Song Wei is good at riding, and the most suitable weapon for riding is the horn bow; he also likes to shoot the bow, and he is very keen to catch moving targets. In fact, he is a good young man born to practice riding and shooting. What he lacks is strength and skill.He has long passed the age of martial arts, and he is still playful, lazy and afraid of suffering. His fists, feet and weapons are unrealistic.What's more, bows and arrows are light and flexible, and they are far easier to carry than other equipment.

Based on the above reasons, Dugu Mian is sure that he can not only learn well, but also learn well.As long as you get through the most boring entry stage, you will definitely like it day by day.Because once this skill is practiced, not only can you defend yourself against the enemy in a crisis, but it will also add a lot of fun to your daily life.Hunting on horseback is a big fashion in this era, climbing mountains and forests, chasing eagles and deer, it is very suitable for Song Wei's lively temperament.

He was so thoughtful, he acted both hard and soft, and tried his best. Speaking of it, he really cared more than educating his son.Before long, the results were remarkable.No, Song Wei finally caught the first real prey in his life, a hare.

Several people lit a fire on the spot, peeled and grilled, drank and ate meat.The other groups who went out to hunt in the city, smelling the smell here was particularly fragrant, and naturally brought the hunted pheasant, yellow weasel and the like to come over.There are also scholars who go out of the city to find creative inspiration. They see acquaintances who have met on both sides of the crowd, and they also sit together with food boxes, wine and vegetables to eat, drink and chat.

This place is located on the outskirts of Shencheng, facing the lake on one side, the mountain on the other side, and wild miscellaneous forests on the other side, it is a good place for hunting.Song Wei and the others have lived in Shencheng for more than half a month, and they come here every day to practice archery.Started shooting tree stumps, and later turned into chasing living things.Wild ones have no sense of accomplishment, so Dugu asked Mu Ping to buy a cage of live chickens and rabbits from the market.Those who are lucky enough to escape will be freed, those who are unlucky will become the prey of arrows, and those who are accidentally hit and caught by others don't care, and soon become familiar with other traveling hunters, and meet together Let's chat and drink.Meet by chance, break up happily, free and lively.

Shencheng is a place that converges in all directions, bordering the coast of Kyoto in the east and the hinterland in the west.If it is a remote place, the early winter season is when the flow of people is decreasing, but Shencheng is just the opposite.

The imperial examinations in the Xianxi Dynasty were divided into two civil and military examinations, one every two years, with literary competitions in the spring and martial arts competitions in the autumn.Wen Ju who wins the Honzhou Juzi will go to Beijing to take the Jinshi examination in the spring of the next year.Martial arts is not so troublesome. Candidates are mainly from the army, and there are also candidates recommended by local military officials. After passing the preliminary selection and obtaining the qualifications for taking the test, they can go directly to Beijing to take the test.

Regardless of essays or martial arts, recommendation is a very important link.In order to get recommendations from influential people, it is very important to gain some reputation before the exam, so self-recommendation is popular.Anyone who feels that they have two skills is particularly willing to go around to find out.And those with a little reputation are also proud of making friends with appreciative talents, and they are willing to spend a lot of money for this.

Usually candidates will set off at least a few months earlier in order to prevent accidental delays on the road and to expand their reputation along the way.At this time, the candidates who are waiting to take part in the next spring examination are on the road one after another, writing a poem in this temple, presenting a fu in that house, writing a song in this meeting, and reciting a sentence in that collection.Yin of Shencheng Mansion has always been famous, and talented people from all over the world are always welcome. If he has a letter of recommendation, the road in the capital will of course be much easier.Therefore, every winter before the spring exam, there are a lot of scholars stranded in the city.

And at this time, the martial arts exam just ended, and those who passed the exam would naturally stay in Beijing to wait for the appointment. Those who failed the election, except for a few who returned to their hometowns honestly, most of them would take this opportunity to travel abroad, make friends with colleagues, and look for opportunities.Those who are more courageous and ambitious, either go to the frontier fortresses, or go on overseas adventures, and so on.The arena set up by Yin of Shencheng Mansion was prepared for these people.Those who are willing to stay, whether it is to be a guard of the government office or to enter the city to garrison the military camp, are all decent jobs with high salaries.Even if you don't stay here and make a greater reputation here, no matter where you go to hang out next, you will undoubtedly increase your capital.

