Han Shaoru stood outside the tent, listening to the voice inside, eyes flickered slightly, turned and left directly, Han Shaorui followed behind his brother, turned his face to look at the tent, "I hope they are not infected."

"En." Han Shaoru looked at the dilapidated safe zone, "Xiao Rui, if something happens to me, you can live well."

"Brother, what are you talking about?" Han Shaorui's face changed, "You are the only family member left."

"En." Han Shaoru didn't say anything more.

Han Shaorui asked, "Brother, what abilities are they?"

Han Shaoru thought for a while and said, "Among them, the one with the most serious burns is not the supernatural being. The energy fluctuations on his body are different from those of the supernatural being. That woman is a fourth-level supernatural being of the gold department and the strength department, and the one who is unconscious is the spirit." The ones of the..." He stretched out his hand and rubbed the corners of his eyes, "The rest are the third level of the water system, the sixth level of the metal system, and the sixth level of the wood system...they are not infected."

Han Shaorui looked at the bumpy walls of the security base, "It's hard tonight."

Han Shaoru didn't say anything more.

This is not only Han Shaorui's idea, but also Xu Yuanchen's guess, because Han Shaorui's arrangements were made properly, and the few zombies who came to attack at night were cleaned up.

The next day, follow-up rescuers came one after another, but Xu Yuanchen and the others were still in the tent and did not show up at all. Han Shaorui began to arrange search and rescue.

It's just that Han Shaorui also lost the news of the 40 people he sent out.

After a day of recuperation, Xu Yuanchen has recovered for the most part, but Yan Tianyu is still awake, and there are not so many people guarding the tent anymore, even the military doctor has left. After all, manpower is limited, and those who have been found from the pile of corpses still have breath The people present were more seriously injured than Xu Yuanchen and the others.

Fan Yu had already sat up. He looked outside the tent and listened carefully to the voices. He wanted to know more than anyone else how many people had been rescued, but he knew more clearly that if he went out now, he would only cause trouble for others. .

Xu Yuanchen controlled the aura to check Yan Tianyu, frowning slightly, and found that the energy in his body was not working properly, like a rusty machine.

Frowning, Xu Yuanchen checked Pei Haojie and heaved a sigh of relief. Pei Haojie's supernatural ability broke through the fifth level and was promoted to the sixth level. Although the external injury was serious, it did not hurt the inner part. This is good news.

But Mu Qing was just the opposite. He fell from level four to level three, and even his meridians were damaged. If he hadn't drunk the spiritual spring water in time...

Wei Xue was more traumatized, but those injuries were too serious, even with spiritual spring water, there was no way to remove the scars in a short time.

"Jie Cao, what do you think happened to Tianyu?" Xu Yuanchen was very worried, but don't hurt the root cause.

Xu Yuanchen knew better about the morals, and simply explained the process of Mu Qing and Yan Tianyu jointly killing the sixth-level zombies, and said, "I'm afraid Yan Tianyu's crystal nucleus was injured, but it's not life-threatening, but the ability... probably It is set at level four, and it is impossible to raise it any further.”

After hearing this, Xu Yuanchen breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he is still alive, the pill of washing marrow... must be obtained as soon as possible.

In the space, he hesitated a little, looking at the restless Lingquan baby, wondering whether he should tell Xu Yuanchen, after all... a Mu Qing was involved.

Of the nearly 500 people who came to rescue this time, 200 of them were from the military, and the remaining 280 were from the mercenary regiment. Adding the first ones, there were 600 people, and all of them were people with supernatural powers.

However, it was no longer Han Shaoru brothers who were in charge, but a middle-aged military officer. After hearing what Han Shaorui reported, he nodded and ordered his men to go down and arrange the garrison of all personnel, and then went to Xu Yuanchen and the others to recuperate. tent, asked directly, "My surname is Chen, you can call me Lao Chen, we are going to search and rescue inside the safe zone, do you have a detailed map of the safe zone?"

Fan Yu said hoarsely, "No, I can draw it for you now."

"En." The person who claimed to be Lao Chen said, "You can dictate, Xiao Lin is good at this."

As soon as Old Chen said that, a young soldier behind him stood up, took out a pen and paper and went to Fan Yu's side, and began to draw according to what Fan Yu said.

Another survivor of the safety zone with a broken arm who had been lying next to Fan Yu asked, "Chief Chen... How many people have been rescued outside?" His voice was full of expectation, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Twenty-four people who are still breathing have been found outside the safety zone." Lao Chen's voice was very low, "Military doctors are in the rescue."

"Have those children been found?" Fan Yu asked with trembling lips.

