If a story is to happen, first, there must be a location.

Du Ze glanced around, he was sitting in a carriage.Whether it is the Pegasus pulling the carriage or the exquisite and luxurious carriages, all of them depict the high-end, foreign style and high-grade carriage.The interior of the carriage is covered with precious velvet, and every detail is carved with beautiful patterns.To say that its only shortcoming is that it is too small, only enough for two adults to sit face to face.

The place where the story takes place is there, followed by the characters.

There are three people in the narrow carriage: the silly and cute reader is sitting on the right side of the carriage with the little protagonist in his arms, and opposite them, the blond-haired and blue-eyed old enemy is sitting in danger.

...What a devastating scene this is.

Du Ze is very glad that he is a fake facial paralysis at this time, so that even if Eric stares straight at him, he can still maintain a cool and noble image; even if Xiu sitting on his lap The anger gauge explodes at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he can also stay still... at...

No matter who it is, please exchange with Xiaosheng! Q mouth Q

The atmosphere inside the carriage was almost a vacuum, like a strange tranquility in the eye of a storm.A certain stupid moe is trembling and trembling, trying to reduce its own sense of existence. The most terrifying thing is not to become the target of tit-for-tat between the moe master and the old enemy, but that he still holds a doujinshi of the above two protagonists in his hand.

Doujinshi: Why don't you post it~

Du Ze silently blocked the brainwaves sent by a certain monster, and glanced at Xiu and Eric.A pair of rivals sat in the narrow carriage—the location, the characters, and even the reasons for the story to happen.As the "reason", the bitter reader Sensen feels that what is about to happen is an "accident" rather than a "story".

Why there are such unscientific and unmagical scenes, it has to start when they enter the Sky Clan dungeon.

After passing through the light gate, the blue sky and dense white clouds are close at hand.Du Ze had to squint his eyes slightly, the field of vision was too bright, and all he could see were spotless golden-white buildings, huge but exquisite in structure.If you look closely, you will find that those buildings are actually pure white, and because of the rendering of light, they present a light golden luster.Whether it's the blue sky and white clouds around, or the familiar Baroque style buildings, it all shows that this should be the city in the sky that he has been to.Compared with the last time I saw it, the city in the sky in front of me was even more magnificent and magnificent, as if declaring it to be the center of the world.

"Are all the people who live here blind?" Enoch pulled down the goggles on his head to cover his eyes, and shouted, "This light element is so strong that it can be directly used as a blinding technique!"

Du Ze waved his hand in the air. Even he, an earthling with no magic foundation, could feel that he was surrounded by almost substantial light elements.At this moment, five golden and white feathers floated down from the air, they were made of light, and they landed unsteadily in front of Xiu.Except for Xiu, no one else could touch those light feathers. They just followed Xiu lightly, and stuck to Xiu when they found a gap. The cuteness made Du Ze feel that they were trying hard to cosmize himself into a cute master. Ornate decoration on clothes.

This is a very typical opening of the tower. Everyone still can't know the purpose of Guangyu, so they routinely start to inquire about the situation around them.After walking a few steps, they met a female Celestial Clan.Old John stepped forward to talk, but the female Celestial Clan looked indifferent, until she caught a glimpse of Xiu—to be precise, the golden and white feathers on Xiu's body—the female Celestial Clan's attitude immediately changed 180 degree.

"Honorable Inspector, the Governor is leaving soon, you'd better hurry there."

The Celestial Clan is very respectful to Xiu, almost answering every question, but the information she holds is pitifully small.According to the words of the female Tianzu, Du Zeli made a general setting of the dungeon of the Tianzu: the current identity of the cute master is the inspector of the Tianzu, and he must follow a governor NPC to tour the Chaos Continent to improve his qualifications until he becomes the next Governor.It sounds like a simple escort mission, but Du Ze, who is well aware of the nature of the tower, can already foresee how dedicated the governor will be. A good flag with one hand, and a good job with another hand.

Governor (taunt mode fully on): Come on, shoot me!

Others (I am here): Add the governor's blood, he has no shield wall!

...that's how it feels.

The Celestial Clan brought Du Ze and Xiuyi to the gate of Sky City.There are a large number of carriages parked at the city gate. Anyone who comes here will first pay attention to the carriage in the center, because it is so eye-catching.Not to mention how luxurious its carriage is, just the creature pulling the carriage shocked a certain stupid tiger—it turned out to be a giant dragon.

It's not Yalong, it's not a pseudo-dragon, it's a real dragon.This is simply unimaginable, the dragon clan is very powerful, even if they sign a dragon knight contract with other races, the dragon clan is actually dominant.No one dared to regard the dragon family as a mount, and it was even more impossible to let the dragon family pull a cart, because this was simply treating the dragon family as animals.

