For the people in Fanfang, New Year's Eve in the lunar calendar is nothing more than one of the various ethnic festivals.Some families live a grand life according to the customs of the Xia people, while others don't care at all.In order to attract business, the shops on Fanbo Street have a much more festive atmosphere than inside the shop.It's just that the purchase of new year's goods has ended, and by the afternoon, there are no customers in the entire market.

In the afternoon, there was a dinner party in a Persian restaurant, and Song Wei also went.After drinking with my mother and Boss Mai, I ran to the lobby to mess with the guys.Wherever Song Xiaolang was present, the laughter would be several tunes higher.It was so noisy until it was dark, and together with a group of young people who lived in Fanfang, they opened their fur coats and let out their voices, weeping and howling with each other along the way, and finally returned home.

After the pigeons recognized their nests, Song Wei emptied out the miscellaneous room, and specially built a spacious and comfortable grid cage for the young couple under the window.The first thing I do when I get home is to watch the pigeons.Seeing nothing unusual, they hung up lanterns and added hay to the donkeys and horses tied in the courtyard.It takes a lot of effort to raise animals and animals.There are four mouths waiting to be served at home. Although they are all trained to be very obedient, cleaning and other tasks are still indispensable.There are people who specialize in fat harvesting come to the door regularly, Song Wei doesn't want money, so they work hard to clean the birdcages in the corridors and stables for him.

After all, Song Wei has a lazy temper, and she always does things three parts of the work and seven parts of the play.After a day of dawdling, there is not much free time.I haven't gone to those games and games for a long time.

After feeding the animals for supper, I felt that it was still early, so I sat on the railing under the porch in a daze.

This life is a mess, and three years have passed.The continuous firecrackers and fireworks show a lively scene, and the dry aroma of gunpowder smoke makes people feel immersed in the strong customs of the world.Thinking of last year and today, far away in Jiaozhi, southern Xinjiang, a short-circuited person forced her to drink and watch the night, Song Wei couldn't help but look at the sky, with a smile on her face.It's a pity that those bright eyes and smile are hidden in the hazy night, and it is impossible to distinguish them.

I also remembered that when I met half a year ago, Dugu once said that I would try to come at the end of the year.If you don't come now, of course you can't come.I said goodbye in a hurry on the Double Ninth Festival, and I was sleepy at the time. If it weren't for the two pigeons to prove it, I might have thought it was a dream.

Song Wei felt an inexplicable restlessness in her body.Sitting for a while, suddenly jumped off the railing, ready to enter the house to get money, lead the horse out, and go to the Liqing Building to find my mother to pass the night.Even if my mother is not available without an appointment, the maid named Xiaozhu is gentle, smart, delicate and lovely, enough to kill boredom.

After walking a few steps, I suddenly remembered that today's New Year's Eve.Liqing Building follows the tradition of the Xia people, and will not open its doors to welcome guests tonight no matter what.

He took out a bottle of wine from under the bed, and sat back on the rail again.With his back leaning against the pillar, he bent one leg and stretched the other to the side, and lightly kicked the donkey's back: "Well, it would be great if you could drink and talk with me. That guy, he just became People, I guess it's not interesting."

After speaking, he smiled self-deprecatingly.Unplugging the plug, the smell of wine entered my nostrils, I couldn't help being stunned.What slipped out casually was a bottle of sweet white cold brew.It is this wine that I see off Dugu on the Double Ninth Festival.

Song Wei was dazed for a long time, and finally raised the wine bottle, raised her neck and gulped down several mouthfuls.The moment the wine glides down the throat, the muddleheaded lives of the past generations are transformed into the clearest, most thorough, most concise and most profound philosophy:

To be free, we must endure loneliness and loneliness.

It happens that the lack of people's hearts is the most difficult to control.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the Lantern Festival in Xidu.This is an annual super event for the government and the people to enjoy together.The first year Song Wei came, the timing was unlucky, the Lantern Festival had just passed; the second year he was fooling around with Cui Zhen, absent-minded; , and go to the countryside to enjoy the lights once as the Romans do.

The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is also his birthday.Before I knew it, I was 21 years old.