Lao Chen shook his head with a serious expression, "The soldiers we sent also lost contact, and I have already sent people there."

Xu Yuanchen and the others didn't say a word, because they didn't know what to say at this time, because the words of comfort were too empty.

Fan Yu lowered his head and no one could see his expression clearly, but his voice was still very steady, and he carefully described all the places that need attention in the safe zone, and marked out the locations of warehouses and weapon depots. Soon, Fan Yu would draw it as soon as he finished speaking, and when he finished drawing, Fan Yu would read it again, Fan Yu nodded and said nothing more.

Xiaolin handed the picture to Lao Chen, who took a look at it, put it away and said, "Heal your wounds well, and tell the guard at the door if you need anything." Go and notify all captains and mercenary regiment stewards for a meeting.

This time there were four mercenary regiments, including Chu Han, and the remaining three were all regiment leaders except for the vice-head of the iron-blooded mercenary regiment.

After Lao Chen's guard explained the situation in the safe zone, he said, "Most of the zombies in the safe zone are Level [-] and Level [-] zombies, and there are Level [-] zombies. The number is about [-]. Zombies are cleaned up in different areas. Troop collection."

"Does the [-]% promised to us still count?" Batian's head asked directly.

"It counts." Old Chen glanced at the stewards of the four mercenary groups, "Each mercenary group gets [-]% of the supplies, and they will be distributed uniformly after the safe zone is cleared."

"Okay." Batian's regiment leader shrugged and didn't say anything else. This time, City B chose four of their mercenary regiments. Naturally, it was because their strength was the strongest, and each mercenary regiment sent [-] A supernatural person, this is not a small amount, if it is not for the mission experience and the [-]% supplies, no one will take the risk.

But now they felt lucky. After all, there were only more than 100 zombies left. Although the level was higher, it was a trivial matter.

"One more thing." Old Chen looked serious, "The crystal nuclei of the dead zombies outside belong to the survivors in the safe zone."

As soon as these words came out, the stewards of the mercenary group frowned. They saw the number of zombies outside, densely packed all over the place, with more than a thousand crystal nuclei, and asked them to give up these mouthfuls of fat...

"I'm just notifying you." Old Chen's voice was unhurried, "It's not a discussion."

The faces of Chu Han and the others changed, but Dou remained silent.

Old Chen said, "But you can recruit them, and the crystal nucleus military will not get involved either."

The four of them looked at each other, then nodded and said, "Alright, we also admire those heroes." This is true.

Only then did Lao Chen start arranging tasks, and all the people in the meeting handed out a map with the task location marked on it, "After entering, the cleaning will be completed within three hours, and we will gather in the square."


"The meeting is over." Old Chen stood up, turned around and went out after speaking.

A road has been cleared outside the safety zone. After the gathering of personnel, the team of 400 people carefully entered in order. After all, there will be zombies ambushing inside, no one can say for sure.

After confirming that there were no survivors outside the safe zone, the remaining soldiers who guarded outside piled up all the corpses, and incinerated them with the cooperation of fire and wind powers. Collect them all.

This made many members of the mercenary regiment who left behind to guard the supplies jealous, but no one dared to say anything.

Han Shaoru stood beside Lao Chen and didn't go in. There was no expression on his face. Lao Chen sighed and said, "It's not that I won't let you in, it's because there are orders from above."

"I'm a soldier." Han Shaoru's voice was cold, and Lao Chen didn't know what to say. No one could deny that Han Shaoru was an excellent soldier. But the combat power is also comparable to those of the combat department, and even stronger than those who have not been trained.

It's just because of his special abilities that he can't fight at the front line like a soldier, but is in a protected position. This is also an insult to Han Shaoru. Han Shaoru can come here to participate in the rescue, or several factions A compromise after a struggle.

The safe zone was peaceful, and the people who entered didn't even meet a single zombie. Chu Han frowned, and said to the group members beside him, "Be careful."

The leader of Batian frowned, "Could it be that the zombies ran away?"

Iron Blood's deputy head also said, "It's also possible. After all, the higher the zombie level, the higher the IQ. If they see that they can't beat them, they might just run away."

Han Shaorui reported the situation to Lao Chen through the walkie-talkie. Han Shaoru listened from the sidelines and looked at the gate of the safe zone with clenched fists, without saying a word.

"Assemble at point a in the safe zone within an hour. If the situation is wrong, retreat immediately." Lao Chen gave the order.

Han Shaorui nodded, and conveyed the meaning of Lao Chen to the various captains. The people in the army naturally obeyed Lao Chen's orders, but the mercenary regiment was not necessarily so. Many members of the regiment relaxed their spirits, and some even Started whispering between them.

