Seven or eight tables of more than 40 people almost filled the space on the second floor of the small restaurant. Artists should not eat too much in order to pay attention to their body shape during filming, especially now that it is still at night, eating will make them gain weight.But during the filming process, there are definitely very few opportunities to eat barbecue like this. Once in a while, if you eat meat once in a while, where can you get fat no matter how fat you are?

A table with one hundred skewers of mutton, one hundred skewers of beef, one hundred skewers of squid, one hundred skewers of chicken wings, a large pot of crayfish, and a large pot of lamb scorpions. Cases Of Beer.

The atmosphere was unprecedentedly harmonious. Everyone banged plates and glasses and yelled to make fun of each other. Before eating a few bites of food, they clamored to toast and blow to bottles.

In such an atmosphere, even Huo Xie was pulled off his horse and started pouring wine, and only Duan Xiubo and Yuan Bing could sit at the main table as calmly as Mount Tai, and just relying on a smile made people dare not be presumptuous.

As the director, Huo Xie needs to mobilize the enthusiasm of the crew. It is okay to lose your temper at work, but you must not put on airs in private.What's more, he himself really likes the feeling of being surrounded by stars and the moon. He moved his fat body to grab ten skewers of mutton from this table and eat five chicken wings on that table. Block him in front of the table to isolate the distance between him and the dinner plate, and toast directly.

Huo Xie was extremely unconvinced: "What's wrong with giving me a bunch!? I want to pay the bill!"

He stole a pot of sheep and scorpions. The photography table, which was cleaned by him, angrily asked someone to refill the dishes, and gave him the middle finger: "High blood fat! Do you know that you want to lose weight?!"

Huo Xie made a vomiting motion at them: "The friendship of comrades-in-arms is no match for a pot of mutton, face!"

Luo Ding doesn't like drinking, especially beer. The bitter bubbles are very tormenting in his mouth. Even in the hottest summer, he has never felt the beauty of cold beer that everyone praises.The same goes for red wine. He was born in poverty, and his understanding of art was learned only after he made a fortune. Appreciating the fragrance of red wine has never been a thing for him.Compared with it, Baijiu is more pleasing to him, it is pungent in the throat, sweet in the aftertaste, fragrant in the nose, just like his life is unwilling to be lonely.

But today's wine fight is obviously not aimed at getting the other party drunk, and it is naturally impossible for strong baijiu to be served on the table.Looking around at his companions who were playing high and looking for targets, Luo Ding silently moved his chair towards the corner, hoping that he wouldn't be so unlucky to be picked out.

However, apart from the three chief executives, he was originally the fourth most concerned existence in the crew.No matter how hard he hid in a corner, he couldn't escape the people who came just for him.

This body doesn't hold much alcohol, and Luo Ding was busy filming and didn't have time to exercise himself in private. After being caught drinking a few cups, his face turned red, his eyes glistened with drunkenness, and he leaned thinly against the There was a frowning look on his face, and many people who wanted to pour him were a little soft-hearted.

Luo Ding's popularity is really good, and many people's friendship with him is by no means to the extent that it seems passable on the surface.Although it is not like best friends who can stand up and clear the obstacles for the other party when they are in danger, many people are still willing to help such a small favor that can be ignored by raising their hands.

Being blocked behind intentionally or unintentionally by a group of people, Luo Ding shook his head, turned around and lay down by the window to enjoy the wind.

The heat of summer has not yet passed, and the smell of the wind is stuffy and warm. Under the night, the film and television city stretches along the river and lights up. Several bases in the distance are probably shooting night scenes, and they are also very lively.

The drunkenness became more and more severe, Luo Ding felt extremely uncomfortable, lying on the window edge with his hands on his stomach, feeling like vomiting.

There was a sudden coldness in his ears, and he shivered a bit from the cold, and raised his head.

Duan Xiubo held a bottle of mineral water that was still steaming, and was leaning over to look at him gently.

"...Thank you." He took the mineral water and found that the bottle cap had been twisted off, and he was even more moved by Duan Xiubo's care.After drinking the cold and tasteless liquid, the feeling of wanting to vomit really improved a lot.

Duan Xiubo asked him: "Did you drink without eating? Last time at Uncle Gongliang's banquet, you also had to drink two glasses and it was enough. Have you never drank before?"

Luo Ding smiled: "I didn't have a chance to drink before."

Duan Xiubo thought about it too. With Luo Ding's popularity in the past, he might be the object of disdain when he went to the dinner party. It is inevitable that he will not get used to the sudden change to the current mode.