At noon, I ate longevity noodles at my mother's place, listened to the two elders nagging and taught me a lesson, put the red envelopes in my pocket, invited a few friends from Fanfang, and went out for a walk in the street before it got dark.Friends all bring oil bottles.The daughter of Wang Dalang's family was already running all over the place, Pei Qi led his nephew, Hou Xiaoxia took his nephew, and made four or five small radish heads.Song Wei took out a lot of copper coins and bought a bunch of food and play, and the children gathered around shouting and jumping.He smiled and squatted on the ground to tease others, without the consciousness of being an adult at all.

Hou Xiaoxia, the youngest in the group, saw his appearance, and said to Wang Dalang beside him with a sad face, "Brother Wang, what do you think Xiaoyin will do in the future?"

Pei Qi curled her lips and said: "His mother is too lazy to worry about it. What kind of carelessness are you doing? This guy has become the top card in Liqinglou, how can he still see ordinary women!" The tone was sour, full of jealousy.

Hou Xiaoxia sighed: "Women in that kind of place, no matter how good they are, it's not a problem."

Wang Dalang said angrily: "Don't mention this to me! Last time I told him about your sister-in-law's natal cousin, he actually disliked her illiteracy and didn't even bother to see her. Who did he think he was? How many words can you read? You can’t even read all the wine brands in Boss Mai’s shop! But once you go out, you can play a game of Juqiu, and you will consider yourself superior to others, and you will look down on us brothers who grew up together! Pig nose with onions , what kind of pretending to be a mother..."

It seemed that Song Wei was very angry.

Hou Xiaoxia said: "Xiaoyin is very loyal, it won't be like what you said."

After Wang Dalang finished venting, he also understood that Hou Xiaoxia had a reason, and said bitterly: "Lazy people have lazy blessings. With his face, after 20 years, there will be many women who are willing to give up, let him die!"

Pei Qi was sour again: "Little Sister Sa still sheds tears when talking about him, you bastard."

The group happily ate outside, then turned to the main street to watch the lights.At nightfall, all the elders and women from various families came to meet up, and the children were taken care of, Song Wei just walked along with his arms folded and concentrated on watching the excitement.After shopping for a while, some old people were tired and couldn't walk, so they went back early.Some children were sleepy and crying, and the adults couldn't stand it and hurried back.There are also women who are worried about the baby at home, have a quick look at it a few times, and dragged their husbands home in a hurry.

As a result, in the middle of the night, Song Wei was the only one left.

There is no curfew on New Year's Eve, but at this time, those who are still hanging out are basically only young men and women who are energetic and pursuing romance.Under the bright lights, the fragrance of clothes and the shadows on the temples, the couple is right, making the single person more and more lonely.

Loneliness tends to make people become literary.

Song Wei suddenly thought of a few lines of poems that are familiar to all generations, old and young: "I searched for him thousands of times in the crowd. When I looked back suddenly, the man was there, in a dimly lit place."

There are so many romantic and tender feelings in front of me, who made everyone look for him?And who told who to look back suddenly?

Who cares?Song Wei leaned forward and looked around, the only one standing alone in the dimly lit place was herself.

Almost instantly, he wavered from some deliberate insistence.

Push aside the crowd, go through the crowd, return home, ride a horse, and go to Changning Square.

From a distance, you can see the street where Dugu Mansion is located, with high gates and big houses on both sides, and colorful gauze and embroidered palace lanterns hanging.In some extravagant houses, lanterns were hung on the courtyard walls and trees in front of the gate, each competing for splendor.After all, it is a wealthy and powerful residential area, and there are far fewer people on the road.Song Wei didn't approach, just stood at the intersection and glanced at the familiar place.Palace lanterns were also hung in front of the gate of Dugu Mansion, with four pairs of octagonal colored glazed pillar lanterns, luxurious and dignified.Compared with the exquisite lighting decorations of the neighbors on the left and right, it looks a little deserted.The door was closed tightly, and no one was seen coming in or out.On such a day, when the master is not around, the servants will naturally have a big holiday, so it is normal for them to be deserted.

Song Wei turned around on the horse, as if he was talking to himself, or talking to the horse: "Look at this, probably not yet. As for whether life is good or not, it's hard to say... "

I can't help but think of last year's Lantern Festival, every scene is vivid in my mind.He didn't have to admit it if he wanted to, but Dugu Mian's imprint on his heart was more profound and indelible than anyone else's.Those joyful scenes, cheers in the arena, and the passage of time, all of them are gone.Only this man, from acquaintance to acquaintance, to entanglement, every link is so clear.Just like the moon tonight, no matter how tightly the clouds cover it, I know in my heart that it is hanging there firmly.As long as the wind and clouds are moving, the ground will be filled with white light, and no amount of lights will be able to illuminate it.

