Xiu summoned Nightmare, carried Du Ze and rode on it.Nightmare neighed, raised its hooves and ran towards the entrance.

By the time we got to the statue, almost everyone was there.The moment Du Ze got off Nightmare's back, his legs were so weak that he almost fell over. Although he couldn't feel the pain because of the undead magic, after doing that posture, his hands and feet were so weak that it didn't look like his own.

Xiu held Du Ze in his arms, letting him rely on him.Because of his aura, no one dared to ask the gloomy lich about Du Ze's strangeness.Xiu's lacklustre eyes scanned for a week, and when he saw the number one Dharma God who was holding the jug and looking drunk, the soul fire in the depths of his pupils flickered slightly.

"Young man, we meet again. I heard about you from Xiao Mi'er, so we all know each other." Antonio shook the flagon and said with emotion inexplicably: "I didn't expect you to be willing. Save these little bastards..."

There seemed to be other meanings in the words of the first Dharma God, Xiu's pale face looked very gloomy under the dim light.Antonio and Xiu looked at each other, and there was clarity in their hazy drunken eyes. "They gave you the certificate, didn't they?"

Xiu did not avoid Antonio's gaze, and nodded slowly: "Yes."

The atmosphere suddenly became a little dignified, and Antonio stared at Xiu with scrutiny in his eyes.Old John and others gathered on Xiu's side calmly, and the gold mercenary team stood in the center, looking back and forth somewhat at a loss.In this threatening atmosphere, Antonio suddenly took several sips of wine and sighed heavily: "Then there is no way."

The first Dharma God stretched out his hand, and Moore and others subconsciously warned, but saw the black flame representing the certificate emerge from Antonio's palm.

"Let's take the old man along too."

Du Ze watched Xiu accept Antonio's voucher silently, then glanced at the gold mercenary team, and suddenly understood something.

Adorable Master: The plan works.

With Antonio joining, they no longer have to struggle to find books or fight for the next level.Antonio is literally an encyclopedia, there seems to be no question he doesn't know about.A group of people who were taken care of by the first Dharma God successfully passed the last level, and what appeared in front of them was no longer a monster statue, but a real sphinx monster.The monster was entrenched on the road, and there was a void behind it.It has the face of a beautiful woman. Seeing Du Ze and others, the monster shook its wings and changed from a prone position to a sitting position.

"This is the last question, and you only have one chance to answer it." The Sphinx said, "What creature walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs at night."

Du Ze almost knelt down, the question of the last level is so simple?Who has never heard of the famous Greek myth, but everyone knows that the answer is "man"!

"I've never heard of this kind of monster..." Rachel sighed, "Is it because I'm too ignorant?"

Enoch said with a sad face: "I think we need a book of Warcraft very much now."

Honey tugged at Antonio's robe. "Does Grandpa know what that is?"

"Xiao Mi'er, grandpa is not omnipotent." Antonio reluctantly opened the jug, took a sip and fell into deep thought.

Seeing everyone's reaction, the stupid and cute readers suddenly realized that this is not on Earth.If he didn't know the answer in advance, this riddle would be really difficult, and he couldn't answer it at all when he heard it for the first time.

Emma hasn't encountered this kind of benefits for traversers for a long time!

"The answer is people."

Everyone looked at Du Ze, the black-haired young man pressed his earphones, showing a strange sense of calm on his expressionless face.

"I think the answer is people."

"You made the right choice."

The sphinx showed a beautiful smile, and then dispersed into gold powder, forming a golden road leading to the distance in the void.Everyone couldn't react for a while, Enoch scratched his head, and asked Du Ze very curiously: "Hey! Brother, how did you come up with the answer?"

Seeing Xiu also looked over, Du Ze just wanted to explain, but at the moment he was about to say something, he realized something and broke out in a cold sweat—he seemed to underestimate this topic too much.

The Sphinx speaks of "choices" rather than "answers."The morning, noon, and evening in the title refer to childhood, middle age, and old age, respectively.On Earth, the answer to this question can only be answered by humans, but he is in another continent at this time; here, no matter whether it is an orc, an elf or a dwarf, it can also be the answer to this question.The answer to this question is no longer unique, so when answering, you should also choose the answer that satisfies the monster the most...?

Seeing that Du Ze had a stiff face and did not answer, Enoch shrugged his shoulders and stopped asking. He habitually ran first, telling the people behind to follow up quickly.

"Let's go, let's go~ I think I can leave this ghost place soon, the thief master's premonition is always accurate!"

