Rebirth of reverse life

Chapter 56 Foundation Establishment Successfully

"Boom——" The sound of an ancient clock as heavy as a thousand catties being struck came from a huge furnace in front of Le Tian. Le Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged in front of the furnace, suddenly opened his eyes. At that moment, if someone was here , you will definitely find that this pair of eyes are as bright as the stars in the sky.And his whole person seemed to have become ethereal.

Following the dull sound that seemed to come from ancient times, the moment Le Tian opened his eyes, a golden aura of arrogance rushed the Nine Dragon Pan cloud cover weighing a thousand catties up several feet high, and then hundreds of Light spots of different colors flew out of the hot furnace one after another.

Le Tian, ​​who has been paying attention to this side, did not hesitate at the moment, and threw out the several palm-sized jade bottles that he had prepared earlier, and then continued to manipulate his consciousness to control the jade bottles to hold those light spots of different colors .

As the light spot factor was filled in the jade bottle, the lid of the alchemy furnace, which was originally lifted by the aura of arrogance after alchemy, also slowly flew back to its original position.

Le Tian withdrew his consciousness, looked at several jade bottles containing various pills, and flew to him in unison, following his will, and then neatly landed on the one he had just pulled over from behind. On the table, let out a breath of foul air.

"It's done!" Smelling the strange fragrance that was close at hand, even if I didn't believe it, I had to believe it!Le Tian looked at the nine white and fat jade bottles in front of him. Although he tried his best to restrain himself, he still smiled instantly. "Hehe! This great immortal is really talented! He completed the task perfectly the first time! Is this Jiufan Furnace Opening Pill nothing more than that!" Before the herbs were put in, the smell of those herbs was not so fragrant, but I didn't expect to have such a miraculous effect after being refined with Sanwei Zhenhuo.

"It smells so good! Maybe you can live a long life if you smell it!" Le Tian said proudly, "Longevity Pill, Guyuan Pill, Yuanyang Vitality Pill, Avoiding Toxin Pill, Huadu Pill, Nourishing Pill, Baotai Pill , body refining pill, marrow washing pill. Haha, although they are all just Fandan, as the jade slips say, because they are all refined from the real fire of spiritual energy, they are already out of the 'fan' Category... At first, I was thinking about using this to earn some extra money... Uh! Forget it, if this is really taken out, if the effect is too good, it is estimated that even if he has entered the middle stage of foundation building, he has really embarked on the cultivation Road, the life expectancy is said to be 250 years old, but he will also be guilty of this heaven-defying thing! Since we will live in the world in the future, it is better not to be too arrogant! Money matters, we There is plenty of time now, and you can earn money slowly. This elixir is still for those who are destined."

"I actually said that a good quality longevity pill can instantly make an octogenarian 30 years younger. I don't know if it's true?" Le Tian held the jade bottle of the longevity pill and thought, "There seem to be many old ladies in Qixuan's family. Although they don't look very old, it can still be seen that they are not young. If you give it to them, they will like it, right?" Uh! -_-|||!Why did he think of the Qi family all of a sudden! "My lord is really depraved! There is no cure! I don't know how long I stayed in the space, maybe that pervert Qi Xuan has found someone else... Well, don't think about it, don't think about it, Anyway, it was planned, it depends on fate! If that guy still treats him like he was in prison, he will accept the other party. If not..., what should I do!

The head of someone who was terribly frightened just now pulled his head down like a deflated balloon.

"Qi Xuan, do you still remember me?" Le Tian looked at the rows of pills in front of him, and said weakly, "If you don't remember Master Le, the treasures that Master Le gave to beggars would not be given to you. gone."

Back in time—.

Half a year ago in the space, a certain person who was once trapped by love, and finally realized that he really couldn't control his little head and heart, decided that after he succeeded in building the foundation, he would let his feelings break down to comfort himself back.Resolutely entered the training period.

Then after I don't know how long I worked hard, I finally reached the peak of Qi training, and then with the help of a bowl of foundation building soup, very lucky, I succeeded in building the foundation in one fell swoop, and jumped into the Qi training stage from the early stage of foundation building. In the middle stage of foundation building.

Perhaps this magical space also has a space god. After Lotte successfully built the foundation, the space god thanked this kid for his extraordinary luck.Give him a prize.Turned his small hut into a big tile-roofed house, and expanded it by the way.

For example, the living room has become wider, and the structure of the house has become more classical; the study has become more formal.

