The sky has been shrouded in ash from the erupted magma and turned gray, like thick clouds covering the entire world.

The forest fire burned very quickly, and it didn't mean to extinguish itself, but continued to spread far away.

In the eyes of these animals, the whole world is only left with fire, boiling heat, black stratus clouds and rock ash, and magma jetting out and flowing down...

The animals began a great migration. Fortunately, the five gophers ate delicious food at the last moment of their escape, so they seemed to be able to endure eating grass roots and roots, at least better than other animals that could not eat tree roots and grass roots.

The pace of animal migration and the continuous eruption of volcanoes keep the earth trembling.

Because the fifth child ran a little slower before, his hair was burned by the hot rock ash that fell, and he was injured. Fortunately, Junchi knew some herbs, so he chewed the herbs in his mouth and spit them out. It reached the wound on Lao Wu's body.

Lao Wu slowly gnawed at the grass roots, while pretending to be dying, and said to the team leader Lao Dao, "Brother, I'm afraid I won't be able to go on."

They have passed the lake now. The lake is a good natural barrier. The galloping magma stopped on the other side of the lake, and the mountain fire was also isolated on the other side. The side of the lake is relatively much safer.

However, the water in the lake has been partially boiled by the magma, and a large part of the fish in it died, and many participants died as they fled.

The five gophers were on a small hill at this time. There were only grass and bushes here. Fortunately, they could eat grass roots and tree roots, so they would not starve to death.

The old fifth's discouraging statement made the boss Kong Xu very angry, and cursed, "It's useless, can't you survive such a small injury? Didn't the third brother apply medicine for you?"

The fifth child continued to gnaw on the grass roots, dejected.

The fourth child said, "Fortunately, we ate the white crystal fruit before the fire dragon erupted. Now the white crystal fruit forest has been burned up, so there is nothing to eat in the future."

She was very concerned about the loss of delicious food.

Jun Chi applied all the medicine on Lao Wu's body, and seeing that he couldn't keep up his spirits, he said, "You'd better follow us, if you stay here, maybe the mountain fire will burn over, when the time comes, You can only be burned to death, burned to ashes. Are you willing to stay here and turn into ashes?"

The fifth child found the possibility mentioned by the third child completely unbearable, and the third child continued, "We walked along the way, and you also saw some animals that were burned to death. If you don't go with us, you will too." become like them."

Along the way, because some magma flew in, some animals couldn't escape, or they were too lucky, so they were splashed by the magma. Naturally, they couldn't be spared, and they soon became barbecues, and became predators of carnivores. food.

The fifth child shivered and said, "I want to go with you."

The ants in the fur on Junchi's back also came out, and he was also gnawing on a small grass root, muttering in a low voice, "If you want to leave, hurry up, it's still very dangerous here."

Although Kong Xu is a person who is narcissistic to the extreme, he values ​​his own people very much, and has absolutely no intention of leaving his brother to run away, but as a person, not a native gopher, many abilities are unreliable, such as finding actions The route, and looking for something to eat, so they took the mature and prudent second child as the leader, the old poop as a cushion, and the third child carried an ant and followed the fourth and fifth.

They traveled all the way to the new living territory. After walking for several days, the sky was always dark, and most of the time they couldn't tell the difference between day and night.

Because there are a lot of acidic substances and dust in the air, these are constantly corroding their bodies, and the few gophers gradually lose their strength. Only that one doesn't eat much, and there is a rat-shaped cart carrying him Ants live relatively comfortably.

It was not safe along the way, and I encountered danger many times. Fortunately, mice are more flexible, and those large carnivorous animals are also attacked by deadly sulfur-containing substances and dust in the air, and many of them have suffered a lot. Due to the injury, the movement is not very flexible, and these few gophers cannot be caught as food, and those healthy and large animals that are not injured have already fled far away from the volcano, and cannot threaten the five gophers. Rat and ant.

