The Story of Leaping from the Dragon Gate

Chapter 49 Since the sky is high and the emperor is far away, there are many reasons for his fame

Song Wei took Miao Niang for a circle, went to Fanbo Street from the west end, and stopped at the gate of Yuntang.The clerk recognized him, and saw that Miao Niang was pretty, so he jokingly greeted him and welcomed him in thoughtfully and hospitablely.

If it wasn't for completing the tasks entrusted by others, my mother might not have gone to the West Market to purchase in person.It is much more convenient to send servants to go, or to buy them at the nearest branch in the east of the city.However, I have already come here, and I found that the goods here are dazzling and colorful, and it was an eye-opener, and I secretly sighed that this trip was worthwhile.

Spices from the Western Regions are as expensive as jewels, Song Wei directly slapped a gold bar on the counter.The guy knew that Song Xiaolang was developed, but he didn't expect it to be so developed. After a short moment of surprise, his attitude became more attentive.My mother shyly declined, and Song Wei boldly said: "Thousands of money can't buy me happiness. I know you don't take this little thing seriously, but you just want to make yourself happy. A little bit of love, don't be disgusted." My mother said to him Laughing coquettishly, blinding the buddy, and finally buying a bunch of them.Because the maids and servants were all thrown in the East Paifang, Song Wei consciously acted as a follower, carrying all kinds of brocade boxes in her hands.

Then the two rode together and walked slowly.When meeting a shop that My Lady is interested in, Song Wei goes in with her to take a closer look.He is a native aborigine, so he is naturally comfortable as a shopping guide.My mother was trying to sell his face, and she was very intimacy in front of others, which made Song Wei look very good-looking.After shopping for an hour, I turned from the market to Fanfang without realizing it.The common problem of women is the same no matter what era, my mother is very interested in those small shops hidden in the gates and walls of deep alleys, and she has a great time shopping for goods.

Tired of shopping and a little hungry.Song Weidao: "If my mother doesn't dislike it, the soup buns and baked pastry in the pastry shop in front are quite unique."

My mother readily agreed, and Song Wei led the people straight to the Sake Hu cake stand, waited for the beauties to sit down, and then greeted Granny Sa and Sister Sa.

Sa Xiaomei stared at him blankly, and was awakened by Grandma Sa's cry, she turned her head and went into the room, and never came out again until they said goodbye and left.

Song Wei didn't seem to notice it, she just explained to Grandma Sa what to eat, and when the food was brought to the table, she commented and explained the same thing, chatting and laughing with my mother.The so-called soup dumplings are big wontons stuffed with mutton, sprinkled with green coriander and lighted with clear sesame oil.The stuffing is delicious, the soup is refreshing, and the coriander is a unique ingredient in Fanfang snacks.As for the roasted hu biscuits, they are crispy and delicious, with a sweet aftertaste, which is more of a flavor than other places.It's not that Yao Niang has never eaten the wild food at the banquets of rich people. In comparison, this street stall in Fanfang is even better.

When giving the money, Grandma Sa took a look at Song Wei, but hesitated to speak.Before he could leave, he left the guests and went into the house to comfort his crying granddaughter.

Song Wei leads the horse, and My Lady Tingting walks gracefully beside him.After walking for a long time, he said quietly: "Song Lang is so cruel, that girl is so pitiful."

Song Wei smiled wryly: "My mother, don't mock me anymore. My family knows about my own affairs, and I'm an unsteady and carefree person. Don't delay my good daughter."

This is what he said from the bottom of his heart.Miss Sa has reached the age of marriage, he can no longer turn a blind eye to the girl's fiery eyes.Marrying a cute little girl next door, having children and living a life sounds wonderful.However, Song Wei knew that she couldn't do it.It was difficult to do it in the past, and it is even more impossible to do it now...

My mother said coquettishly: "From this point of view, Song Lang is not cruel, but biased. His good daughter can't be delayed, but he came to delay my mother."

Song Wei laughed loudly: "Fortunately, I missed my mother's golden year, that's really lucky!"

Such flirting and flirting, one considers herself a beauty of fireworks, and the other is willing to be a prodigal son, and they don't realize that they sympathize with each other, but they develop some friendships other than prostitutes and daughters.

Song Wei sent Yaoniang back to Dongpaifang, several servants did not dare to go far, they were still waiting nearby.The two bid farewell, and My Niang invited Song Wei to go back to Xianggui to listen to the music.Knowing each other well, the relationship is officially established.

Next, Song Wei's time and energy were mainly devoted to practicing Juju and preparing for the competition.However, Miss Xue Si refused to give up, so she went to Fanfang to pester her once every few days, bullying her brother who had a handicap, and the siblings chased each other in Fanbo Street, flying like dogs and dogs.Xue Sanlang's glamorous and noble image was ruined because of his younger sister's hindrance.Ever since the bustle of the East Archway last time, Song Wei was already well-known, but now she stole the limelight even more.Everyone knows that Song Xiaolang is full of love debts, with all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred.

