The Story of Leaping from the Dragon Gate

Chapter 78 Imperial Doctor Pills Take Panacea, Boy Fish Passing Ruler Plain Book

Dugu Mian stood for quite a while, and then he straightened up little by little, as if he was carrying a thousand weights on his back, which was unbearable.Nothing can be seen on the face, but the expression is a little numb.As soon as he retreated to the door of the room, Mu Ping caught a glimpse of Lord Hou in the outer room, and took the initiative to step over to take over.

Song Wei didn't even need to raise her eyes to know that the watchman was coming, and said in a low voice, "Get out!"

Mu Ping stopped and looked at Lord Hou.Dugu Mian nodded, and went out to the corridor, and Mou Ping followed.Seeing that Lord Hou didn't speak for a while, he couldn't help asking: "There is no one around His Highness, what if..."

Dugu Hou suddenly let out a very strange snort, he didn't know whether it was a wry smile or a sigh.After a long silence, he said, "No need. Your Highness has already figured it out on his own, and there will be no such eventuality."

From now on, that little Yin who was willing to be sad for him, to despair for him, to cry for him, to bleed for him, to be angry for him, to despair for him... no more.

Only the arrogant and ruthless sixth prince remained.

Now that Dugu Mian knew it, that's how it feels to forcefully pluck out a piece of flesh from his heart.However, he knew better that even if he did it all over again and made another plan, things would definitely be better than they are now.

That's's actually pretty good.Good for everyone.

I don't know how long I stood there, until the guard guarding the gate came to report: "Master Hou, the eldest son is here again."

As Song Wei improved, the ban in the backyard of the Hou Mansion was also loosened.Especially after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the civil and military studies of the two young masters had to continue, and Dugu Lai started to study and live step by step again.He was thinking about Brother Song and his pigeons, horses and donkeys. Even though he knew that Song Wei was seriously ill and was forbidden to disturb him, he still tried every means to sneak into the east courtyard.At this moment, the homework in the afternoon has been completed, and the dinner time has not yet arrived, so I came here again while I was free in the middle.

Dugu Empress once strictly ordered his subordinates not to let his son in.At this time, he was stunned, and suddenly changed his mind.

"Let him come in. Ask the follower to wait outside, and let him come in by himself."

Dugu ran in with two short legs, saw his father, stopped abruptly, and bowed obediently: "I have seen my father."

Dugu Mian nodded: "Your Brother Song is still ill, come out after looking at him, don't disturb him."

Dugu Lai called Song Wei his elder brother, which completely confused his generation.However, the person involved was so happy, Dugu Mian never found a good time to correct it, and now is obviously not the time to worry about it.

He knew that no matter how unhappy Song Wei was, he would never take his anger out on the children, and he was certain of that.Dugu thought to himself: He hasn't really laughed for many days.It's good to make him smile, even if it serves no other purpose.

Dugulai replied honestly: "Save it, baby."

Seeing that his father didn't express anything else, he ran to the bedroom after knowing the way.

It came out again after a while, Dugu's heart sank.

Seeing that his father was still standing in the yard, Dugu Lai had no choice but to stop obediently and salute again: "Father, Brother Song asked me to help him see if La Ji Liu Dian Ang is still good."

The immature childish voice told the names of the four animals in one go, like a jingle, which was very joyful.

Dugu felt relieved.Sure enough, his son's face is much bigger than his own.

These days there are so many soldiers and horses that people can't take care of them, so there is no place to control animals.But the people below knew the seriousness, so they would not mess around, so Dugu looked at the leader of his guards.

Mu Ping explained to Dugu Lai: "My lord, the donkeys and horses are raised in the stables of the West Side Courtyard. It is not easy to mix pigeons, and there is no place to move them. Zhao Jing is responsible for feeding them twice a day."

Zhao Jing is the guard who can play with Song Wei the most.

Dugu said: "I was outside the yard, and I never saw Xiaola and Xiaodiu fly. Did you forget to let them fly?"

Mu Ping rubbed his hands: "Well, maybe Zhao Jing is afraid that the pigeon will be lost, and it's hard to explain later..."

