Reborn As a System

Chapter 16 The End of the World

Scientists, experimental bases, serum antibodies, a unique experimental body detector...Combined with Leng Lin's private mood swings.

All point to an answer.

Shi Qing's words unexpectedly pointed to Qin Mo. He had been wondering before, and he was not 100% sure.After many times of probing, Leng Lin was able to hold on and not show off, so even if he was suspicious, he couldn't act rashly without evidence.

Unexpectedly, Shi Qing saw the little-known side of Leng Lin with the posture of a dagger, which made Qin Mo's heart clearer.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Qing babbled about his point of view again. Although his thinking was a little off at the beginning, the last sentence was like a key, which instantly opened the closed door and let everything blurred and blurred. It gradually became clear.

And Shi Qing was really terrified at this moment, his viewing angle was wide, even if he was five or six meters away, he could still see Leng Lin at a glance.

Originally, he just glanced at it habitually, but he didn't expect to see an extraordinary scene again.

Leng Lin and Li Su were in a group. The two seemed to be searching for a data shelf. Li Su was in front and Leng Lin was behind. However, at the moment just now, Leng Lin took advantage of Li Su's inattention and dropped a sharp needle Inserted into Li Su's back!

Leng Lin, what is he doing?

Shi Qing snapped back to his senses, he poked Qin Mo quickly, and said, "Li Su is in danger!"

Although he discovered it in time, it was too late.

Li Su suddenly jumped up, moving quickly, like a galloping cheetah, and the target of his attack was Qin Mo who was five meters away!

Thanks to Shi Qing's reminder, Qin Mo reacted immediately, he quickly dodged to one side, narrowly avoiding the fatal blow, his heavy leather boots wiped a black mark on the shiny floor, the speed The strength of the speed is evident from this!

However, Li Su's offensive did not stop, his usual friendly demeanor disappeared completely, his black eyes turned red like blood, his thin lips were tightly pursed, his face was pale, as cold as a poisonous snake ready to eat his life.

In just a few tens of seconds, the two had already exchanged several moves, and every time they were deadly moves, they showed no mercy!

Leng Lin, who was far away, finally removed his disguise, his black eyes began to become bloodshot, and stayed in bright red. He slightly hooked the corners of his mouth, and looked at Qin Mo ironically.

And the four players around didn't know why, they didn't know why Li Su and Qin Mo fought.They were about to ask, but they suddenly felt a stabbing pain in their waists, and then lost consciousness.

Leng Lin looked contemptuously at the four people who fell to the ground. This kind of qualification really does not need to waste the original virus.After dealing with them, he looked at Li Su and Qin Mo who were fighting.

These two people are really strong. Li Su's strength has been brought to the extreme by the virus, but Qin Mo can still hold on. Although there is a difference in strength, he is agile and insightful, and he can always meet in desperate situations. Health, cleverly escaped.

But... Leng Lin's calm face slowly bloomed into a smile, and it was only a matter of time. When Qin Mo was exhausted and completely recovered by Li Su, he could inject him with the original virus.

Although two experimental subjects died, it didn't matter, he would have two more powerful experimental subjects instead!

Leng Lin could see that Shi Qing, who was in the situation, could also clearly feel that the mutated Li Su was too strong, he should be thankful that Li Su was diligent and thrifty, and stored all the ammunition, or else he would rely on this skill to kill him again. With pistol ammunition, no matter how powerful Ren Qin Mo is, he will lose his life at this moment!

Looking at Qin Mo again, under Li Su's crazy offensive, he didn't even have the chance to draw out his pistol. He could only dodge the attack by relying on his strong consciousness, without the slightest ability to fight back.

Shi Qing was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, if he dragged on like this, his life would be lost!

calm down!Qin Mo has no time to care about other things, but he can still make a difference.I can only hate that he is a dagger now... no... no... thanks to him being a dagger!

Shi Qing had an idea, and in an emergency, he had a calculation in his mind.

Qin Mo and Li Su fought, and the four players were brought down by Leng Lin with a small weapon, but Leng Lin kept watching!

