Song Wei just lamented that there was no movement in the city, and within a few days, officers and soldiers came to search Fanfang.

Yihou sent people out of the city to look for it for more than a month, and even ran several times himself, scoured the five hundred miles of the capital, but failed to find the slightest clue, so he naturally changed his mind and devoted most of his energy and manpower to the city.

Searching in the city, Fanfang is naturally the first place of suspicion and bears the brunt.

When the officers and soldiers came in, Song Wei was brushing and showering De Da in the backyard.He himself was as dirty as a beggar, but the horse was groomed every day, and he was energetic and clean.Because he had just brushed with henna dye not long ago, his dark brown fur was smooth and smooth, and the ends of his hair flowed golden red under the sun, making him indescribably handsome and beautiful.When Song Wei was ill, the servants of the Hou Mansion would take him out for a walk according to the rules.After settling here, Song Wei took a leisurely stroll and found a deserted open space at the base of the city wall. Whenever the weather was good, he would let it go for a run.

Generally speaking, as an excellent host, Song Wei has cared for the horse in every possible way, regardless of body and mind.

The filthy and disorganized dilapidated hostels in the Fanfang slums, if it weren't for this special mission, the elite troops guarding the capital might never have the chance to come.There was almost no place to set foot in the backyard, a few soldiers came in frowning and cursing, Song Wei looked up, as if frightened and dazed, stared blankly for a moment, then woke up to dodge, bent his hands down, and made a respectful appearance.

In addition to him, there is another man who tends the animals in the backyard.

After looking at the two of them, one soldier shook his head, and the others turned and walked out.Perhaps Yingzi was too eye-catching in this dirty and dilapidated courtyard. Before the soldiers left, they couldn't help but linger on it for a while.Song Wei was very calm.Everyone knows that His Highness Six's favorite mount is a gray horse, and the better Deda's new image is now, the more effective the trick will be.

Quietly raised his eyes, watching the backs of several people.He recognized the soldier shaking his head, he was one of the guards in the East Courtyard of Xianhou Mansion who used to guard him.

Under the pretext of arresting the fugitives, the guards carried out several large-scale searches in Fanfang. Some people were arrested and interrogated, asked some inexplicable questions, and soon released them all.As if he decided that the sixth prince must hide here, Yihou Wei Guan spent a lot of energy here.Song Wei observed coldly, very glad that the first modification was not near Fanfang.

It is impossible to say that you are not worried, but in such a situation, it is better to be still than to move.Song Wei went in and out as usual every day, doing whatever she should.He also missed the officers and soldiers head-on. The searchers, who were full of preconceived impressions, didn't pay attention to this good-looking vagabond.

They came a few more times, because the raids by the Suwei army seriously affected the normal business activities of Fanfang shops and the daily life of people of all ethnic groups. The bosses, foremen, village chiefs, and village chiefs jointly lodged a protest to the Governor of Jingzhao.In the end, the two parties reached an agreement that the Suwei Army would reduce the frequency and scale, and turn the public search and arrest into a semi-underground search and arrest. All shops and households must also be vigilant and report suspicious persons and suspicious activities to the government at any time.

This day, Song Wei led the horse to pack the goods as usual, and after working for more than a hour, his tendons broke out. He found a foreman to pay and wandered in the streets and alleys.

On the surface, the search officers and soldiers didn't come very often, but Song Wei could feel the undercurrent hidden in the depths.He couldn't stand it any longer.We must find a way to get some money as soon as possible.As long as there is enough money, there are always businessmen who are brave enough to take themselves out of the city.

He hung his head down and wandered the streets, his mind full of the words "come fast".All kinds of playthings that attracted him the most on the streets, as well as foreign women who were posing, lost all interest for a while.

After much deliberation, if the money comes quickly, by himself, he has nothing to wash and sell himself quickly.

Song Wei couldn't help but stop, and sighed deeply and melancholy.

"Hey, why are you standing in the middle of the road, get out of the way!"

Only then did Song Wei realize that she had accidentally blocked someone else's path, and without raising her head, she took the rein and stepped aside.

Those people had already passed by, and one of them suddenly turned around: "Hey, this horse is pretty good! Fourth Master, take a look too, isn't it pretty good?"