Song Wei knows very well that under the constraints of time, space and gender, it is probably impossible to find someone who is more exciting than Dugu.

Sure enough, distance creates beauty.

It's all the moon's fault.

Song Wei wobbled on the horse, thinking: If this succession of the throne is successfully completed, and Lord Xianhou is still alive and well, maybe he can consider being a little more polite to him.

As soon as the Lantern Festival is over, spring will soon bloom, and Song Wei suddenly has a major matter to worry about.

The little pigeons grew up to be big pigeons, and they fluttered together all day long, a little bit like fighting like fairies.Song Wei specifically asked a knowledgeable person, saying that it is better to pair up around one year old, and it is a little earlier now.For the sake of the child's physical and mental health, he began to think about how to isolate the young couple.The cages have been separated a long time ago, and the distance is also kept as far as possible during normal feeding.However, if you can't help it, people can fly, spread their wings, and hide in a corner where the parents can't see, and do some ambiguous tricks, what can he do?

Although Song Wei is also looking forward to seeing Gedan and Xiaogezi sooner, but she firmly believes that early marriage and early childbearing are harmful to health, jumping up and down to stir up trouble, it seems to be the top priority in life.Fortunately, the donkey and the horse were gelded clean before they came into his hands, otherwise there might have been a lot of fuss.

Pigeons are difficult to distinguish between male and female from the appearance, so Song Wei once looked at the people inside and outside the house.Now that he is older, his demeanor is different.The charming and elegant one is the hen, nicknamed Xiaola.The vigorous and vigorous one is the cock, nicknamed Xiaodiu.

In spring and March, the wind is sunny and the willows are green and pink.Pigeons are flying in the sky, donkeys are running underground, and the horses have the same lazy nature as their owners: one is lying on the grass, throwing a dried fruit into its mouth from time to time;

After Dugu found Song Wei in the northern suburbs, this was the picture that caught his eye.Gray horse, gray donkey, and gray pigeon, it just so happened that Song Wei was wearing a light gray coat today, the whole family was gray.However, printed in the colorful spring scenery, it looks like a few spots of light ink brushwork on the top of the green landscape pastel brushwork. It is suddenly clean, fresh and far away. It feels comfortable in the eyes and heart, and you will never get tired of looking at it.

How many worldly worries and worries are eliminated.

The people who go out in the spring are concentrated in several famous mountains and rivers in the suburbs. This place is remote, except for wild forests and weeds, there is nothing special to see.In addition, the sun just came out, and those who planned to go out to play were still at home, so there was no one else at all.

Dugu asked the guards to stop, and approached quietly on horseback.The grass is soft, covering the sound of horseshoes.Well, Ang and Da Da are more vigilant than Song Wei, and when he finds out that he is an acquaintance, he resolutely ignores it.

The wind blew, and the long grass blades brushed against my ears, itching.Song Wei scratched her ears while turning her face away.After looking at Dugu for a moment, he smiled and waved: "Morning."

It's still early.If it weren't for the thin leather felt under his body, the morning dew would have already soaked his clothes.

Dugu looked at him for a moment, then asked, "What were you thinking just now? I was out of my mind."

After Song Wei listened, she looked sadly at the shadows of the pigeons circling in the sky: "How can I tell them to lay eggs later."

Dugu was stunned for a moment, and then he burst out laughing: "You are really lenient. It's going to rain, the pigeons are going to lay eggs, just let nature take its course, why worry about it?"

When he said that, Song Wei felt like she was a bit bored.

Dugu Mian leaned over on the horse's back, and stretched out his hand to him: "Don't lie like this, the humidity is too heavy, it's not good."

As soon as Song Wei put his hand on it, the opponent suddenly exerted force and was directly pulled onto the horse's back.After sitting firmly, the person behind bent down again and lifted up the impermeable leather blanket.

Dugu then drove the horse to a more remote woods, pulled Song Wei's head and kissed.

Both are long-lasting bodies, dry wood and raging fire are not enough to describe.

Dugu said intermittently: "Whatever... the pigeons lay eggs, you might as well just take care of it..."

Song Wei knew very well that this rascal would have nothing good to say, so he simply bit him to stop him.

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