It's a pity that this kid slept on the main floor for so long, so a bedroom with a bathroom and a living room was added next to the study.

Hey, don't think that previous cultivators didn't need a bedroom to rest.Think about what is the purpose of cultivating truth, isn't it all for having more time to enjoy.

A large bedroom is divided into two parts by a two-meter-high golden wooden carved screen.

The former part is a small living room composed of table, couch, cupboard, round table, round stool, etc. The latter part is composed of a two-meter-wide bed with exquisite carvings and a row of dragons and phoenixes presenting auspicious and auspicious clouds. The bedroom consists of a private bathroom.

That furniture, even a bumpkin like Lotte, can tell that it is definitely a good thing.

Naturally, it goes without saying that the thick fur of an unknown animal is placed on the couch, the gauze bedcover hanging on the bed like clouds and clouds, and the beautiful quilt on the bed.

The bed that was taken from the prison and thought to be of good quality was thrown on the bed, it was like a small farmer accidentally breaking into the territory of a big noble.

However, it’s okay to see these.For Letian, what attracted him the most in the bedroom was the large wardrobe of fur coats and all kinds of golden silk protective clothing!

Needless to say, the golden silk body armor that requires a drop of blood to recognize the owner, you look at the classic shape of the man, and the elegant feeling is that a man can’t stand the temptation. Later, I learned about this thing through the jade slips. Don't look at the thinness, but it is invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire!It is said that it is impossible for someone to poison you through your clothes.

tsk tsk!

Well!But as a small citizen, Le Tian still prefers those fur coats compared to the low-key golden silk clothes that are almost used as underwear!

Although he didn't know the quality of fur, but the dozen or so fur coats in the cabinet were blood red as fire, white as snow, black and bright as obsidian, etc., they were really luxurious and made him dizzy!

No wonder it was hidden and not taken out before!It is estimated that if he takes out one of these things casually, he will have no worries for the rest of his life!

Other places have been expanded. As another hobby of most immortals, the kitchen, where food is produced, will naturally not be left behind.

The kitchen, which was originally only about ten square meters, has now become at least thirty square meters.There are many more cabinets where things can be placed, not to mention, the cabinets are also filled with pots and bowls of gold, silver and jade.

Well, now you don't have to worry about not having enough pots and bowls!

The storage room was also opened. Behind the kitchen, a door was opened. Walk over and have a look. The area inside is at least two hundred square meters.

It’s just such an area, when Le Tian was surprised for a long time, when will he be able to fill such a large space?

In addition to the storage room with its open door, there is another door opposite the kitchen door.Opening this door, inside is the arrangement of the alchemy room that Le Tian has been thinking about for a while.

Then, in the jade slip on a table in the alchemy room, Le Tian also re-recognized space.

It turns out that this space is not a constant layer, in order to help practitioners improve their cultivation at any time.This space will change with the different skills of practitioners.

As Le Tian knew before, after he built the foundation, he can enter and exit the space anytime and anywhere, and he can take out or put things in the space anytime and anywhere.

Now he has succeeded in building the foundation, because the range of his consciousness has increased, and he can use his mind to mobilize everything within a hundred meters of the house with the formation left by the ancestor.

The simplest thing is, if he wants to harvest the sweet potatoes and potatoes in the yard that he didn't dare to place half of the harvest earlier, and put them in the storage room, it's all a matter of one thought.Lotte later tried it too, and it turned out to be the same.

Of course, if he wants the entire space to follow him into ideas, then his skills must reach the Nascent Soul stage, the Mahayana stage, and so on.

In addition, although food can be stored in other places in the space for about three years outside the time, if you want to really store things for a longer period of time, you must place the food in the storage room or the kitchen.

Regarding the use of the alchemy room and the alchemy furnace, the jade slips explained step by step in great detail.

In addition, the jade slip is like a space encyclopedia, explaining the distribution of space plants in detail according to the needs and hobbies of cultivators.

After listening to it, Le Tian also realized that the space is much larger than he imagined. It turns out that there are only three kinds of animals in the space besides him.

Zijin emperor bee, golden silkworm and silver arowana in the lotus pond.

Leaving aside the Zijin Emperor Bee, Lotte's success in building the foundation so quickly is due to the honey brewed so hard by others; this golden silkworm, as the name suggests, is also a kind of magical silkworm.The silk that is spun is the material of the clothes that are said to be invulnerable to water and fire, and invulnerable to weapons and guns.