Because the boss is in front of you, boy.

The road made of gold powder seems to be slowly dissipating with the passage of time, and Du Ze and others are urged to move forward by the tower again.On the golden road, Du Ze was still thinking about the question just now.Although he chose the best answer by mistake, what would happen if he chose another race as the answer?

--Non-my family, its heart must be different.

At this moment, Du Ze finally realized which race's copy it was.

Whether it is the story of Edward and the climbers who competed with each other, or the copy of the library, the sphinx monster that symbolizes wisdom and knowledge, the most obvious is the last puzzle, all interpreting a sentence : [The human race paid for tolerance and took away learning. 】

The golden glowing road has come to an end, and what is displayed in front of us is a not-so-large reading room.A man with long brown hair was sitting on a soft chair reading a book in his hand, beside a long and slender wooden staff, the crystal ball at the top was emitting soft light.

"There are three things in this world that no one else can take away. One is the food in the stomach, the second is the book that is read into the brain, and the third is the dream hidden in the heart." The man closed the book in his hand with some regret, He turned his head and looked over. "But my dream has been taken away."

The man was not old, but the simplicity and bookishness of his whole body made him look very vicissitudes.

"Welcome to the Hall of Wisdom, I am the human god Sous."

Emma is indeed a copy of the human race... Du Ze looked at the main god of the human race still sitting on the chair, and seemed to have no intention of fighting them.Judging from the previous situation, this boss battle should also be a knowledge quiz?

"Compared to reckless use of force, I prefer to use wisdom to solve things." Sous said: "Fools cannot survive, this is the rule of the Temple of Wisdom. I have tested you enough questions before, and now it is your turn to ask me questions. "

If you fail the question, you can pass the level. Is that what it means?Du Ze suddenly felt that the boss of the Terran dungeon was too amiable, and only when he had been a test taker did he know how happy it is to be a question maker.

"Under the rules, the questions you ask must be understandable to me, have a certain degree of truth or dissemination—or theories that few people know, or widely circulated anecdotes. The most important point, you must I know the answer; for a question that has multiple answers, I only need to answer one."

completely restricted.A certain stupid, cute, speechless chokes. This is unscientific. Every time the protagonist of a YY novel encounters this kind of level, doesn't he always use the omnipotent "Which came first, the chicken or the egg" to trick the opponent?

However, South's rules are not over yet.

"Both sides have 10 minutes to ask questions and answer. You can't discuss, you can only choose three people to ask questions, but..." Sous glanced at Du Ze and the golden mercenary team. "For the sake of the same race, I can give each human race a chance to ask questions, but the others can only remain silent."

Du Zesensen was shocked by the eccentricity of the main god of the human race. Now the human race present includes Antonio, Mier, Bart, Enoch, and him, a total of five people. Although Old John and others can no longer speak, they have Five chances.The main force in this quiz game is Antonio, who has the most profound knowledge.But if the number one Dharma God also fails, Du Ze can't think of anyone else who can come to the rescue except the protagonist Halo Xiu.

Xiu glanced at the crowd, and then said hoarsely to Sous: "Let all races ask questions."

"There are five human races here—"

"No." Xiu interrupted Sous: "There are not just five human races here."

In the first half of Xiu's words, there was still the hoarseness of the undead, but later it turned into a very pleasant young voice.Under the amazed eyes of Enoch and others, the handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes smiled at the main god of the human race: "—and me."

Du Ze felt that Xiu's hand that was holding him became soft and warm, and couldn't help but hide his face. He almost forgot that the cute master had a cheating artifact of bloodline conversion.

"...Well, you will have six chances." Sos stared at Xiu, his eyes filled with complicated light. "Let's get started, who wants to ask the first question?"

At the beginning of Sous's speech, Vera suddenly felt a force that made her lose her ability to speak. She held Alice's hand and looked worriedly at Xiu and his party.The human race present all looked at each other in blank dismay. Bart, a big man, was sweating. For him, it would be better to let him directly fight the main god if he thought of a problem that stumped the main god; Enoch kept scratching his head, as if this You can think of a suitable topic; Antonio and Xiu are the two who seem the most calm, one is meditating while drinking, and the other is meditating while pressing the back of his stupid and cute neck.

Du Ze was equipped by Xiu and began to look through his memory desperately.As a time traveler, after nine years of compulsory education and three years of life in hell for the college entrance examination, at this time he should not let his arrogance slip by.