The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't remember who it was.Song Wei was startled, and raised her head to see that group of five or six people, with two horses behind them, was approaching her.One of them is luxuriously dressed and full of style. He is about 40 years old and has a good appearance.His eyes are slightly squinted, with a smile on his face. He looks very approachable, but he can't help showing a bit of frivolity.Followed by a follower, although not as imposing, his appearance is more outstanding, very handsome.

Song Wei took a closer look... Ouch, I'm going... Isn't this follower the one who kills thousands of knives, Xue Cong and Xue Sanlang!

Sure enough, I shouldn't even try to sell myself, the present world repays wow!

Xue Xuan took two steps forward and reached out to touch the horse's head.Deda turned his head and let him lose his mind.

"Hey! My temper is not small!"

Ma's memory is quite good, and Deda behaved like this, but Xue San was treated the same as before.

The leader among them said: "BMW horses are often fierce. Saburo, you are the one who is being rude."

Xue Yan had a docile face: "The fourth master taught me that. This horse is so fierce, I think it is a good horse." Turning to Song Wei, "Hey, do you want to sell this horse?"

It seemed that only at this time did he see what the other person looked like, he frowned and covered his nose, and took a few steps back.

Song Wei didn't dare to open her mouth, she just shook her head, expressing that she would not sell it, and made a gesture to leave.

The leader didn't dislike his good looks, so he stretched out his hand to stop him: "Brother, it's up to you to discuss whether you want to sell it or not. I'm also a horse lover. Brother, this horse is quite rare. Can you show me your face? Let me take a closer look at it." .”

Obviously a rich and powerful master.Song Wei nodded, and sat down on the side of the street with the rein in his hand, which means you can look at it casually.

The man didn't care about his attitude, put his hands behind his back, looked around Deda, and looked over again, the more he looked, the more he loved him.Deda was impatient with him, snorted and raised his head, with a tall, cold and arrogant demeanor, which made his heart itch.

"Brother, I really like this horse, just ask for a price."

Song Wei glanced at him, then shook her head again.Stand up and get on your horse.Deda agreed with him, raised his hoof and ran away.

Several people didn't expect him to be so straightforward, Xue Xuan stomped behind: "Hey! This man, why is he so ungrateful!"

The fourth master smiled and said: "Interesting! This horse is really rare for me. Let's go, catch up and have a look."

No one dared to run recklessly in the downtown business district.After spending so many days, Song Wei was obviously more familiar with the road behind, and soon turned into a poor area.A few people chased up and saw a low, dilapidated, messy place, looked at it resentfully, and left.

Song Wei returned to the hostel in a panic, and hid in the room, feeling that misfortunes never come singly, unlucky.Unexpectedly, it is troublesome for a person to be too good-looking, and it is also troublesome for a horse to be too handsome.Then Xue Sanlang didn't know who he was hooked up with, what if he refused to give up and came to Fanfang to provoke and entangle him again.But then again, if you want money quickly, in the current situation, apart from selling your body, I'm afraid the only thing left is to sell your horse...

He fell on the bed and thought over and over again, and didn't even bother to eat dinner, so he slowly made up his mind.

After lunch the next day, I went to the warehouse to find work as usual.After a while, he was stopped by someone.

The man who insisted on buying the horse the day before stood in front of him, pointing to the goods on the horse's back, with a sad face, as if he had committed some crime against the world.

"Brother, such a good horse, you, you, could you be willing to waste it like this!"

It turned out that the fourth master went back and thought about it all night, and he really couldn't let it go. He didn't care about the dirty and messy environment, changed into a convenient Hu suit, and set off early in the morning to find someone in Fanfang.The lost sixth prince was hard to find, but it was very easy for these people to find a cripple with a brown horse.After half a day, I asked about the warehouse where Song Wei used to haunt.

Song Wei looked at her horse and let the other party complain.After a while, he slowly lowered his head.That wordless action expressed the shame and regret from the bottom of my heart.The sky is high and the earth is far away, the hero is at the end, and the BMW horse also follows the world.

Deda cooperated tacitly, raised his head and let out a neigh, mournfully.

The time is not good, the time is not dying, the time is not dying, so what!

The person on the opposite side was deeply affected, and after a long silence, he said with emotion: "Brother, a good bird chooses a tree, and a good horse chooses an owner. Brother, in this situation, the horse will also suffer. It is better to bear the pain and give up..."