He pulled a bench and sat next to Luo Ding. He patted the other person's head and said, "I grew up abroad, where the control was strict. I never drank alcohol before I was 16 years old. Then I grew up suddenly and the ban was lifted." Smoking, drinking, tattooing, smoking marijuana and other smelly people surrounded me, I thought at that time, the world of adults is really corrupt.”

Luo Ding laughed.

Duan Xiubo looked at him softly, and the passion in his eyes almost drowned him, but all of them faded away the moment Luo Ding raised his head.

He thought of the two words Luo Ding said to him in the martial arts hall that day.

"I'm not a child."

"I'm a man."

Restraining his thoughts of pity for the other party, Duan Xiubo went on to say: "In the future, when you are alone at home, you can exercise by yourself, using white wine. Two hours before going to bed every day. For the first time, try to drink a glass first. After an hour, if you are still If you are not drunk, drink another drink until you are drunk. On the second day, add half a glass or a glass to the amount you drank on the first day. I used to practice like this, and now I can even carry two catties."

Luo Ding's drinking capacity in the past was practiced in one meal after another. How many times he got drunk and made a lot of ugly appearances in exchange for the final victory.This method is quite good, no matter how ugly a person closes the door, no outsider can see it.He smiled and nodded, and replied sincerely: "Thank you."

Then he saw that Duan Xiubo's smile was even more cheerful.

The atmosphere was still at this moment, the two people looked at each other, the gentleness carved out of the same eyes, but the hypocrisy under the gentleness had already faded a lot.

Some people don't know each other.

Someone pushed and shoved his back, Luo Ding staggered and rushed towards Duan Xiubo's arms in front of him, Duan Xiubo was startled and opened his arms to catch it, but Luo Ding reacted quickly and stretched his arms Didn't really fall into Duan Xiubo's arms.

"Luo Ding! Come! Have a drink!" Luo Ding turned his head, and met the big head of Yan Haoxiang, who was drinking, his face was flushed and he was swinging the wine bottle with each hand, "Please save face! Have a drink! Do it!" A bottle!"

"Brother Yan..." Luo Ding put aside the uncomfortable look he had faced with everyone just now, "I'm almost drunk, this bottle will definitely fall down."

Yan Haoxiang has a good capacity for alcohol, and he didn't even get drunk after drinking so much, but his brain was already a lot more excited after being stimulated by alcohol, and the little knowledge he had left is now hard to find.He didn't hear Luo Ding's refusal, because the entertainment is to drink!

"Are you disrespectful!?" Yan Haoxiang's eyes widened and he approached the bottle aggressively, "Drink! If you are a brother, let's do it!"

Who the hell is brother to you!

Luo Ding really wanted to spit on his face, but even though he was drunk, his reason was still there, so he could only try his best to explain that he couldn't drink enough.

Yan Haoxiang felt a little embarrassed.In fact, Yan Haoxiang was not very willing to talk to Luo Ding when he was on the set before. He is a well-known old artist, and compared with Luo Ding, a small artist whose popularity is mostly limited to the Internet, he is still more high-end.But later, seeing that Luo Ding's popularity in the crew is getting better and better, and even the two leading actors have been subdued by him. During the filming process, more and more personal information and better prospects, Yan Haoxiang couldn't sit still. , Started to come from behind and deal with Luo Ding as a senior.

The gentle and respectful attitude of Luo Ding, who is very popular in the crew, encouraged his vanity, so the more crowded places he was, the more he was willing to show off his good relationship with Luo Ding.

Yan Haoxiang is a person who doesn't know how to read facial expressions, otherwise he wouldn't have stayed in the entertainment industry for so long and still play a supporting role as an old actor.This made it hard for Luo Ding, who has always been considerate. The other party couldn't understand the vague refusal. It made it clear that if he dared to say that he didn't drink, he would make a black face and make everyone unhappy. It was of no use to Niu playing the piano. He stared at Yan Haoxiang After a while, I frowned and reached out to pick up the wine bottle, just drink it.Unexpectedly, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side and took away the long-necked beer bottle before him.

Holding the neck of the bottle, Duan Xiubo touched the bottom of the bottle with the bottle in Yan Haoxiang's other hand, and then pointed at the mouth of the bottle and gulped down the whole bottle of beer in one go.

Shaking the mouth of the bottle downwards, there was no drop of liquid. He smiled and stared at the other party: "Xiao Luo is not feeling well, I will drink for him. Is this all right?"

