"This is Erjin's yard." Qi Xuan led Le Tian to stand in Erjin's yard.It is different from the situation of some old courtyard houses that Lotte knew in his previous life. It is worthy of being the residence of officials in the feudal period. The houses around here look grand, and the courtyard in the middle does not feel crowded. Not to mention, the main house feels even more There is a kind of majesty.

"The main building sitting north in this yard is now the party hall, and the wing rooms on the left and right are now Yuanshui and the four of them live in." Qi Xuan continued, "The other side rooms are guest rooms. Our residence is in the third courtyard at the back. .Do you want to go there after eating, or go to have a look now.”

"Let's eat first." Le Tian said.It's already [-] o'clock in the evening. Unfortunately, these two cultivators don't have the self-consciousness of cultivators at all, and they treat themselves as ordinary people. Looking at the cold outside, they think that they must be full of food and drink at this time.

"Boss." The two were talking, when two more people came over from the aisle next to the main room.

Qi Xuan looked up at the two of them, and said to Letian, "This is Xu Hu and Zhang Deqing, and now it's just the two of them, together with Xiao Zhou and Xiao Liu whom I saw just now, are managing this yard."

"Oh!" Letian nodded, and then looked at the two burly men wearing thick military coats who had come to the front at this moment, "Hello, brother Xu, hello, brother Zhang."

"Hehe, hello." The man named Zhang Deqing glanced at the brightly smiling Le Tian, ​​and scratched the back of his head nervously.

However, compared to this person's enthusiasm, the person next to him named Xu Hu looked at Le Tian expressionlessly. Even if Le Tian was insensitive, he could still feel the other party's scrutiny, even with a hint of hostility .

Depend on!I didn't offend you, did I?Lotte also looked at each other.Then he said contemptuously in his heart, cut it, how dare he be so arrogant without even a single hint of energy.

Le Tian could feel Xu Hu's number one, and Qi Xuan could naturally feel it too, so he looked away again after looking away.Just one glance made Xu Hu, who was already aggressive, suddenly feel terrified.

"Go and prepare two big cauldrons." Qi Xuan said in a deep voice with his eyes closed. After speaking, he did not give Xu Hu and Zhang Deqing a chance to rest, and directly threw out the two wild animals he had killed before from his space ring. Goats, a few rabbits and a few pheasants. "Skin and fur these things, keep the fur. Call me in the yard when you're done."

"Uh! Yes." Xu Hu and Zhang Deqing responded instinctively, because the cold air emanating from Qi Xuan's body was so scary that they had no time to wonder why Qi Xuan could conjure so many wild animals at once. People, there is only one thought in mind, and that is that the boss is angry.The consequences seem a bit dire.

"Fuck!" After Qi Xuan and Letian left, before Xu Hu and Zhang Deqing could breathe a sigh of relief, Yuan Shui and others also came to the second courtyard. warm wild prey.

"What's going on here?" Xiao Liu asked bluffing, "Where did you get the prey?"

"Uh..." Zhang Deqing looked a little embarrassed, looked at Xu Hu beside him and said, "Yes, the boss conjured it up."

Boss?As soon as Lumen heard this, he hurried forward, and when he realized that these prey were indeed the same as those at noon, they seemed to have just died not long ago, and a certain idea in his heart became more certain.

"Are you offending the boss?" Yuan Shui lifted the bag in his hand to the kitchen, looked back at Xu Hu and Zhang Deqing who were bowing their heads, and said, "You just use the manners I taught you?"

"..." Xu Hu and Zhang Deqing also felt that they were being rude just now, they lowered their heads and did not speak.When they were outside, they were hostile to anyone, and they never concealed it.But today, after all, they are in the old man's house, and that person, regardless of other identities, is the boss who brought him back, and he is also a guest. Since they are guests, as the management staff of the old man's house, they have to know how to adapt.

"Hey! Xu Hu, is that you?" Zhou Runfa, the captain of the courtyard team, and Xiao Zhou, formerly known as Zhou Facai, asked in a deep voice.

"Yes." Xu Hu didn't even evade.He admitted it directly.

"Heh!" Chow Yun-fat laughed, "Okay, you brat, you're so stubborn, what Brother Yuan and I taught you was a fart."


"In that case, I'll give you a chance." Yuan Shui said suddenly, "Forget it tonight, I'll ask the boss for instructions tomorrow morning, if you can beat sister-in-law, you can stay here, if you can't, you Damn, let me pack up and leave." Said that Yuanshui was completely on fire in the end.Not to mention that Lotte's real identity is actually the boss's own son, even as a soldier, if he still violates the rules when there are obvious rules, is this fucking discipline enough?

