Wanfa Pure Yang

058 Treatment

No matter how unwilling Pei Yaran was, the ten-year Sword Sword Conference was held as scheduled. This time, Lingxu Dongtian sent a total of ten disciples. Except for Ling Yibai, he didn't know any of them. I'm afraid the chief disciple who will be the main source of competition for this ranking Ling Yibai, they are at best just supporting the stage, going through the motions, it doesn't matter whether they can achieve results, and the backbone of Lingxu Dongtian, for example, the disciples of Wen Fei's generation have other important things, Pei Yaran guesses that it is probably Ling Qingzi After explaining all the stakes and interests in it to the sect leader, the contestants were temporarily changed.

The Sanqing Immortal Territory has a vast territory, and it takes more than a month to fly from the east to the west. Fortunately, most large sects have void teleportation arrays that span four directions. However, Pei Yaran and the others teleported from the east to the west. To the west, it took seven and a half days to rush to the Sanqingzong from the west...and arrived at the foot of the Sanqingzong in the afternoon seven days later.

From a distance, I saw many disciples of the Sanqing Sect standing at the foot of the mountain, and people from various sects entered the mountain gate one after another while they greeted them.The Sanqing Sect has a rule that all outsiders are not allowed to fly over its domain, and must hike up to the highest Nayun Peak to meet the Sanqing Sect's suzerain, and then go to the accommodation for other sects under the leadership of the disciples of each courtyard.

Naturally, the level of the accommodation environment is different. A small gate like Lingxu Cave can only be allocated a Datong shop like a modern one. Fortunately, even so, the space in the room is not small. People have an independently divided compartment, which can avoid privacy... and the best thing is the small wing room with the same treatment as the inner disciples of the Sanqing Sect. It has everything in it, and it is no less than the mansions of dignitaries in the secular world. Let more.

——Unfortunately, the treatment this time really exceeded their expectations.

Pei Yaran's strength has risen sharply, and his cultivation base is the same as Ling Yibai's. Because he predicted in advance that this sword test meeting was unusual, the leader and Ling Qingzi had already discussed with Ling Qingzi to let him lead the team, so as to make emergency measures, but relatively speaking He is still a little lacking in other aspects. He still has this self-knowledge. He is good at avoiding emergencies and leading people to run away. I gave it to Ling Yibai, and I assisted in it, but Ling Yibai never raised any questions from the beginning to the end.

He followed Ling Yibai obediently, and when he arrived at the mountain gate, he landed steadily. Ling Yibai took out a black wooden sign and threw it to the disciple of the Sanqing sect on the right, who put the black wooden sign in his hand again. Pasted it on the stone platform, a white light drilled out from the sign and was sucked in by the stone platform, and soon the four characters "Lingxu Dongtian" appeared on the stone platform.

The respectful expression on the face of the disciple responsible for recording changed immediately, and his attitude became more casual. On the surface, there seemed to be no major mistakes, but compared with the caution of other sects who did not dare to neglect in the slightest, it became contemptuous ...

Ling Yibai's expression was calm, he calmly took the black wooden sign that was handed back, and walked inside without squinting, a touch of white was calm, as if nothing could leave a leaf trace in his heart... However, this The scene fell in the eyes of the disciples of the Sanqing Sect, and they seemed to be defiant, but what kind of person is Ling Yibai in fact?

In a word: People don't offend me, I don't offend others.

If you give Ling Yi a bad look, he won't say anything, but when it comes to the glory of Lingxu Cave, he will definitely not compromise.Most of the time, although he is indifferent and seldom gets along with others, he absolutely loves his fellow students, respects his master, and strives hard for the spiritual void almost all his life.

Pei Yaran actually admires such a person...

Look at the inner disciples of Sanqingzong who came to welcome the major sects, all of them were mentally weak and lazy. Even if they met people from large sects, their true attitudes were not very respectful. Domain is the gate of Longtou Mountain, standing at the top, thousands of years of comfortable and peaceful life may have worn away their habits, and the wildness and ferocity of practitioners are not much left. Let's take this time to open the gate of the Demon Realm. The tense situation where people may invade the Sanqing Immortal Realm at any time, these disciples of the Sanqing Sect have almost no sense of crisis at all. In their eyes, if they want to come to the Demon Realm, they are as easy to deal with as the monsters they go out to test...

for what?Because their background is Sanqingzong!Are there any top-quality pills?All the elders are at least masters in the out-of-body stage, and the head of the sect is even more powerful in the fusion stage.In the entire Sanqing Immortal Realm, there are less than a hundred masters above the Nascent Soul stage, and only single digits above the Fusion stage. It is not easy for those demons nesting in the Demon Cave and scattered on the mainland to be suppressed. settle...