Why are you on the sidelines?If Leng Lin has powerful abilities, can he help Li Su take down Qin Mo?But he didn't!what does that mean?It means that Leng Lin's force is really not enough.

Think about it carefully, if it wasn't because Li Su was defenseless against him, how could he succeed?Even for the four players who fell to the ground, it was Leng Lin who seized the opportunity and used advanced weapons to win by surprise.

And because Leng Lin was still worried about his shooting skills, he didn't even dare to attack Qin Mo who was fighting with Li Su at the moment, he was afraid of accidentally hurting Li Su!

These thoughts flashed through Shi Qing's mind one by one, and he immediately knew what to do.

Taking advantage of Qin Mo's movement, he drove his strange dagger body, flew out quickly, and shot straight at Leng Lin.

The cold and sharp blade hit his eyes straight, and Leng Lin was shocked. He didn't expect Qin Mo to make a move in such a pressing situation!

However, Leng Lin didn't pay much attention to a dagger. Although his combat power was not strong, he could still avoid such an obvious attack.

He dodged to the left, avoiding the path of the dagger, and just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but unexpectedly, the dagger turned around and continued to move towards him!

this!How is this going? !

Seeing that it was approaching, Leng Lin had no choice but to run and dodge again. Unexpectedly, the dagger seemed to have its own consciousness, and it quickly changed direction and flew towards him persistently.

What the hell is this!

Leng Lin dodged hastily, his forehead was forced into cold sweat, he gave up too many things for this human body, the most important thing is his immortal body, if he was stabbed in the head with a dagger, he would definitely die instantly.

The evolutionary virus hasn't been developed yet, he can't die here!

He gritted his teeth and took out his pistol, and fired three shots at the dagger.Shi Qing himself was a dead boy, and now he is an unskilled flying dagger. The speed is not too slow, but it is still incomparable with bullets.

But thanks to Leng Lin's bad technique, and the dagger's small target, he barely managed to hit one shot, piercing through the handle of the dagger!

Shi Qing snorted, even though the pain was weakened, the feeling of being shot in the body was not pleasant.But this kind of juncture, this little pain is really nothing, his speed has not slowed down at all, not to mention that the handle of the knife is damaged, even if his blade is shot, without the sharp end, he will grind Leng Lin to death .

As long as Leng Lin is dead, Qin Mo can be saved!

Leng Lin never expected to encounter such a thing. The dagger was like a tarsal maggot, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter what. He could only keep shooting blindly and running around in embarrassment.

His physical strength was low, and the bullets didn't seem to have much effect on the dagger. Leng Lin's clothes were already wet with cold sweat, he was out of breath, and all the emotions on his face were replaced by panic.

Seeing that he was about to be unable to dodge the dagger attack, Leng Lin finally gave up his last insistence, and he ordered loudly: "Li Su, save me!"

Li Su, who had been entangled with Qin Mo, stopped his movements in an instant, and his fierce offensive stopped abruptly like a freeze frame in a movie. He gave up on Qin Mo without hesitation, held the dagger with his bare hands, and abruptly blocked Shi Qing's attack. attack.

Leng Lin heaved a sigh of relief, but at this very second, Qin Mo, who could only dodge originally, seized the opportunity, took out his pistol, and shot at Leng Lin with the momentum of a thunderbolt.

The bullet pierced through the air, but Li Su unexpectedly stepped forward and blocked the bullet with his arm!

Qin Mo frowned slightly, then he shifted his target without hesitation, and quickly shot two shots at Li Su's legs, abolishing his mobility.

The last barrier fell to the ground, Leng Lin completely panicked.

"No! No! Don't kill me!"

Qin Mo remained unmoved, the bullet was already loaded.

Leng Lin clenched his fists tightly, his red eyes turned black again, he looked at Qin Mo beggingly, like a humble and pitiful human being: "Let me go, please, let me go, I am different from them, I am not these monsters, I am human, look at my appearance, look at my body, I have flesh and blood, I am human! Don't kill me, I have serum antibodies here, which can resist zombie viruses!"

Qin Mo raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "Hand over the antibody."