However, those who can become the top ten bosses of the mercenary group in city b are not stupid. Although Iron Blood and Batian said that zombies are running away, this is an empty city, the vigilance in their eyes has not diminished, and they secretly look at With a glance, an agreement was reached.

The name of Chu Han’s mercenary group is Hurricane, because he is a person with wind abilities, and the other mercenary group is Fireworks. They didn’t make a sound. The squad dispersed.

The leader of Fireworks took a look at the other three mercenary groups, and led the members directly to another direction, while Chu Han also led his people away. No matter what, he had to go in and have a look. Maybe there is nothing wrong with the door. Zombies are hiding inside.

Seeing this situation, the two people of Tie Xue and Ba Tian also brought people in.

It's just that no one noticed that a long black shadow swayed on the ground and then disappeared.

Everyone was divided into teams of ten, and they searched slowly according to the map, but everything was calm, and their vigilance was gradually relaxed. A few members of the Hurricane team said as they walked, "Let's not talk about living people, not even a single zombie."

"That's not bad, except for killing a lot of zombies on the way, it's equivalent to getting so much supplies for nothing."

"Yes." Coming out of the cave, the power user said, "Go back and have a good meal this time. Boss Chu is quite generous, and he should send us a lot of things."

"Hmph." The fire-type supernatural being who walked in the front spoke with disdain, "I think Sister Yang's death is unclear, and she died in childbirth, who would believe it?"

"Shut up, don't want to live anymore?" Another person scolded.

The fire-type power user said unconvinced, "What's the matter? He was very proud, "Who doesn't know..." Just talking, he felt something was wrong, because not only was there no one answering him behind him, but even the footsteps were gone, the fire-element superhuman frowned and turned around. Go, and found that he was left alone, panicked, forced himself to be calm and shouted, "People, where are you going to be lazy..." He didn't even notice a black shadow slowly approaching his feet.

The wind swept away the shredded paper on the ground, leaving only a pool of fresh blood on the ground...

The number of missing teams keeps increasing, but I don't know if it's a coincidence or premeditation. Those teams with fifth-level abilities have nothing to do. In an hour, several groups of people have gathered at point a, but as time increases, the number of leaders His complexion became worse and worse, because when he entered the safe zone, there were nearly 400 people. It had been an hour and 15 minutes before more than 230 people arrived, and 170 people had no news or could not even be contacted, because everyone's walkie-talkie There is no way to contact people outside, only to talk between them.

Han Shaorui's expression was very serious. After counting the specific number of people missing in the military, he began to check which teams, who the team members were, the type and level of abilities, and then took the map to encircle the approximate area where the team disappeared according to the time route. Get up, "Who was the last person they called? Did anyone get a call for help or an anomaly?"

"No." Several squad leaders who were still alive said.

One of them said, "I had a conversation with the team leader of the third team, but he said everything is normal."

Han Shaorui looked at Chu Han and the four of them, and asked, "Who are the missing people in your team, what abilities and levels, where are they in, and did you make any calls in the end, or did you find any abnormalities?"

"No." The head of Fireworks said, and then said the list of statistics, roughly drew a few areas, he is not sure, after all, the mercenary group is not as strict as the military discipline.

The remaining three mercenary captains also recounted the statistical information. Han Shaorui found that the missing area was not fixed. If we really want to say the same thing, all the missing supernatural beings were below level four.

Han Shaorui pursed his lips tightly, looked around, and after confirming that he still couldn't get in touch with the outside, he said, "Waiting for 15 minutes, and retreat collectively."

Chu Han lowered his eyes slightly and said, "I don't think we can retreat now if we want to. We didn't hear any sound. A team of ten people actually disappeared. It's not what zombies can do. Yes, and what's going on outside, we don't know, are those people lost contact, or have they disappeared?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the heads of the other three mercenary regiments changed, and the iron-blooded deputy head said directly, "Only in the safe zone, you can use the walkie-talkie to communicate. This is a high-tech." Alluding to the military, after all, the mercenary group cannot compete with the military in terms of technology.

In city b, the relationship between the military and the mercenary group is not harmonious, and the officials have used many means to restrict the development of the mercenary group.

Han Shaorui frowned and looked at them, without explaining anything, but said, "We are so close, and the ability to use the walkie-talkie does not mean that it can only be used in the safe area. Psychic zombies."

Batian's regiment leader said, "Officer Han is right, why don't we try it out?"

