Yanjing City is a very busy city no matter what time of day, even if it is only after [-] o'clock in the morning, on this morning when the climate is suitable, the roads in the whole city are full of cars and people.

Because of this, when Qi Xuan sent Lotte to the student gathering place of Xiehe University, it was already around 07:30 in the morning, only a few minutes away from the [-]:[-] meeting time arranged by the school.At the gathering place that had already been determined, many students had already gathered at this moment.Everyone gathered in their own class according to the temporary signs inserted on the ground.

Le Tian didn't let anyone take him with him. When he got off the car, he said goodbye to Qi Xuan directly. He agreed that when he went to bed at night, he would find time to go back to see the other party and the child. Afterwards, he carried a big backpack that contained a lot of things. Find out where your class is located.

In modern society, although there are many boys who can dress up, there are not many naturally handsome guys, handsome guys with temperament, and handsome guys who are over [-] from every angle.Lotte has indeed restrained the temperament and brilliance he brought after his cultivation, but with the skeleton and genes there, it is difficult to think whether he is handsome or not.

So, Qi Xuan, who was about to watch Letian find his class before leaving, was speechless to see this scene-everywhere Letian passed by, both boys and girls stopped to look at him.

The expression was either stunning or jealous, and of course, he was also speechless!

After Le Tian went all the way, the originally bustling venue was almost silent.

Maybe these people who paid attention didn't realize that the people they watched were relaxed at first, but as the number of people watching each other increased, they couldn't move forward.

"Hehe!" Qi Xuan laughed lightly.It was at this time that he saw Letian reach a point and stood down. "It seems that I found it, baby, I wish you a happy college life."

"Hey! Classmate, did you go to the wrong place?" Lotte had just confirmed his class, when he was patted on the shoulder by a tall boy who looked very burly. By visual inspection, this kid is over 1.8 meters five, right?From the strength with which the opponent slapped him just now, this person seems to be able to do a little bit of kung fu, feel it carefully, well, the tall boy in front of him actually has the mid-term Ming Jin skill.

This kind of skill may not be compared with Lotte, but in modern society, at this age, he is definitely a genius.

"Hello." Letian greeted each other with a smile.He knew that the other party didn't mean anything malicious, at most, he might just be a little displeased with his 'dazzling', "Oh!...the teeth are so white." The burly boy was almost blinded by the happy smile, and quickly took two steps back, He patted his chest and said, "Brother, don't bring such a thing." It made him think that there was something wrong with his sexuality.

"Haha." Le Tian laughed.This smile made people feel his easy-going, optimistic and sunny, and instantly made the few boys around who were watching the situation relax their vigilance.

"Hey? You're not the Lotte in our dormitory who didn't come out until after a long time, are you?" A tall and thin man stepped out from among the boys, measuring 170 and [-] centimeters by visual inspection.

Le Tian looked over, and immediately felt that he had come to the right place. This Xiehe Medical University is really hiding its secrets.If he was an ordinary person, he might not know it, but now he can see the young man in front of him at a glance. Although he looks thin, he is not fragile in his bones. Even if he is not as strong as the bright classmate just now, he is definitely not inferior.Furthermore, this person still has a faint smell of traditional Chinese medicine that penetrates deep into the bone marrow. It seems that this person's family and the classmate just now are from a family of Chinese medicine at a glance, and this person should cultivate inner strength.

"Yes, I am Le Tian. Hehe, I'm sorry." Le Tian smiled at the man, "I'm delayed by something ahead."

"It's okay. Haha, you don't need to apologize to me." The tall and thin classmate made people feel his boldness when he spoke, "I'm just curious about you."

ah?curious?Lotte is strange, he just arrived, right?It was also because of her dominant looks, she was too bright just now, other than that, she didn't seem to have done anything worthy of curiosity.

Le Tian's doubts were clearly written on his face. Seeing his silly look, the young men and women who were watching beside him burst into laughter.

The thin and tall man laughed exaggeratedly, and when he finished laughing, seeing that no one else spoke, he said, "Our class is all guessing, who is this Le Tian? You don't know, you didn't come, but It has already offended several notoriously strict professors in our department. Some even threatened to ask you to help with lectures later."


"Haha, don't doubt, I won't tell lies, all the brothers and sisters in clinical classes [-], [-], [-], [-], and [-] here can testify to me."

-_-|||!Le Tian was ashamed, and said in his heart that he really didn't need anyone to help him testify for such a thing.Although he has never been to university in two lifetimes, and he doesn't know what kind of style the legendary professor is, but he can guess the same from what he said on the Internet before.

Looking at it now, it is estimated that as a student, he is very famous among the school teachers.At least everyone knows that they came in through the back door.


