The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 95 The Reader and the Protagonist Are Definitely True Love


This is the sound of the clock turning. The electronic clock in his room has always had a small problem. Every time the set alarm clock time passes, it will turn very loudly.

Du Ze stared at his electronic clock in a daze, the doujinshi was left aside, his room was in front of him, but at this moment Du Ze felt an indescribable strangeness.

—He really came back.

The hands of the clock divide and close, close and separate, and the small amplitude cannot tell whether the elapsed time is too short, or no time has passed at all—all the experiences in that world are as unreal as a dream.

When Du Ze walked to the computer, his mind was blank, he didn't think about anything, he was like a mindless robot acting according to the instructions of others.He opened the article page of "Mixed Blood", and the "Latest Update" at the bottom was still the chapter "Xiu was attacked by the verdict, fell into the sea and died unknown", and the time displayed on the computer was still the day before the end.As if nothing has changed, as if everything has changed.

The protagonist is still the protagonist, and the reader is still the reader.

Du Ze looked at the comments at the bottom of the article. Many readers were discussing what adventures the protagonist would have. No one thought that the protagonist died just like that. Du Ze looked at those comments, and a pain mixed with pride spread in his heart.

He knew that the cultivator would fall directly into the hidden Dragon Island on the seabed, get the artifact dragon gun, awaken the blood of the dragon clan, and then sign a dragon knight contract with the black dragon Moore.

He knew that the battle of the gods would break out in the future. The cultivator would meet the fox girl Nina, awaken the blood of the orcs at the ceremony, and then fight the God of Light for the first time.

He knew that after the death of all the main gods, a tower of gods would appear, and the monks would climb up the tower and become the supreme god.

He knows everything because he has experienced everything with Xiu.

As a reader, you should be satisfied. that true?

Since tomorrow is the end of the world predicted by the Maya, there are still many readers in the comment area discussing what the end of the world will be like.When he came back to his senses, Du Ze found that he had already written a comment and sent it.

[Netizen: Belly, Comment: "Mixed Blood", Score: 1, Chapter Reviewed: Chapter 275 Because the angry protagonist couldn't stand the author's abuse, he came to this world, and he destroyed the author and the world. 】Du Ze stared at the comment and closed his eyes unbearably.

You want to see him.

that is it.



"...he ascended the tower of God, became the supreme god, and ushered in a new era. Under the rule of the supreme god, there will be no more disputes in the chaotic continent, and all races will live together in harmony." The magister closed the door He wrote "The Epic of Chaos" and taught his students. "Remember me clearly, I won't put water in the next exam."

The drowsy students below finally started to stir, and a demon boy stretched himself. "But it's unimaginable, teacher."

The demon boy hooked the classmates around him carelessly. "The Celestial Clan and the Demon Clan used to be enemies or something... What do you think, Sail?"

"Let go." The boy from the Tian clan who was hooked by the young master of the demon clan made a displeased face. "You squeeze my wings."

"Teacher." A vampire in the back row raised his hand. "I heard that Supreme God used to be a student here, is that true?"

The huge classroom suddenly fell silent. The magister pushed the reading glasses and looked at the students who pricked up their ears.If only these little bastards could be so serious in class, the magister thought and nodded.

"The reason why Mowu School is famous and why you come here here... I must have heard about this." The magister sighed: "As the instructor of this school, I have to tell you that the truth is not as good as you imagined. Well—our school expelled that god once."

The students exploded, and the magister continued: "People in the past were too ignorant, and judged a person's good or bad, life and death just because of the difference in race, so the Supreme God was persecuted—they almost killed that The supreme god of the future!"

All the students were stunned, and the magister's stern gaze swept over the Celestials and Demons sitting side by side, the undead taking notes seriously, and many other races.

"Please cherish the present life and the friends around you. Compared with the past, you will find how happy you are now."

"All this is the grace of the Most High God."

"This is the end of today's class. In the next class, we will teach "Application of Combination Magic."


Gently closed "The Application of Combination Magic" with one hand, and stuffed it back into the bookshelf.The Supreme God of this world looked at his hands, which were slender and well-defined, and every tremor of the muscles revealed terrifying power.

Everyone knows that he has strength, but strength is often inversely proportional to happiness.This time, no one took the initiative to hold his hand, and no one came to comfort him: [After leaving this tower, we can go back.What you haven't done, I will accompany you to do it. 】He came back to this school, learned what he hadn't had time to learn, and done what he hadn't had time to finish, but he was by his side without him.

——He has everything, except him.