Leng Lin's face was pale. Hearing his words, he seemed to see the hope of life. He nodded quickly, and took out a cylinder filled with bright red liquid from his bosom. He looked at Qin Mo timidly, his hands trembling uncontrollably. Like the saying: " you."

Raising his arm, he slowly passed the cylinder over.

Just when the two were about to touch each other, a long and slender needle suddenly popped out from the smooth cylinder and shot straight at Qin Mo's arm!

This turned out to be a syringe with a weird shape!It was exactly what Leng Lin used to sneak attack on Li Su before!

Shi Qing was still trapped in Li Su's hands, but he was able to see the unexpected surprise attack. He was about to remind loudly, but he didn't expect Qin Mo to be prepared. He retracted his arm suddenly, and the next second the pistol flew into the air. , landed on his right hand, raised the buckle, and a cold gunshot sounded, and the bullet shot into Leng Lin's wrist with precision!

Crushed to pieces, blood gushing out, Leng Lin instantly lost control of his right hand, and the severe pain overwhelmed him, causing him to scream, unable to care about anything else, rolling on the ground holding his bleeding wrist and howling.

Qin Mo was not at all interested in the serum antibody rolling on the ground. He strode forward, stepped on Leng Lin's head, and looked down condescendingly: "Where did you get the confidence to rely on such a cheap trick? Come to subdue me? Human? Humans have such red eyes?"

His voice is unexpectedly relaxed and gentle, which is simply pleasant, but the content in it is like a devil whispering: "Why don't I personally hand you over to the scientific research team, and let the scientists of the Leng University become the experimental samples in person, so that Wouldn't you be able to study the zombie virus more deeply?" He raised the corner of his mouth viciously, "Doctor, what do you think?"

Leng Lin was forced to look at him. The cold words made him ignore the headache in his wrist, and he was only terrified by the deep meaning behind it. He was terrified, and the words that came out of his mouth were intermittent: "You... you ……this……"

Qin Mo stared at Leng Lin, his condensed black eyes looked like a dark night vortex, which could sweep away all vitality, and he continued: "Of course, since the rest of the team has lost their mobility, in order to ensure the success of the mission Done, I hope you can be quiet, anyway, as an experimental subject, you only need to lie quietly on the experimental table, and you don’t need hands and feet, don’t you?”

As soon as he finished speaking, under Leng Lin's terrified face, he raised his pistol and shot three times, hitting Leng Lin's other wrist and the knees of both legs with incomparable precision!

Wrists were shattered, knees were shattered, bright red blood poured out one after another, instantly wet the broken clothes, dazzling red, strong iron smell... This is simply a terrifying torture!

Shi Qing, who was watching from the side, shuddered involuntarily, and the coolness surged up in his heart. It was the first time he saw such a scene directly, and his brain couldn't even think.Although Leng Lin was ferocious, he had already lost his ability to move after the first shot, so why... why did he have to torture him like this...

Immediately afterwards, Leng Lin's heart-piercing screams sounded. The veins on his forehead were bulging, and his body was already stained red with blood. The powerful pain made him roll his eyes several times. His face was hideous and extremely frightening.

Perhaps because of the extreme pain, his spirit almost collapsed, and the voice hidden in his heart roared out: "I am right, I am not wrong! It's all you, all you hateful humans! It's your greed, it's you!" The madness of you, it is you who conducted this kind of experiment that dehumanizes us, and turned us into monsters with neither human nor ghost, it is you who have ruined my life!"

When these roars came out, the fear in Leng Lin's eyes completely receded, replaced by hatred: "I want revenge, I want revenge, I want to take out the original virus and make it into an 'antibody', so that the whole world will be like me They all turned into monsters!" As he spoke, he seemed to see the beautiful scenery in his heart, his eyes became especially clear, he looked at Qin Mo, and suddenly smiled complacently: "You don't understand, you will never understand !"

Qin Mo looked at him, lowered his head slightly, and said in a low voice, "I understand."

Leng Lin suddenly opened his eyes wide, and his forehead was pierced by a bullet. When death came, he vaguely heard, next to his ear, the seductive voice full of magic: "Because, I am the same as you."

The author has something to say: Li Su will not die.

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