Du Ze stared at his hand, it looked very normal.

"What happened to your hand?" Xiu's voice came from the side. "Been watching hands since yesterday."

Du Ze stretched out his hand, slid his fingers across Xiu's palm, and then bent through the gap between the fingers - he firmly held Xiu's hand, palms together, fingers interlocked.

There is no transparency and no shadow, the penetration seen yesterday is like an illusion.

Du Ze sincerely hoped that it was an illusion, or that the instability of the space caused the situation. After all, his hand was only illusory for a moment when he returned to the rotunda, and it returned to normal before no one noticed.Du Ze found various reasons to reassure himself, but when he thought of the scene he saw in the Time Corridor, the blood in his body suddenly froze.

—you'll never find him!

Will he disappear...

Not being robbed, not being hidden, but really disappearing into this world.

——So what if you become the Supreme God!You are the only god in the whole world!

Du Ze clenched Xiu's hand and blurted out impulsively: "—" Don't climb the tower.

Unable to make sound.Du Ze pursed his lips tightly. He would silence when he told the truth of this world, and he would silence when he told spoilers that would affect the follow-up.The invisible existence showed him silently: you are not the protagonist, you cannot dominate the plot; you are not the author, you cannot edit the plot; you are just a reader, you can only watch the plot.

Seeing Xiu's concerned gaze, Du Ze opened his mouth, and the only thing he could say in the end was: "...We will be on the fifth floor soon."

Xiu probably thought that Du Ze was counting with his hands, so he nodded with a smile. "Well, let's go in and have a look."

Du Ze was led into the gate of light by Xiu. At the moment when he was engulfed by the light, Du Ze was still thinking: Judging from the picture seen in the corridor of time, for his disappearance, Chuang.Shishen is definitely one of the insiders.

He couldn't stop Xiu from becoming a god, so he had to find out the reason for his disappearance immediately.

Before he opened his eyes, Du Ze heard the rustling of the leaves blown by the wind, and he felt that he was stepping on a carpet as soft as a sponge.Du Ze looked down and found that it was a kind of thick, phosphorescent moss, which would sink into it softly when he stepped on it, which was very comfortable.Dots of fluorescent lights danced in the dark night. Du Ze looked up and saw the huge moon in the night sky. He subconsciously glanced at the battery of the earphones. Judging from the battery, it should be morning, and the night should be the setting for this dungeon.

There is a magical light mist all around. Although it is night, everything can be seen clearly.The walls of tall hedges wove out endlessly to right and left, and their place was like the entrance to a hedge maze.There was a sign hanging on the opposite hedge wall, and everyone looked closely, except for Du Ze and Ariel, the others couldn't understand what was written in the complicated and fancy words.

That's Elvish.

[Dear adventurer, this is the fairyland.

You only need to walk to the exit of the maze to reach the kingdom of elves, without doing extra things.

There are certain dangers in the maze, and the equipment in the treasure chest can help you.

Watch out for vines. 】

Du Ze was translating the sign to others, when Xiu heard it, he suddenly asked, "Vine?"

Everyone was at a loss, even Ariel was at a loss.The treasure chest written on the sign was just below the sign, and it had already been opened by the quick-handed Enoch. There was a bow and a barrel of arrows inside.Enoch took out the bow and drew it casually.

"This bow is not as good as my dagger!" Enoch drew another arrow, and was somewhat surprised to find that the arrowhead was made of mercury iron. "Hey! That's a nice arrow."

Among the group of people, only Ariel can use arrows, so I gave the set of equipment to Ariel.Du Ze read the sign again. According to the information on the sign, it is easy to see that this is a dungeon of elves. This time, the God Tower generously showed the way to pass the level, and even provided the equipment kindly. A certain idiot of mine couldn't help but wonder - wouldn't the dungeon maze be difficult this time?

"Moore," Xiu said, "fly up to see the whole picture."

Du Ze has a deep understanding of what the gap is. When he was honestly thinking about the so-called first law of the maze, the cute master has already thought of a quick (cheat) way to pass the level.

Be silly, grandpa can fly~

Moore turned into a dragon and spread his wings to take off.However, the moment Moore flew high, the hedges woven into the maze wall grew violently as if they had been sprinkled with gold dust—the black dragon grew as high as it flew.Maul's dragon flame hit the hedge wall without sparking.There is no need to test it anymore, everyone knows that the hedge wall here is invincible and immune to any attack.

If you can't cheat, you can only pass through the level honestly.