As for the silver dragon fish, Le Tian hadn't seen it yet, but Yu Jian told him that it was an extremely delicious thing, which was smuggled from the fairy world by the founder of the Golden Lotus Gate.

However, Le Tian thought, dammit, that fish has been in this space for many years, and I don't know if it has become a spirit. He doesn't expect to be able to eat that fish.

Anyway, Yujian also said that he can raise animals in the space, as long as the animals stay here for three months, that is, three or four days in reality.The quality of the meat will become a top-grade delicacy for mortals, and it is not too much garbage for a cultivator.

Of course, apart from the fact that Lotte takes ordinary things from the outside and makes the space transition slowly, there are actually good things in this space.

After all, many of the legendary cultivators have a good appetite, and even many gods who have become gods can't escape this delicacy.

It's just that many things in the mortal world are cumbersome to cultivators and immortals.

Therefore, the cultivators and immortals naturally have their own delicacies.

The most famous thing in this space is that the patriarch introduced it from the fairy world, and it is said that it is something that only immortals can enjoy.

For example, something called Zijin Rice.

It is said that this thing looks like amethyst-like rice.However, if a cultivator eats this kind of rice, it can increase the aura in the body and slowly repair some hidden dangers in cultivation.

If ordinary people eat a small amount of food, they can beautify their skin, and if they eat it for a long time, it can achieve the effect of rejuvenation.

A cultivator once gave it to an old man who could not practice at home. He only mixed ten grains with his food every day. After five years, the old man would be in his 70s, return to his 40s, and live until his 150th birthday. end.They are all in good health and free from disease and evil.

Similar to Zijindao in the space are Golden Noodles and Yunshan Bailucao.

This golden noodle is similar in color to the cornmeal that mortals often eat, but its nature is the same as that of purple gold rice, it contains spiritual energy, and it is only for cultivators to eat.It is also beneficial for ordinary people to eat it.

The ancients could not eat without tea, and the way of tea has a long history.Naturally, if there is food, tea is indispensable.

Therefore, Yunshan Bailucao tea can be said to be the first favorite of the disciples of the Jinlianmen.Even people who don't like to eat have a soft spot for this tea.

The reason why this Yunshan Bailu grass is called this name is because it comes from a place called Yunshan in the legendary land of immortals.And this kind of tea, although it can be collected at any time at ordinary times, if it can be picked when it has just been baptized by dew, even the gods in the sky will not be able to resist the temptation.

What's even more amazing is that if the Yunshan White Dew Grass is not picked from the dew baptism, then the spiritual energy in the tea will be restrained. From then on, not only immortals can drink this kind of tea, but even ordinary people can also drink it directly.

Naturally, if you want to fully absorb the aura in this tea, you have to brew it ten times.

The jade slips in the alchemy room taught Lotte a good lesson about space.

It may also be that I was too monotonous in the space for a while ago.

For a long time after that, Letian either excitedly ran to pick tea and herbs, harvested purple gold rice, golden noodles, golden silk, or brought back a lot of wild fruits from the mountains.Anyway, just not idle.

He has been busy and busy for several months. The meat in the refrigerator has long since been eaten. After a certain person really does not want to live without meat, he dragged his feet and began to raise funds to open the Nine Dragon Panyunding.

The jade slip also said last time that the Nine Dragons Panyun Ding was built by the first generation patriarch of Jinlianmen, and after many times of tempering, it has already regained its own spirituality.If he does not use it within three years after he successfully builds the foundation, the furnace will be automatically hidden.

Well!Although this thing doesn't seem to be very good now, but people also said that it is because your skill is not good enough. I will give you a high-level one. Can you use it?When your skill increases, the level of this cauldron will naturally increase.

Lotte didn't know if it was true or not, but guessed it was probably true.The patriarch had no reason to lie to him with a little doll.

Then it was another 81 days. Letian finally followed the Jade Slips and succeeded in making the first batch of Jiufan Stove Opening Pills.

On November 2005, 11, a plane arriving in Yanjing from Los Angeles, USA landed at Capital International Airport.

On this plane, Qi Jialan, the helm of the Qi family who had just taken over as the richest Chinese family a month ago, visited China for the first time as the patriarch of the family.

For this reason, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce, among others, have dispatched capable officers with the right to speak in their own departments to greet them in person.

At the same time, Lotte, who stayed in his own space for an unknown amount of time, finally started to pack his bags and was ready to be born!

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