The young and handsome Supreme God stood in front of the bookshelf. His surroundings were too empty, revealing a kind of powerlessness and sadness.The dark shadow mixed with pathos, submerged the lifeless outline of the man bit by bit.

The wild land in the east, the boundless ocean in the west, the extremely cold land in the north, the elf forest in the south, and the next stop is... the lost land in the middle.

The feet of the Supreme God collapsed on the icy ground, and a huge beam of light in the distance stood up from bottom to top, like an eternity.Since the collapse of the divine tower, the Chaos Continent has returned to its original appearance, and the Lost Land has also returned to its original appearance—the same appearance as when he fled into the Lost Land and met that person.

The Supreme God looked at the abandoned temple in front of him, and his dark blue eyes reflected the dilapidated statue. He walked over and fell heavily on the base of the statue like before, unable to move anymore.

can't find...

Can't find it anyway...

After searching for tens of thousands of years, searching every inch of land in the Chaotic Continent - obviously possessing the most powerful power and supreme power, but unable to even catch a trace of the most important person, it is really... That's ridiculous.

The Supreme God closed his eyes, and he sat quietly in the shadow of the idol, motionless.If anyone could hear his inner voice, they would definitely be swallowed by that rich despair.

He lost a person, a person he loved to the extreme and was as precious as his life.

That person will say that he believes in him, that he will accompany him to do what he has accomplished, that he will be his only believer, that he will become a god, that he will fulfill his wish, and that he will say "meow" when they first meet ...


At this moment, the Supreme God heard an extremely soft voice, so beautiful that it seemed like an illusion.

He opened his eyes.

A monster with nine tails was tilting its head not far away, looking at it with both joy and fear in its eyes - it wanted to get close but was afraid of the power of the Supreme God.Seeing the Supreme God opened his eyes, the nine-tailed monster lowered its ears, and finally fear overcame love, and it fled away with a swipe.

The Supreme God just watched the monster run away calmly. He covered his eyes with his hands, and a hoarse laughter overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough... it's gone...

That person will not come to save him again, will not appear by his side again.

"You can't find him, you can't find him anyway."

A voice sounded maliciously, and the words were mixed with indescribable temptation.

"As I said before: As long as you destroy the world, I'll give it back to you—only I know where he is in this world."


The Supreme God was silent for a while, and then slowly lowered his hand, his exposed eyes were overwhelmed by the madness and despair that broke the embankment.

Destroy the world...?

He has lost the most important thing in his existence, why can't he go crazy?

He has lost his most important existence, why can't he... destroy the world?

"Du Ze..." Xiu raised his head, his golden hair slid down and landed on the corner of his mouth.He seemed to reach out his hand to someone in the void, his expression was so helpless and fragile for the first time, as if a finger could pierce it. "I said—you've got to watch me. If you don't look at me, I don't know what I'm going to do."

——I will destroy the world?

—Don't do that.

Then come and stop him, even if you come to kill him and stop him...

The light that represents destruction blooms at the fingertips, and the supreme god of this world is smiling, but it makes people feel more sad than crying.

"I want to see you, Du Ze."


You probably won't know how much he loves him.

But you can definitely hear it.

when he lost him.

The heart-piercing screams issued.

——? ? ?excerpt




Du Ze raised his head suddenly, stared at the white screen in front of him with wide eyes, cold sweat dripped from his cheeks, and his heart seemed to be jumping out of his throat.

He didn't know when he fell asleep on his stomach and had a dream.The main character in the dream is Xiu, that person has been looking for him, has been looking for him, has searched for countless places, and used countless methods—Xiu even tried to revive Chuang.God of the world, because of creation.Shishen once seemed to have revealed some information to Xiu.However, create.The god of the world is already dead and can't die anymore, and Xiu can only gather a similar creation.The consciousness of the world god fragments.The essence of that consciousness is creation.The World God's malice towards Xiu has been left because of too much resentment.

In order to make Xiu feel more uncomfortable, that consciousness said to Xiu: As long as the world is destroyed, give Xiu the people he wants.

So I cultivated to do that.

Among the endless fragments of the chaotic continent, Xiu squeezed that piece of consciousness, and asked eagerly: "You clearly said that you would return him to me if you destroyed the world. I have already destroyed the world, so what about him? Return him to me!" "

The hazy halo of consciousness draws a strange curved mouth, the more painful the person opposite is, the happier it is, this is the meaning of its existence.

"The world was destroyed by you, hehehehe——I lied to you." Every sentence of the consciousness was full of resentment and malice: "Let me tell you a fact: he is no longer here, and you have completely lost him! Hehe He-he-ha-ha-ha-you'll never find him! Ha-ha-ha-uh!"

