How to Escape from the Hands of Yandere‌

Chapter 92 Interstellar Future

Every attack that can be blackened has a dark history.

Regardless of how bullshit this black history is, Noel also has a black history.

Although he is the only son of the most honorable woman in the entire empire, his life is not happy.

He has a whole bunch of siblings, the youngest of whom is just now born.And the elder brothers born to the two former queens above him, one is Omege and the other is Beta.

It stands to reason that he should be the best heir to the throne, but because of his mental defects, he has been kept in a state of being forgotten.

This defect is born. His mental power has a strong aggressiveness since he was born. If he can't control it well, he will infect the people around him and cause a lot of casualties.People with such defects cannot become emperors.

And everyone was also afraid that he would hurt the people around him, so they put him on other planets to be taken care of by others.

So he lived in a large manor since he was a child, and the only person who took care of him was a housekeeper. Except for the teacher who came to class, no one ever talked to him, and no one dared to touch him. Gradually, he developed a lonely personality. character.

Later, when he was 15 years old, when he sneaked out of the manor and entered the bustling city, everything he saw was very novel.

As a result, at that time, there were a few unscrupulous Alphas who wanted to touch him. He was so scared that he closed his eyes, but when he came back to his senses, he saw blood red all over the street.

The people around are all dead, no one is alive, everyone is bleeding to death from seven holes, staring at his direction with reluctance, it looks like a scene from a horror movie.

He looked at all this blankly, not knowing why such a thing happened.

Because of his background, he was not punished at all.Afterwards, he was brought to Capital Star, where he spent two long years in an isolation room. It wasn't until he could almost completely control his mental power that the royal family sent him to the Cromian Military Academy.

He has been far away from the royal family since he was a child, and he has no one close to him except the housekeeper. Every time he wants to get close to someone, he will think of the day when the ground was covered with blood.

After entering school, he accidentally bumped into a person in the corridor. The moment he heard the other person's voice, his heart, which had been silent for a long time, actually beat rapidly.

#So it’s an inexplicable love at first sight#

↑The above is Noel's cheating past, no responsibility version.

Turn the scene back to the ball.

In fact, Qin Li had a slight fear of the dance, because every time he went to the dance, nothing good happened, and he was simply the end of the dance.

The first ball was shipwrecked, the second ball was dead, the third ball... forget it.

In short, Qin Li followed Nuo Er into the lobby, the dance seemed to have started, many men and women started dancing among them, everyone was dressed very gorgeously and dazzled, looking very dazzling under the colorful lights.

Those who participated in the ball were all the dignitaries of the Capital Star, most of them were Alphas, and only a few were Betas. There was no way for this to happen. The abilities of Betas limited their future development.As for Omega, it is absolutely impossible for them to appear in places other than home.

One thing has troubled Qin Li for a long time, that is, what kind of creatures are the Alpha girls, and do they have penises! !

But he can't lift up other people's skirts, so he can only keep this matter in his heart.

"Are you hungry?" Noel asked with concern, "There's some snacks there, I'll help you get some."

"Let's go together!" Qin Li suddenly became very active, he has not tasted the delicacies of the future ABO world!Because of being too poor, I have been eating the cheapest meal with Roy before, and I am tired of it!

These snacks are all delicious in color, fragrance, and just take a bite, and they melt in your mouth, and the wonderful taste instantly satisfies the taste buds.

Qin Li was so moved that he almost shed tears, this is the real delicacy.

Qin Li quickly settled all the snacks around. If it wasn't because everyone else was concentrating on socializing or dancing, his behavior would have already attracted everyone's attention.

Seeing that he was finally satisfied, Noel happily invited him to dance.

Qin Li's mood this time is not as disturbed as it was when he attended the ball for the first time. After attending (stirring) and (joining) so many balls, Qin Li has almost learned the dancing posture.

With the sound of a new round of music, Qin Li and Nuo Er also stepped onto the dance floor.

There was a sudden sharp pain from the toes, Qin Li's body stiffened, Nuoer's face turned red quickly, and he said with some embarrassment: "Sorry, I'm not very good at jumping..."

"It's okay..." Qin Li remembered the tolerance of others when he stepped on them, and felt that he should be more tolerant now...

Then Qin Li was stepped on so many times that he finally couldn't take it anymore, but the one who spoke before him was a deadly cannon fodder.

"Ahahahaha, it's a shame to say that you are a member of the royal family even if you can't even dance. It's really embarrassing for us." An arrogant Beta came over.