If he wanted to hide from Miss Xue, the best place to go was Liqing Building.The so-called don't panic when you have food in your hands, Song Wei is rich, and my mother is willing to let her go, so there is no pressure to visit the top brothels in the Western Capital.Miss Xue Si couldn't follow in this place, but Xue Sanlang could. As a result, he came and went again and again, and became Mr. Xue and Song Xiaolang visiting the brothel together.

In this day and age, it is common for men to develop from a good friend in a broad sense to a hot friend, and then from a good friend to a good friend in a narrow sense.That's exactly what Xue Xuan came up with, so let's get acquainted with Song Wei first.Although there were slight complaints about my mother's empathy, Liqinglou introduced a few newcomers at the right time, and one of them was quite to Mr. Xue's appetite, as an expedient measure during the transition period.

Weng Huan asked Song Wei alone about dating Xue's brothers and sisters.After listening to the cause and effect, seeing that Song Wei's attitude was clear and what he said was reasonable, he laughed and didn't ask any more questions.The next time I ran into him and Xue Xuan in Liqing Building, I even offered to say hello.Originally Weng Huan hated Xue San's [-]-[-]-dollar appearance the most. Ever since he knew that he was beaten into a pig's head, and because of his injured leg, he couldn't play on the Double Ninth Festival, and his sister also took advantage of the opportunity to enter the Ju team. He snatched it away, and gloated for a long time, but the hatred gradually faded.From the very beginning, Xue Xuan wanted to have a secret relationship with Song Wei, because everyone knew about her disappointing younger sister, and she was always worried that Weng Huan would find trouble, and she was more guilty than Song Wei.At this time, we bumped into each other head-on, but Weng Shijiu didn't expect Weng Shijiu to greet him, and after a moment of surprise, he responded.Somehow, the last two groups of people turned into one group, clamoring and drinking flower wine at the same table.

There is no deep hatred in the first place, and the friendship between men is either typed or drunk, and it is very fast.After drinking two meals of flowers and wine, they all became friends.

This day's training is over, Weng Huandao has worked hard for everyone recently, he will be off tomorrow, and tonight he treats guests to Liqinglou for a drink.A group of people rushed to Sajin Street.Several married bowmen didn't sit for long, and they all applied to go back to accompany the elderly and children.Weng Huan thought it was deserted, so he asked people to call his frequent friends, and specially sent servants to Xue's residence to invite the third young master.Hearing that Song Wei was present, Xue Xuan had no reason not to come, and he arrived within half an hour. Mr. Weng booked the most luxurious room in the middle hall on the second floor of the front yard. The new lovers accompany them, and they drink and chat with each other.

After talking about drinking, sex and having fun, because there are several noble sons present, the topic can't help being brought up to the imperial palace in the capital thousands of miles away.

The eldest son of the Weng family was originally the governor of the third rank, a local official, and was recently reassigned to the central government, so the news from the Weng family in Beijing was very well-informed.And Xue Changshi is trying to get through the joints, and wants to ask his son to go to Beijing to take a martial arts exam.Mr. Xue felt that his son was young and promising. Although the western capital is good, after all, the future is limited in a small area, so he paid more attention to the trend of the capital.Most of his news came from the Governor of Xidu.

Xue Fan was quite hesitant about going to Beijing to take the martial arts exam.On the one hand, I can't bear to part with the free life now, on the other hand, I can't resist the longing for the vast world.Seeing Weng Huan's heartless look, and out of the mentality of being alone and not as good as others, he seemed concerned but insidiously asked: "Brother Weng Xian will be crowned next year, should he prepare for the imperial examination? , or go to the capital for reference?"

Public schools at all levels, no matter the central imperial school or the county and township schools, only enroll students under the age of 20.When Mr. Weng turns [-], it will be impossible to dawdle in school.

Sure enough, Weng Huan was asked a lot, and his expression was a little embarrassed.At this age, noble children are all faced with the problem of life planning.As he grows older, the pressure of not thinking about making progress is increasing. Compared with Song Wei, a commoner descendant, it is actually more difficult to be a human being.

Weng Huan laughed, and suddenly waved out a few idlers who were serving, lowered his voice, and looked mysterious: "What's the exam, I heard... I trust everyone, so don't talk nonsense. I heard that the emperor The dragon is not in good health, so I don't know if it will survive this winter. Whether the imperial examination will be held on time next year is uncertain!"

Everyone expressed shock.But Xue Xuan listened, and took over the conversation: "I also heard that the emperor's dragon body is ill, and it has indeed been a while. But as long as the crown prince ascends the throne, it will be delayed at most, and the imperial examination will not be missed."

The current prince is also the eldest son of the emperor.It has been more than ten years since Ruoguan was established as a prince when he was an adult.The government and the opposition have not heard of any major achievements of his, and it seems that he has no major faults in the same way.It has been mediocre for many years, and the sense of presence is not strong, but it has always existed tenaciously.Probably because of this, everyone seemed to agree that after the emperor passed away, it was natural for the crown prince to ascend the throne.