Xiu forcefully cut off the curse-like words, but even though the consciousness was full of pain, it still didn't stop the crazy laughter, but even more heart-piercingly taunted and shouted: "So what if you become the Supreme God! The world—you are the only god!"

The scream in the dream made Du Ze's head buzz, and he sat on the chair, only feeling his hands and feet were cold: one person, one person——has the cultivation really wiped out all living beings and destroyed the world?

No one wants that person.

Knowing that this is a trap, as long as there is even a glimmer of false hope, that person will destroy the world regardless - as shown in the corridor of time, pushing himself into a desperate situation.

At the end of the dream, Xiu destroyed that consciousness, so he was the only one left in the broken world, and there was endless darkness and loneliness.

In order to avoid that terrible expectation, Du Ze tried his best to convince himself that it was just a dream, and forced himself to divert his attention to look at other things: the time on the bottom left of the computer was displayed as 11:5, and he fell asleep for three hours at once.According to Zhiqiu's usual habit, it should have been updated by this time.

Du Ze clicked on the "Mixed Blood" webpage. When he focused his eyes and saw the line of words on the copy, Du Ze seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar and held his breath for a moment.

[Author's Announcement: Thank you for your support to Qiu Mou all the time. Although I am ashamed, Qiu Mou decided to close his pen. 】This message not only caused an uproar among the readers, but even the editorial department was in turmoil. As the editor in charge of Yiye Zhiqiu, Jin Yi almost exploded when he poked the left mouse button of a certain hehe beast.

Editor Jin Yi: Are you there? Are you there? Are you there? ! !

Editor Jin Yi: It must be the wrong way for me to open it!You actually said you were going to cheat! ?

Editor Jin Yi: You are still alive, sir! ! !

While typing on QQ, Jin Yi started flipping through a page of Zhiqiu's contract information. He swore that if he found Yiying Zhiqiu's address before the guy appeared, he would fly overnight to Yiying Zhiqiu's house and hang himself!

Under Jinyi's persevering pop-up window, Yiye Zhiqiu finally responded.

Yiye Zhiqiu: Hehe.

Seeing the iconic "hehe", Jin Yi choked for a moment, only to feel his face blurred by the muddy horse behind that sentence.

Editor Jin Yi: ...every time I see your haha, I have an urge to chug.

Editor Jin Yi: Stop talking, tell me that your previous message is not true.

Yiye Zhiqiu: Really.

Editor Jin Yi: ...why didn't you write it?

Yiye Zhiqiu: The world will end tomorrow.

Doomsday, your sister——! ! !

Under the horrified gazes of other editors, Jin Yi took a deep breath, and then put down the keyboard in his hand.

Editor Jin Yi: The end of the world has not yet come, but I think your end is coming. [Knife] Yiye Zhiqiu: Hehe.

Editor Jin Yi: ... Boss, aren't you, are you really going to use this excuse?I don't know you who believe in the end of the world so naively!

Editor Jin Yi: Give me a decent reason too!

Yiying Zhiqiu glanced at the QQ message sent by Jinyi, and when he swiped the mouse, he saw the comment of "belly".After reading Du Zefa's comments, Yiying Zhiqiu was very relieved, he found a good excuse.

Yiye Zhiqiu: Well, it’s like this, the protagonist found out that I was the author who abused him, so he crawled out and killed me.

The ellipsis sent by Jin Yi filled the entire screen.

Editor Jin Yi: It's shameful to be cute!

Yiye Zhiqiu: Hehe.

Editor Jin Yi: Are you really not going to write?

Yiye Zhiqiu: Yes.

Editor Jin Yi: Hey, at least tell me what's going to happen next, it's inhumane to get stuck here.

Yiye Zhiqiu: Next is the new era, the battle of the gods.

Editor Jin Yi: I want to be taller.You gave me a eunuch when it was too hot! ?

Yiye Zhiqiu: This paragraph has little to do with the protagonist.

Editor Jin Yi: Huh?what's next

Yiye Zhiqiu: The Twilight of the Gods.

Damn, the more I listen, the more I want to see it!

Jin Yi's curiosity was completely aroused, and he began to induce Yi Ye Zhiqiu to continue writing without giving up.He glanced at the time on the lower left, very good, it will be 12 o'clock soon.

Editor Jin Yi: Are you still alive?

Yiye Zhiqiu: Hehe.

