Reborn As a System

Chapter 6 Ascension to the throne

Qin Mo stroked him tenderly: "Are you going to die?"

"Of course not!" Although they were bound by a contract, it was just a relationship of cooperation and sharing, and it wasn't about throwing their lives together.

"Then what are you worried about?"

"But you are dead, I have to wait another 500 years to meet the next host, 500 years, I will suffocate people to death!" Speaking the truth quickly, Shi Qing couldn't help but feel a little annoyed...Why did you say so fast? ah?Such an opportunity to gain favorability was easily wasted by him.He should have shown the feelings of the Holy Mother, and told Qin She Jingyi affectionately that he is a good person, a good person who cares about the lives and deaths of others, so as to move him and guide him to be positive!

It's a pity that the water splashed out by words can't be taken back.

However, to Shi Qing's surprise, Qin Mo seemed very satisfied with his answer, and the corners of his mouth even curved into a happy arc...

Shi Qing didn't understand why he was happy, but it's better to be happy than angry, and most importantly, Qin Mo finally stopped flipping through that damn herbal medicine book!

Holding the jade pendant with one hand, he closed the book, stood up, and said calmly, "Don't worry, you won't be suffocated to death."

Shi Qing: ...don't keep getting the point wrong!

Ruby Palace.

The tulle is blowing gently, the fragrance is lingering, the delicately carved dressing table is full of exquisite and luxurious jewelry, and a clear orange-yellow bronze mirror next to it reflects a soft and beautiful face, with almond eyes and vermilion lips, bright and kind, but only There are shallow fine lines at the corner of one eye, revealing the traces of time.

Concubine Li stared at the mirror without blinking, and pushed it away annoyed for a while, but the mirror could be pushed away, but the wrinkles on her face could not be erased.

She is now 37 years old, no matter how well she takes care of her, she can't compare to a girl of seventeen or eighteen.The luster of the skin is getting worse and worse, and the complexion is also dull. In the past few days, there are still a few fine lines in the corners of the eyes, which is simply unbearable.

Especially in the past few days, the emperor didn't come to Liubi Palace, which made her even more depressed, and an unstoppable evil fire went up, looking around, it became more and more unpleasant: "People! Where did they all die?"

The court lady Yuxiang who had been waiting outside hurriedly lifted the bead curtain, walked in with small steps, and saluted respectfully: "Your Majesty, do you want to do your makeup?"

Concubine Li glanced at her angrily: "Nonsense."

Yuxiang lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to the eye, and her movements were light and quick. She has been taking care of Concubine Li, so she naturally knows her preferences.Powdering eyebrows, drawing eyebrows, and buns, she is good at everything, and not long after, she saw Concubine Li's frowning eyebrows stretched out, revealing a look of satisfaction.

But because of this inadvertent smile, the lines at the corners of her eyes appeared again, Li Fei immediately changed her face.

Yuxiang just breathed a sigh of relief and brought it up again. Concubine Li never listened to persuasion. She knew her temper well, so naturally she didn't dare to say more, but right now she is the only one serving here. .Yuxiang's heart moved, and she hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, Mrs. Li is already waiting in the side hall."

Her changing the subject really worked, Concubine Li stood up, puffed her chest out, and said with a dignified posture, "Let's go."

Mrs. Li Er is the brother-in-law of Concubine Li's natal family.The Li family was also a big family in the Daqing Dynasty. The old man Li had the merits of being a dragon. Although it has been passed down for five generations, each generation is worse than the last, and there is no one outstanding, but the reputation is still there. Now that Concubine Li is favored, their family is also in the limelight. both.

Mrs. Li is Concubine Li's direct sibling, but her family background is not considered high. Her background as an imperial merchant is not good enough in Concubine Li's eyes.However, the wealth of Mrs. Li's family is also real, which can not be underestimated, and the operation of money is indispensable for doing great things.So although she doesn't look down on Mrs. Li, Concubine Li treats her fairly well.

Another point is that because Mrs. Li's natal family is an imperial merchant, she travels all over the world, which is very strange.Concubine Li is favored, and she doesn't care much about ordinary property, but she attaches great importance to appearance, and cares about some maintenance things.

Last time, Mrs. Li brought some fat-melting cream, which she said was obtained from overseas. It is very rare and works very well. Concubine Li used it comfortably and praised her a few times. Mrs. Li will come. Recently, I have been secretly searching for such things, just to please Concubine Li.

Concubine Li saw Mrs. Li Er, accepted her gift, and asked a few more questions about the family situation.Mrs. Li could speak quickly, and after a few words back and forth, she made Concubine Li happy.

Seeing Concubine Li raised her eyebrows, Mrs. Li brought up today's highlight.

"Your Majesty, it's really your good fortune that your concubine can find such a treasure." As she spoke, she carefully took out a brocade box the size of a palm. The box is simple, but its shape is very majestic.

Concubine Li cast her gaze over, and Mrs. Li immediately opened the brocade box. Inside was covered with red silk, and on the silk was a brown elixir, which was round and smooth, exuding a refreshing cold fragrance. Anyone who doesn't know how to do this knows that it must be a nice one.

Concubine Li became interested and asked, "What is this?"

Mrs. Li came over quickly, and said: "This is not easy to get, the concubine's unscrupulous brother has wasted a lot of work, from Su Jinzhou..."