The disciples of the Sanqingzong sat at the gate of the mountain, and while welcoming them, they complained and despised with their brothers and sisters.

"Look at these people, everyone is so nervous, I think we should close the mountain gate, lest when the devil comes calling, this group of rabble who are greedy for life and fear of death will all come to the head of the mountain to take refuge..."

"That's right...our Sanqing Sect is not a sanctuary, anyone can enter?"

"When those monsters really come to attack the door, the brothers in the door can die with a wave of their hand. There is nothing to be afraid of. At that time, they will be beaten to flee and continue to be sealed in the Devil's Cave. Let's see if they dare to be arrogant! "

"I heard that there are three major Demon Lords in the Demon Realm. It must be that the Demon Realm itself is very chaotic. Maybe they will kill each other without our help. At that time, we will be reaping the benefits of the fisherman. I am afraid that we will not get the little one. A demon realm, when the time comes to expand, we will simply open up the demon world, kill all those goblins, or capture them as slaves for us, tsk tsk tsk... imagine a bright road..."

The discussions of the few people were not concealed in the slightest, and the disciples of the various sects who came and went listened to their ears and despised them in their hearts. However, they are now living under the fence and need to stay in Sanqingzong for a full fifteen days, so it is difficult to refute them If you just raised the corners of your lips to draw a sarcasm, these people are always in the minority, most of them except for the leader of the big disciples who know some of the secrets of the history of the Demon Realm, the ordinary disciples are all looking enviously at the disciples of the Sanqing Sect ...

This made the leaders of these sects even more resistant and dissatisfied with Sanqingzong.


After walking for nearly half an hour, the people of Lingxu Cave Heaven split into two roads at a fork in the road. The other disciples went to the lodging place first, while Pei Yaran and Ling Yibai went to Nayunfeng to meet the suzerain of the Sanqing Sect, and Submit the list of entries.

"Go straight up this road, and you will arrive at Nayun Peak. I still have something to do, so you can go on your own..."

Halfway on the way, a certain disciple in Tsing Yi of the Qing Dynasty suddenly turned around with a rather impatient tone. The face of a passer-by was covered with a thin layer of sweat, which showed that he was flustered with exhaustion.

Ling Yibai didn't expose it, nodded, and let the Tsing Yi disciples leave, so that only the two of them were left on the entire silent road, whoever made them come late, many sects arrived as soon as they went up.

Pei Yaran released his spiritual sense to scan around, but found no one else, "Brother, I think Sanqingzong is almost over."

"They are too self-confident and have no sense of crisis. This demon realm is clearly prepared. As early as thousands of years ago, the three major demon masters were the great powers of the tribulation period. Now that it has been so long, it is obvious that the cultivation base is profound. The Sanqing Sect is just an ancestor who has passed through the tribulation period." Ling Yibai looked up, and the clouds and mists in the distance covered it, and the majestic main hall of the Sanqing Sect was indistinct, like a mirage, which would dissipate in the next moment.

"Whatever it is, as long as we can survive in Lingxu Dongtian, we are not saints."

There is another part that he didn't say. Although the Sanqing Immortal Realm was severely damaged, it was not completely occupied by the Demon Realm. In the original text, the background is the Sanqing Immortal Realm. Add a demon world.

The two didn't say any more, and soon came to Nayun Peak.

The suzerain of the Sanqing sect still looks very young, not as Pei Yaran imagined, with a white beard mopping the floor... Instead, he is a unified boss model similar to the boss of a modern enterprise. When he is middle-aged, his momentum is calm and introverted, and he seems amiable Also like a majestic atmosphere.

When Pei Yaran and Ling Yibai came to the hall, there were still many big disciples and accompanying elders from other sects inside, and they also waited for a long time before they had a few words with the suzerain of the Sanqing Sect, and the topic was always changing. , asked a lot of questions about the situation of the Demon Spirit Cave and the Demon Realm Gate that day. Since Lingxu Dongtian was the party involved, the information obtained was more accurate and comprehensive. He probably talked about the speed and power of the demonic energy erosion, but the whereabouts of the match was unknown. Things tend to be avoided and shifted, and all the gates of the demon world have been pushed to the Xuanxing Gate.