"I don't agree with the dispersal of personnel now." Han Shaorui said, "The enemy is hidden, and no one knows where the enemy is hiding."

"Then who can guarantee that the outside is safer than here?" Iron Blood's deputy head was full of sarcasm.

Han Shaorui is not a bun either, and he said directly, "You can send people to test, I will not let my soldiers die in vain."

"Ask, who of you saw those survivors?" Chu Han suddenly said, "I only saw the ones carried out from the pile of corpses, but I didn't see any of the first eight survivors. .”

As soon as these words came out, the members of the four mercenary regiments were on guard. Although they were not united together, they were separated from the military people. Batian's regiment leader said, "I'm a big bastard. Careful, but...if all four of our mercenary regiments are wiped out here, then the strength of the entire mercenary regiment in city b will be affected."

The people in the mercenary group are also afraid that this is just a trap to weaken the strength of the mercenary group. In fact, there are no living people in this safe zone. The military came a day in advance to make arrangements, and they have not encountered a single zombie since they came in. , This is simply unreasonable. Besides, the official rewards are very rich, the requirements for strength are high, and the time is short, so they don't have much chance to think.

Those who can meet all the official requirements are the top-ranking large mercenary groups like them. About [-] people with supernatural powers are equal to two-thirds of the strength of their mercenary group.

If the authorities had made arrangements in advance, it would not be impossible for those people to disappear quietly, and those who disappeared in the military might be lying in ambush somewhere.

The rest of the army also stood behind Han Shaorui, and a confrontation formed between the two sides. Han Shaorui glanced at Chu Han and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"In this way, we will protect the captains to go out. When we go outside, we will apologize to you." The captain of Fireworks said, "Our Fireworks is willing to give back [-]% of the supplies as an apology."

The heads of the remaining three mercenary regiments also agreed, and Han Shaorui said directly, "Impossible." They couldn't accept being controlled by others. The current situation is weird, and no one is sure whether they are members of these mercenary regiments. What a joke, they don't want to accept their lives in other people's hands.

"This rescue mission was released by you, and you also gave us the map." Chu Han looked at Han Shaorui, without the slightest anger in his voice, "We brought our brothers out, and the brothers who can't be killed didn't die in the zombies. In my hands, I died... Don't worry, even if we die, we will protect everyone's safety. As long as you give us a guarantee and go out, I, Chu Han, am willing to let the military dispose of me. But now, I must guarantee that the regiment Brother's life." As soon as these words came out, the hearts of the Hurricane Mercenary Corps were determined, and they looked at Chu Han with trust and gratitude.

The heads of the other three mercenary regiments spat in Chu Han's heart, spitting on his face. They said it nicely, and it's not buying people's hearts, but they hurriedly promised.

"Impossible." Han Shaorui said suppressing his anger.

Chu Han's eyes darkened, and he said, "How about this, one step back, everyone wants to get out alive, and Officer Han is with the four of us."

Han Shaorui pursed his lips and said, "Yes, are there any auxiliary abilities?"

"No." The auxiliary superpowers Han Shaorui mentioned are from the vision department or the hearing department, but there are very few such superpowers, and even if there are, they will be protected and will not enter such a place, Han Shao Rui also understood, but he just asked without giving up, and didn't say any more after getting the answer, "Bypass these red circled areas." He directly gave the map to Chu Han.

After Chu Han took it, he took a look at the map and recorded it in his mind, then handed it to other people. Several team leaders looked at it in turn before returning it to Han Shaorui.

In fact, Chu Han didn't trust the three regiment leaders either. If possible, Chu Han would prefer to describe it alone. After all, he can hide people in his space and can definitely guarantee his own safety. But in this situation, one person can only take a step back.

Suddenly Batian's team leader's walkie-talkie rang, and everyone stopped and looked at him, only to hear a stabbing voice coming from the walkie-talkie, "Save...life..." The voice was strong and sometimes weak, intermittently , but not a single voice.

Outside the safety zone, Han Shaoru took the walkie-talkie and found that he couldn't get in touch with his younger brother. His expression became worse and worse, and he said, "I'll go in."

Old Chen said coldly, "No." His expression was extremely serious.

Not only them, even the members of the mercenary regiment who were still outside were panicked and whispered together.

Lao Chen glanced at Han Shaoru and said, "I will send someone to watch you, and if the situation is wrong, I will escort you away immediately."

Han Shaoru frowned and didn't say a word, but his eyes were full of worry and persistence, "One hour." If he couldn't contact his brother within an hour, he must go in.

Old Chen sighed in his heart, didn't say anything, but went into the tent again and asked about the situation of the zombies.

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