Everyone around who was going to come up to persuade Yan Haoxiang not to be so aggressive was stunned for a moment, Duan Xiubo drinking for Luo Ding?What a face! ?The relationship between the two of them is usually not that close. This kind of behavior that usually only subordinates can do to their superiors, Duan Xiubo actually did it without any pressure?

Yan Haoxiang was stunned, took a step back and glanced around. After meeting everyone's suppression, he could still see something wrong in his eyes. Even if he was stupid, he knew that he seemed to have done something wrong.

He had never thought of being face to face with Duan Xiubo directly, he laughed dryly, nodded and said something indiscriminately, then turned back to hide in the crowd in embarrassment and fear.

Luo Ding was also a little surprised. He watched Duan Xiubo casually put the finished bottle on the window sill, and some complicated and incomprehensible emotions welled up in his heart. Did Duan Xiubo actually... help him block the wine?

He had enjoyed this kind of treatment in his previous life, but at that time he had already achieved great success, and there were many "friends" around him who wanted to curry favor with him for profit.But now, as a three-none little transparent with no fame, no status, and no resources, how could it be worthwhile for Duan Xiubo to be so considerate to him?

After drinking, people tend to think too much. Luo Ding's head is filled with these messy things, and he doesn't know what to do except to look up at Duan Xiubo in a daze.

"What's the matter?" Duan Xiubo didn't think it was so weird what he did. It's not good for an artist to get drunk outside. Luo Ding can't drink but he can, so he can drink instead of Luo Ding, as long as he wants no big deal.As for what others think?Whatever they think.The downside of blocking drinks for others is that once you break the barrier, you can't stop. At first, the entertainers in the room didn't dare to pay respects when they saw him not drinking, but now some of them rushed up one by one and started to look familiar.

Duan Xiubo was fed six or seven bottles, and his stomach was bloated and uncomfortable, so he clutched his forehead and pretended to be drunk to get rid of these guys.As soon as he returned to Luo Ding's side, he saw him propped up on a chair, raised his head and stared at himself with blank eyes.Luo Ding's facial features are all exquisite, his eyes are long and big, his eyelashes are thick, and his pupils are bigger than ordinary people's. It doesn't seem surprising to fill in his larger than normal eye sockets, but if you look carefully, Only then did I realize that this person's eyes are always energetic and inseparable from this detail.After drinking, his mind was probably a little confused, and Luo Ding's expression management was not as good as usual, his long eyelashes blinked and his eyes fluttered, and his thin pink lips opened blankly to reveal two snow-white spots in his mouth. Front teeth, with a dazed look on his face, revealing an indescribably silly and cute look.

Duan Xiubo's heart was melted by him, it took a lot of perseverance to resist the urge to touch the opponent's face.He and Luo Ding looked at each other for a while, about 10 minutes, Luo Ding still maintained this movement and expression, Duan Xiubo understood that something was wrong.

"Luo Ding?" He leaned over and called out while carefully watching Luo Ding's movements.

After about a minute, Luo Ding's exquisite nose wrinkled, and he opened his mouth a little uncertainly: "... huh?"

"..." Duan Xiubo pursed his lips helplessly, and stood up, Luo Ding must be drunk.

He quickly returned to the crowd, pulled out Huo Xie who had been pulled into a pigtail, and asked him loudly, "Where's Wu Fangyuan?"

Huo Xie wore a pigtail, not to mention how funny it was, his eyes were shining with fighting spirit, and his hands kept making rock-scissor movements: "Who?! Who?! Who's surname is Wu?"

Duan Xiubo rolled his eyes in his heart, and leaned into his ear: "Luo Ding is drunk! Let Wu Fangyuan take him home to rest!"

Only then did Huo Xie understand, and shook his head: "What time is it and I let Wu Fangyuan keep it? Let him go home in the afternoon. Luo Ding will continue to stay at night, isn't he in the same hotel as you? "

The logistics manager opposite him who was punching was stunned when he heard this: "Luo Ding? I gave up his room at noon. Didn't he wrap up today? Today, a new group of film crews came to the film and television city and said that there are not enough rooms. The proprietress asked me for help If there is no room to return, I will return it. I asked you."

Huo Xie was also dumbfounded, the fist that was thrown out stopped there, and the girls who were released rushed up and tied their heads in pigtails.

"That, that..."

"Oh, why is it so troublesome, everyone can take in as much as possible!"