Five rats and one ant walked for another two days, and everyone was ashamed. Jun Chi looked at the sky and said, "I'm afraid it's going to rain, and it's acid rain. We'd better find a high place to settle down and store some food. "

After the volcanic eruption, many animals died from the acid rain that followed. The acid rain will make the animals sick and fall down continuously. If they are injured themselves, it will be even worse. They die quickly.

Jun Chi has made a lot of beneficial suggestions these days, for example, to take some long routes to avoid natural enemies, for example, he knows some herbs that can heal the injured Lao Wu, etc. The boss, Kong Xu, has probably seen the old San was also a participant of this conference, but he didn't expose it.

The ant was the same, Kong Xu didn't take advantage of the danger to eat him at this time, but let him follow his team.

Jun Chi's judgment and suggestion this time have also been recognized by everyone, and the second child also has this meaning. A few gophers look into the distance from a slightly higher hillside, and they can probably see a few tall ones. Junchi pointed to one of them and said, "Let's go to that mountain. It's easy to hide there, and you can avoid acid rain and have food."

Old Daoist, "What do you think?"

The fourth and fifth children were already responders, saying, "Just listen to you."

Old Daoist said, "Then follow what the third brother said."

In fact, they have no better choice. If they go further away, they will reach the high mountain straight into the sky. The high mountain is still covered with snow all year round, and Jun Chi thinks that many animals must have gone there. There is a lot of competition. It's also dangerous.

Looking back at the road, I can no longer see the erupting volcano. Presumably the volcano has not erupted again, but there is not much ash in the air, and the thick black clouds in the sky are also the result of the volcanic eruption. of.

Five mice and one ant ate the grass roots and continued to run towards the place they chose to settle down. Although they ran fast, it took them a long time to reach this larger rocky hill.

As soon as they reached the hill, the acid rain was already falling.

The rain splashed and hit the ground.

Five mice and one ant hid under a big rock and began to work, digging out the soil below to form a cave.

Jun Chi was actually a little strange. Thinking about it now, could it be that there are still more than a hundred surviving candidates? How long will they have to live in this place before they pass the test?

This kind of ability does not have the ability of a monk at all, not even the ability of a human being. It only has the power of a small animal. Many monks are probably not used to it at all.

Everyone can probably understand under this situation that all things are born and all things are equal.

The acid rain was endless at once, and the five mice and one ant had to dig out tree roots in the ground to eat. Sometimes when they went out of the cave to look outside, they could only see scenes in which there seemed to be no living things in the misty rain.

However, more than half a month has passed since the volcanic eruption, and there are still many monks surviving, which shows that there is no living thing in this world as they saw.

The five mice soon dug out an underground world in this hill, but another problem also occurred. They had conflicts with the hares here. In addition to the hares, there were also pangolins, ants, and some kings. Animals that I haven't known for a long time, in short, this place will soon become uneven.

Because the plants on the hills can no longer survive the acid rain, a large area has died, and the roots of trees and grass are limited. For food, large-scale wars will eventually break out.

On this day, a war broke out with a pangolin. The pangolin loves to be clean, and has a demarcated territory, and only moves within the territory. Ants are its food, but now it has formed an alliance with five gophers. Ask five gophers to help them get rid of the pangolin.

Moreover, this territory is small, but there are many burrowing animals, and everyone is having serious conflicts because of the competition for the territory, so in the end Kong Xu decided to drive away the pangolins.

He also said, "I used to like eating pangolins very much, maybe I can eat it."

So when the five rats came to the door, the pangolin brother couldn’t sleep. Under the attack of the gophers, it would also fight back, but the pangolin is a solitary creature during the non-breeding season. How can a pangolin belong to five rats? The opponent was driven away.

It's just that the five rats didn't have a good life, because the acid rain season, which was thought to continue, came to an abrupt end. The sky gradually cleared up, and the ground was dried by the coming sun, and the food shortage on the hills became more and more serious. It's getting serious.

The Five Rats held a meeting and decided to continue their migration.

But before they migrated, a big event happened.