Dugu Lai's eyes widened: "Huh? Could it be that Brother Song has been ill for so long, and Xiao La and Xiao Diu haven't flown into the sky for so long?" Looking at the two adults with disbelief, she wanted to complain but held back, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, " Although it is winter, the pigeons will be angry if they are kept in the cage for so long!"

Dugu said to his son: "Since your elder brother Song entrusted them to you, you should watch over them for him."

Dugu Lijian responded abruptly, turned around and ran to the side room where the pigeon cages were placed.After watching the pigeons, I ran out of the yard to the stables to look at the donkeys and horses.Dugu sees that he is very energetic and the servant girl can't keep up with him, so he simply asks Zhao Jing to follow him.After a long circle, Dugu Lai's forehead was sweating.Conscious of a heavy responsibility, he just nodded his head when passing by his father, and immediately went into the house to report to Song Wei.

Dugu Mian was still standing in the yard, his expression was much more relaxed than before.If you look carefully, you can still vaguely distinguish a smile.

After fighting with Song Wei for several years, he really knows that Xiaoyin is as decisive as she is, as gentle as she is;Dugu Lai appeared in time and reminded him: as long as there are people around, sooner or later he will be able to recover.Thinking about it this way, Song Wei's status as the sixth prince is a perfect match for Xianhou.The so-called loss of a horse is a blessing in disguise, and this is what is called it.

After sweeping away the depressing weather of the past few days, Dugu waited calmly for his son to come out.

Duguli stayed longer this time, and obviously didn't expect his father to be still in the yard when he came out.


"En." Dugu Mi wanted to ask his son to have dinner together, but then thought that the child would speak freely, and would tell Song Wei to know, so it's better to let it be.

"Go and eat, don't ask grandpa to wait for you."

"Okay." Dugu La looked at his father timidly, "It's too late today, I want to come back at noon tomorrow and help Brother Song give Xiao La and Xiao Diu a break."

Dugu Mian nodded in agreement: "It's up to you. Remember not to delay your homework."

Dugu La smiled happily: "My child remembers."

The next day, Dugu Li really came during the lunch break.He made a detour to the stables first to have a look at um ang followed him, and took the time to open the pigeon coop before rushing into the house to talk to Song Wei.The guards were instructed by Marquis Xian to guard the gate in shifts, and no longer kept an eye on Song Wei, and no one prevented the eldest son from entering or leaving.

When Dugu Lai stepped into the door, Song Wei was having trouble with Li Yi.

I saw him frowning tightly, staring at the dark brown soup in front of him with disgust, and whispering in a pitiful voice: "Master Li, this new prescription is really too bitter. I really can't swallow it, and I feel sick after taking a sip. Isn't it all wasted?"

The veins on Li Yi's forehead were throbbing.I said in my heart that the prescription has been changed for three days, and you just found out today that you can't swallow it, what did you do earlier.Secretly lamenting, this terrible little ancestor living Bodhisattva, after tossing the emperor and Xianhou, probably finally remembered that there was another accomplice, and started to toss himself...

These few days of close contact are enough for him to realize clearly what kind of strange thing the Sixth Prince he saved back then was.While watching with his eyes closed, he served the emperor with his heart.After all kinds of speechlessness, there is a feeling that a prince with such a special experience and a legendary career should be so wonderful.

He put up all his energy to deal with it, held the food box and said respectfully: "My lord, the good medicine tastes bitter, there is nothing I can do about it. The Marquis is thoughtful and prepared many new snacks. You can taste what you like and press it down. The smell of medicine." Li Yi changed his address because of Dugu Lai's presence.

Song Wei held the bowl, looked at it for a while with a sad face, pinched her nose and took a sip.

"Cough! Cough! Wow—" He choked so hard that tears came out, and he spit out all the medicine into the spittoon beside the bed.With that appearance, even Duguli, a child, felt that Brother Song was so pitiful.

He looked at Song Wei with sympathy, and then said to Li Yi: "Why don't you change Brother Song into small balls? I think the soup is too bitter to drink, so my sister replaced it with small balls."

Song Weixin said, it's lucky to have a sister in pain.Touching his face, he raised his head in embarrassment: "Master Li, what Xiao Li said is the same, can you trouble Master Li and make me a pill?"