Seeing that she was going to show off her merits again, Concubine Li waved her hands and said: "Okay, okay, tell me what this is, can I still remember your kindness?"

Mrs. Li Er smiled, and cut most of the words in her stomach, and finally got to the point: "This is called Zhuyan Dan, and the pill is just like its name. Taking it can not only restore youth, but also keep your appearance forever!"

Upon hearing this effect, Concubine Li's eyes lit up suddenly, and she asked, "Is it true?"

Mrs. Li quickly replied: "True, true, absolutely true, how can I say that your mother is lucky, there is only one pill of this medicine, and it is prepared for your mother."

Concubine Li was moved, but although her IQ was born in arrears, she had improved a lot after living in the palace for more than [-] years.

So she asked cautiously: "Can you rest assured about this source?"

Mrs. Li quickly said: "People have investigated it a long time ago, there is no problem, just in case, I will look it up."

Concubine Li nodded in satisfaction, and asked casually: "Is this person alone?"

Mrs. Li understood, and immediately added: "There are old and young, a family of six, and a newborn fat son... all are being taken care of by my concubine."

Hearing Mrs. Li's words, Concubine Li felt relieved. Since this man dared to testify with the whole family, he must have been quite capable.

She asked Mrs. Li to put down the elixir, took a sip of tea and said, "I'll take it, I'll use it later, and I will reward you all well."

The Second Madam Li immediately smiled, and she did not forget to express her loyalty before leaving: "As long as the empress is good, our family will be fine..."

After the person left, she immediately called Yuxiang and told her to bring over Doctor Wang immediately.

Although the whole family of the pharmacist was in her hands, she was still a little worried, so she asked the imperial physician to take a general look at the ingredients of the medicine before she could really feel relieved.

The imperial doctor came, took the pill and smelled it carefully, and then said cautiously: "Mrs. Hui, this medicine has a bright fragrance and color. According to the smell, you can tell that it contains coix, angelica, donkey-hide gelatin..."

Concubine Li listened patiently to the end of his rambling, and hurriedly asked again: "Is there any harm to the body if you take it?"

Imperial Physician Wang sniffed it carefully, and then said: "There is no serious problem. They are all medicines for nourishing yin and nourishing qi. If you are worried, you can let the maid take it first, and then take it by yourself after observing the effect."

Concubine Li frowned, this Zhuyan Pill is just one pill, how can the maid take it... If it really works, wouldn't she just regret it?

After dismissing Imperial Physician Wang, Concubine Li sat in the room staring at the pill, feeling very conflicted in her heart...

East Palace.

Shi Qing almost burst into tears...

Look!The dishes on this table include five-spice sauce chicken, salt-water tenderloin, duck in red oil, spicy noodles, tomato trotters, braised straw mushrooms in oil, fungus in pepper oil... There are also crispy golden cake rolls, soft and glutinous bean cakes, white The lotus seed cake and the yellow orange pea yellow!

Shi Qing said that his saliva almost turned into a river.

But the tragedy is, as a jade pendant, he can only see, hear and smell, but the f*cking thing is that he can't eat it!

Qin Mo really refused to let him go wherever he went, holding him in his hand all the time, even taking him with him at such fatal moments as eating... Shi Qing QAQ, no matter what, he was determined to give himself an appetite With a good body, he must enjoy life well, eat to his heart's content, and eat back everything he didn't eat in his previous life.

Under Shi Qing's envious and jealous eyes, Qin Mo leisurely ate his dinner, and when he moved to the study, Shi Qing came to his senses from the smell of the food.

He already knew Qin Mo's plan, and he also understood that he had already started planning after he traveled to this world, even when he first read the herbal medicine book, he had other plans.

Although Qin Mo has lost his cultivation, he is worthy of being the proud son of Lingyun Continent, and his extensive knowledge is astonishing.Back then, not only did he have a very high cultivation base, but he also had a deep knowledge of alchemy, refining tools and making talismans.

Although high-end alchemy and talisman-making techniques also require cultivation, some low-level ones that are not very effective do not require cultivation at all. As long as you know the formula, you can achieve the effect.

Qin Mo flipped through the herbal medicine book just to verify whether the herbs in this world were the same as what he understood. After the verification, he took some time to prepare a pill.

Although Qin Mo didn't say anything to Shi Qing, Shi Qing watched the whole process and knew everything. Now that he was free, he couldn't help asking, "Will Concubine Li know how to take the pill?"

Qin Mo was practicing calligraphy, and he didn't even look at him when he heard the words. He just stared at the rice paper intently. His hand holding the pen was steady, and his posture was elegant and leisurely, but he wrote the pen decisively and decisively.

Shi Qing was immediately distracted, and turned over with great effort, just in time to see what he wrote.

Like dragons flying and phoenixes dancing, dancing in a fright, the two big characters leaped on the paper, wishing they could take off into the air.

"Shi Qing." Qin Mo gripped the jade pendant tightly and rubbed it lightly, "It's a good name."

Shi Qing looked at his name, and thought the words were beautiful, but if he was asked to taste them carefully, he couldn't taste anything.After recovering, he wanted to repeat the question just now, but Qin Mo ignored him again...

Shi Qing sighed, why is his host so difficult to communicate with!

So, Concubine Li...have you eaten?Xiaosheng is very anxious.

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