After asking and asking, the answers I got were similar to Shuiyundongtian and Youyue Academy. The suzerain of the Sanqing Sect was annoyed and waved them away... "I will inform you about the next matters in the evening."

Ling Yibai and Pei Yaran bid farewell, asked where the Lingxu Cave was going, and rushed to where they came from. Although they couldn't use the flying sword, there was no prohibition against the wind and shrinking the ground.

However, when they arrived at their destination, they were stunned by the dilapidated cave in front of them.

Well, only Pei Yaran was stunned, and Ling Yibai was still calm, but there was a little worry in his eyes.

In the previous sword test conference, no matter how bad it was, there were houses and beds. What is going on now?A large open natural cave, the light is dim, the air is damp and cold, not only there are no beds in the cave, but there are no beds on the floor, just throw a dozen futons and it's fine!Don't even look at how rotten, hard and dirty those futons are!

Pei Yaran twitched the corner of his mouth, stretched out a finger and poked Ling Yibai's shoulder, "Brother, are you sure we are going to live here tonight? How did you get through it before? It's really not easy..."

Ling Yibai gave him a sideways glance, dodged a certain evil finger, and bent over to enter the cave.

Pei Yaran wiped his face, looked here and there, and found that a sect not far away was also like them, so his heart was instantly balanced, and he bent his body into the cave. After entering, he found that the juniors were all angry from embarrassment Complain to Ling Yibai about the unfair treatment.After asking the reason, I found out that it was because of the sword test conference, all sects, big and small, were invited to come, and there was not enough space, so I had to vacate the cave where the disciples of the outer sect's handyman lived for the guests to live in...

That is to say, but with the area occupied by Sanqingzong, it is impossible to live in such a bad cave, and a discerning person can tell that this cave has just been dug out, and there is no vitality or aura left in it However, these futons are likely to be recycled from the garbage that needs to be disposed of...

But if you ask them for a theory, you won't get any results at all. They say there are no vacancies, so maybe they have to search from mountain to mountain... The disciples of Lingxu Dongtian don't have such bad qualities , so they just whined and complained like Ling Yi to show their aggrieved hearts.

Pei Yaran frowned. Such a bad environment can easily affect the growth of negative emotions, which is not very beneficial for future competitions.

Ling Yibai naturally thought of the problems he could think of, and he not only thought of it, but also took action... So, everyone watched as he dug out ten beds from the storage ring, and they had already made them. Sheets, bedding folded.

"Brother's amazing plan..."


All the juniors cheered, a few sword shadows flashed, and the futon on the ground turned into a pile of debris.

Ling Yibai worked so hard to benefit his juniors, Pei Yaran couldn't hold back his face anymore if he was stingy, he rummaged through the possessions given to him by Lou Mingxuan for a long time, and finally donated a fire dragon bead, the moment the bead was taken out , the entire cave is much brighter, and the damp and cold air increases in temperature as it approaches the cave, and it is no longer cold.

The fire dragon ball is not a mortal thing, the real explanation should be the inner alchemy of the fire dragon, and a fire dragon lives in the underground rock formation all the year round, to catch it and kill it to take the inner alchemy. Said to touch the body of the fire dragon, so when Pei Yaran took out the fire dragon ball, they all showed surprise on their faces.

Ling Yibai knew his identity, so he naturally had no doubts about him taking out some Extraordinary items casually, but it was different for others. "...Keep it well, don't let the master break it."

Pei Yaran was trying to find an excuse when he heard a familiar voice next to him. Seeing the stunned faces of all the disciples, he secretly smiled at Ling Yibai and said, "Thank you!"


In the evening, the Sanqing Sect came to inform them that the Sword Trial Conference would be officially held at noon tomorrow, and the contestants would rush to the Douzhan Peak Martial Arts Field to gather before noon tomorrow to conduct the first chaotic screening and elimination system, which would last the entire afternoon and On this day, Pei Yaran met two acquaintances, one of whom was named, he almost forgot that there was such a person in this world, and it also reminded him of a cheating thing that Lou Ziye had done before. ...

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