There are no mobs in the maze, and the road is wide enough for ten people to walk side by side.Du Ze stepped on the sponge-like phosphorous moss and walked in the maze surrounded by hedges. Everything in front of his eyes was covered with a hazy halo. If this is not a dangerous tower, this is indeed a very enjoyable thing.All dungeons were relatively easy at the beginning. After walking for a while, they encountered the first fork in the road.

Now is the time to test your character. Just as Du Ze was about to seek help from the protagonist Halo, he saw Ariel suddenly go to the fork in the road and squat down, as if she was observing something carefully.Before the others approached, Ariel stood up excitedly, pointed to a knotted grass by her feet, and gestured to Du Ze in Elven language.

"She said, go to the right." Du Ze translated Ariel's words sentence by sentence: "There is a sign here."

According to Ariel, this kind of knotted grass is a common guiding sign for the elves in the forest, and it is used to tell the later elves what is ahead.Du Ze couldn't help but want to call Ariel a little angel—with a little angel, my mother no longer has to worry about me getting lost in the forest.

Under the protection of the elf princess, they were like visiting the back garden in the elf maze.Every time Du Ze is happy, the Tower of God will always give a stick to a certain idiot to let him know what is the cruel reality.When the group passed the third fork, Xiu suddenly stopped and looked back vigilantly.

Even with the thick phosphorous moss on the soles of his feet, Du Ze could feel rumbling vibrations coming from afar, like a beast that had just woken up and was rushing towards them aggressively.Soon, Du Ze saw He Wei... "Pay attention to the vines".

Du Ze and his little friends were stunned to see the overwhelming vines rushing towards them like a flood breaking a dike.Xiu reacted the fastest, he decisively used the fire magic: "Fire wall!"

Five three-meter-high walls of fire ignited out of thin air. Facing the blazing walls of fire, the vines showed no sign of fear, and passed through the first wall of fire in an instant.Not only did the jumping fire element not cause damage to the vines, but it made the vines inflate even more - the vines can actually absorb magic!Xiuyan noticed this, and he immediately removed the four firewalls behind him to stop the Fire Phoenix from casting spells: "Don't use magic!"

The vine rushing to the front rolled towards everyone like a long tentacle, and the fire phoenix screamed. It grew wings, and the scattered feathers were like sharp knives, cutting the attacking vine into pieces.Under everyone's amazed eyes, the severed vines immediately sprouted new spikes, almost recovering without gaps.

More and more vines came up, because of the site, Moore couldn't turn into a dragon, so he could only stretch out his right claw to tear the twisting plants.Under the joint attack of everyone, more and more vines were cut off and fell to the ground, almost piled up into a hill, but the attack of the vines did not slow down at all-everything they did was like pouring a cup of water into the ground. The transfer of water from the sea to other places is as futile and ineffective.

Du Ze was being repaired behind him, he thought of the reminder on the sign at the entrance of the maze, is it really necessary to use the equipment provided by the tower at this time?But Du Ze saw that although the arrows shot by Ariel could break through the vines and go deep into them, it was the same as they used their swords to cut, the vines quickly reunited after being broken.Unable to use magical attacks, physical attacks are nearly ineffective, and the vines in front of him are incredibly powerful.Du Ze even suspects that this is a must-escape level set by the tower. Chasing battles in the maze or something, just thinking about it feels cruel.

Ariel was careless, and almost slipped when she stepped on the ground and the juice from the vines flowed out.Enoch hugged Ariel, who was about to fall, and used Apparatus to avoid the attack of the vines.Seeing that they had nothing to do with the vines on the opposite side, and they would enter a vicious circle if they continued to consume them, Xiu issued an evacuation order. After he and Rachel broke off, let the others escape first.Just as Du Ze was about to turn around, a vine about the thickness of a wrist leaned over under the cover of a dead plant, grabbed a certain stupid ankle and lifted it up.


Du Ze only heard Xiu shouting halfway, a vine hooked his earphone cable and pulled it, and ran away after embezzling his private money.Du Ze, who couldn't live without the earphones, quickly grabbed the vines that were about to retract, and was pulled into the arms of the vines.Countless vines surrounded Du Ze from all directions, and they were tightly wrapped around Du Ze's body. The slightly rough skin rubbed against the skin, causing a tingling sensation.Du Ze was dragged deep by the vines, he wanted to struggle, but his whole body was tightly wrapped by the vines, there was no room for struggle or escape.

A ray of light split the vines above Du Ze, Du Ze looked up and found that Xiu also rushed into the vines.Regardless of the vines surrounding him, Xiu cut off all the vines on Du Ze's body with a stern expression. He reached out and grabbed Du Ze's hand to pull Du Ze out.However, the juice from the vines dyed Du Ze all over his body, and the greasy juice made Du Ze's hands slipperier than fish, and Xiu let Du Ze's hands slip out just a little carelessly.

