everyone to dig and search from top to bottom.

So when Song Wei returned to Shuangqiao Village, Dugu Xiaohou was digging mud and was in a mess.His face was dripping with sweat, his feet were dirty and slippery, and his heart was cold and heavy.Ouyang Minzhong had already prepared his background with him, the group of people couldn't stay for a long time, if they couldn't find it, they had to forget it.In the future, when the local people have news of the in-depth cleanup, they will send people to fetch the bones.

Song Wei struggled for nearly two hours before walking back.

On the same road, turning back is much more difficult than leaving.

After a heavy rainstorm, the mountain road was almost turned into a muddy soup.There are a few places in the middle that are blocked by rolling rocks and broken branches, but they are not completely blocked. One person and one donkey can still pass through with some effort.

If you can't turn back, don't turn back.If you want to turn back, you can turn back. Although the road is difficult, it is impossible to give up halfway

As for whether I will regret it later, I will talk about what to do when I turn over this one and the next one.

Down the hillside, there are two stone bridges at the bottom of the valley.Song Wei took the rein of the donkey and walked down carefully step by step.Seeing the bridge deck half-hidden in the yellow mud, I also saw a huge funnel-shaped mudslide, and saw many people working on the collapsed slope.

He was startled by the tragic mess in front of him, stood there stupidly, it took him a long time to remember to look for someone, and turned his head to search around.

People were very busy, no one paid attention to this intersection, and of course no one thought that someone would appear at this time.

Song Wei saw Ouyang Minzhong's master and servant sitting on the stone from a distance, and after a lot of effort, he recognized Dugu Xiaohou and his guards among the farmers who were working.

He was surprised, he didn't expect that so many people were digging up his own body, and he just thought it was a bit unrealistic for the young master to do it with the farmers himself.Looks like digging is quite professional and dedicated.What everyone dug was the place where they stayed last night. If they hadn't left early, they would have experienced the disaster of a narrow escape.I also looked at the scope of the mudslide and the exposed wreckage of the house. If the people in the house failed to escape, at least a dozen people would have died.I was a little stunned for a while, and I couldn't tell whether it was a fluke or a heavy heart.

He was so dazed that he didn't pay attention to his feet.Moved a little, and didn't notice that the ground was full of mud, and immediately slipped and sat down, as if his butt fell on a slide, and fell straight down the slope, and finally rushed straight to the stone bridge deck, taking a downright yellow mud bath , rolled into a mud monkey.

When the owner was in danger, the donkey reminded that the rescue was not in time, and he raised his head to the sky and let out a long cry, "Yeah!" I don't know whether it was lamenting or gloating.

Now, everyone on the hillside noticed it.

Dugu Mian stared at the mud monkey for a long time.Watch him slowly get up on the bridge deck, because it is too slippery, the soles of his feet are staggering.It was hard to bow down and stand firm. Just as I took a step, I don’t know if it was a sprain or I didn’t walk well. I jumped forward and fell again. I almost rolled under the bridge and fell into the muddy water.

Throwing the shovel in his hand to the farmer next to him, he jumped out of the mud, strode away, jumped onto the bridge a few times, lifted up the mud monkey's belt, and jumped back to the hillside.

The feeling of being carried by someone in the middle of the air is not pleasant, Song Wei couldn't help shouting: "Let, let me down!" Unexpectedly, not only failed to get off the ground, but turned around for a while, being carried head down on the shoulders.He struggled a bit, the fingers clasped around his waist were like iron claws, almost poking holes in his flesh.Even if he ignored this person's domineering demeanor, he also felt extremely fierce at this moment, he didn't dare to touch his body directly, and obediently behaved like a dead dog, letting him carry it.

Dugu Xian carried the man straight to the side of the cauldron of boiling water on the rocky slope. No one was using it at the moment, and there was a large pot of mugwort leaf water in the pot. "嗤啦嗤啦" several times, Song Wei's clothes were torn into rags and thrown on the ground, and in a blink of an eye there was only naked and white, wrong, naked and yellow and a loach.

The villagers were all working, and there were only two women on the top of the slope helping Ouyang Minzhong's master and servant.At this time, I was scared away.Mr. Ouyang is a gentleman, he recognized Song Wei, was surprised, and focused on sorting things out.I couldn't bear it anymore, so I secretly followed the long attendant and turned my head to take a look.

Dugu Mian grabbed Song Wei's hair with one hand, picked up a big gourd ladle with the other, filled a ladle of water, and poured it on his head.

Song Wei was a little embarrassed when he first pulled her clothes off.Later, seeing that there was no outsider, and after suffering from the cold rain in the middle of the night, and being covered in mud, the hot water was really comfortable, so I let go.I closed my eyes, rubbed and washed my hands, and started to take a bath.When I was in the middle of the bath, I couldn't help but hum softly: "Here, some more." After a long time without seeing anything, when I opened my eyes, I saw the young master raised his hand, the gourd scoop flew into the pot, and his face was so cold that it froze. , looking up and down at himself.

