All the staff of "Fashion" fell into an unprecedented busy.

All kinds of feedback on the new issue surrounded the magazine office like a tide. All the entertainment-related portals on the Internet basically called for authorization to reprint. Those who entered the customer service to ask for more personal portraits of fashion figures to be released, and even proposed a psychological price that they could accept in order to persuade the magazine to comply with their request...

The customer service has been extremely busy these days, and the dispatched supervisor asked the senior management to temporarily transfer some people from other departments to help answer the phone, but they didn't know that the people in other departments were also busy like farts.

From this market information, many people can find out that Luo Ding's fans account for a large proportion of these people who promote purchasing power.

No one expected that such a situation would appear. A small artist who was not even hoped for before the publication caused such a violent shock. Lei was not light, and one after another turned their heads to make up for Luo Ding's real popularity on the Internet. Looking at it, they became less and less aware of the current development of society.

This group of people who snapped up twice as much magazines as usual in two days, and maintained high enthusiasm in the next week to create the sales myth since the inception of Fengshang...

The most representative ones are those "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

After so many years, Duan Xiubo has produced countless works and achieved excellent results. The fan base has been well-managed and consolidated from the inside out.Although it is rare to take over the shooting work of a domestic magazine this time, when he was abroad, he had already been on the cover of many major fashion magazines in Europe and America. Generally speaking, it was not very exciting.Mature fans have works to chew on and past pictures to look at. Although they are looking forward to the idol's new two-dimensional photos, they are still reasonable.

Ke Luoding's fans are different!

Being a fan of Luo Ding is so pitiful!The fan circle is getting bigger and bigger, Luo Ding is seeing more and more popularity, but the active exposure rate is still maintained at that point, although TV and movies have been filmed, but the works have not yet been released, and everyone just knows the news.Luo Ding's past songs can be regarded as dark history now. The only well-received song "Long Time No See" was played repeatedly, and there was no enthusiasm over time.The old photos on Weibo were also slowly deleted by Luo Ding, and what remained were personal updates in pure text.

Who can create that heart-stuffed feeling of wanting to lick the screen but having nowhere to lick it! ! ! ! !

The key point is that this guy Luo Ding is not a joke. Since he gradually became popular, he has always been a killer move that scares people to death when he doesn't produce works.From the photos of Pan Yiming’s MV that first attracted fans, to the later stage photos of Fu Zhu, Pan Yiming’s MV, the production team of his personal EP and the dance practice videos that the company posted online as a reassurance.Every work is full of aura, and I wish I could use my own light to blind the eyes of fans. This time, after "Fashion" posted two personal photos of Luo Ding on the official website, many fans had a faint feeling in their hearts. I got a bad feeling—the fan circle is about to usher in another storm.

This storm came as expected, but its scale exceeded everyone's expectations.

Fans who have money and have nowhere to spend it can't wait to throw their wallets to Yaxing Studio. Fans are rushing towards Luo Ding's first high-quality magazine. dripped onto the feet.

Luo Ding actually revealed it!Meat!up!That!what!many!This small waist, small butt, small shoulders and a body of skin foamed out of milk, the key is what photo is on the inside page? !What picture? !

What is it about Duan Xiubo and Luo Ding's filming?So basic!So basic!It's just out of style!People in the base are happy to hear and see Pu Daxi Ben!

The large picture on the inside page was scanned and uploaded to the Internet at the first time. This kind of behavior that the magazine has always hated the most has not affected the sales of the magazine at all this time.

Because many people who have no intention of buying at all, after seeing this picture, have the urge to buy a physical magazine and tear off the inner pages for collection.

The picture is so simple, the mature strong man and the young and handsome young man stand side by side and look at each other, which fits the theme of this issue of collision of years.The picture is so complicated, Duan Xiubo's indulgent eyes and Luo Ding's trusting and intimate smile, this strong sour taste that can be felt through the photo makes people forget the theme in an instant back.