The recovered vines were about to wrap Xiu, and Xiu had to remove the surrounding vines again.Du Ze tried his best to get rid of the vines and moved towards Xiu, when another vine wrapped around his waist and pulled him back.Du Ze waved his hands subconsciously, but accidentally grabbed a green fruit and pinched it almost reflexively.


The wildly dancing vines suddenly began to tremble as if they felt great pain, and finally hung down softly and began to wither.The people outside looked at the suddenly dead vine in astonishment, they didn't have time to think about it, and quickly pulled Du Ze and Xiu out of the deep vine.

Enoch asked curiously, "What happened?"

"There is a fruit inside, it should be their weakness." Xiu only explained, and went to check on Du Ze's situation.

At this time, Du Ze was in a terrible state of distress, his whole body was covered with vine juice, although it wasn't unpleasant or even a little sweet, but the slippery smell made people feel very weird.The Fire Phoenix tried to land on Du Ze's shoulder, but his foot slipped and he fell straight down.Du Ze glanced at the cute pet silently, then found a hidden place, and couldn't help but pull up his clothes to have a look.Xiu, who came over, saw Du Ze's back scratched by vines at a glance. The bright red streaks were messily printed on his fair skin. It looked like he had been abused, revealing a kind of Strange color and fragrance.

Xiu couldn't help stretching out his hand, wanting to caress Du Ze's back, but at this moment the still vine suddenly made a strange noise.

Du Ze pressed the red marks on his stomach, some places were worn out, and it was itchy and painful when pressed.His earphones had seeped water and fell into a strike state. It wasn't until Xiu patted him on the shoulder that Du Ze realized that there was something wrong around him again.A group of porcelain figures crawled out from the withered vines—if it wasn't for their realistic expressions, Du Ze would have thought they were a bunch of handicrafts rather than a group of creatures.Each porcelain figure is about half a meter tall, and when they see people outside, they start to cry and talk while crying.

Seeing that Du Ze didn't wear earphones, Xiu knew that Du Ze couldn't hear him, so he wrote in Du Ze's hands: [They said they were porcelain men caught by vines and asked us to send them home. ]

It seems to be a branch plot arranged by the tower. According to the porcelain man, their home is in front, so it shouldn't seem like a lot of effort.

After everyone simply arranged their clothes, a group of people set off with the porcelain man.However, as soon as they got on the road, they realized how troublesome those porcelain men were.Porcelain figurines are only half a meter tall, and their walking speed is appalling. They can't run yet. As fragile porcelain figurines, if they hit something while running, they will shatter into pieces.Xiu summoned the group of cute pets, originally thinking that the pets would carry a group, and each of them would carry two more away, but once they picked up the porcelain figure, they realized how heavy the seemingly fragile porcelain figure was.

Due to the above reasons, the speed of a group of people was severely slowed down, and it took them half a day to reach the next fork.At this time, the problem came again, the sign made by the elf told Ariel to go to the right, but the china man said their home was on the left.

Du Ze looked at the group of pitiful porcelain people, they had already come here, and it would be fine to send them off for a while.And maybe this is a side quest, sending this group of porcelain people home may be able to get props and information to deal with the dungeon boss.

So Du Ze and his group walked to the left, and after taking a rest, they finally arrived at the home that the porcelain man said after a day.The group of china people happily thanked them, and then disappeared without a trace with their family.

This is... gone? !

What about rewards!They received nothing but a good person card!It's been so long, why don't you treat them to a drink, bastard! =dish=

The empty grass in front of them seemed to be mocking them, no matter how much resentment they had, it was useless, and the group of people could only go back the same way.It took Du Ze and others half a day to return to the side road. After walking a few steps, there was a familiar vibration from the ground, and the vines appeared again.

"Destroy its fruit."

Compared with the embarrassment last time, the group of people who learned about the weakness of the vines were much calmer this time.The fruit grows in the depths of the vines and must be attacked with long-range weapons. The bow and arrow provided by the tower of God reflected its value at this moment.Ariel aimed at the green fruit in the depths, and the vine withdrew its branches as if sensing a crisis, protecting the fruit layer by layer.

The elf princess let go of the bowstring, and the arrow pierced through dozens of layers of vines, piercing the fruit exactly and bursting it.

All the vines became stiff as if the pause button was pressed, and then limp and withered.Just as Du Ze and the others were about to move on, a group of porcelain men climbed out of the fallen vines again.History began to repeat itself, and those half-meter-tall gadgets cried and begged for repair to send them home.