"Yes." Xu Hu did not refute, because this opportunity was exactly what he wanted.Before he heard that the boss was fascinated by the boy, he felt that the boy was harmful, and wanted to chop the boy off, but he also heard that the boy was very strong, so he had the intention to compete with him.It's just that he didn't expect that not only did he offend the boss tonight, but he also offended Yuan Shui and his captain!

"Okay." Qi Xuan's voice suddenly came from the backyard, obviously not loud, and the other party was not in their yard, but everyone had a feeling that the boss was standing beside them.Even at the beginning, the group looked around nervously.

"I don't need others to worry about my affairs. As a brother, Xu Hu, I will give you a chance. If you can't win, you can follow Lele in the future. Whether you are a driver or a thug, your life will be No longer your own."

"...Yes." Xu Hu hesitated for a moment, then replied sonorously.He knew that this was a chance given to him by the boss, otherwise he might really have to disappear in front of the boss.

In fact, from the moment Le Tian met his gaze, he knew that this seemingly harmless young man really had some abilities.

Now that I think about it, if the other party is really capable, and I can't even see the real situation of the other party, then needless to say, I may have lost.

There is no shortage of cauldrons in courtyards, especially where a group of men like them live.With Qi Xuan's order, Yuanshui, Lumen and other six men worked together to set up two cauldrons at the door of the kitchen, near the courtyard wall.

Then, within half an hour, two wild goats, several rabbits and pheasants became clean meat.

Then, just as Yuan Shui and his party were about to take a break and went to the backyard to call for someone, Le Tian and Qi Xuan walked out from the backyard.

However, in the next scene, whether it was Yuanshui and Lumen who knew Lotte was strong, or the four people headed by Chow Yun-fat, they were completely stunned.

So subversive.A child who looked very weak actually held a wild goat weighing forty to fifty kilograms in one hand, and within three minutes, separated its flesh and blood.

This is not the point, the point is that when the separated goat meat arrives in the basin that has been prepared earlier, it becomes the kind of machine-cut, thin mutton rolls on the market.And it was stacked neatly!

What kind of effort is this?The four of Chow Yun-fat don't think that this is just pure cooking, or you can find a chef to turn a 3-[-] catty sheep into mutton rolls in [-] minutes, and treat the lamb ribs and leg bones as Tofu to cut?

Shocked, shocked!This is simply contempt for them, isn't it?

"Is one sheep enough?" Letian looked up at Yuanshui and his party after finishing.Seeing that except for Qi Xuan, a group of people looked at him blankly, I was very satisfied.

Yes, he did it on purpose.Grandma, do you think he doesn't know?Isn't he just a military ruffian who wants to fight?snort!Even if I know that you soldiers like to use force to teach morality, but I didn't mess with you.Come up and show the face of the young master, what the hell?

Take a look, the young master just wants to let you guys know what it means to be powerful.He didn't have any secret energy, and wanted to fight with the young master, but the young master didn't bother at all.

Lumen is a person who is very good at seeing colors and coming to things, and he can see something at this moment. Seeing that the boss is not obstructing him but still calming down, he knows that this is the boss trying to show his prestige to Le Tian.So when Le Tian asked, he threw out the few pheasants on hand, and laughed while throwing them, "Then don't bother the two masters, sister-in-law, you can also chop the chicken, just eat mutton, It's so monotonous."

Sister-in-law?Lotte was irritated by Lumen's words.But still very responsive.In less than ten seconds, four or five pheasants were divided head to head, body to body, and chicken legs and chicken wings were placed separately.

"Awesome!" Lumen's eyes lit up when he saw the chicken that had fallen into the basin beside him, and his whole body became excited. "Sister-in-law's move is simply too bad!"

"Okay, go and wash the vegetables." Qi Xuan knew that with this move, the boys in the yard were shocked for the time being, but he also knew that Le Tian didn't intend to just let go today, so he said , "Lele, let's stew the mutton. After half an hour, we will have dinner."

"En." Le Tian didn't refute. He glanced at the big pot in the yard and said, "Just cook it in the big pot outside. You can't finish the big pot, so you can save it for the next meal."

"Yes." Qi Xuan nodded, and said to others, "Don't remove the other stove, it will be needed tomorrow morning."

Could it be that there are still prey?A few people on one side thought in their hearts.In fact, according to their thinking, with Lotte's ability, it is definitely easy to deal with a few prey, basically they are not needed, but it seems that the boss is going to use them hard.

After washing a large pot, Letian and Yuanshui went to the kitchen to get the ingredients for cooking.Then, with the fire at the bottom of the pot, stir-fry the chopped lamb bones in a large pot with oil and various spices.In about five or six minutes, seeing that the meat in the pot was almost fried, a large bucket of water was poured into the pot, and the stew began.