Many people who cried out that "Fashion" has finally fallen from the altar and started to be wheat bran actually know that this kind of photo is really nothing in the entertainment circle where gays are everywhere. Straight men are not as good as dogs.Larger-scale magazines abound, but those magazines that even hit the sidelines with a clearer purpose have not received such an enthusiastic response.

The biggest reason for this new issue to achieve such a result is the two protagonists of this issue... so handsome!

Duan Xiubo, who was able to surpass the international aesthetic restrictions on yellow people and became popular abroad, his handsomeness has long been recognized internationally.Tough and handsome facial features and gentle temperament coupled with a strong aura, behind him are huge achievements and rich asset bonuses, being called a male god is beyond reproach.

Such an unmanageable man, Luo Ding, who is working with him, is not inferior in terms of facial features and aura.The clean and neat facial lines make his profile look perfect as if it was carefully outlined by a hand-painted artist.Although the figure is thin, she is beautiful but without a trace of morbid frailty. Standing with Duan Xiubo and intertwining eyes, she occupies half of the country quietly. She will definitely not let anyone who sees this picture fall in love with Duan Xiubo because of her focus on Duan Xiubo. ignore his existence.

The aura is unpredictable but it really exists. A poor entertainer with a relatively small aura can show such a dazzling demeanor on the side of such an eye-catching senior. Except for the word aura, really No more reasonable explanation could be found.

I don't know how many news on the front page brought this picture to the top, and within a few days, it was like a massacre and swept away thousands of troops.Among them are Luo Ding's fans and Duan Xiubo's fans, because the idols seem to get along very well in the photos and interact very closely on weekdays. The two fans quickly became familiar with each other. The painting style of loving each other makes many look forward to it. The onlookers who watched their private infighting were stunned.

The reason should be counted in the wall-climbing incident of many main fans of the two parties.

Yes... under the impetus of such a big hand from the official, the fans... climbed the wall, and many of them formed another crazy circle...

That is... the CP circle.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah I am not good enough for you, the plastic surgery is too painful, so please hurry up and be with Duan Dada!!!!"


This CP circle is terrible. After so many years of acting career, it is rare for Duan Xiubo to return to being down-to-earth. Most of his fans are happy to see it. Pitiful.Luo Ding's fans mostly regard themselves as real mothers. They are more tolerant of children falling in love than girlfriend fans. Duan Xiubo is handsome and capable. Many people also think that he and Luo Dingdeng are right. Once it appeared, it quickly grew, absorbing countless passers-by into the sea.

Of course, their behavior is still very low-key.Rational fans know that this is just a joke, and the impact on the artist is not all positive if it really becomes a big mess. Out of consideration for idols, they seem to have a good grasp of similar topics.At present, apart from this group photo, they have no more resources to tap.

The supernatural CP fans began to look back on the past.

Finally, they discovered something remarkable.

In addition to Duan Xiubo's few microblogs that support Luo Ding's friendly words, a small video of Luo Ding's live audition video that was released on the Internet at the same time as Luo Ding's live audition video was released a long time ago. Details were dug out.

That was the man who stood by Luo Ding's side from beginning to end when he left the field to the martial arts hall.

Although this man is wearing a mask, he can tell from the exposed eyebrows that he looks absolutely handsome. The resolution of the picture is not high, but the other person is too handsome in terms of figure and temperament!special!what!picture!part!build!Bo!There is no wood!

In fact, this argument has been heard from time to time since the day the video was uploaded, but before the completion of the CP circle, no one had ever taken this topic seriously.Many people only brush it for fun, but now they combine the photos taken by the two of them on the inside page of Fashion, what the hell, Sith is empty and silent!

Duan Xiubo and Luo Ding have a very good relationship, so good that he is willing to wear a mask to be his bodyguard in private, so good that two messages of cheering and encouraging Luo Ding appear on Weibo, which has always only posted official business and never interacted with any celebrities. So much so that he is willing to put down his wealth and take photos with Luo Ding on the inside pages of magazines!

Duan Xiubo only slept for one night, and when he woke up, he found that he had been left far behind by the fans.