"Don't worry, brother, if others want to become a man of the hour, they have to think hard. You didn't come here, so let everyone in our clinical department remember it. However, I heard that you have superb medical skills. Hehe, what are you doing?" If there is a chance, let me take advantage of the favorable location, oh! By the way, sorry, my name is Zhang Wenjing, my family is a Chinese medicine practitioner, and I live in the same dormitory as you. There are two other people in our dormitory. Not here, their names are Zhong Xin and Xia Changfeng."

Le Tian is helpless, he really doesn't want to be a man of the hour.

"Hehe. Don't attack me, everyone. I know how to use acupuncture and moxibustion in traditional Chinese medicine. In fact, it doesn't make much sense at all."

"What's wrong with Chinese medicine? What's wrong with acupuncture?" As soon as Le Tian's voice fell, the boy who had just patted him called out, "I was also born into a family of Chinese medicine, and I never thought Chinese medicine was bad. If Chinese medicine is not good, we in China How can there be so many people now?"

What kind of explanation is this, Le Tian is speechless.Just seeing that boy, he joked, "Student, if you don't tell me, I thought you were born in a martial arts family."

The boy was obviously taken aback, and then he said: "My name is Zhong Wanyu, who in a family of traditional Chinese medicine can't practice the technique of strengthening life? I can also do superficial kung fu, mainly focusing on physical fitness. This is the inheritance procedure of a family of traditional Chinese medicine."

"Well, I know this." Zhang Wenjing raised his hand, "I can testify."

"Hehe, I understand." Letian glanced at Zhang Wenjing.Those eyes made Zhang Wenjing, who was originally smiling, suddenly feel that there was nothing to hide.

Could it be that this guy saw something coming?impossible?Zhang Wenjing murmured in his heart, but looking carefully at the kid in front of him, he looked white and tender, and it seemed that it was not easy.

In recent years, it has been popular for universities in Yenching to go off-campus for military training. Concorde University has a small campus environment and is under the banner of training healthy future angels. Of course, this one has to go.

Therefore, at 07:30, the students were gathered together, and then they were taken to the suburbs.

But halfway, the person in charge suddenly received a call from the principal, and the route was changed.

"Huh? Isn't that right?" There were also local students from Yanjing on the bus, and they also knew the route from the school to the military training site. Now that the route has changed, it is impossible not to discover it. "Did the lead car go the wrong way?"

"Yes, yes, I have seen this route in advance, where is this going?"

"The location has been temporarily changed." The driver in charge of driving the bus said to the back.

Then the people in the car behind looked at each other in blank dismay.In the end, I came to the conclusion that as long as they are not sold, it is the same wherever they go for military training.

However, the freshmen of Peking Union Medical College at this moment would never have imagined that in a few hours, he would cry and want to go back.

Because basically there is one car in one class, and in another car, four boys from a dormitory in Lotte sit together, under the pretense that they are trying to bond with Lotte.So the rare beauties in the class who wanted to get close to handsome guys were also pushed aside.

In fact, in the final analysis, it was Zhong Xin, a foodie student from the same dormitory, with a nose that was comparable to that, and smelled the delicious food in the Lotte backpack, so——

As for beauties, anyone with a normal sexual orientation will have thoughts in the car, but when the beauties are just for their own advantage, no man with a backbone will want to be useless.

When Lotte was in junior high and high school, he was a cheerful and easy-going person.I often mingle with people, but now it's easier. After getting in the car, Zhong Xin, a foodie, said a word and contributed homemade food. Within a few minutes, everyone in the car, including the driver, treated this kid with a friendly face and called him a brother.

Because of this, the people in their car were the first to know that the route of the military training had changed this year except for the students in the car that the person in charge was riding in.

"This year's military training will be more interesting." When Zhang Wenjing learned of where he was going, he immediately lifted his spirits.

"It sounds like you have participated in many military trainings?" Zhong Xin, a student who is just 1.7 meters tall, has a medium build, and wears a pair of gentle glasses. No one knows that this kid is a big eater. The boy, while eating, tilted his head and said, "Could it be that Zhang Wenjing, in fact, is Tianshan grandma, rejuvenated?"

"Fuck off. Brother's face is absolutely fake, every year is eighteen." Zhang Wenjing patted his own cheekily.

"I rely on!"

"Puff haha." Everyone laughed at Zhang Wenjing's appearance.

"Zhang Wenjing." After everyone finished laughing, a class flower in the car said, "I heard that you don't seem to be from Yanjing, but from what you just said, you seem to know where we are going now?"

"Heh." Zhang Wenjing stepped forward, and said with embarrassment, "Master Banhua, you are asking the right person. Who am I? Hmph! If you don't know this, it would be a waste of Yushu like me. Lin Feng, gentle and elegant..."