His appearance is somewhat similar to Noel's. He also looks quite handsome with blond hair and blue eyes, but he is full of hostility all over his body. At a glance, he can tell that he is a villain, the kind of villain who is at the bottom and is quickly cannon fodder.

That's right, he is the second prince of Beta mentioned above. Because of being a Beta, he can't inherit the throne, so he hates Noel, who is an Alpha, and provokes him whenever he has the opportunity.

In fact, there is a reason why he has such a low IQ, and that is the skills involved in many palace fighting articles. He was raised and disabled by the current queen...

"What's none of your business?" Noel was very unwilling to talk to this guy.

"Hmph." The second prince shifted his gaze, and soon saw Qin Li next to him.

With the blessing of the tall and upper aura card, Qin Li in his eyes is like this: a tall and cold beauty with black hair and black eyes, she seems to be full of an aura of refusal to be thousands of miles away, but it makes people inexplicably surge desire to conquer.

If Qin Li knew what he was thinking, he would have wished to shoot him in the head.

"Who is this beauty?" The second prince actually started to tease Qin Li, he said with an evil smile, "It's a waste of you staying with this wretch, how about coming into the arms of this prince?"

Qin Li: "..." Get out of here, please! !If it wasn't for the fact that the other party mentioned his own background in his words, Qin Li would have exploded long ago.

Nuo Er felt black all over his body, he calmed down strangely, stared at the second prince and said, "What did you say?"

"I said you are a wimp." The second prince didn't know that he had just died, so he laughed very complacently.In the past, because Noel didn't want to cause trouble, he didn't respond to his ridicule, and he was already very upset.

"Go to hell!" Noel spit out two words, and then the second prince's face turned pale for no reason.

"What did you do to me?!" The second prince's mental strength was soon polluted, he covered his forehead, and tears flowed from his eyes, and after a few mouthfuls of blood, he casually fell to the ground. He was carried away quickly.

The typical way of cannon fodder exiting the scene, the casual way of cannon fodder exiting...

There was an eerie silence in the lobby, followed by gasps one after another.Qin Li and Nuo Er quickly vacated a circle of no one more than ten meters away.

Although some people have heard of Noel's cheating spiritual power, it is the first time they have actually seen it.

Qin Li: "..." Hello?Is this skill amazing? !Could this be the legendary word spirit?No, no, no... The key is how Nuoer killed people in public, and the other party is still a member of the royal family... Even if he is the third prince, it is not easy to expose it! !

"...!!" Nuoer looked at Qin Li in a panic as if he had realized something, "I'll explain to you..."

After saying that, he grabbed Qin Li's hand and ran to the balcony. Because he was afraid that Qin Li would break free, he used a lot of strength.

Qin Li: "You...can you relax a little bit!" If he tried harder, he would have to break his hand again...

When he came to the empty balcony, Noel took a few deep breaths and explained his ability. Of course, he avoided a lot of bloody scenes in the middle, and only said that he could slightly affect the mental power of others, but he couldn’t kill them. Damn, the second prince just fainted temporarily.

Qin Li: "...Is that so." He wouldn't believe it! !The second prince is bleeding from seven holes, okay? !You looked like you were about to die, but you actually said you just fainted! !

Seeing that Qin Li believed his words (?), Nuoer finally breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the starry sky beside him with a smile and said, "I remember there will be a meteor shower tonight, let's watch it together."

Qin Li: "..." Hey, what's going on? !The development of the plot is a bit wrong, it suddenly becomes an idol drama.

He is used to complaining in his heart now, after all, it feels like a snake spirit disease when he speaks out.

[I didn't expect you to have self-knowledge! 】

The balcony is very empty, and it can be regarded as a spacious platform. During some festivals and holidays, the emperor would speak to the people below on the platform.

The field of vision here is also very wide, and you can see the horizon over there at a glance, and in the middle are the lights emitted by countless houses, which look like countless small light spots, like the starry sky on the ground.

I don't know how the capital star is made. Although the industry is so developed, the starry sky looks very clear. Looking up from here, it's like being in the universe. Qin Li is a little intoxicated by it.

Suddenly a light spot flashed across the starry sky, and then several more, it was a meteor shower.

Noel secretly made a wish in his heart.

And Qin Li on the side also hurriedly made a wish. At that moment, he suddenly thought of what wish he wanted to make.

"I hope God will allow me to counterattack once."

