In the twelfth lunar month of the 17th year of Jingping, the civil strife in Jiaozhi was pacified, and the general Ruan Ming welcomed Prince Li Jun to Nanshun Pass in Daxia.On the eve of the New Year, Li Jun ascended the throne in Suli Palace in the capital city and became the new King of Cochin.

From the expedition to the quelling of the rebellion, Dugu and Ruan Ming spent less than half a month together.Without a tow bottle, the army moved very quickly.The usurper planned a coup d'état in the palace, and wanted to steal the world without bloodshed, but because of a hundred secrets, he escaped from the canonized edict of the prince and Shangbang. Effective military interception, so they can only stick to the capital and resist stubbornly.

The defense of the capital was originally planned by Ruan Ming, and many of his former minions were included among the rebels.General Ruan led a group of elite troops to sneak into the city and opened the city gate. Dugu Mian was in charge of controlling the whole city, and he rushed to the palace as fast as possible.Seeing that the situation was over, the rebels jumped over the wall in a hurry and planned to set fire to escape.Fortunately, Ruan Ming arrived in time, and there was a loyal and clever maid in the palace as internal support. Although the queen and the three princesses were smoky, they finally saved their lives.

Suli City is not too big, and Dugu Xian held the map drawn by Ruan Ming in his hand, and blocked all the exits of the city and sealed it tightly as soon as he came up.After Ruan Ming sent reliable subordinates to help, he began to hunt for the turtles in the urn and hunted them wantonly.Anyone who met a suspicious person was taken into custody immediately, and those who resisted were shot and killed, and those who reported traitors were rewarded on the spot. In just one day and night, Uncle Wang, who was disguised and fled in disguise, was caught.

Ruan Ming asked the queen for instructions, and before the prince came back to make the decision, he chopped off the culprit first.Dugu Mian admired his straightforwardness very much, the overall situation has been settled, and the rest is family affairs.The Great Xia army was stationed outside Suli City. After a few days of rest, they took turns to have holidays and let the officers and soldiers enter the city to have fun.General Dugu himself lived in the palace with his cronies.With him sitting here, Ruan Ming felt relieved to go to Nanshun Pass to meet His Royal Highness in person.

This time the prince returned to Beijing, the commotion was bigger than the army's suppression of the rebellion.The first Daxia army entered the country, Xiaoxing stayed overnight, and the people and horses traveled quickly, trying not to disturb the local people.Now that the rebellion is over, and the prince went to Shangbang to borrow troops and succeeded, he should ascend the throne when he returns. By the way, he will inspect and publicize it, which will help stabilize people's hearts and build up his reputation.Song Wei and others accompanied Li Jun, the journey was beautiful and comfortable, the poor Dugu young master waited desperately in the Suli Palace, bored and increasingly irritable.

Jiaozhi is farther south than Jiaozhou, so it is as warm as spring even in the twelfth lunar month of winter.The climate is humid and pleasant, the scenery is beautiful, and all kinds of exotic folk customs are fresh and interesting. All these are enough to make up for the regret that the road is not easy to walk.

After procrastinating for nearly a month, at the end of the year, he finally arrived at the capital Suli.

Although all distinguished guests from Shangbang are invited to live in the palace, their ranks and positions are very different.In terms of public identity, Dugu Xian has the highest status and represents the Shangbang court, so he is arranged in the Jiarui Hall dedicated to receiving distinguished guests.Master Xuan Qing had a very happy chat with the queen, and stayed directly in the queen's palace.Mu Qiye and Song Wei lived in the prince's own palace, and Li Jun was accompanied by Xia Yuhao's trusted guards, allowing them to come and go freely.The two hit it off, just wandering around the city every day, eating, drinking, having fun and inquiring about business conditions.

Although the city of Suli is not big, it is exquisite and tidy.The tall tropical plants are verdant and lush, and the flowers are undefeated all year round.In this season of heavy clothing in Middle-earth, the people here still dress lightly.Especially for women, the peaked gauze hat and a long flowing skirt are very beautiful. Compared with the women in Daxia, they have a different style.Cochin is surrounded by the sea on three sides, and the market is particularly rich in Shanghai goods, which opened the eyes of Song Wei and Mu Qiye who live in the inland.The two of them ran out as soon as they opened their eyes every day, followed by the Mu family's buddies and the palace guards, some people carried them, and some people paid the bills, relaxed and happy.

Li Jun was busy with the aftermath, and he had to prepare for his enthronement. Even with Ruan Ming's help, he was almost devastated.In order to show respect, he would ask Dugu Mian for his opinion on slightly bigger matters. Even if General Dugu didn't bother to take care of him at all, he had to go through the motions. As a result, Dugu Mian could hardly escape.Song Wei has been here for several days, but she hasn't even seen a shadow.Gritting his teeth secretly, this little bastard can forget himself in a blink of an eye.