When they were playing, someone couldn't help interrupting their conversation. Huo Xie's eyes lit up, he looked at the table, and grabbed a bunch of grilled chicken wings and stuffed them into Duan Xiubo's hand: "My child entrusted Here you go, hurry up, I'm still busy here."

Duan Xiubo returned in vain, holding a bunch of grilled chicken wings, his brows were deeply frowned, but his heart was slightly excited.

But this jump of joy doesn't bode well for him or Luo Ding.

"Sister Yuan," he went to find Yuan Bing, "Can Luo Ding stay with you tonight?"

Yuan Bing stared at him with crazy eyes: "Drink too much."

"...a lot." Duan Xiubo also felt a little stupid, clutching his head and trying to find another target to attack, when he turned his head, he saw Yan Haoxiang approaching Luo Ding.

A feeling of uneasiness about his own child being abducted suddenly came to his mind, Duan Xiubo's eyebrows suddenly became sharp, and he walked back quickly, and he heard Yan Haoxiang bewitching Luo Ding: "There is still an empty bed in my hotel..."

Luo Ding looked at him with dazed and puzzled eyes, his appearance was so cute that it broke his heart.

The corner of Duan Xiubo's mouth twitched as he stared at the kidnapper, did he commit the crime tonight?He stepped forward and grabbed Luo Ding's arm to help him stand up, then wrapped the other's arm around his neck, and supported the other's waist with the other hand, showing himself with a standard posture of carrying a drunk Her standpoint: "Xiao Yan, you don't need to be busy. My room is a little bigger. Everyone is tired tonight, and you can't take care of him. Director Huo said that it would be good to let him sleep with me."

Yan Haoxiang blinked, his back was inexplicably cold, and he quickly stepped back a few steps and nodded to Duan Xiubo with a flattering smile: "It's okay, then you have worked hard, if you need anything, I live at 6330 on the third floor, you can call the inside line for me to help .”

Duan Xiubo watched him leave, and turned his head to meet Luo Ding's quiet and bewildered gaze with his head tilted. He only felt that someone gave him a hammer from Tianling Gai.

On the way back, he didn't dare to have too much physical contact with Luo Ding, so he kept supporting each other.After Luo Ding went out, he lowered his head and couldn't see his expression clearly. Fortunately, his steps were not staggering, but a little slow, which made Duan Xiubo not bother to help him up.It's just... when the palm of the hand was around the opponent's waist, the ribs whose shape could almost be felt through the material of the cloth made people feel extremely distressed. Luo Ding was so light that it was abnormal, so light that he could hold it up firmly with one arm This thin body is not the normal weight for a man of this size.

Only at this time, Duan Xiubo can transcend his calm and sophisticated behavior and see his age.Luo Ding is 23 years old, working alone at an age when many students are still studying.This young man was six or seven years younger than him, but he was so mature that he didn't look like a young man at all.

Duan Xiubo was able to achieve himself today, and he knows what he experienced in his childhood and youth.Perhaps Luo Ding had a past that was no less painful than his, and this knowledge made Duan Xiubo's heart tremble slightly.

Duan Xiubo's room is on the sixth floor of the hotel. This is the largest hotel in the film and television city, and the floor is also the highest.Luo Ding's previous room was on the third floor of this building, and Duan Xiubo had never visited him. This kind of ambiguous contact has always been avoided by him as much as possible.It's just today, obviously it can't be avoided.

The rooms on the sixth floor are definitely different from those on the third floor. The area is more than doubled, and the decoration looks almost the same as the rooms in the big hotels outside the film and television city.

Helping Luo Ding to sit on the bed, the other party sat there obediently upright, and after he calmed down, he raised his head again, and looked at Duan Xiubo blankly with his big eyes open.

Duan Xiubo licked his lips, took two steps back with his fists clenched, withdrew his gaze from staring at Luo Ding, looked left and right, ran to the entrance and turned on all the lights in the hotel, including the toilet.

Standing at least five steps away from Luo Ding, he asked loudly, "Do you want some water?"

Luo Ding stared at him for a minute, shook his head, and opened his mouth slightly with the movement, revealing his snow-white front teeth through the gap.

How so cute! ! ! ! !

Duan Xiubo's heart was pounding, he clenched his fists to remind himself that he must exercise restraint, restraint, restraint, and then took a step back: "Are you sleepy? Are you sleepy? Do you want to sleep?" Worried that Luo Ding would not listen, he still Put your palms together and put them on the side of your face in a sleeping motion.