This ever-changing circle is often like this, and Duan Xiubo has become accustomed to it, but this time the topics on the homepage of the small account made him open his eyes that were still a little drowsy when he woke up in the morning.

The clips and P pictures in the circle were dispatched one after another. The accounts that Duan Xiubo followed had reached a consensus after a short confrontation. Weifan and CP fans coexisted peacefully and happily.

Duan Xiubo clicked on a moving picture that had been retweeted many times. After a long buffer, he almost fell off the bed after not looking at it for a long time.

Isn't this the day when Luo Ding sang and exited at Shanhai Mansion?It's been so long since it was photographed and there's news again?On the screen, he is wearing a mask to protect Luo Ding. The picture quality is not very clear, but he can vaguely recognize that his brows are wrinkled. With Luo Ding as a comparison, Duan Xiubo can also recognize his own height and appearance at a glance. .

He rubbed his chin, was that the case that day?

The two of them are quite close. Here and here, when someone pushed and pushed, Luo Ding took the initiative to hide in his arms...

Fans who took the initiative to edit and watched the video frame by frame will naturally not ignore what he has discovered. Fans who reposted this motion picture all have cold expressions from the far right, with a firm hehe, and a clear stand—

——"It's amazing to fall in love."

"It's great to have a boyfriend."

"Single dogs don't want to watch it."

"Male gods show their affection and share the occasion, okay?"

"It turns out that I have been shamelessly showing affection since so long ago."

Duan Xiubo ignored these, and turned to the Weibo where the video was reposted at the beginning, followed the blogger and looked through the comments, and found traces of his own fans.

Compared with Luo Ding's unscrupulous auntie fans, Duan Xiubo's fans are more serious and calm. Most of them are seriously analyzing whether the person appearing in the video is Duan Xiubo's.Because the picture quality is not clear and the eyebrows and eyes are not clear, this controversy is still quite big. Although there is no quarrel, both sides are using their own resources to argue with each other.

For example, Duan Xiubo personally revealed that Luo Ding was there on the day of singing, for example, Duan Xiubo’s company was also at the Shanhai Mansion where Luo Ding auditioned, etc. Regarding all these, the counterattack of Duan Xiubo’s fans is that no one knows Is Duan Xiubo's sentence about being at the scene a polite word? Taking a step back, he was indeed at the scene at that time, maybe he still has a job?It also doesn't mean that the man who escorted Luo Ding is him.Furthermore, Duan Xiubo's company is thousands of miles away from the audition floor, even if it is in the same building, it cannot be regarded as an overwhelming argument.

Duan Xiubo looked at the fan who was the most active in the comments, curled his lips, it's really embarrassing, calling the god of the gods, you can't recognize me if you change the camera that is not clear.

He thought about it, and felt that if he removed this fan, he would make things too obvious. At least he resisted the idea of ​​changing the size, and left a comment on the po owner's Weibo: "The two of them are very suitable. It’s good to be together XD”

Satisfied, he put down his phone to wash his hands, but the phone rang a series of alerts just as he picked up his toothbrush.

Duan Xiubo clicked on it, and it turned out that the original po owner who posted the picture had privately messaged him.

"Darling," the original po owner sent a caressing emoji, earnestly admonishing me while showing cuteness, "I deleted my dear comment, even though I'm a fan of CP, it's better not to leave such explicit comments, everyone It’s for the good of idols, if the top hits are seen by passers-by, it’s not good. Everyone’s talk about showing affection is just a joke, you should believe that the relationship between them is just pure friendship or the care of the seniors for the younger generation.”

Duan Xiubo's smiling face suddenly pulled down, stared at the message for a long time, and resolutely unfollowed the account he just followed.

Duan Xiubo felt that he should still find a circle of love, so that such a serious PO owner would make his heart go crazy.

Duan Xiubo had an appetite to eat after turning around a few magazine photos that had been well-published. He randomly fried a few eggs to fill his stomach. He had just stepped on the treadmill when Luo Ding called.