From all these, Shencheng in winter is full of vigor and prosperity.

On the first day of entering the city, almost all the hostels and inns were full, and Dugu was not satisfied with the only vacant rooms left, and couldn't find a suitable place for a while.His Excellency Xianhou frowned, changed his disguise, and went to the front of the government office to fight a ring. He won the ring leader who had not lost for seven consecutive days. He was immediately welcomed in as a hero and met the governor.Yin of Shencheng Mansion is an official outside the country all the year round, and he doesn't go to the capital much. Of course he recognizes the old Marquis, but he has never seen the new Marquis Xian before him.Dugu pretended to be a knight in the rivers and lakes, and after a few words on the scene, he was arranged to live in an annex dedicated to receiving sages from all walks of life, and was assigned to a small courtyard. The four of them together with livestock, it was just right to live in.

Of course, the Xianhou Mansion also has an industrial base in Shencheng, but Dugu Mian does not intend to alarm them.No one would have thought that Marquis Xian would dare to delay for so long with the suspected prince he was looking for, and take a completely random wandering route.Surprise, no trace to be found, is the best policy.

The most excited and happiest person in the whole process was Song Wei.Seeing Dugu Mian come to the stage to fight with others, he shouted vigorously below with snacks in hand, very devoted.As for the kind of thing that makes people smile in the arena, Hou Ye thinks it's interesting to do it occasionally.

In this way, he simply stayed.The other building includes all board and lodging, Dugu Mian takes Song Wei out every day, not eating for nothing, but living for nothing.He fought in the ring once, and if he refused to play again, Mr. Fu Yin would not force him.In order to ensure order, private fights are prohibited outside the arena, and Dugu Mian deliberately avoids right and wrong. After a few days, no one is thinking about asking him to discuss.

There are all kinds of wonderful characters in the other hall.Wild poets, arrogant scribes, reckless tyrants, unrestrained rangers... It has been several years since Song Wei came to this world, and this is the first time Song Wei has had close contact with these people.The west is Old Beijing, and those with ambitions will not go there specially.In the home of the talented Han Jue in Yucheng, Jiaozhou, I have seen some literati, but they are far less romantic than this place: he always pretends to be a genius in heaven, and his life goal is to stabilize the country, expand the frontiers, and spread his fame through the ages.From Song Wei's point of view, every word and deed, every gesture, has a wonderful sense of joy.

For the first two days, he murmured in his heart, the governor of Shencheng is so unscrupulous in keeping his family, isn't he afraid of the emperor's jealousy?It's too easy to cause trouble if you don't have a different heart.After two days, I found out that probably the atmosphere of the times was like this, and no one seemed to think there was anything wrong.Yin Suan of Shencheng Mansion has done an outstanding job, and there are many dignitaries who are like him in other places.

After careful observation, Song Wei had some vague feelings.Regardless of the relationship between these retainers and their proprietors, they cannot directly obtain official positions from the proprietors, that is, real fame. At most, it only increases the chance of getting close to the emperor.Only from the emperor can they really get the opportunity to make contributions.And another more important aspect is that almost all the people here, no matter whether they are high or low in literature or martial arts, still have a simple belief in their king.Money is nothing, no matter who gives him money, it is the most honorable to dedicate his talent, skills, wealth and life to the emperor.

Therefore, for a child of a family like Dugu Mian and an important official of the imperial court to serve the emperor without hesitation, this is where he lives and lives.

Because of this ubiquitous loyalty and belief, a strong cohesion and centripetal force have been formed.Probably, this is the cornerstone of the so-called peaceful and prosperous age.Song Wei clearly felt lucky at this moment.To be honest, the various disturbing and aggrieved incidents I have encountered, in another time and space, I am afraid that they will only develop in a worse direction.

I would rather be a dog of peace than a person in troubled times.Many thanks to those who created and maintained this peace and prosperity.Although I don't know how long it will last, judging from the current trend, it shouldn't be too difficult to hang around in my lifetime.