Dugu Mian clenched his fists.Now he can see clearly, no matter how often two people are in bed, as long as you don't look for him, he can act like he never knew you.For Song Wei, how easy it is to fall into the body, is how difficult it is to conquer the heart.No matter how joyfully he yelled on the bed, he never left his mind.After Dugu almost wondered if he had no heart at all.However, he knows how he treats his mother, his friends, even passers-by, how considerate, kind, and loyal he is.Only in matters of love, so heartless.Or, it's not that things are wrong, but that people are wrong.Once thinking this way, Dugu became even more depressed and helpless.

After much deliberation, there is no other way, unless he is tied to him all the time, otherwise he will forget what he looks like in a few more days.

At Li Jun's enthronement ceremony, Dugu finally saw Song Weizun's face.As a distinguished guest at the ceremony, Song Wei wore the dress presented by His Highness the Prince, standing behind Xuan Qing and the others in a bright and new outfit.He looks handsome, and he can stand up to scrutiny everywhere.Wear it plainly, like freehand brushwork in ink, and wear it grandly, like fine brushwork.The hall is full of opulence, and there are not many people whose appearance can really match the appearance of clothes.Song Wei stood in an inconspicuous place, but the women around him, especially Her Royal Highness, Li Jun's two sisters, kept looking at him.

Dugu Mian was furious for a moment, wishing he could immediately arrest him in his room and lock him up.I endured it for a while, but I didn't feel depressed.If you come to be tough, it will definitely not work, but if you come to be soft, it will probably only be a perfunctory exchange for him.How can I impress this hard-hearted man?

All the laws and regulations of the Cochin Kingdom are imitated by Daxia, and the ceremony is nothing special, but cumbersome.There are still several sacrifices in the afternoon, which must last until midnight.Song Wei took a chance and planned to slip back to sleep.Of course, no one but him would have such an idea.Mu Qiye ate at the same table with him, and stood chatting together after the meal, waiting to watch the second half.Hearing what he said, the eyeballs almost popped out: "I have lived for most of my life, and this is the first time I have seen a prince enthroned. I don't know how many blessings I have accumulated in my life. You are so good, you dare to feel tired! How many people begged for it! An opportunity that couldn't come..."

Song Wei said with a sad face: "My feet hurt from standing, don't fall to the ground with a bang, and steal the limelight from His Majesty the King."

Dugu had already seen the movement here and walked over quietly.Hearing his words, I was so angry at first, I couldn't help laughing: "If you're really tired, I'll ask someone to take you off."

The words were abrupt and ambiguous, but fortunately he came too abruptly, Mu Qiye was taken aback and was busy with the ceremony, so he didn't pay attention to what he said.

Song Wei also saluted, more respectful than Mu Qiye.He raised his head and stared fiercely, reminding him to be careful.

Dugu was overjoyed at being stared at, and said kindly: "The palace is heavily guarded today, so don't wander around alone."

Song Wei bent down and bowed: "Thank you, General, for reminding me, I'll ask my familiar guard brother to send me a piece."

Dugu's original intention was to find someone to send Song Wei to his residence.But right now it's not convenient to make arrangements, and I don't know when I will be free in the evening, so I don't need to rush for a while, let's give it up for now.

During the second half of the enthronement ceremony, Song Wei really avoided being lazy while Mu Qiye shook his head and sighed unreasonably.

The next day, Dugu Mian was going to look for him, but something happened temporarily and he had to deal with it himself.

It turned out that the army of the Great Xia took turns to have holidays, and the Chinese New Year was about to come. They had already brought enough food and grass, and paid enough military pay, and the newly appointed King of Cochin gave him an extra reward.Goulan brothels, restaurants and restaurants all over Suli city welcome the heavenly soldiers and generals of the state.If you can play it well, it is inevitable that there will be some accidents of jealousy and fights.The local officials didn't dare to make decisions without authorization, so they reported directly to General Ruan Da, who naturally came to ask General Dugu to make a decision.

So a few days ago, Dugu returned to the barracks to rectify military discipline.The officers and soldiers who committed the crime were tied up in a row on the field, interrogated one by one, and executed on the spot.In the meantime, there is really that kind of arrogant love, who would rather die than surrender for the gentle and affectionate cochin beauty.Dugu was overjoyed, and announced that as long as he was covered with a hundred army sticks, the woman could take it away, or he could keep it by himself, it would be both sides.For a while, there was a strange scene of soldiers queuing up to bear the board.It's just that there were not many people who carried a hundred times in the end. Many people couldn't stand it halfway and asked for forgiveness and quit, and they were beaten for nothing.