Luo Ding stared at him, and then slowly, slowly smiled.

The long and big eyes are bent, and the bright eyeballs reflect the bright lights in the room like a galaxy of stars, the pink lips are grinning, showing a lot of teeth because of the smile, and the soft tongue on the inside of the lower teeth.

He didn't laugh out loud either, and just sat there foolishly laughing by himself.

Duan Xiubo withdrew his hand sticking to the side of his face expressionlessly, stared at the drunk in front of him who seemed to be laughing at him, hesitated for a few seconds, and finally compromised helplessly.

Anyway, if you die sooner or later, you will die, so let's die early and be born early.

He smoothly unbuttoned the collar of his shirt and sighed: "I'll get you the bath water."

Luo Ding waited until he entered the bathroom and the sound of pattering water could be heard, then he nodded seriously with an expression of surprise.

Duan Xiubo stared at the snow-white bathtub without worrying.He must have been obsessed with ghosts, and actually got this big baby back.What should I do when I take a shower?Anyway, it's impossible not to take a bath, and Duan Xiubo is absolutely unacceptable to sleep in the smell of alcohol and clothes, so what's the deal with sleeping for one night?But can Luo Ding be self-reliant with his appearance?If it doesn't work, then don't you have to wash him yourself, if that hand touches something that shouldn't be touched... Fuck, Fuck, Fuck... Don't even think about it!

After dawdling in the bathroom for at least 10 minutes, Duan Xiubo prepared himself mentally and returned to the room, but when he scanned the bed, Luo Ding was no longer there.

Luo Ding opened the curtains and sat on the bay window, smoking a cigarette with his knees leaning against the wall.

He opened the window a little, tilted his head to look at the sky, propped his face on his knee with one hand, and held the cigarette holder on the open window frame with the other.

Duan Xiubo didn't dare to speak out for a moment, and now this Luo Ding gave him a completely different feeling from the one he usually gets along with.

With a somewhat dazed expression similar to before, Luo Ding's eyes still had no mechanism, but his lips pursed.After staring at the sky for a long time, he withdrew his hand on the window frame and took a puff on the cigarette holder.

His smoking posture is very beautiful, with a sense of the vicissitudes of a literary youth. When white smoke rose from his mouth and surrounded him, the melancholy on this young man was so thick that Duan Xiubo almost thought that for a moment this frail body would Unable to support such strong negative emotions, I collapsed.

Luo Ding didn't, he just quietly resumed the action when Duan Xiubo saw him for the first time.

Duan Xiubo sighed, the number of times he sighed tonight was really unprecedented, and only Luo Ding could make him so helpless.

He approached Luo Ding, and asked with some concern: "Luo Xiaoding, what's wrong with you?"

Luo Ding withdrew his hand and turned his head to stare at him as if being scalded, as if he didn't understand why there was another person in the room, his eyes were dull and uncertain, and after a while, he gradually recovered. To the previous state of daze: "... oh."

oh what do you mean...

Duan Xiubo was defeated, so he had no choice but to reach out to take the cigarette from Luo Ding's hand, coaxing him: "Smoking has yellow teeth and body odor, stop smoking. Be obedient, get up and I will take you to take a bath."

Pushing Luo Ding into the bathroom, he asked uncertainly, "Can you undress yourself?"

Hearing this, Luo Ding began to bow his head, first took out a pack of cigarettes from his trouser pocket and threw it on the ground, then took out a lighter from the other trouser pocket, and then began to touch his pockets.After throwing everything away, including his wallet, he started trying to get the T-shirt off of himself.

Standing three steps away, Duan Xiubo silently looked at the young man who was about to put his knees into the T-shirt and was still struggling even more in such a bewildered posture that he didn't understand why, and sighed that he didn't know how many times he would breathe tonight , rolled up his sleeves in defeat: "I'll do it."

Luo Ding still wanted to do more harm than good, but was suppressed by him.

Duan Xiubo didn't do anything when he took off his underwear. He grabbed Luo Ding's arm within a safe range and let him go into the bathtub. Then he wrapped a towel in his hand and wiped Luo Ding's body.

Luo Ding sat cross-legged in the bathtub and watched him, laughing when he rubbed the itchy place, and remained expressionless the rest of the time.