"Hey! It's okay." Zhong Xin who was still eating hurriedly stopped him, "You are also afraid that the wind will flash your tongue. Before our Le Xiaotian came, you might still be arrogant. Now people sit with you." What about the neighbors. Are you still doing this?"

Zhang Wenjing turned his head expressionlessly to look at the smiling Le Tian, ​​then was stunned for a few seconds, covered his face and said, "I'm not going to live anymore, I'm not going to live anymore, it's too embarrassing, since Shengyu and He Shengliang!"

Zhang Wenjing was a very lively person at first glance, and he made everyone laugh again in just a few words.

However, after everyone finished laughing, he honestly told what he knew.

When I heard that it was estimated that they were going to climb the mountain to go to the training camp like recruits, except for a few who had good physique or special skills, everyone else in the car was not good.

Damn, they're not soldiers, they'll kill people if they come out like this.

Can I ask for sick leave?

sure?First of all, you are sick, right?It's fine if you're in an ordinary university, but go to Peking Union Medical University to ask for a non-existent sick leave?Do you want to fail the military training and fail to graduate?

"Will this be too much?" Hearing the howling students in the car, Le Tian got up and looked at the driver who was entertained in front of him. He knew that their initial route was the same as other universities.

The current route was changed halfway, needless to say, it must have been done by Second Master Qi.well!In this way, his play has been a bit tortuous, but the students who will train with him in the military will be completely reborn.

According to what Zhang Wenjing said just now, if you go to the military camp at this time, you have to be afraid of at least three mountains.

Look at the people in the car now?Even if these are all here to study medicine, Le Tian thinks that few of them will be able to pass the mountain smoothly by then.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, a group of vehicles rushed off, and finally arrived at an open space where several large trucks were parked.

What is this for?Many students were asked to get out of the car with naive and inexplicable faces.

Then, under the order of the teacher in charge, they quickly stood up in the open space. After everyone stood up, they were told that the mountain in front of them would be the only way they had to go to the barracks.

Oh buy Reddy Gaga!

that mountain...

/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ Parents, can I change schools?

"Okay, don't quarrel with the students in each class. This is a rare opportunity to exercise us. After the exercise is completed, credits will be added. Now assign instructors. After the instructors are assigned in a while, there will be 20 troops from the army. A number of soldiers escorted you all the way to arrive. I hope you will cherish the next 21 days and try to show the best side of our Union Medical University." The underlying meaning is not to embarrass the school. "In addition, on the afternoon of September [-]th, we will pick you up here to return to school. Well, dear students!"

Is it okay not to cherish it?Do you want to take it with you?

Seeing a certain head teacher who brought everyone here, led the instructors of each class, greeted the soldiers on the side in a chic way, got on the bus, and then the bus drove away slowly.Thousands of students, 80.00% showed a pitiful and wronged side.

"Hello, everyone." Seeing a group of more than ten buses disappearing on the curve, a tall soldier came over with a smile and greeted everyone. "Welcome everyone. From today until you leave on September 30th, I believe that we will get along very well."

can you?A girl opened her teary eyes and asked pitifully.

The answer he got was only the white teeth of the soldier grinning.

"Assign instructors now." After a pause, the big soldier shouted at a group of soldiers not far away, "I have everything, hurry up, we must dare to reach the camp before the sun goes down."

"Yes." The group of soldiers replied imposingly. Although there were only a few of them, the voice felt like the entire mountain stream was echoing, shaking some people's hearts.

"Hey? Why aren't we here?" Seeing that everyone had assigned instructors, the students in Class 06 of Clinical [-] couldn't bear it anymore, and all stretched their necks to look around.

Letian glanced at the soldier who had spoken before. The other party seemed to be waiting for someone, and frequently looked at his watch.

About 3 minutes later, the instructors in other classes finished introducing themselves, and a jeep came quickly from the mountain road.

The soldiers who had been waiting hurried up to greet them.

Soon the students noticed a military green jeep parked on the road not far away, and a young man got out of the car.But the soldier who looked like an officer gave him a military salute.

"Could this be our instructor?" Someone in the class couldn't help but ask.

"This instructor is so young!" A girl's eyes lit up, "So handsome."

pit!The boys in clinical class one just feel depressed.A happy day is enough for the boys in their class to feel so depressed that they want to cry. How come a young and handsome instructor was transferred to the military training.

"Excuse me, classmate, I'm Qi Chuyang." Soon the young man said goodbye to Da Bing and walked over, then smiled gently at the people in the first clinical class, and said, "From today, I'm Qi Chuyang." You are a 06-day instructor for 21-level clinical general."

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