If the lamb bones hadn't been stewed for more than a child, the taste would be absolutely unacceptable.At the beginning, everyone didn't think of this, and they didn't think about it until the water was stored in the pot.For such a large pot of water, it will take more than ten minutes just to boil it and roll it twice. If this is the case, how can we serve the meal in half an hour?

However, they soon understood, because within 2 minutes after Lotte put the lid on the pot, the burning wood fire became even more vigorous.After a few more minutes, the aroma of the mutton was stewed out.

After waiting for 5 minutes, when Letian lifted the lid of the pot, everyone found that the mutton in the pot had been stewed, and the thick white mutton soup was not to mention how beautiful it was.

(⊙o⊙)!God, how on earth did this work.This is magic, right?

After another 5 minutes, when Letian told everyone that they could take out the hot pot to serve soup, except for Qi Xuan, the others hadn't reacted from the shock.

However, what shocked everyone was still to come. When Chow Yun-fat went to serve the soup, he found that the mutton in the pot, apart from the meatless and nutritious ribs, even the leg bone had disappeared.

Leg bone, uh, no, is it a lamb leg bone?With a pale face, Chow Yun-fat scooped it up with a spoon, but unfortunately, no matter how he scooped it up, there were no nutritious sparerib bones in the pot, and the lamb leg bones with marrow were all gone.Not to mention the mutton, looking at the white and thick soup in the pot, you know it has melted early.

Amount of mother ah!Chow Yun-fat's soup-filled hands trembled unconsciously.If this really melts the bones of the leg of lamb, then, this must be...

Chow Yun Fat couldn't believe it.At the same time, I was shouting in my heart, it really is the person the boss is looking for, the boss is an old king of Hades, and I found a real little Hades back just by looking for it.

Well!Chow Yun-fat suddenly admired Xu Hu a little. He dared to provoke such a person. If he had made a detour, he would have made a detour.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Deqing and Liu Yong, who were helping to serve the dishes, stopped when they walked behind Chow Yun-fat. Did they read correctly?Why does the captain's body seem to be shaking?Greedy?

"The leg, the leg bone is gone." Chow Yun-fat said to his two soldiers as he straightened up with a hot pot in one hand and a spoon in the other.

leg bone?Zhang Deqing and Liu Yong didn't understand very well.But Xu Hu, who just came out of the kitchen, heard something later, and the plate with vegetables in his hand fell to the ground with a snap.

"No, it can't be melted, can it be melted?" Zhang Deqing suddenly thought, because when he looked at the mutton soup, he knew that it is impossible for normal people to let a pot of mutton stew in only ten minutes. The meat turns into soup.

"I, I think so, yes." Chow Yun-fat didn't want to admit it, but seeing Xu Hu's pale face, he had to admit it.

"Grandma, what are you doing?" Lumen, who had just finished serving two plates of food, came over at this time, seeing the potato chips and the broken plate under Xu Hu's feet, he was not happy at the moment, "Huzi, your uncle, I The potatoes don’t look good, and it’s not like you ruined them.” After finishing speaking, I realized that the atmosphere seemed to be a little off, “What’s wrong with you four, what the hell?”

"Cough..." Zhou Runfa cleared his throat, and after a while he said with an ugly face, "Brother Ming, the bone of lamb leg in this pot is missing, it's gone."

Missing leg bone?Lumen stretched out his head to look at the white, thick and fragrant mutton soup. He didn't realize it at first, but suddenly...

"What do you mean missing?"

"Just, it's gone." Chow Yun-fat emphasized that he believed that Lumen could follow the boss, so he was not an idiot.

Sure enough, Lumen quickly understood, and then his face twitched: "Damn..."

"Hurry up." Yuan Shui shouted from the door of the main room, "The dishes are all on the table, and the hot pot is here. Lao Zhou, hurry up, the boss is urging you."

Chow Yun-fat heard the boss's urging, and the hand holding the hot pot unconsciously shook.As far as the boss's ability was similar to the rumors of martial arts novels, he didn't believe that the boss didn't know the truth now, but the more he thought about it, the more Chow Yun-fat wanted to cry!

The boss and that kid are colluding now, right?This is scaring them timid ones!

"Uh, Tiger." Chow Yun-fat tried his best to calm down, and held the soup in his hand, "Why don't you send it to the boss? By the way, apologize to the sister-in-law?"

"..." It was only at this moment that Xu Hu recovered from the shock.The excitement he experienced that night was no greater than that of others.He even knew that Lotte did it for him in the first place.It's just that he never thought that that young man was so powerful that he was afraid.

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