Weng Huan heard Xue Yan's words, curled his lips and said: "Don't you all know, how can it be so easy for the prince of my Xianxi Dynasty to become the throne?"

Mr. Weng has his own reasons for saying this, it's not a secret, and all the nobles here are aware of it.

It turns out that when the great ancestors founded the country, the great talents had a long-term vision, and they very much agreed with the principle of prosperity and decline, which begins with the destiny and ends with human affairs.In order to encourage the descendants of the royal family to work hard and keep the Song family in a long-term order, Gaozu and his loyal arms jointly discussed a strategy: under the premise of ensuring that the heir is the royal blood, every prince who ascends the throne must get three princes, five princes and eight founders. The recognition of the head of a family of heroes.As long as two of the three lords and three of the five lords have no objection to the choice of the crown prince, the eight great families will swear allegiance, and the new emperor will renew the golden seal and jade book, forming a new round of oaths between monarchs and ministers. world.

Some of the audience were quick-witted and fast-talking, and immediately said: "What do you mean, the prince has not yet received the support of five of the eight great families? This is too..."

too what?So wimpy and incompetent.

The prohibition of speech in the Xianxi Dynasty was far less harsh than that of later generations. Royal gossip is a common hobby of Yangchun Baixue and Xialiba people.While pretending to be mysterious, Weng Huan talked nonsense, and said with a chuckle: "Nine out of ten people like the new and dislike the old, the crown prince has been squatting in that seat for more than ten years, and he himself has never gotten tired of it. Maybe everyone who watched it got tired of watching it? "

Everyone remembered that the third prince Li Wang Ye, who had become famous in recent years, held a position of real power in the court and did a few great things.Compared with the mild-tempered but mediocre prince, he is really capable.It is also reasonable for the emperor and several aristocratic families to like the new and dislike the old.

A few people talked excitedly, and gradually became unscrupulous.Song Wei only felt that the matter had nothing to do with her, and listened to whether she had a relationship or not.At first, I was a little surprised, how could this group of people be so relaxed when it comes to major events such as seizing the throne and usurping the throne.After listening for a while, I understood that the military power of the Xianxi Dynasty was divided among the five princes, and the emperor served as the absolute supreme commander. None of the princes could cultivate a direct army. within.The original intention of this design was to prevent the royal struggle from shaking the foundation of the country, and its derivative effect was that the ordinary subjects of the Xianxi Dynasty were used to watching the big drama, and then waited quietly for the curtain to end, doing what they should do.

This room was spitting and talking about state affairs, when suddenly there was a scream from outside: "Song Miaozhi! Come out!"

The crisp soprano voice clearly pierced through the door, and everyone was shocked. They were even more horrified than hearing that the emperor was about to die.Waiting to find out who the ones are, each of them will smile or not, looking at Song Xiaolang and Xue Sangongzi.

No one expected that Fourth Miss Xue would have the guts to break into the brothel to arrest people.

Song Wei was extremely helpless, and spread her hands: "Third Young Master, Miss Xue loves so much, I really can't stand the little one."

Xue Xuan felt very embarrassed, and rushed out without saying a word.

Of course, the rest of the people would not miss such a good show, they all squeezed to the fence on the second floor and looked down, admiring the scuffle between brothers and sisters in the atrium on the first floor.

My mother leaned on Song Wei with a smile, and joked in a low voice: "Song Lang is so charming, not only the fourth lady has a special liking, but the third son also has good eyes. The nineteenth son said that many people like the new and dislike the old. I am afraid that in Song Dynasty In Lang's eyes, My Lady will soon become an old person."

Song Wei glanced at her, and said with a smile: "There are thousands of styles in one body; there are three thousand kinds of weak water, just take one scoop. It's me who should be worried, but not my mother."

The two have been dating for some time, and they are still in the stage of talking.Song Wei has a shadow in his heart, and he often hesitates.And because he used the other party as a test product and a shield, he felt guilty, and his attitude was extremely gentle.And Yao Niang's motives are not pure, the more familiar she is, the more she feels sorry for Song Wei, and the more gentle and submissive she becomes in front of others.The two have their own scruples, but coincidentally, they talked about their relationship in a very affectionate and polite manner.

The two of them are flirting here, how can Miss Xue bear it.It happened that Xue Sanlang also became jealous because of seeing the scene upstairs, and he was negligent for a while and failed to catch his sister.Miss Xue took the club from the servant beside her, and with a precise blow, the round wooden ball flew to the second floor like a shooting star.Miss Xue is very clear about right and wrong, she doesn't hit her sweetheart, she only hits vixies, and that ball runs straight towards my mother.

Song Wei had quick eyes and quick hands, dragging the beauty to get out of the way.The light and tough ball hit the wall, bounced back, and hit the back of Weng Huan, who was obsessed with watching the scene.Mr. Weng's huge figure rushed forward, leading several people to press down, the railing cracked and cracked, and there was a continuous crackling sound, and several unlucky ghosts piled on the carpet on the first floor like an arhat.

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