Xiu pondered for a while, and then took the porcelain man again, as if he wanted to confirm the result again.

As a result, they received yet another good guy card.

Everyone silently watched the porcelain people disappear together with their families. In order to send these porcelain people home, they once again staggered the correct path.Before Enoch could complain, the vine appeared again.I don't know if it's an illusion, but Du Ze always feels that the vines are much bigger this time than when he first saw them, and each vine is about two feet wide.Ariel immediately drew the bow, found the fruit and shot the arrow.

"call out--"

The arrow pierced through the vine branches protecting the fruit, and lost its strength at the moment it was about to stab the fruit.Ariel's eyes widened in surprise. She had used all her strength for that arrow just now, but she couldn't penetrate the vine—the green plant seemed to be twice as hard as last time.

"Give me the arrow!"

Xiu caught the quiver thrown by Ariel, and Qianbian turned into a bow of life in his hands. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and when he opened them again, the sky blue eyes were replaced by emerald green.The elf with long silver hair drew the bow and let go of his fingers almost at the moment of aiming.


The vines fell tremblingly, shriveled and shriveled.Seeing the previous situation, everyone understood what this meant: the vines were getting stronger and stronger.

Enoch glanced at the vines, then focused his attention on Xiu. He circled the silver-haired elf excitedly: "Hey, you've transformed back again! Is this illusion or martial art? Teach me."


Xiu looked chilled, Du Ze looked at the cute master with fear, the elf Xiu was not as easy to talk to as the human Xiu, a certain stupid Meng was afraid that Xiu would raise his bow and shot that dangling fool right through.I don't know if it's because stupid people have stupid blessings, but before Xiu had time to kill second-hand goods, another group of porcelain men appeared in front of everyone, instantly pulling away the cute master's hatred.

Facing the crying porcelain figure, Xiu just glanced at it, then turned and left indifferently.

"The vines are scary, don't leave us—"

"Please help me, take us home—"


The cries of the porcelain men gradually faded away, and Du Ze even heard a few crisp sounds, as if the group of panicked porcelain men were trying to run towards them, but accidentally fell and broke.These voices are mixed together, making people extremely uncomfortable.

"Don't think too much." As if sensing Du Ze's suppressed mood, Xiu said, "That's a trap."

Du Ze knew that all of this was arranged by the Divine Pagoda, so he just felt depressed and had no choice against Xiu.

At the entrance of the maze, the sign on the tower reads: You only need to walk to the exit of the maze to reach the kingdom of elves, and you don’t need to do anything extra.

At this moment, Du Ze finally understood what the "extra things" meant. Judging from the previous situation, the porcelain man could not bring benefits to those who climbed the tower, and it was very time-consuming and unnecessary to send the porcelain man home. pleaser.If the porcelain man is sent back under such conditions, it is only due to a kind of enthusiasm for helping others.

According to Du Ze's usual practice, he would definitely be willing to send those little guys back, but this is not a place where people will be praised for doing good deeds. If you follow the way, you may even invite death - the rules are red.Nakedly implying that the climbers ignore the porcelain man. If the climbers spend time on "superfluous things", stronger and stronger vines and fewer and fewer arrows will make the climbers sleep forever in this.

It really deserves to be a rule, it's worthy of being... a dungeon of elves——that beautiful race gave enthusiasm and took away the magic shot.

When returning to the previous fork in the road, Xiuyin lost consciousness after changing his form.Moore carried Xiu on his back, and they set foot on the right path again according to Ariel's guidance.It is always night in the elf illusion. Although the scene in front of him is still as dreamy as ever, Du Ze just wants to pass through this maze quickly so as not to feel so depressed.

A day later, before Xiu woke up, they were attacked by vines again.From the first two days to one and a half days to the present day, the intervals between vines appearing are getting shorter and shorter.Compared with the vines I saw for the first time, the vines at this time not only became thicker, but even began to grow sparse spikes on them.Ariel was at a loss with the bow and arrow. Although she could aim at the fruit, her strength was not enough to break through the current vines.Moore, Old John and others are just the opposite. Although they have strength, it is really difficult for them to shoot the fruit that changes its position all the time.

Therefore, a group of people chose a more adventurous method. Moore took the initiative to rush into the group of vines. At the moment he was surrounded by vines, he instantly turned into a dragon shape and opened up the surrounding vines.Rachel and Old John took the opportunity to clear the gap, allowing Ariel's arrow to pierce the deep fruit.

The third round of vines was solved without any risk. Du Ze and his team left the place immediately before the Porcelain Man came out to ask them for help. half a day later.On the way, Xiu finally woke up. He quickly sorted out the situation, then took Ariel's quiver and carried it behind his back.