The white dragon lay there quietly, without any signs of dissatisfaction or coercion.Du Ze could only sigh with emotion at the Heavenly Clan's fortress set up by the divine tower, he shifted his gaze and glanced at the group of carriages.The carriage group is mainly divided into three columns: the first column is surrounded by a group of Tianzu chariots, and its center is a small carriage drawn by six flying horses; the second column is the core of the carriage group, and its center It was the local tyrant's carriage, which was also protected by a large number of chariots; the last column had no center, and it consisted of two rows of wagons, one black and one white. What did you install.

Just as Du Ze's sight fell on the last carriage, another team happened to bypass the group of carriages from the opposite side and meet them face to face.

Du Ze: ...


Eric: ...

The world fell into a weird silence. Du Ze pointed his eyes at the same stunned Son of God, and his heart twisted into Monk's cry.

A wild nemesis has appeared! =mouth=

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other, except for Enoch, a fool who is still in the situation and wants to say hello. The moment the cute master sees the appearance of the wild enemy, he throws the elf ball... Ah no, at that moment, Xiu sent the old john.Old John's figure flickered, and he attacked Eric in the blink of an eye.


A middle-aged man with back hair next to Eric tried to stop him. From the small golden dragon wings on the back of the man, it can be deduced that he is the golden dragon contracted with Eric.But Old John, who had changed into a new body, already possessed the power of a false god. The middle-aged man's dragon language magic incarnated by the golden dragon had just recited halfway, and Old John had already stuck his hand on Eric's neck.



Old John's voice was slightly tinged with surprise, and Jin Long was also stunned.Just now, Old John's hand penetrated Eric's body without grabbing anything, and the golden dragon's dragon language magic also passed over Old John and smashed the marble pillar in the distance—the two sides were like phantoms to each other.It's kind of like being in a rotunda, but with a little difference.In the rotunda, different teams are in different spaces, even if they can see them, they cannot touch or talk to each other.Judging from the situation just now, they could hear each other's voices, so they should be in the same space, and the tower was only preventing them from attacking each other.

The copy of Tianzu can go to declare the Nobel Prize.flat.Awarded.

Under the sharp gaze of the middle-aged man, Old John withdrew his hand, smiling as if he had done something harmless.Eric only realized it at this time, his eyes passed over Old John, he lingered for a while before Xiu and Du Ze, and finally stared at Du Ze hesitantly.

"Lord God Envoy..."

Du Ze and Eric looked at each other, and a sense of strangeness and discord came to mind.The handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes was protected by the middle-aged man at this time, wearing a light leather armor, which made him look like an agility-type occupation rather than an armor-type paladin.On Eric's body, Du Ze also saw five light feathers, which should be the logo of the tower climber in the Sky Clan dungeon.His back suddenly sank, but Xiu jumped onto his back and hugged him fiercely, Du Ze was directly bent over.

"Don't look at him!"

Du Ze heard Xiu speak loudly on his back, and he didn't know whether the person who warned him was him or Eric.A certain idiot leaned on his knees to stabilize his body, and the cute master pressed heavily on him, making him unable to straighten up.


The nervous voice of the middle-aged man approached from afar along with crisp footsteps. A pair of feet appeared in Du Ze's downward vision, and Eric's voice was close at hand.

"My lord, why do you condone this heresy so much?"

There was some puzzlement in Eric's voice, it was not a condemnation, but a sadness similar to being abandoned.

"Of course he will pamper me." Xiu put his arms around Du Ze, like a child showing off his parents' love for him. "This guy is mine."

"No, the envoy doesn't belong to anyone." Eric and Xiu looked at each other, his gaze was very firm, looking directly at people with this kind of gaze would give others a sense of provocation. "You don't deserve to stand by his side."

"Heh." Xiu chuckled lightly, "Then...you deserve it?"

Du Ze was about to kneel, why did the conversation between the cute master and the old enemy sound so subtle?Enoch is already looking at the three of them with the eyes of "your circle is really chaotic". This is obviously a world of studs, how can it be so rotten so naturally? !

Doujinshi: Basic national conditions.

Just when Eric was about to respond, a loud voice broke the strange atmosphere that was about to explode.

"Are you trying to make me, the governor, wait forever?"

Everyone looked around, and the curtains of the local tyrant's carriage were lifted, revealing the legendary governor.

"Oh my god, the thief's eyes!" Enoch howled miserably, calling out the hearts of everyone present.Thick bright elements crowded around the governor, rendering him extremely dazzling.Even though Du Ze only glanced at the legendary governor, he still wanted to cover his eyes and scream: Sure enough, there is a feeling that killing that guy can level up!No one can match this group of mocking abilities!