Just as Qin Li was chanting these words silently, Noel's voice suddenly came from beside him, "Who are you?"

Qin Li turned his head and saw a familiar person walking towards the balcony at some point, he was looking at the two of them and smiling.

This person is Kevin, or Lin Juncheng...

Kevin continued to smile and said, "The two of you are really flirtatious. They are actually talking about love at this time. The second prince still doesn't know if he is alive or dead."

Qin Li swore that he could hear murderous intent from Lin Juncheng's calm words.In addition, the second prince's cannon fodder man has long been forgotten by him.

"Are you trying to meddle in your own business?" Noel frowned, "Could it be that you are also a member of his harem?"

"I dare not, I'm just a bodyguard." Kevin said: "But the third prince, don't you act a little arrogantly?"

"No matter how arrogant you are, you don't have to worry about it." Noel was in a very bad mood, and it was the same for anyone who was disturbed during such a romantic time.

Listening to the conversation between the two of them, Qin Li always felt that a fateful moment was coming... For some reason, he actually had the mentality of avoiding it.

The arrival of Lin Juncheng means that he has to do that task, but asking him to kill Noel so directly, isn't it a bit...

Qin Li has a feeling that he can't do anything. For his own selfish desires, is it really okay to kill a friend who poses no threat to him...

Just when Qin Li was distracted, Kevin and Nuoer talked about a bunch of messy things again, and then Nuoer suddenly said: "Who are you? I can't feel your spiritual power...Actually, you are a Zerg?"

Kevin smiled: "I'm so sorry, but you found out. Then you're going to die even more."

After the words fell, he quickly drew out his sword and slashed at Nuoer.

"Damn it!" Noel's eyes turned cold, and he also took out the laser sword from the space button, and slashed against Kevin.

The two were on equal footing, and Noel's cheating ult mental power was useless, and the scene soon became stalemate.

When they were in a stalemate, Kevin suddenly winked at Qin Li.

Qin Li's body froze, this was the signal Kevin gave him... It's time for him to do something.

With trembling hands, he took out the hatchet, and Qin Li hesitated.

But for the main task, he couldn't help but have any compassion, and the system's notification sound suddenly sounded.

[Hidden main task [Assassination of the Third Prince] is punished, if the task is not completed within three hours, the experiencer 0001 will become an Omega experience to give birth →_→] "Fake! Did you forget what you said? Didn't you say that this game doesn't support boys? Is it really good to slap yourself in the face so quickly!"

[You are the one! !Obviously, no matter it was the end of the world or any other world, you just stabbed people to death casually, so why are you showing kindness now! !The person you stabbed to death before is crying in the toilet, okay? ] The system couldn't help complaining.

"Damn it!" It was absolutely impossible for Qin Li to let himself have a baby, and he would never fail to complete the task. His hesitation just disappeared in a moment.

I have to say that this guy is really a scumbag when it comes to his own interests...

"I'm sorry... I will burn incense for you when I finish the task." Qin Li muttered silently, then turned the hatchet into the shape of a cold gun, turned his head to one side, and carefully pressed the switch.

There was only a sound of 'ding', and the cool bullet with spiritual power was actually blocked by Nuo Er's powerful mental power.

Qin Li turned his head slowly, and saw that Nuoer had been restrained by Kevin's saber just now because he was distracted to deal with the bullet. He was looking at Qin Li with a complicated expression, his body trembling slightly .

"Why..." Noel gritted his teeth.

"I'm sorry." Qin Li apologized. It's useless to say anything else now, so he had to tell the mission, "Actually, I am also an undercover agent sent by the Zerg."

"..." Noel was silent for a while.

"You can get rid of him." Kevin said, "The queen's mission must be completed by you."

In fact, how would she know who killed it! !Qin Li didn't want to do it himself, so he moved over in small steps, hoping that time would stop right now.

"Here you are." Kevin handed the other saber to Qin Li, with a complicated look on his face. He wanted to kill his love rival, but seeing Qin Li struggling (?), he didn't quite Be happy.

"..." Qin Li took the saber, but he couldn't move his hands. The previous time almost exhausted all his courage, and now he doesn't even have the strength to raise the sword.

" want me to die." Noel suddenly said, he lowered his head and said, "Then it doesn't matter if I die..."

"I'm sorry..." Qin Li apologized again.

"It doesn't matter...I should have died long ago anyway." Noel sighed, "After I killed so many people..."

The hand suddenly moved by itself, Qin Li lowered his head, and saw the end of Nuo Er holding the sword, aiming at his heart, and said softly: "Do it."