The atmosphere froze for a while, and of course only Duan Xiubo felt this embarrassment.Duan Xiubo stared at the snow-white skin of the young man under his palm, and didn't dare to touch it directly with his hands. Luo Ding probably didn't bask in the sun very much, and his skin was really pale and pale that he had never seen the sun.It's just that his figure is indeed slightly better than Duan Xiubo imagined. He is really thin, and his ribs are clearly visible, but his waist and arms are obviously covered by a thin layer of muscle, so although he is still weak, It looks much healthier than when wearing clothes.

The quiet attitude of the young people made this interaction that Duan Xiubo had not hoped for much more harmonious than expected.Duan Xiubo also slowly let go of his vigilance, sat on the edge of the bathtub and let Luo Ding lay down on his stomach to show his head to wash his hair, holding the shower head in his hand and washing away the white foam on Luo Ding's head with some inexperience, Duan Xiubo suddenly realized I found that this seemed to be the first time I took care of someone so considerately.

"Don't play with foam." He pressed Luo Ding's hand that was spread out to catch the foam under his hair, his eyes were so soft that they were about to melt away.

Luo Ding panicked a little when his face was covered by a big towel.

Duan Xiubo quickly wrapped Luo Ding in a bath towel, took him out of the bathtub and put him on the floor, he was relieved.Luo Ding stood barefoot on the tiles, curled up his toes, and whispered, "It's cool."

"It will be ready in a while." Duan Xiubo dried his body, then fetched a bathrobe for him to put on, and finally took off the last layer of trousers for Luo Ding, and sighed when he was done, "Okay, go out I'll blow your hair!"

Luo Ding frowned, and reached out to grab the bathrobe on his body, probably because the hotel's bathrobes were not of good quality, making them uncomfortable to wear.When Duan Xiubo opened the door, he turned around and saw a naked guy standing in place, his lower abdomen tightened suddenly, he turned his head hastily, and his voice was even a bit indignant: "What's wrong!?"

Luo Ding didn't seem to understand his suffering at all, and after a while, he said confidently, "That's uncomfortable."

Duan Xiubo had no choice but to find his own shirt in the suitcase and put it on for Luo Ding.The length can barely cover the base of the thighs, the shoulders that are too wide hang down, the snow-white fabric is lined with delicate skin, the long and straight thighs are smooth, and the corners of Duan Xiubo's mouth and eyes start to twitch crazily, like this Even more... more... than when I was wearing clothes just now

Looking at the young man who was finally satisfied with his new pajamas and obediently came out and sat on the bed waiting for him to blow his hair, Duan Xiubo spent three seconds thinking that it was too late to find someone to change the room, and finally resigned to his fate. His eyes moved away from the opponent's thigh, and fell on the black hair dryer.

The soft hair ran across his fingers, and Duan Xiubo's fiery thoughts gradually faded after touching the other's thin and dense hair, and warmth replaced ambiguity and gradually filled the room.His technique is too gentle, he doesn't use too much force when he fiddles with the hair, and occasionally he gently massages the scalp with his fingertips, the pressure of the thin callus on the top of the head is appropriate, and with the drunkenness, Luo Ding soon fell asleep.

Duan Xiubo turned off the machine, and when he saw the young man's dazed eyes only opened half the size before, he immediately smiled.

Although there was only one bed in the hotel, it was very big. He stuffed a pillow in the middle of the bed, then stuffed Luo Ding into the quilt on the right side, patted his head, and said lovingly, "Go to sleep."

Luo Ding felt the family atmosphere. Duan Xiubo, who had never had a normal family relationship, was like a thirsty traveler holding a pot of clear water from an unknown source. Reason told him that the pot of liquid might give him He brought fatal harm to himself, but emotionally, he couldn't resist such a powerful temptation.

After drinking, he might not be sane, not sure if he can suppress his thoughts, Duan Xiubo rarely touched Luo Ding's skin tonight, and even tried to keep a distance when talking.However, at this time, the sense of satisfaction and joy in his heart was still so strong, almost occupying his entire chest... just for the brief intimacy with this person in front of him.

This feels... like poison.

He stood up, turned off the light for Luo Ding, watched him close his eyes and fell asleep through the night, and then went back to the bathroom to take a bath for himself.While taking a shower, he looked down at the part of his head that was slightly raised, frowned deeply, and started ignoring Dafa not to touch it.

After washing Luo Ding's clothes and hanging them to the air vent, Duan Xiubo walked lightly to the other side of the bed and lay down in a low voice.

Stretching his arms, he straightened the slipped quilt for the other party, and he sighed softly.

That's it, no one bothers you, that's the best.

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