When he saw the three words "Luo Xiaoding" on the caller ID, he couldn't mention how happy he was, but his voice remained as gentle and calm as ever: "Luo Xiaoding?"

"Brother Duan," Luo Ding on the other side of the phone smiled awkwardly, "Did you go to Weibo today?"

"Oh?" Duan Xiubo pretended to be puzzled, "What's wrong?"

"Well... have some remarks," the usually surprisingly generous young man found some words that were inappropriate at the moment, so he could only speak concisely and honestly, "Some fans paired us because of the photos in this issue of "Fashion" That’s it. Mr. Gu said that it’s not suitable to clarify this kind of joke between fans, just pretend that you didn’t see it. I think I should apologize to you. It seems that this incident was initiated by my fans in the first place of."

Sorry, it's totally unnecessary!Duan Xiubo, who was happy to hear about this matter, squinted his eyes and grinned at the glass of the floor-to-ceiling windows, his voice was wheezing from running, but he couldn't hear anything wrong: "What's the matter, you don't care about my size Too small. Do you mind?"

When Luo Ding heard him say that he didn't mind, he relaxed and returned to his usual calmness. He joked with a smile: "I'm afraid there is no other male artist who can gossip with Brother Duan. I'm honored." It's too late."

Even though he knew it was just a polite word, Duan Xiubo couldn't help but feel a sweet mess in his heart.

Luo Ding let out a sigh of relief when he hung up the phone, and Wu Fangyuan next to him poked his head over: "Are you all right?"

He shook his head: "It's okay." Then he turned on the phone and looked at the moving pictures again, the more frightened he looked.These PO owners are crazy. They reposted the GIF with some special effects. They have already seen it just now. When they reposted it, they were shocked and incoherent. Ah ah ah ah.

Luo Ding tried his best and couldn't find any traces of pink in the picture. How did this CP feel?The current fans are a little too good at playing Lalang, right?

When Wu Fangyuan cried and showed Luo Ding to Weibo this morning, Luo Ding was really shocked by the thunder.As a celebrity who had never even opened a Weibo in his previous life, the fans who appeared in his field of vision usually had images of excited and uncontrollable soft-cut girls or soft-cut guys.These mother fans in this life worrying about this and that for him on Weibo are beyond his common sense, and the girls on the homepage who shouted that they couldn't close their legs and wanted to give birth to him were even more wild and shocked him. He originally thought that those licks and licks were the limit, but now he realized that human beings really live and learn.

He is gay, and he had a married partner in his previous life, but the tolerance for homosexuals in this society is too low. Until his death, the outside world knew nothing about his marriage, let alone his relationship with him. In addition to the good brothers who have been supported by wind and rain for decades, Xu Zhen also has a relationship such as marriage.

But in this life, he has never been ambiguous with Duan Xiubo P, and the fans are so...actively...forgive Luo Ding, he really can't think of a better adjective.

His current mood is basically a change from (⊙o⊙) to ==.

"It's okay, don't worry about it at all." Gu Yaxing was very thoughtful on the phone, not in a hurry, and advised him, "Let me tell you that there are no celebrities who don't sell rottenness. It’s also good for yourself. Wouldn’t it be better if Duan Xiubo didn’t care? He should have seen all kinds of ups and downs in his debut for so many years. This is also a chance to attract new fans for him. The advantages for you will definitely outweigh the disadvantages. "

Luo Ding didn't know anything about the CP circle, but from Gu Yaxing's words, he could deduce that the wind was flourishing for a long time. Seeing that everyone didn't care, he quickly put it down.

Finally, I checked the homepage of the blogger who posted the animation, and a new text message came out.

"Hehe, it's really canceled. Just take it, LOLI fans don't want it. For the sake of the future of idols, I feel that I have a clear conscience. Those who make up their minds should also pay attention to the crabs in the fan circle, and delete Weibo in time when they are popular."

Luo Ding clicked on the comments and saw that they were all messages from fans expressing that he would abide by the fan CP rules. Among them, a familiar ID that Luo Ding was familiar with suddenly appeared: "Alessandro"

Alessandro said: loli fans... huh.