A big white snake, the scales on its body are bigger than these gophers, and it is as sharp as a knife. It used to hide in a big hole at the foot of the mountain, but when the rain stopped, it got up and moved. When climbing the mountain, he met his old enemy, which was a huge black eagle.

According to what Jun Chi saw, this black eagle was bigger than the fifth-order thunder black eagle he saw back then, and this black eagle could also discharge electricity.

Just when Jun Chi thought this was a very ordinary world, creatures like monsters unexpectedly appeared.

Jun Chi didn't want to complain, he thought to himself what kind of setting is this, it clearly gave people the feeling that this is a very ordinary story, why did you tell me this is a fantasy story when it was about to end.

Of course, the battle between these powerful monsters will bring disaster to Chi Yu.

The five mice and the ant family, as well as the animals on this hill, were all implicated.

They all hid in caves at first, but the snake and the eagle fought inseparably. The snake's tail lifted up the stones and soil on the mountain, and the eagle's wings spread out, giving these small animals the feeling of being a shelter. The sky can cover the sun, and once its claws are caught, it can crush huge rocks, and when the thunder and lightning spit out from its mouth, it can cover the sky and the earth, so several unlucky hares have become victims of thunder and lightning. Revenant.

The five rats were not much better, and the fifth was the most unlucky. When the snake's tail spurred a piece of mud to attack the eagle, he was also taken out. He did several perfect 360-degree somersaults in the air, and finally flew towards the eagle. After passing by, the eagle didn't pay attention to the gopher at all. With one flap of its wings, the fifth mouse flew away. The other four mice watched the old five become a small black dot in the air, and then disappeared. .

Old Daoist, "We have to find Lao Wu, we can't stay here any longer, let's run."

Everyone wanted to run a long time ago, so they all rushed down from the hills, and the ant clan had already started their busy migration journey, and saw rows of densely packed black ants on the ground, like a stream of water, heading down the mountain. meander away.

The ant that had been using Jun Chi as a mount ran up to Jun Chi's back and said, "Give me a ride."

Jun Chi had nothing to say, and led him quickly down the hill.

The fight between a snake and an eagle on the mountain is still going on, and there are scattered rocks everywhere. The homes of many small animals have been destroyed in this way, and the lives of many animals have been explained so simply. Those who have not explained are all moving positions escape.

After a day's journey, the four mice found the fifth child. The fifth child was trembling on a tree, not daring to get down from the tree. There were several wolves waiting to eat him under the tree. In this day and age, mosquito meat is also meat. Besides, gophers are much bigger than mosquitoes.

The boss watched from a distance with the other three brothers, and said, "How can we drive those wolves away."

The ant on Jun Chi's head said, "I just thought of a new tactic, it should work."

The few mice were already a little shocked by the destructive power of these ants, because along the way, wherever these ants passed, everything was more terrible than a plague of locusts, they could eat everything, and the four mice were also the first For the first time, I knew how many ants there were on that hill.

Jun Chi said, "What tactics?"

The ant said, "Just watch it."

A few gophers hid behind the stones on one side, and the ant disappeared after a while, and called the brothers to go.

When the mice looked at each other, they heard a sound of hee hee hee, and saw a black tide rushing towards the huge wolves. Those wolves also realized the danger and barked, but they didn't dare to fight with them. These ants faced each other head-on, and were about to run away, but those ants moved very fast, and suddenly turned from a tide shape into a sphere, and the sphere rushed towards the wolves. As long as the black sphere collided with the wolves, no matter what How fierce and ferocious those wolves were, they were quickly wrapped in black spheres. The ants hadn't eaten this delicacy for a long time, so the wolf had only a skeleton left in the blink of an eye.

The rest of the wolves howled angrily, but they could only run away. The fast ones escaped, while the slow ones left a skeleton on the ground.

The gophers got goosebumps all over their bodies, and then the boss yelled at Lao Wu, "Old Wu, come down quickly."

The fifth child also got goosebumps all over his body, climbed down from the tree, and said to them, "Woooo, I thought I'd never see you again."

Jun Chi complained in his heart, you are still an old Wujin mouse, how could you be so cowardly.

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