But all I came up with were some nonsensical brain teasers, how to break them! QAQ Just as a certain stupid moe mourned for all the knowledge it had given back to the teacher, Mier was the first to stand up.The little girl raised her head and told Soth her question, which turned out to be a puzzle.

"There is a god of truth who only tells the truth, and a god of hypocrisy who only tells lies. Behind each of them there is a door leading to the upper realm and the lower realm respectively. You don't know who is the god of truth and who is the god of hypocrisy God, I can only ask one question, how can I know the door to the upper realm?"

I don't know how many times higher than Du Ze's brain teaser, high-end foreign style. A certain stupid man was fainted just by listening to it. However, Sous just smiled and said the answer: "I will ask 'another god Will he say that this gate leads to the upper world?'"

Mi'er didn't expect her puzzle to be solved in an instant, she wrinkled her face and looked a little aggrieved.Mi'er's question seemed to inspire Enoch, and the thief said enthusiastically, "I think of one too. Five people share a cake, and only three cuts are allowed. How can we split it equally?"

"First cut off one-fifth of the cake, and then cut off the remaining four-fifths; stack two two-fifths of the cake together, and finally cut it again."

This time Sous also answered without any hesitation, Du Ze felt Xiu's hand stop slightly, and when he looked over, he found that Xiu seemed a little surprised, as if he had received an unexpected answer.Because it is now in the stage of fighting the boss, it is not easy for Du Ze to ask Xiu.

"Hey, you answered it so quickly? The thief thought about it for a long time." Hearing Sous's answer, Enoch scratched his short hair. "My friend also said that one can be hacked to death with one knife, and then two crosses can be divided among the remaining four hahaha——"

...What a cruel subject!

The first two questions were easily broken by Sous. Seeing that the main god of the human race looked like he was knowledgeable and proud, a certain idiot felt so clumsy.At this moment, Antonio took a deep sip of the wine, then stepped forward and bent down to stroke Mier's hair.

"The puzzles the old man asked are based on Xiao Mier." Antonio exhaled, even though his face was still flushed with drunkenness, his eyes were extremely clear. "There are three gods whose names are 'Truth', 'Falsehood' and 'Arbitrariness'. You don't know which god they are. The God of Truth always speaks the truth, the God of Hypocrisy always speaks lies, and the God of Arbitrary says The true and false words are random. You need to identify who the three gods are, and you can only ask three times the answer is "yes" or "no". Each question can only be aimed at one god. The gods can understand you, but They will only answer you in their own language. Whether it is da, ja in their language, you don't know which is 'yes' and which is 'no'." (Note 1)

After Antonio finished speaking, the surroundings were silent. This question combines "language barrier", "truth and hypocrisy" and "randomness" together.For the first time, Sous fell into deep thought, and Du Ze was in a state of being unaware.

Time passed by little by little, Du Ze looked at Sos nervously, the main god of the human race had already taken out a pen and paper to make a tree list.Seeing that it was almost the stipulated 10 minutes, South showed a smile at this time.

"This is a good question." South sighed: "Even I almost got involved."

South raised his hand, and the paper he wrote spontaneously flew into Antonio's hand.

"Here's my answer."

Antonio read the paper in his hand, then waved to Xiu with a sigh. "The old man can't do anything but help you get here."

Xiu nodded to Antonio to express his gratitude. Du Ze was still thinking hard about the countermeasures. His head hurt from thinking about it, but he still couldn't think of a problem that could defeat the boss.The current situation has begun to turn bad. The most promising No. [-] Dharma God has not been able to solve Sous, and the rest are cannon fodder except Xiu.The big killer like the cute master must be kept at the end. Seeing Bart's helpless gaze, Du Ze decided to let him take the lead first.

Just as Du Ze stepped forward and pressed his earphones, he was suddenly stunned—why did he have to come up with difficult puzzles like Antonio and the others?His biggest advantage is not here, but lies in his status as a time traveler.

——He thought of a question that no one in this world could answer.

Absolutely not.

Sous saw the black-haired young man looking up at him, his expression was so cold that he had no emotion at all.

"Do you know what the essence of this world is?"

The author has something to say:

Author: There are three things in this world that others cannot take away.One is the food eaten in the stomach, the other is the book read into the brain, and the third is the dream hidden in the heart.

Reader: (stares at second point)

Protagonist: (staring at the first point)


Note 1 in the article is "the most difficult logic puzzle in history".

There is a little BUG in the answer, thank you for your reminder [Bow

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