Li Yi couldn't wait to growl at him: Your emperor's father forbids others to take it, and I personally boiled all your medicines for bowls!Make pills for you?You think that the imperial doctor, I rest three hours a day too much, and I will grind the medicine for you all night before I am willing to rest?

But he said in his mouth: "Young master, this decoction is quite different from the pill..." Song Wei was taken aback, and waved his hand, "Forget it, I will try, try."

Dugu Xian recently changed his strategy, as long as Song Wei is awake, he will not appear.Li Yi found him in the study in the front yard and sued His Highness Six.Xianhou didn't even raise his eyes: "He is willing to take pills, so let's make them for him."

"Master Hou, this officer only has one pair of hands..."

"People in the east courtyard, you choose a few with light hands and feet. Which room you want, what tools to add, and make a list."

So, two days later, Song Wei got her wish and ate round pearl-sized water honey pills.When you get the pills, you pretend to swallow a few, wrap the rest and hide them.

Not to mention that Li Yuyi increased his workload for nothing, and looked back at Dugu Lai talking to his brother Song.

Song Wei was extremely happy that Dugu Lai was able to come.Of course he knew why Dugu Lai could appear, but he didn't care.I'm so tired these days, even if the wound gradually no longer hurts unbearably, I can't eat well and sleep well.Quarreling, bickering and temper tantrums are all brain-intensive and labor-intensive. It is a technical work that consumes physical strength and seriously depletes the soul.And chatting nonsense with Dugu Lai will undoubtedly greatly relieve the tension and depression.

One, one, and one, were lying sideways on the heated kang, playing chess pieces and talking at the same time.Starting from pigeons, and talking about donkeys and gray horses in detail, Dugu Lai began to talk about the recent homework, the gifts he received during the New Year, and the Huachao Festival is coming, and he planned to go out for a trip, but the weather turned cold again, and it started to snow a little. Come on, it's depressing.

Song Wei noticed that Dugu Lai came in wearing a thick cloak, and asked, "Is it really snowing?"

"Well, it's down, it's just a boob." Duguli gestured with her thumb and index finger, using the words she learned from Brother Song to describe, "It's not enough to roll a snowball, and it's even more impossible to make a snow doll. But the weather is so terrible." It's cold, colder than winter, I heard that the lake is frozen again."

"Is it freezing again?" Song Wei muttered seemingly unintentionally, "Did the wintersweet ice lanterns you made last time melt early?"

"It's melted. My sister likes it very much, and has been hanging it outside her window. It was warm during the Lantern Festival, and it melted." Dugu Li was a little frustrated, but suddenly remembered something, and became excited, "Brother Song, let's make another one! Dangui said that tomorrow will be colder than today. After the Huachao Festival, it will definitely not freeze again. If you want to make ice lanterns, it will be next year! I didn’t answer my husband’s question yesterday, and my sister is not happy this morning. .Give her another ice lantern, and she will definitely not be angry."

Song smiled and said, "That's good, but I can't go out, but you have to do it yourself."

With a groan, Dugu got up quickly, and picked up the large pen holder on the table.

Song Wei called him to stop: "Put on the cloak, it's cold outside." Blinking her eyes, "I can't help you, but I can give you a little thing to embed in the ice lamp as a decoration." As she spoke, she didn't know where to get it out. A delicate leather fish charm, bright red is really beautiful.If Dugu was here, he would be able to recognize that this thing is exactly the naked fish maw that Li Jun gave him in the past, it is hollow to hide things, impervious to water and fire.

Dugu Lai took it, happily: "Ah! This one is embedded in the ice lamp, it must look good, just like a glass lamp with a red carp."

Duguli still had riding and archery lessons in the afternoon, and he didn't have time to wait for the bottom to freeze before putting on the small pen holder, so Song Wei found an amphora cup for him, and put the brush on top of the big pen holder.The two of them had a burst of inspiration, placed the little red fish, cut some green ribbons and threw them inside to make aquatic plants.Then it was placed upright on the railing outside the corridor.

At dusk, when Dugu came to school, he ran over immediately.Before dinner, he took away his carp ice lantern as he wished, and Xizizi sent it to Duguying's residence.

Song Smiled and watched him go out, and told him not to fall, thinking: Lord Dugu, I'm sorry.Your son is easy for you to use, and I use it, um, pretty easy.

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