Luo Ding was a little puzzled, but he was very impressed with the name. He refreshed to find the answer from the new comment, and then he found that Alessandro's comment had been deleted.

The expensive circle is really chaotic, and Luo Ding feels that he is getting farther and farther away from the normal crowd.


The sales of this issue of the magazine were finally counted, including Ji Jiahe, who had hoped for Luo Ding and Duan Xiubo at the beginning, were all taken aback.

Four times the previous period!Quadruple!

What is this concept?

Ji Jiahe has a wide circle of contacts, and there are many times when he invites superstars for the magazine.For this year's anniversary issue, Fengshang invited the four highest-ranking men in the film industry except Duan Xiubo, and the four highest-ranking women except Yuan Bing, and spent a lot of money to shoot a group photo.There are also beautiful posters in the annual issue. This magazine only doubled the print because the upper management rejected the request to print three times. Although it was still sold out in the end, it was already four days later.

The journal that Ke Luoding and Duan Xiubo collaborated on was sold out at a crazy speed on the first day it was put on the shelves, and the speed of subsequent reprinting could not keep up with the pace of market purchases. This order also made the printing factory very busy. Coupled with those calls asking to purchase a full set of Luo Ding's photos separately, Fengshang fought the most difficult and busiest battle this year.

After winning two consecutive victories, Ji Jiahe has become more and more important, and those collateral members who had quarreled with him are now in danger.

A magazine that publishes has been affected so much, not to mention Duan Xiubo and Luo Ding who have sold out sales for this magazine.

Needless to say, Duan Xiubo, he is a well-deserved leader in the entertainment industry. This time, the cover shoot is still mainly calm and low-key, but the leisurely man on the inner page subverts people's stereotyped impression of him and becomes more down-to-earth I got a little angry, generally speaking, it just made some fans who were already crazy about him become even more crazy after this.

Luo Ding was different, he got benefits from it solidly.

Many customers who originally bought magazines for Duan Xiubo had a good impression of Luo Ding who co-photographed the inside page with Duan Xiubo. Scanning the inside page photos on the Internet let many passers-by who don't care much about entertainment and gossip know that there is something wrong. Luo Ding is such a person, and because he cooperated with Duan Xiubo to enter the sight of passers-by from the very beginning, his whole level of biu has been raised immediately.

Many people who are fascinated by his hard photos will try to look back at Luo Ding's previous works, the dance videos, audition videos, makeup photos, etc., which are the most widely circulated on the Internet, and so on. Oh, I am a fan.

The injection of new blood into the fan circle is so simple, and the birth of one by one "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" has witnessed Luo Ding's journey along the way.

And overseas.

Japan's support club relies on the video of Luo Ding's irregular appearances that has been circulated in the mainland, and the popularity of the fan circle has not diminished in the slightest.The support club management mechanism composed of international students and locals has been perfected. Since the news that Luo Ding will release an EP, fans have been looking forward to the day when the EP will be released.

Luo Ding, who is completely different from the style of local Japanese idols, began to attract fans in Japan by relying on the dance videos posted by the follow-up company on the Internet. Although a large part of these fans cannot speak Chinese, although most of them even sing Luo Ding The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Long Time No See" is unclear, but they only know that the idol in the video is so handsome!So handsome!

Being handsome is enough, women are always visual animals, Luo Ding relied on the word "handsome", without attending any activities involving Japan, he has been in the forefront of various Japanese popularity awards several times.

For domestic stars, this is simply unheard of.

With the cooperation of the overseas student organization and most of the fans in the fan circle, and relying on the official support from Japan, they collectively bought one-tenth of the magazines from "Fashion".They originally thought that this was enough, but after getting it, they realized that this number is far from enough!

The mad rush of fans is even worse than that in China. In Japan, where the fight against piracy is the most developed, buying genuine versions is a matter of course.Even if the postage is added, the price is not too expensive. Almost everyone wants to prepare a magazine.After the first magazine was unpacked and the large pictures on the inside pages were circulated, a new big shock for the support club came again.