With the cute lord in charge, Du Ze immediately felt much more at ease. When he saw the ferocious cute lord, he solved the vines in the fourth round with just one face-to-face.At that moment, a certain idiot finally realized what kind of nemesis the elf-shaped repair was for vines with long-range weaknesses.

The cute master has completed a double kill; the cute master is doing a big kill.

Even though the frequency of vines appearing has been shortened from half a day to hours, even if the vines have been strengthened to the point where they have spikes all over their bodies and their juices are acidic, they still can only sink into the tragedy of getting their lunch as soon as they appear, Lian Xiu The land before ten meters cannot be licked.

The vine said that it was a mighty and majestic man at the beginning, until its knee... oh no, until it got an arrow in the fruit.

They finally walked out of the maze when the cute master was super god.The scene in front of him was exactly the kingdom of elves that Du Ze had seen. On the opposite side of them, a huge lake surrounded the tree of life.The wind blew through the leaves and made a rustling sound, like an invitation to them-obviously, that was the end of the elf dungeon.

Enoch and the Mozu sisters had never seen such a beautiful place before, and they were stunned for a while.The tower of the gods completely simulated the kingdom of elves, and Ariel seemed to have returned to her own home, and soon led everyone to find the wooden house of the elves on the tree.There is everything in the wooden house, except that there are no living people. It seems that the tower is just a scene.

After running around in the maze for so long, everyone was tired, and each found a wooden house as a resting point.Du Ze naturally shared a room with Xiu, and he also felt very tired. Every time he killed vines, there would always be porcelain people asking them for help.The first rejection was unbearable, the second rejection was guilt, the third, fourth... soon became numb and learned to ignore.

All kinds of information filled Du Ze's mind, about the tower, rules, and creation.Shishen...Even if he felt tired, Du Ze didn't want to lie down on the bed to rest. He was in a daze for a while, and then walked out of the wooden house.

The huge moon almost filled the entire night sky. After staying in the environment of Yongye for a long time, the time became a little confused.Just as Du Ze sat down on the branch, he heard someone approaching him.Even without looking back, Du Ze knew it was Xiu.

The branch trembled slightly, and Xiu sat beside him.Du Ze suddenly felt that this scene seemed familiar, whether it was the glowing lake or the swirling spots of light, or even the people sitting next to him, they were all exactly the same as that night.

At this time, Xiu stretched out his hand and gently stroked the back of Du Ze's neck.When Du Ze turned his head to look over, he slightly raised his lips and smiled.

"Would you like to hear me sing?"

The wind blew up the elf's silver hair, disrupting time and space. Du Ze stared at Xiu blankly, as if he had returned to the night of the elves.At that time, when a silly and cute reader heard his favorite protagonist confess his love to him, his soul almost overflowed with fright.

Thinking of the original scene, Du Ze turned his face and couldn't help but also smiled.Xiu looked at Du Ze's profile, lowered his head, leaned over and kissed the curved corner of Du Ze's mouth.

"I like you, Du Ze."

Xiu murmured, his voice was very soft, and he read word by word, pouring out bottomless emotions.

"I like it very much, I like it very much, I like it a little... I'm at a loss..."

The elf's voice is like mellow wine, you will get drunk after listening to it for a long time.Du Ze was held in Xiu's arms, and the man let out a satisfied sigh, as if he had received the supreme gift.

"One month's time, I have you."

Thinking of the one-month appointment, Du Ze suddenly realized that it seemed that Xiu had been taking the initiative all along, while he was always in a passive state.

He likes to cultivate, why can't he take the initiative?

Du Ze stretched out his hand to hug Xiu Huan.

Just like now, he really wants the two of them to be closer together, preferably without gaps.In this case, it should be able to dispel a little bit of anxiety, right?

Du Ze pushed Xiu away, and a certain idiot who wanted to take the initiative stared straight at the person he decided to court, but wanted to speak but didn't know what to say, because he was too concerned and made his spirit extremely nervous.

How should we express it at this time?Let's have a shot, dear?There seems to be something wrong... Isn't Emma just making a date!Xiaosheng has seen a lot on the Internet, and this situation is decisively, just——

Under Xiu's gaze, Du Ze said with a cold face, the first line he searched in his mind reflexively.

"Face me head-on."


...Damn it! ! !

The author has something to say: Reader: On the front, I...wait——

Protagonist (decisive): Good.

Reader: -- see, there is a serious misunderstanding in this!

Protagonist (dragging readers away): You don't have to be shy, I understand.

Author: Internet language is harmful.

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