At that moment, the surrounding scenes seemed to freeze suddenly. Qin Li's hand unconsciously exerted force, and he saw the tip of the sword buried in the opponent's chest bit by bit.

When the wind rang again, his hands were already covered with blood.

Throwing the saber to the ground, Qin Li felt a tightness in his chest, and suddenly there was a stabbing pain in his mind, and Qin Li couldn't help but knelt down on the ground.

"What's wrong with you?" Kevin hurriedly supported him.

Qin Li firmly grasped Kevin's arm, scenes of pictures flooded into his mind, they were all Noel's memory, after all the memories like a slide show, the boy's voice was in his mind sounded.

...that way, we will become one...

"It's okay..." Qin Li wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and waved his hand.It's just an extra memory... He's not insane yet.

"That's good." Kevin breathed a sigh of relief, "Then it's my turn to do the task."

In short, after the plots of idol dramas and horror movies, it has developed into historical dramas... Qin Li and Lin Juncheng are going to meet His Royal Highness the Queen.

Lin Juncheng's mission is to kill the queen.

Although Noel couldn't sit on the throne because of his black history, he still bears the identity of the queen's only son + Alpha, so he was targeted by the Zerg, and the queen, a weak Omega, was also the target of assassination by the way.

As for the emperor or something, they can kill it.

Walking in the corridor of the palace, Qin Li was already dazzled, he tried to remember the way out 10 minutes ago, but now he has completely given's too difficult...

"By the way, I want to tell you." Kevin said suddenly: "Actually, we are just acting as humans now...don't get too involved, all humans are our enemies. There is no need to regard them as friends."

Qin Li: "..." Actually, your past was also personal, okay? !He is still a very ordinary high school student who is rich, rich and handsome, and has a very bloody background of divorced parents...

I don't know how Kevin got in, and I don't know how he memorized the map of the palace. In short, the two walked outside the Queen's bedroom like this. They didn't meet the guards along the way. They are said to be other spies of the Zerg. The shift time of the guards was slightly changed so that people could assassinate them.

It is so easy to sneak in spies, why is this country not finished yet! !This idea suddenly appeared in Qin Li's mind.

The Queen's cry suddenly came from the dormitory, "Poor child, I am your real mother."

The cold boy's voice sounded: "I don't know any queen."

Qin Li: "..." What kind of development is this?That voice was obviously Roy!

Qin Li stopped Kevin and whispered, "Let me hear what she has to say..."

Maybe the queen distracted the guards and maids around because she wanted to say something messy about privacy, and it just happened to take advantage of Qin Li and Kevin.

The queen narrated an amazing story of dog blood, and the value of dog blood has broken through the sky.

It turned out that 17 years ago, the former queen died of an illness caused by her husband's flirtatiousness, leaving behind two sons who are not Alpha.Then the emperor's mistresses wanted to compete for the queen's position.

The women who can become the emperor's mistress are not ordinary women, many of them are of noble background, and the current empress happens to be in the same position among them.

But she had an advantage, that is, she was already pregnant at the time, and as long as she gave birth to an Alpha son, the queen position would most likely be hers.

Unexpectedly, a few months later, the child born was actually an Omega, and was found to be infertile. Even if such a child reaches the court, it will only have a fate of being rejected.

Just at this time, another mistress of the emperor also gave birth, and the child was an Alpha.It just so happened that the mistress was an unlucky commoner woman, she didn't even know that she was pregnant with the emperor's seed, and then the queen asked someone to silence her, carried the child over, and finally sat on the queen's position smoothly.

But her real child, that unlucky Omega, was sent away by her just in case.

Qin Li: "..." I fell into a big trough, what kind of setting is this.

When it comes to infertility, it suddenly breaks away from the high-level painting style of interstellar literature, okay! !And why is there such a bloody child-changing stalk in the background of the future? Are you treating the high-tech background as a display! !Is that all right? !

And why do you have to send the child away and find someone to take care of it? !Hey, such a person can be a queen...

And that unlucky Omega, it's no surprise that it's Roy... If it's not him, eat Xiang!

"System, I beg you, can you give me all the plots of the original work?!" Qin Li really wants to see what the plot of this dog-blooded text in the skin of a future interstellar ABO is...

[The matter is not considered a spoiler until now, and it doesn't matter if I give it to you.I just have to pay [-] points o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ】"Ten thousand points is [-] points." Qin Li said bluntly.

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