It was almost noon by this time, and the sun was hitting the ground directly.Nanling is still very warm in late autumn.Song Wei was trembling when Dugu Mian saw it, collected himself, picked up a slightly decent piece of cloth, scooped up a ladle of water, rubbed it clean himself, wrung it dry as a cloth towel, and slowly wiped his hair and body.

The two guards came over to see the situation before, and just happened to see the young master tearing up his clothes, they were stunned, and quickly turned their backs.Seeing Song Wei's little donkey walking over with a basket on its back, he seemed to understand everything, but also seemed to be full of doubts.

Mu Ping was clever, and he dragged Qin Xian away.I asked the village head for clean clothes, gestured to the young master, and quietly put them on the nearby stones.Song Wei didn't know that he had brought the clothes, so she was naked and went to pick it out from Er Ang's back.Even though everything was wet, it was still clean.

Dugu was so angry that he was so shameless that he thought he was a dead person.Grabbing his arm and pulling it over, he threw the dry clothes into his arms: "Put on! Just stay here, don't move!" Pointing to the onion and ginger soup in the small pot on the other side, "Go and drink two bowls!" If you look at him more than once, you will die of anger on the spot, so you turn around and leave.

Song Wei got dressed, went over to look at what was in the small pot, and sure enough filled two bowls to drink.Take a ladle of water to wash the shoes and hang them on the stones.Barefoot, he walked to Mr. Ouyang's side and helped him dry the soaked items.

Seeing his calm appearance, Ouyang Minzhong felt that this young man should not be underestimated.He also thought that he was actually alive, it was a blessing, a great blessing and a great fate.

After deliberating for a moment, he asked, "Young Master Song, forgive me, are you...going and returning?"

Song Wei nodded generously: "En."

Ouyang Minzhong looked at him: "Last night, it was stormy and stormy, braving the wind and rain to walk in the mountains and fields at night, you must be quite courageous. Dare I ask Mr. Song, why did you leave?"

Song Wei said casually: "Why didn't you leave? He and I were not in the same way. We didn't have a chance before, but last night the opportunity was just right, so we left as soon as we wanted to."

Ouyang Minzhong seemed a little puzzled: "Since that's the case, why did you come back?"

Song Wei paused for a moment, and said: "Having walked halfway, I heard a terrifyingly loud sound from here, either a mountain torrent or a ground crack. I thought I should come back and have a look, so I came back."

Ouyang Minzhong nodded: "Young Master Song just can't bear it."

"Maybe." Song Wei said solemnly, "My lord, how many villagers were killed?"

Ouyang Minzhong also had a very sad expression: "There are 23 members in five households."

Did not expect more than guessed.The natural disaster was irresistible, Song Wei didn't answer, and remained silent for a while.

After a while, Ouyang Minzhong said: "Originally there were 24 people. The young master thought that Mr. Song was also among the victims, so he was very sad. He took the lead in digging and searching for himself, without stopping..."

Song Wei was taken aback, and interrupted him: "How could he think I'm dead? Didn't he notice that I'm gone?"

"I'm afraid it is. The situation was extremely urgent at that time, and I think the little duke didn't have time to check it..." Ouyang Minzhong stopped when he said this.Song Wei looked at him without speaking.

Ouyang Minzhong then continued: "My son is intelligent, enlightened, open-minded and kind, so I can imagine the situation at that time. I am ashamed to say that the young master first rescued me, and then turned to find you, but the rescue was too late. In the meantime, human life is in danger, life and death are on the line. Seeing that the young master has returned safely, it is really the luckiest of misfortunes, and I also counted it as a heart disease."

Song Wei remained expressionless and still did not speak.Ouyang Minzhong had no choice but to continue: "Before the son returned, the young master said something that moved me deeply."

Song Wei finally said: "Oh? I don't know what the young master said?"

"At that time, he was eager to search for the young master, so I advised him to be sad and obedient. He said...that you love to be very clean, and he couldn't bear to let you stay in the bottom for too long." Ouyang Minzhong said earnestly, "Look, he can't bear to do the same. .In my opinion, Young Lord Hou has a lot of affection for you, Mr. Song."

Song Wei was silent for a while, then said lightly: "If I hadn't left, wouldn't I have died here. Everyone is dead, and if you can't bear it, how much affection can you have?" After speaking, his face was full of sneering.After a while, he calmed down again, "Fortunately, I was not rescued. It would be a sin if I hurt others because of saving me."

Ouyang Minzhong wanted to repay Dugu's brother's favor, and wanted to persuade him to make peace, but unexpectedly it backfired.He is a gentleman, and he doesn't understand the formula for settling grievances between lovers, so it's better not to say anything.Can't help but feel a little anxious: "That's not how you say it..."

Song Wei shook his head: "I don't mean anything else. Your Excellency is a good official, proficient in water conservancy, benefiting the people, and a real pillar of the country. If I were in that situation, I would definitely save you first."

The sun moved silently. He picked up some clothes and moved them to the stone on the other side where the sun could shine.Turning around, it was Dugu Xiaohou standing in front of him, who had heard a few words.

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