Because the light was too bright, the governor only showed a vague outline.Seeing that everyone was shifting their gaze and admitting their mistakes (the fog was heavy), the governor's unhappiness seemed to have faded a little bit. He snorted softly, and the two guards from the Celestial Clan outside the carriage hurried over and greeted Xiu and Ai. Rick said: "Master two inspectors, please get in the car quickly."

After being interrupted like this, no matter how tense the atmosphere was, it couldn't hold back.What's more, the two teams can't attack each other, and they can't fight with real guns except for talking.Xiu let go of Du Ze, turned around with his own foolishness and threw Eric to the rear.Enoch scratched his head, greeted Eric and trotted after him.

"My lord inspector, this is your carriage."

The guards respectfully led Xiu to the small carriage drawn by six flying horses. Such a small carriage was too crowded for three people.Rachel and others also noticed this, and Vera asked, "Where should we sit?"

When facing the followers, the guard's tone was not so good.

"There is no place for you here, you can just wait for the inspector to return in Sky City."


The same exclamation sounded one after the other, Du Ze turned his head to look, and found that another guard had also brought Eric over, and it was Jin Long who questioned.Jin Long looked at the small carriage that only allowed two inspectors to ride, and said to the guard next to Eric: "I can't let Eric go alone."

"Leon..." Eric seemed to want to say something, but was interrupted by the golden dragon.

"I'm worried, Eric. You are my dragon knight, and I must protect you. What's more, you now—"

Golden Dragon Leon stopped his mouth suddenly, and glanced at Xiu slightly hostilely.Du Ze looked at Leon who was protecting Eric like a cub, and the feeling of weirdness became even stronger.Although they were not in the same camp, the words of the golden dragon Leon resonated with the black dragon Moore. Moore stared at Xiu, and his thoughts went without saying.

"How long do you want me to wait?" The governor's angry voice sounded again: "Don't go if you don't get in the car!"

Xiu raised his hand high, as if a primary school student who wanted to speak to the teacher caught the governor's attention.

"He and I must be together." Xiu pulled Du Ze, and lightly touched the silver-red ring on his finger to Du Ze's, and silver-gray bands of light appeared round after round.Those silver belts are composed of countless small machines, like a net, weaving Xiu and Du Ze densely.Du Ze looked at the "chain", and unexpectedly remembered the sweet smile that Xiu showed when he tilted his head and leaned his face on his hand.

[I should have done this long ago. ]

Eric stared at the mechanical light belt in a daze: "You actually made it this far..."

"No one can make him leave my side." Xiu's voice was unsteady, as if he was stating a generally accepted truth. "Not even him."

Faced with Xiu's insistence, Shenta made a concession, and the governor snorted softly, and then acquiesced.When Xiu was ready, he let it go. He asked Du Ze to get on the carriage first, and told the others: "You wait here."

Xiu's tone was not serious, but it was hard to doubt.Enoch didn't think too much about it and agreed directly. The Demon Sisters and Ariel didn't dare to go against Xiu. Rachel and the Thunder Legion had always obeyed Xiu's orders. The rest of Moore and Old John all glanced at the small carriage.According to past experience, since the tower has designated a carriage, there is no other way to leave Sky City, even if Moore turns back into a black dragon and follows the carriages.

The narrow carriage can only accommodate two people, and Moore looked at Eric silently, with an expression of wanting to kill his old enemy to make room for him.Old John said to Xiu with a smile: "Little master, take me with you." He pointed to Xiu's interspatial ring. "I don't occupy land."

Xiu accepted Old John's proposal. At this moment, Eric came over.


"Don't worry, Leon." Eric stepped into the carriage, turned his head and smiled brightly at Jinlong. "There is no use of force here, and I'll be fine."

Du Ze watched Eric enter the carriage and sat opposite him. Xiu then got into the carriage. He glanced at Eric, then sat on Du Ze's lap, and the two sides formed a confrontation.

"—He's right to be worried." Xiu looked outside at the worried Jinlong, he smiled, a hint of sarcasm seemed to ripple quickly across his face, and the dimples were filled with decadent and sweet darkness. "Even if weapons are banned here, I can kill you."

Eric didn't move at all, he sat upright like a pine tree, his gaze was firm without any wavering or impurity.

"If you can."

"set off!"

Amidst the sound of the horn, Pegasus spread its snow-white wings, the white dragon raised its neck, and the huge group of carriages started slowly.Leon watched the first column of the carriages pass through the gate of the city of the sky. He is now shackled in place by an invisible force, and he can only watch the dragon knights carrying him disappear from his sight. middle.

Leon was terrified, and a terrible premonition kept haunting his mind.

—he might, never see Eric again.



Why are you looking at him?

——【Black Box】

The author has something to say: Protagonist: Why do you want to see him?

Reader: The death flag of the old enemy has been raised.

Author: whose fault ↑_↑

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