This eloquent person is very talented and quite sensational, Song Wei was finally persuaded by him.Just find a more serious tavern nearby, pay the price of ten taels of gold, pay with one hand, and lead the horse with the other, and the money and goods will be paid.Song Wei dragged her lame leg, turning her head every step she took.The two servants over there and Xue Xuan worked together to drag De Da away.

Before the two sides bargained, Song Wei kept silent.In order to win his trust, the other party took the initiative to reveal his identity: the fourth master of the Yao family, the secretary of Xiangguo Gong Zhongshuling, the younger master's brother, Yao Zigong is also.

Song Wei was startled secretly.Anyone who comes along and buys a horse by force is the relatives of the Three Dukes and Five Marquises.The boundary of the capital city is indeed remarkable.It turns out that Xue's family in the western capital climbed up to the Yao Mansion in the capital.

He regretted it a little.If I had known about such a big background, it would be better to hide it deeper and further away. After a few days of hard work, nothing will happen.After thinking about it again, as the saying goes, the more dangerous the place is, the safer it is. If you can sneak into Yao's mansion, you won't even think of it, and of course others will never think of it.What's more, if the fourth master of Yao's mansion wants to leave the city, the guards will not be able to check on his servants one by one.If they could get in, the identity problem would be easily solved.

Song Wei didn't know at this time that this Xiangguo Gongzhong Shuling Yao's mansion was also the prince's ancestral home, which was also the family where Dugu had retired.

The next day, Song Wei sat on an abandoned millstone outside the hostel and basked in the sun.At this time, everyone has gone to work, there is little going in and out, only a few old, weak, sick and disabled are left, and the sound of children playing and laughing can be heard in the streets and alleys.

When it was time to go to work, Song Wei couldn't help stretching her neck and looking at the street.Not long after, I heard the familiar sound of hooves, which became more and more clear.Grinning, he stood up.Sure enough, it's time to come back.

He went up and hugged the horse's neck, regardless of whether he wanted to or not, he rubbed his dirty face up.

"I'm right. Although I think you are supposed to be so smart, it's really scary to be so smart...Why can't you become a human? If you want to become a human, we'll be bluffing." How convenient it is for the gold that has been taken advantage of to run away!"

He chatted with the horse, and within a quarter of an hour, the pursuers came.

Xue Yan took the lead: "That beast! Don't, don't run—" He rushed over and got off the horse panting, seeing that Song Wei didn't intend to move, he was relieved, "You, you beast, you are so cunning..."

Song Wei was upset: "How do you talk?"

Xue Xuan was surprised: "Huh? You are not dumb."

Song Weixin said, you know what a fart, but I am deep.

At this time Yao Zigong and his servants also arrived, Song Wei took out the gold from his bosom, and offered it with both hands: "Fourth Master Yao, I can't leave my horse, if I told you in advance yesterday, Fourth Master might not believe it. Fourth master, please take it back. I have let down the kindness of fourth master, and I am really terrified."

Yao Zigong squinted at him, then at the horse, and sneered: "I, Yao, have lived half my life, and this is the first time I have encountered such a strange thing!" Jin Zi said with a serious face: "You have to sell this horse, or you have to sell it if you don't sell it. Is it that the horse cannot be separated from the man, or the man cannot be separated from the horse? If you don't explain it to me today, I can only report to the officials. Charge you with fraud."

Song Wei hesitated left and right, extremely troubled.Finally he gritted his teeth, pointed at Xue Xuan and said, "Yao Fourth Master, this Xue Sanlang can testify for me."

Xue Xuan originally felt more familiar the more he listened to him, but when he looked at his image, he was really different, so he was secretly wondering.Hearing this, he stared at him suddenly.

Song Wei lifted up the long bangs that formed a lock on his forehead, and cast a sidelong wink, with a pitiful tone of voice: "Sanlang..."

To Xue Xuan, this sound of San Lang was unforgettable, and he thought about it day and night, shaking his whole body.Looking at the appearance of the person in front of him, there is nothing that can be connected with his sweetheart, but the eyes are inexplicably familiar, which makes people palpitate.

In an instant, his faith collapsed and his life was disillusioned, Xue Xuan was stunned.

"you you……"

Song Wei was afraid that he would show his feet, so she winked desperately, and said with a sob in her mouth: "Sanlang, third brother, don't you even recognize me? Me, me..." After searching all my brains, I could only think of Xue Shi, the only one who could tell her name. Celebrity, "I am your good brother Xue Pan!"

The author has something to say: Xue Sanlang, the time to test your true love has come...

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