After this, the discipline in the army has been strictly enforced, and troublemakers have basically disappeared.

Ruan Ming came with Dugu Mian, and he was dumbfounded.Go back and talk to Li Jun, the young His Majesty the King burst out laughing.This incident was spread in Suli City, and it became a good story for a while.

After Dugu saw Song Wei again, it was already New Year's Eve.The old king had only been dead for a few months, Li Jun was still in his filial piety, and the celebrations in the palace were very restrained.But I dare not neglect the distinguished guests of Shangbang, there are all kinds of ceremonial items, tea, wine and food.Song Wei participated in the group activities specifically instructed by Li Jun, and then returned to the residence to play dice with Mu Qiye and his personal assistant to play Shuanglu, winning or losing a small amount of money.Li Jun had already moved to the main hall of the palace, the prince's residence now only lived in a few guests, it was a world of its own.

All ethnic groups in the Western Regions have their own New Year festivals, and religions are even more varied.The way of celebrating the New Year in Jiaozhi Kingdom is basically the same as that of the Xianxixia people.Song Wei didn't care at all, but for someone like Mu Qiye, although the Lunar New Year was celebrated, he wasn't keen on it.Businessmen are wandering outside all year round, and they are not in the mood to be homesick, just treat it as an ordinary day.

After finishing in the middle of the night, preparing to pack up and go to bed, the guards came to report that His Majesty the King invited Mr. Song.Song Wei thought to herself, could it be that she was lonely at the end of the year, she found someone to accompany her to pass the time, she took off half of her clothes and put them back on again.Walking out of the courtyard gate, it was Dugu Xiaohou who was waiting outside.

"Xiaoyin, come here." Dugu said, took Song Wei's hand and left.Mu Ping and Qin Xian followed far behind.

Song Wei couldn't help herself, so she had no choice but to follow him forward.Jiarui Hall is quite far from the prince's residence, but luckily Dugu took care of Song Wei's pace, and because he was in a good mood, he walked very slowly.

The sky is full of stars, the palace lanterns are bright, and the sky and the earth complement each other.It is easy for people to have a sense of peace and joy in it.Because of the old king's new funeral, there are no fireworks and firecrackers, but it is more peaceful and warm.Song Wei also forgot to argue with Dugu Mian, and walked leisurely in the night.

The shape of the Jiaozhi Palace is exactly the same as that of the Xianxi Palace, but the scale is only a fraction of it.After walking for a quarter of an hour, it will arrive.Along the way, when the guards saw Dugu's token, they all respectfully let it go.

Song Wei followed him into the Jiarui Hall and went up to the third floor, which was an open platform surrounded by emptiness.Palace lanterns are hung all around, and flowers are clustered under the railing.In particular, the delicate pink peach blossoms and the fruitful kumquats are layered on top of each other, bright and bright, and the spring color suddenly rushes to the face.The center of the platform is covered with a felt blanket, and a few futons are placed. There are wine and vegetables on the table, as well as some snacks.

Dugu Mian pulled Song Wei to sit opposite him, and poured wine for him by himself.

"Xiaoyin, I know that you hope to go back to Xidu to spend the New Year with your mother. But right now, I'm the only one to accompany you, so let's just let it go. It's rare to have an old friend in a foreign country. Stay here tonight, and I'll watch the night with you, okay? ?” He looked at him with a smile in his eyes, full of tenderness.

Song Wei looked at the food and drink in front of him, then at the person opposite, and said with a little difficulty: "That...Little Lord, we Huihe people actually celebrate the New Year in October..."

Seeing that face gradually becoming depressed and embarrassed, Song Wei couldn't help it anymore, and burst out laughing.The more you look at it, the happier you are, and you laugh out loud while clutching your stomach.

Although the Dugu family is a descendant of Xianbei, they have been assimilated for a long time, and they have long been integrated with the Xia people, and they have always celebrated the New Year of the Xia people.The little Hou Ye just wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of New Year's Eve to launch an offensive of tenderness, but unexpectedly expressed the wrong affection, and flattered the horse's hoof.

Embarrassed and angry: "Then you accompany me! Drink!"

"Haha...Okay, drink, I'll drink..." Song Wei reluctantly stopped laughing, and took a sip of wine under the glaring gaze of the other party.Li Jun probably contributed the treasures in the palace, and the taste is really good.Song Wei suddenly felt that the awkward and domineering man in front of him was not without loveliness.

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