Dugu Mian took Song Wei to live in the government office, apart from eating and drinking, they just had fun.Sometimes I climb the mountain to see the scenery, sometimes I go boating on the lake, or read poems and quarrels between scholars and students, or watch samurai fight on stage.It's just that there must be half a day in the countryside practicing archery every day.The weather is getting colder and colder, with occasional light snowfall, perhaps because of the influence of the atmosphere, or perhaps because the skills are becoming more and more proficient, the cold not only does not affect Song Wei's mood, but it adds to the fun.

This day was also after the snow, and all animals that do not hibernate came out of their dens to look for food, that's why Song Wei hit a hare that was so cold and stupid.In any case, it was his first real hunt.While pretending to pity his prey, he took the roasted and oily rabbit leg from Dugu's hand, biting his upper front teeth.

The place where everyone rested was a triangular pavilion leeward of the wind.There are many people, and a fire is lit again, to drive away the chill around.

A hunter with the appearance of a samurai said that he was going to set off tomorrow and head to the northwest frontier.

Another scholar who was acquainted with him dissuaded him, saying that it is not suitable to go to the northwest at this time of year, with wind, snow and bitter cold.

The warrior said with a smile: "I am going to see the cold moon in Cangshan Mountain, the ice and snow beyond the Great Wall."

The scholar clapped his hands and sighed: "My little brother is narrow-minded, but I can't appreciate the grandeur of my brother." Sighing, he picked up the wine bowl, shook his head and recited a poem, "Take off the saddle and enter the restaurant for a while, and send you thousands of miles to hit Hu. Fame and fame only Take it from the horse, what a hero and husband."

This is a well-known sentence by the great poet of this dynasty.When this poem was written, the Xianxi Dynasty was sending troops to Gaochang State in the Western Regions, and the word "Hu" in "Xi Strike Hu" refers to Gaochang State.Times have changed, and now Gaochang and Tianchao have rebuilt their brotherhood, and poetry is only used to express their feelings. Regardless of Hu Xia in the country, no one cares about it seriously.

The poetic style of this dynasty advocates natural fluency and naturalness. Most of them are easy to understand, remember and sing, which greatly facilitates ordinary people like Song Wei with an average education level.Composing poems is difficult, and memorizing a few poems as the Romans do is similar to learning to sing a few popular songs in later generations.

Because of this conversation, everyone raised their glasses one after another, and the atmosphere of the group chat became more and more enthusiastic.Song Wei got excited when he heard it, threw away the gnawed bones, wiped his hands with the snow, slapped his thighs, opened his voice, and sang loudly.The tune is passionate, the words are sonorous, and there is lightness and heroism in the distance and openness.

"Ride across the mountains and seas, and break the ice across the snowy regions.

The man's sharp edge is frosty, and tomorrow the Xiongnu frontier will be flat.

Willing to devote his blood to the king's affairs, how can he gain fame for him. "

After one song, a few with a good sense of music followed his tune and sang the last two lines repeatedly: "Ken will put his blood on the king's affairs, how can he gain fame for the court. Good poem! Let's make a toast to it!"

The people who held the bowls held the bowls, those who held the glasses held the glasses, and some of them took the bottles directly, yelled and touched them again, all of them were full of wine and high spirits.

A scholar asked: "My little brother sang it just now, but Mr. Chengdu's new work the day before yesterday?"

Wang Chengdu, a famous literati who was being warmly received by the governor of Shencheng, composed this song at the poetry meeting two days ago, and many people chanted it on the spot.Song Wei happened to be watching the excitement at the scene, so I remembered it by the way.

Song Wei said: "Exactly."

So the topic changed from Wu to Wen, and it started with poetry and songs.

Song Wei listened for a while, but was not very interested, so Dugu took some time to get up and say goodbye, and led a few people back.

After the snow, it was empty and quiet, and there was no one disturbing the road in the middle, so the two raced horses again for fun.Song Wei was completely tired now, so Dugu Mian carried him to ride with him, and wrapped the cloak tightly.

Song Wei's face was exposed from the hood of the cloak trimmed with a circle of raccoon fur, and she looked up slightly and asked, "Where did you join the army before?"

Dugu Mian looked down at his picturesque eyebrows and said, "There are also in the north and northwest. If you want to hear it, I'll tell you about it."

The author has something to say: Note:

"Take off the saddle and enter the restaurant for a while, and send the king thousands of miles away to attack Hu. The fame can only be obtained from the horse. It is really a hero and a husband." Author Cen Shen.

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