Luo Ding's photos subverted the overseas fans' impression of him all the time, the changeable man who was sometimes sunny and gloomy in Pan Yiming's MV, the man who frowned and looked melancholy when singing songs, the man who danced in the video The unstoppable man with a strong aura in the face has so many faces that they don't know.

Seductive, fresh, even green.

The photo attached to the magazine sparked a frenzy of exchanges among fans, and Luo Ding's naked back picture on the inside page can really be regarded as the protagonist of the big shock.

The Japanese people live under great pressure, and their pursuit of beauty is strict and rigid.Machismo men are usually not very interested in the male idols that women pursue, and they mostly hold an attitude of ridicule or nothing to do with themselves.

But it is also very simple to reverse their ideas.

That is, get to their G-spot.

This naked back photo of Luo Ding undoubtedly got the G-spot of many people.

The fine-shot big picture that was originally circulated in the fan circle has entered the mainstream media's field of vision since I don't know when.

Then there are the refined pictures obtained by foreign students over the wall from the domestic Internet.

On the Japanese Internet, after a short period of silence, it began to spread widely with an explosive force.

"So handsome!" Many citizens who still have an impression of China from a long time ago commented under various photos of Luo Ding, "Is he really Chinese? Really?"

"Wow, it really is a completely different style from the Japanese mainstream."

"It's great, he makes me feel like enjoying cherry blossoms in Nara, it's gorgeous and warm."

"It's obviously a hot spring in Sapporo. Speaking of which, the beauty of Chinese celebrities is indeed very high. You can see that the person he is partnering with is also a completely different type of handsome man."

So there was a series of discussions about Duan Xiubo, and gradually someone discovered Duan Xiubo's status in the international film world, and Luo Ding, who was his partner, naturally attracted Japanese who didn't know the truth to see his value doubled.

Hong Kong and Taiwan eat Japanese and Korean styles, and Japan and South Korea eat European and American styles. Luo Ding, who has a relationship with Europe and the United States, began to experience a qualitative leap in his popularity in Japan very quickly.

Many Taiwanese people who pay attention to Japan's developments have discovered that a mainland artist has suddenly appeared in various portal newspapers and magazines in Japan overnight.When they had never heard of this person, the word Luo Ding had already been given the title of national.

Overwhelming countless local stars who have developed for a long time, an artist from a barren place like the mainland is actually so popular in Japan?

Many Taiwanese programs have expressed their disbelief. Suddenly, in Taiwan, Luo Ding's topicality frequently appeared in various programs, and the topic volume rose rapidly.

"Thick! Really!" The hostess in the talk show, wearing a pink skirt, covered her mouth with a shocked expression, "So there are already so many artists in mainland China who are directly exported overseas? How is that possible!"

A certain professor who can even be a scholar who studies the development of the mainland shook his head meaningfully: "This is one of the misunderstandings of the people on the island. The entertainment industry in the mainland has actually developed to a considerable scale. Everyone has not discovered that the island's Do celebrities like to go to the mainland to hold concert tours? The adults in the mainland are rich in resources, and they can make more money by singing and dancing casually than on the island."

The hostess continued to look shocked, and the powder puff fell off: "Thick! Really! Is that so?! What impression did you all have of the mainland before the show?" She turned her head and swept across a large row next to her Guests on the background board.

The guest smiled, pursed his lips and replied coyly: "It's just... very poor. Didn't Ms. Meng say last time that going to the toilet in the mainland...are all white butts that stretch for several kilometers?"

Another guest covered his face and twisted his body pretending to be cute: "Oh, don't talk about this on the show."

"So," the hostess looked back at the professor in shock, "are those all fake?"

"I don't know," a certain professor shook his head, probably shocked by their stupidity, and replied with a somewhat awkward expression, "But the toilets that are several kilometers long, in the literature I have studied so far, there are not such large-scale ones." record."

This video was intercepted and caused laughter on domestic forums.

Netizens commented one after another: "Some media in Wanwan really deserve their reputation."

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