Editor Jin Yi: Congratulations, Comrade Yiye Zhiqiu, you passed the end safely!Please update it soon.

Yiying Zhiqiu: NASA declares that 2 will be the end of the world.

Editor Jin Yi: ...

Seeing the new round of reasons, Jin Yi resigned to his fate. After getting along for so long, he also knew that the hehe beast probably really didn't intend to write any more.

Editor Jin Yi: Well, for the sake of love for so long, tell me why you stopped writing all of a sudden?

This time, there was a pause, and it was only on Yiying Zhiqiu that "typing" was displayed.

Yiye Zhiqiu: I can't write anymore, there is a caf342fh2#a where they "live" in other worlds Editor Jinyi: ?

Editor Jin Yi: What are you doing?Face roll keyboard?

Yiye Zhiqiu didn't respond as if disconnected, Jin Yi was very puzzled, and was about to ask what happened again when he saw Yiye Zhiqiu started typing.

Yiye Zhiqiu: ...

Jin Yi stared at the string of ellipsis in horror, always only one page Zhiqiu asked others to click, how could anyone make that hehe beast click.

Yiye Zhiqiu: The main character really appeared.

Editor Jin Yi: What?Are you saying that the protagonist of your family crawled out of the novel because of your words?

Yiye Zhiqiu: Yes.

Jin Yi stared at the "en" for 5 minutes before replying.

Editor Jin Yi: The protagonist is lying down, are you still safe?

Yiye Zhiqiu: He took one look at me and left, haha.

Editor Jin Yi: ...

Editor Jin Yi: The medicine cannot be stopped, boss, this is reality, not fiction.

Yiying Zhiqiu stood in front of the computer, glanced at the overturned chair, and then slowly typed the last sentence: "Who knows, maybe we are in a novel."


Du Ze stared at the author's announcement, staring until his eyes became sore, but the fact that Yi Yezhi Qiu sealed the pen and abandoned the pit still could not be changed.

Not long ago, he naively thought that even if he couldn't be with that person, at least he still had "Half-Blood", so he could always watch him in this world.Even if everyone doesn't watch it, he will accompany Xiu through his "life".

But now even that has become a luxury.

——Does he have to completely leave "Half-Blood", the protagonist, and Xiu?

"...Why are you crying?"

Did he cry?Du Ze thought like this, and then froze suddenly.

...? !

Du Ze reflexively wanted to turn around, but stopped abruptly at the moment when he was about to turn around.Du Ze didn't dare to look back, he was afraid that if he turned around, he would break a beautiful illusion.

Seeing Du Ze standing upright in front of the computer, the people behind let out a sigh like a chuckle, and the regular footsteps approached from far away.

A hand rested lightly on the back of Du Ze's neck, which was heartbreakingly familiar with strength and temperature.Du Ze stared blankly at the blond young man reflected on the screen. The small white page of "Mixed Blood" completely framed the two of them together.

reader and protagonist.

Du Ze and Xiu.

The fingertips of his left hand tightened, and Du Ze stared blankly at the silver-blue ring that was put on by that person—since he came back, the ring that belonged to that world was of course gone, but this time it returned to its original place again. up.

Xiu's breath gently touched his ear: "Don't leave it behind."

Don't drop it again.

——Don't leave me behind.

The emotion overflowing in his chest was about to explode, Du Ze grabbed Xiu's arm, the warm touch brought more realism, Du Ze said his thoughts in a daze: "It's true..."

He himself knew that his words must be very stupid, but there was only tenderness in that man's smile.

Xiu hugged Du Ze in his arms, his handsome appearance was the same as when he parted, but it was covered with an indescribable smell, which was a kind of precipitation of time.He waited in the dark for tens of millions of years before he finally seized the opportunity to reunite with this person.

The truth of the world is as simple as it is complex.

Xiu raised his fingers slightly, and a line of cyan characters floated in midair.

"I said, I'm going to make this story a fact."

——Du Ze and Xiu are always together.

Du Ze stared at the line, his heart beat faster and faster, his blood seemed to be boiling.Without any words, he understood that Xiu already knew everything.Du Ze looked at Xiu, all the emotions of that person were hidden in the deep blue in his eyes, and there were only deep and strong emotions.

"...does this 'story' have a name?"

"What's your name?" Xiu kissed Du Ze's black hair, his voice full of pampering.

——There was once a reader who traveled to a novel, he met the protagonist, and they were together in the end, because...

Du Ze rested his head on Xiu's chest, listening to the familiar heartbeat, the corners of his mouth curled up bit by bit.

"The reader and the protagonist are definitely true love."

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